本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.GetType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# MonoBehaviour.GetType方法的具体用法?C# MonoBehaviour.GetType怎么用?C# MonoBehaviour.GetType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
示例1: UpdatePerahpsReferenceObjectList
public static void UpdatePerahpsReferenceObjectList(MonoBehaviour component, List<PerhapsReferenceObject> list)
// analytics source code.
var monoScript = MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour(component);
var uniqueClassList = SceneObjectUtility.SceneUniqueComponentName();
foreach (var text in monoScript.text.Split(';')) {
foreach( var methodPattern in getComponentFunctionPattern)
Match m = Regex.Match (text, methodPattern);
if (m.Success) {
var className = m.Groups ["call"].ToString ();
if(! list.Exists (item => item.compType == component.GetType() && item.referenceMonobehaviourName == className) )
var method = new PerhapsReferenceObject ()
compType = component.GetType(),
referenceMonobehaviourName = className,
monoscript = monoScript,
list.Add (method);
uniqueClassList.RemoveAll( item => item.Name == className );
foreach( var className in uniqueClassList)
if( component.GetType() == className )
var result = text.IndexOf(className.Name ) ;
if(result != -1 && result != 0 )
if(! list.Exists (item => item.compType == component.GetType() && item.referenceMonobehaviourName == className.Name) )
var method = new PerhapsReferenceObject ()
compType = component.GetType(),
referenceMonobehaviourName = className.Name,
monoscript = monoScript,
list.Add (method);
示例2: CheckCollider
/// <summary>
/// Validates collider settings.
/// </summary>
protected List<ValidationResult> CheckCollider(MonoBehaviour m)
List<ValidationResult> result = new List<ValidationResult> ();
if (m.GetComponent<Collider2D>() == null)
result.Add (new ValidationResult("Found a " + m.GetType().Name + " but it did not have a Collider2D attached.", MessageType.Warning));
else if (!m.GetComponent<Collider2D>().isTrigger)
result.Add (new ValidationResult("Found a " + m.GetType().Name + " but the collider2D was not a trigger.", MessageType.Info));
return result;
示例3: ProcessBehaviour
private void ProcessBehaviour(MonoBehaviour behaviour)
Type componentType = behaviour.GetType();
ClassDataHolder data = ReflectionDataCache.GetClassData(componentType);
for (int i = 0; i < data.PropertyInfos.Length; i++)
PropertyInfo property = data.PropertyInfos[i];
if (data.PropertyAttributes[i]) continue;
ThrowIfNotNull(property.GetValue(behaviour, null));
object dependency = _context.Resolve(property.PropertyType);
property.SetValue(behaviour, dependency, null);
for (int i = 0; i < data.FieldInfos.Length; i++)
FieldInfo field = data.FieldInfos[i];
if (data.FieldAttributes[i]) continue;
object dependency = _context.Resolve(field.FieldType);
field.SetValue(behaviour, dependency);
示例4: InjectMonoBehaviour
public static void InjectMonoBehaviour(
DiContainer container, MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour, IEnumerable<object> extraArgs)
// null if monobehaviour link is broken
if (monoBehaviour != null && monoBehaviour.enabled)
using (container.PushLookup(monoBehaviour.GetType()))
FieldsInjecter.Inject(container, monoBehaviour, extraArgs);
示例5: FindErroringFields
private static List<NotNullViolation> FindErroringFields(MonoBehaviour sourceMB)
if (sourceMB == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("MonoBehaviour is null. It likely references" +
" a script that's been deleted.");
List<NotNullViolation> erroringFields = new List<NotNullViolation>();
// Add null NotNull fields
List<FieldInfo> notNullFields =
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (FieldInfo notNullField in notNullFields)
object fieldObject = notNullField.GetValue(sourceMB);
if (fieldObject == null || fieldObject.Equals(null))
erroringFields.Add(new NotNullViolation(notNullField, sourceMB));
// Remove NotNullViolations for prefabs with IgnorePrefab
bool isObjectAPrefab = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(sourceMB.gameObject) == PrefabType.Prefab;
List<NotNullViolation> violationsToIgnore = new List<NotNullViolation>();
if (isObjectAPrefab)
// Find all violations that should be overlooked.
foreach (NotNullViolation errorField in erroringFields)
FieldInfo fieldInfo = errorField.FieldInfo;
foreach (Attribute attribute in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(fieldInfo))
if (attribute.GetType() == typeof(NotNullAttribute))
if (((NotNullAttribute)attribute).IgnorePrefab)
foreach (NotNullViolation violation in violationsToIgnore)
return erroringFields;
示例6: CallMethod
public static object CallMethod(MonoBehaviour monoObject, string methodName, object[] value = null)
object returnValue = null;
MethodInfo[] methods = monoObject.GetType().GetMethods();
foreach (MethodInfo info in methods)
if (info.Name == methodName)
returnValue = info.Invoke(monoObject, value); // [2]
return returnValue;
catch(Exception e)
ChirpLog.Error("Unable to Call Method: " + monoObject.GetType().Name + ":" + methodName + ":" + e.Message);
return returnValue;
示例7: CheckRigidbody
/// <summary>
/// Validates rigidbody settings.
/// </summary>
protected List<ValidationResult> CheckRigidbody(MonoBehaviour m, bool isWarning)
List<ValidationResult> result = new List<ValidationResult> ();
if (m.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>() == null)
result.Add (new ValidationResult("Found a " + m.GetType().Name + " but it did not have a rigidbody attached.", isWarning ? MessageType.Warning : MessageType.Info));
else if (!m.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().isKinematic)
result.Add (new ValidationResult("Found a " + m.GetType().Name + " but the rigidboy was not kinematic.", isWarning ? MessageType.Warning : MessageType.Info));
return result;
示例8: MakeEntryName
private static string MakeEntryName(MonoBehaviour source, string memberName)
if (source == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(memberName))
return null;
string type = source.GetType().Name;
return type + "." + memberName;
示例9: GetEntryNames
/// <summary>
/// Convert the specified list of applicable entries to a string array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">List of entries to convert.</param>
/// <param name="selectedSource">MonoBehaviour providing the applicable entries.</param>
/// <param name="selectedField">Field to match with list entries.</param>
/// <param name="index">Selected list entry.</param>
/// <returns>Names of the list entries.</returns>
private static string[] GetEntryNames(
List<Entry> list, MonoBehaviour selectedSource, string selectedField, out int index)
int selectedEntry = -1;
// Fallback is used if no entry matches selected one exactly.
// Fallback has same member name and same MonoBehaviour type.
int fallbackSelectedEntry = -1;
string[] names = new string[list.Count + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
Entry entry = list[i];
string entryName = MakeEntryName(entry.Target, entry.MemberName);
names[i + 1] = entryName;
if (selectedEntry == -1 && selectedSource != null)
if (entry.MemberName == selectedField)
if (entry.Target == selectedSource)
selectedEntry = i;
else if (entry.Target.GetType() == selectedSource.GetType())
fallbackSelectedEntry = i;
if (selectedEntry != -1)
Entry entry = list[selectedEntry];
names[0] = MakeEntryName(entry.Target, entry.MemberName);
index = selectedEntry + 1;
else if (fallbackSelectedEntry != -1)
Entry entry = list[fallbackSelectedEntry];
names[0] = MakeEntryName(entry.Target, entry.MemberName);
index = fallbackSelectedEntry + 1;
names[0] = "<Choose>";
index = 0;
return names;
示例10: AssignVariables
private static void AssignVariables(ConfigNode configNode, MonoBehaviour moduleComponent)
IEnumerator enumerator = configNode.values.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var current = (ConfigNode.Value) enumerator.Current;
if (current == null || current.name == "name" || current.name == "namespace")
FieldInfo field = moduleComponent.GetType().GetField(current.name);
if (field == null)
Extensions.LogWarning("Could not find the '" + current.name + "' field.");
field.SetValue(moduleComponent, ParseValue(current.value, field));
示例11: isUnityEventsNullOrMissing
private bool isUnityEventsNullOrMissing(MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour, bool printError)
FieldInfo[] fieldArray = monoBehaviour.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
for (int i = fieldArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
FieldInfo field = fieldArray[i];
if (field.FieldType == typeof(UnityEvent) || field.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEvent)))
if (targetPropertiesNames.Count > 0)
SerializedObject serializedMonoBehaviour = new SerializedObject(monoBehaviour);
for (int i = targetPropertiesNames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string targetProperty = targetPropertiesNames[i];
SerializedProperty property = serializedMonoBehaviour.FindProperty(targetProperty);
SerializedProperty propertyRelativeArrray = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_PersistentCalls.m_Calls");
for (int j = propertyRelativeArrray.arraySize - 1; j >= 0; j--)
SerializedProperty arrayElementAtIndex = propertyRelativeArrray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(j);
SerializedProperty propertyTarget = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative("m_Target");
if (propertyTarget.objectReferenceValue == null)
if (printError)
appendErrorLine(monoBehaviour.GetType().Name + ": Event object reference is null");
return true;
SerializedProperty propertyMethodName = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative("m_MethodName");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyMethodName.stringValue))
if (printError)
appendErrorLine(monoBehaviour.GetType().Name + ": Event handler function is not selected");
return true;
string argumentAssemblyTypeName = arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative("m_Arguments").FindPropertyRelative("m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName").stringValue;
System.Type argumentAssemblyType;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argumentAssemblyTypeName)) argumentAssemblyType = System.Type.GetType(argumentAssemblyTypeName, false) ?? typeof(UnityEngine.Object);
else argumentAssemblyType = typeof(UnityEngine.Object);
UnityEventBase dummyEvent;
System.Type propertyTypeName = System.Type.GetType(property.FindPropertyRelative("m_TypeName").stringValue, false);
if (propertyTypeName == null) dummyEvent = (UnityEventBase) new UnityEvent();
else dummyEvent = Activator.CreateInstance(propertyTypeName) as UnityEventBase;
if (!UnityEventDrawer.IsPersistantListenerValid(dummyEvent, propertyMethodName.stringValue, propertyTarget.objectReferenceValue, (PersistentListenerMode)arrayElementAtIndex.FindPropertyRelative("m_Mode").enumValueIndex, argumentAssemblyType))
if (printError)
appendErrorLine(monoBehaviour.GetType().Name + ": Event handler function is missing");
return true;
return false;
示例12: SubscribeSynchronizedFields
internal void SubscribeSynchronizedFields(MonoBehaviour behaviour)
if (behaviour == this) return;
if (behaviour == null) return;
var thisType = behaviour.GetType();
if (thisType == typeof(NetworkView)) //speedup
//get all the methods of the derived type
var fields = thisType.GetFields(
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.Public |
).OrderBy(f => f.Name);
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
Type fieldType = field.FieldType;
if (fieldType.IsGenericType && fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(SynchronizedField<>))
var instance = fieldType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
new Type[] { typeof(NetworkView) }, null).Invoke(new object[] { this });
field.SetValue(behaviour, instance);
示例13: SubscribeMarkedRPCsOnComponent
/// <summary>
/// Subscribe all the marked rpcs on the supplied component
/// </summary>
/// <param name="behaviour"></param>
public void SubscribeMarkedRPCsOnComponent(MonoBehaviour behaviour)
if (behaviour == this) return;
if (behaviour == null) return;
var thisType = behaviour.GetType();
if (thisType == typeof(NetworkView)) //speedup
//get all the methods of the derived type
MethodInfo[] methods = thisType.GetMethods(
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.Public |
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
var tokens = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, typeof(RpcAttribute), false) as RpcAttribute[];
foreach (var token in tokens)
if (token == null)
Action<NetIncomingMessage> del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<NetIncomingMessage>), behaviour, method, false) as Action<NetIncomingMessage>;
if (del != null)
SubscribeToRPC(token.rpcId, del);
Debug.LogWarning("The method " +
method.Name +
" for type " +
method.DeclaringType.Name +
" does not match the RPC delegate of Action<NetIncomingMessage>, but is marked to process RPC's. Please either fix this method, or remove the attribute",
示例14: FormatListener
public static string FormatListener(MonoBehaviour listener)
return string.Format("{0}/{1}", listener.gameObject.name, listener.GetType().Name.Split('.').Last());
示例15: GetFieldValue
public static object GetFieldValue(MonoBehaviour monoObject, string fieldName)
BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Instance |
FieldInfo fieldInfo = monoObject.GetType().GetField(fieldName,bindingFlags);
return fieldInfo.GetValue(monoObject);
//return true;
catch(Exception e)
ChirpLog.Error( "Unable to get Value: " + monoObject.GetType().Name + ":" + fieldName + ":" + e.Message);
return 0;