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C# Bounds.Expand方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Bounds.Expand方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Bounds.Expand方法的具体用法?C# Bounds.Expand怎么用?C# Bounds.Expand使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UnityEngine.Bounds的用法示例。


示例1: Update

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        var cameraSize =
                camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Camera.main.pixelWidth * Vector3.right + Camera.main.pixelHeight * Vector3.up)
                - camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3.zero);
        cameraSize.z = 0;

        var cameraBounds = new Bounds(camera.transform.position, cameraSize);

        var pos = transform.position;
        var y = Mathf.Lerp(pos.y, t.position.y, 10 * Time.deltaTime);

        if(y > HorizontalRestriction.y)
            y = HorizontalRestriction.y;
        else if (y < HorizontalRestriction.x)
            y = HorizontalRestriction.x;

        pos.y = y;
        pos.x = t.position.x;
        transform.position = pos + Offset;

示例2: onDrawGizmos

        public void onDrawGizmos( Vector3 basePosition )
            Gizmos.color = new Color( 1f, 0f, 0.6f );

            var hasHorizontal = ( axis & CameraAxis.Horizontal ) == CameraAxis.Horizontal;
            var hasVertical = ( axis & CameraAxis.Vertical ) == CameraAxis.Vertical;
            var hasBothAxis = hasHorizontal && hasVertical;
            var bounds = new Bounds( basePosition, new Vector3( width, height ) );
            var lineWidth = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

            // expand our bounds to have larger lines if we only have a single axis
            if( hasVertical && !hasBothAxis )
                bounds.Expand( new Vector3( lineWidth - bounds.size.x, 0f ) );

            if( hasHorizontal && !hasBothAxis )
                bounds.Expand( new Vector3( 0f, lineWidth - bounds.size.y ) );

            if( hasVertical || hasBothAxis )
                Gizmos.DrawLine( bounds.min, bounds.min + new Vector3( bounds.size.x, 0f ) );
                Gizmos.DrawLine( bounds.max, bounds.max - new Vector3( bounds.size.x, 0f ) );

            if( hasHorizontal || hasBothAxis )
                Gizmos.DrawLine( bounds.min, bounds.min + new Vector3( 0f, bounds.size.y ) );
                Gizmos.DrawLine( bounds.max, bounds.max - new Vector3( 0f, bounds.size.y ) );

示例3: Move

        public Vector2 Move(float deltaX, float deltaY)
            //Update bounds
            m_BoundsWithSkin = m_BoxCollider.bounds;
            m_BoundsWithSkin.Expand(-2.0f * m_SkinWidth);

            m_IsGrounded = false;
            m_IsGoingUpSlope = false;

            Vector2 deltaMovement = new Vector2(deltaX * Time.deltaTime, deltaY * Time.deltaTime);

            //Move horizontally
            HandleHorizontalMovement(ref deltaMovement);
            //Move vertically
            HandleVerticalMovement(ref deltaMovement);

            //Do the actual movement in world space
            transform.Translate(new Vector3(deltaMovement.x, deltaMovement.y, 0.0f), Space.World);

            //Return the current velocity
            Vector2 velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);

            if (Time.deltaTime > 0.0f)
                velocity = deltaMovement / Time.deltaTime;

            return velocity;

示例4: Start

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        var mesh = model.sharedMesh;
        positions = mesh.vertices;
        normals = mesh.normals;
        var mat = model.renderer.sharedMaterial;
        var tex = (Texture2D)mat.mainTexture;
        colors = System.Array.ConvertAll(mesh.uv, (uv) => tex.GetPixelBilinear(uv.x, uv.y));

        _tree = new KdTree();
        _tree.build(positions, Enumerable.Range(0, mesh.vertexCount).ToArray());

        _bounds = model.renderer.bounds;
        _bounds.Expand(2f * coloringDist);

示例5: ApplyForce

    public void ApplyForce(Transform transObj, float maxForce = 1, float radius = 0)
        //radius = 0;
        //Debug.Log("Cube hit!");

        var b = new Bounds(FinalPosition, transform.localScale);
        b.Expand(radius * 2);

        // Why does radius need to be multiplied by 2?
        //var falloffBounds =new Bounds( new Bounds(FinalPosition, transform.localScale + (Vector3.one * Falloff) + (Vector3.one * radius * 2));

        var falloffBounds = new Bounds(FinalPosition, transform.localScale);
        falloffBounds.Expand(radius * 2 + Falloff * 2);
        if (falloffBounds.Contains(transObj.position))
            //Debug.Log("Object in falloff");

            // inside the obstacle!
            if (b.Contains(transObj.position))
                //Debug.Log("Object has enter bounds!");

                transObj.position = GetClosestBorderFromInsidePoint(b, transObj.position, 0.01f);
            // in the fallout area
                var falloutClosePoint = falloffBounds.ClosestPoint(transObj.position);
                Helpers.DrawDebugPoint(falloutClosePoint, 1, Color.cyan);

                var objClosePoint = b.ClosestPoint(transObj.position);
                Helpers.DrawDebugPoint(objClosePoint, 1, Color.magenta);

                Debug.DrawLine(falloutClosePoint, objClosePoint, Color.yellow);

                var mag = (falloutClosePoint - objClosePoint).magnitude;

                var frac = Mathf.Max(1 - mag / Falloff, 0);

                //Debug.Log("mag = " + mag + " (" + frac + ")");

                var forceVector = (falloutClosePoint - objClosePoint).normalized * frac * maxForce;
                transObj.position += forceVector * Time.deltaTime;

示例6: GetCellsInsideBounds

         * Queries the grid structure to find cells completely or partially inside the supplied bounds.
         * \param bounds bounds that we are interested to get intersecting cells for.
         * \param boundsExpansion how much to expand the bounds before checking for cell overlap.
         * \param boundsExpansion how many cells we can afford to check for overlap after the initial guess. If there are more than this, we will just return all cells.
         * \return the list of cells that intersect or are completely inside the supplied bounds.
        public List<Cell> GetCellsInsideBounds(Bounds bounds, float boundsExpansion, int maxCellOverlap)
            List<Cell> result;


            int mincellX = Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.x / cellSize);
            int maxcellX = Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.x / cellSize);

            int mincellY = Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.y / cellSize);
            int maxcellY = Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.y / cellSize);

            int mincellZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.z / cellSize);
            int maxcellZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.z / cellSize);

            int cellCount = (maxcellX-mincellX)*(maxcellY-mincellY)*(maxcellZ-mincellZ);

            if (cellCount > maxCellOverlap) {
            result = new List<Cell>(cells.Values);
            return result;

            // Give list an initial size equal to the upper bound of cells inside the bounds, to prevent size reallocations.
            result = new List<Cell>(cellCount);

            Vector3 cellpos = Vector3.zero;
            Cell cell = null;

            for (int x = mincellX ; x <= maxcellX; x++){
            for (int y = mincellY ; y <= maxcellY; y++){
                for (int z = mincellZ ; z <= maxcellZ; z++){
                    int hash = ComputeCellHash(cellpos);
                    if (cells.TryGetValue(hash, out cell))

            return result;

示例7: UpdateAreaInit

		public void UpdateAreaInit (GraphUpdateObject o) {
			if (!o.updatePhysics) {
			if (!dynamic) {
				throw new System.Exception ("Recast graph must be marked as dynamic to enable graph updates");
			AstarProfiler.Reset ();
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("UpdateAreaInit");
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("CollectMeshes");
			RelevantGraphSurface.UpdateAllPositions ();
			List<ExtraMesh> extraMeshes;
			Bounds b = o.bounds;
			b.center -= forcedBounds.min;
			//Calculate world bounds of all affected tiles
			IntRect r = new IntRect (Mathf.FloorToInt (b.min.x / (tileSizeX*cellSize)), Mathf.FloorToInt (b.min.z / (tileSizeZ*cellSize)), Mathf.FloorToInt (b.max.x / (tileSizeX*cellSize)), Mathf.FloorToInt (b.max.z / (tileSizeZ*cellSize)));
			//Clamp to bounds
			r = IntRect.Intersection (r, new IntRect (0,0,tileXCount-1,tileZCount-1));
			Bounds tileBounds = new Bounds();
			Vector3 forcedBoundsMin = forcedBounds.min;
			Vector3 forcedBoundsMax = forcedBounds.max;
			float tcsx = tileSizeX*cellSize;
			float tcsz = tileSizeZ*cellSize;
			tileBounds.SetMinMax(new Vector3 (r.xmin*tcsx, 0, r.ymin*tcsz) + forcedBoundsMin,
						new Vector3 ((r.xmax+1)*tcsx + forcedBoundsMin.x, forcedBoundsMax.y, (r.ymax+1)*tcsz + forcedBoundsMin.z)
			int voxelCharacterRadius = Mathf.CeilToInt (characterRadius/cellSize);			
			int borderSize = voxelCharacterRadius + 3;
			//Expand borderSize voxels on each side
			tileBounds.Expand (new Vector3 (borderSize,0,borderSize)*cellSize*2);
			Debug.DrawLine (tileBounds.min, tileBounds.max);
			//Debug.Break ();
			if (!CollectMeshes (out extraMeshes, tileBounds)) {
			Voxelize vox = globalVox;
			if (vox == null) {
				//Create the voxelizer and set all settings
				vox = new Voxelize (cellHeight, cellSize, walkableClimb, walkableHeight, maxSlope);
				vox.maxEdgeLength = maxEdgeLength;
				if (dynamic) globalVox = vox;
			vox.inputExtraMeshes = extraMeshes;
			AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("CollectMeshes");
			AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("UpdateAreaInit");

示例8: BuildTileMesh

		protected void BuildTileMesh (Voxelize vox, int x, int z) {
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Build Tile");
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Init");
			//World size of tile
			float tcsx = tileSizeX*cellSize;
			float tcsz = tileSizeZ*cellSize;
			int voxelCharacterRadius = Mathf.CeilToInt (characterRadius/cellSize);			
			Vector3 forcedBoundsMin = forcedBounds.min;
			Vector3 forcedBoundsMax = forcedBounds.max;
			Bounds bounds = new Bounds ();
			bounds.SetMinMax(new Vector3 (x*tcsx, 0, z*tcsz) + forcedBoundsMin,
						new Vector3 ((x+1)*tcsx + forcedBoundsMin.x, forcedBoundsMax.y, (z+1)*tcsz + forcedBoundsMin.z)
			vox.borderSize = voxelCharacterRadius + 3;
			//Expand borderSize voxels on each side
			bounds.Expand (new Vector3 (vox.borderSize,0,vox.borderSize)*cellSize*2);
			vox.forcedBounds = bounds;
			vox.width = tileSizeX + vox.borderSize*2;
			vox.depth = tileSizeZ + vox.borderSize*2;
			if (!useTiles && relevantGraphSurfaceMode == RelevantGraphSurfaceMode.OnlyForCompletelyInsideTile) {
				// This best reflects what the user would actually want
				vox.relevantGraphSurfaceMode = RelevantGraphSurfaceMode.RequireForAll;
			} else {
				vox.relevantGraphSurfaceMode = relevantGraphSurfaceMode;
			vox.minRegionSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(minRegionSize / (cellSize*cellSize));
			Debug.Log ("Building Tile " + x+","+z);
			Console.WriteLine ("Recast Graph -- Voxelizing");
			AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("Init");
			//Init voxelizer
			vox.Init ();
			vox.CollectMeshes ();
			vox.VoxelizeInput ();
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Filter Ledges");
			if (importMode) {
				if (System.IO.File.Exists(Application.dataPath+"/tile."+x+"."+z)) {
					System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenRead (Application.dataPath+"/tile."+x+"."+z);
					byte[] bytes = new byte[fs.Length];
					fs.Read (bytes,0,(int)fs.Length);
					VoxelArea tmpVox = new VoxelArea(vox.width,vox.depth);
					Pathfinding.Voxels.VoxelSerializeUtility.DeserializeVoxelAreaData (bytes,tmpVox);
			if (exportMode) {
				System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(Application.dataPath+"/tile."+x+"."+z);
				byte[] bytes = Pathfinding.Voxels.VoxelSerializeUtility.SerializeVoxelAreaData(vox.voxelArea);
			vox.FilterLedges (vox.voxelWalkableHeight, vox.voxelWalkableClimb, vox.cellSize, vox.cellHeight, vox.forcedBounds.min);
			AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("Filter Ledges");
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Filter Low Height Spans");
			vox.FilterLowHeightSpans (vox.voxelWalkableHeight, vox.cellSize, vox.cellHeight, vox.forcedBounds.min);
			AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("Filter Low Height Spans");
			vox.BuildCompactField ();
			vox.BuildVoxelConnections ();
			Console.WriteLine ("Recast Graph -- Eroding");
			vox.ErodeWalkableArea (voxelCharacterRadius);
			Console.WriteLine ("Recast Graph -- Building Distance Field");
			vox.BuildDistanceField ();

			Console.WriteLine ("Recast Graph -- Building Regions");
			vox.BuildRegions ();

示例9: DrawGraph

    private void DrawGraph(ILayoutAlgorithm layout, Rect drawingArea, NodeConstraints nodeConstraints)
        // add border, except on right-hand side where the legend will provide necessary padding
        drawingArea = new Rect(drawingArea.x + k_BorderSize,
                drawingArea.y + k_BorderSize,
                drawingArea.width - k_BorderSize,
                drawingArea.height - k_BorderSize * 2);

        var b = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero);
        foreach (var c in layout.vertices)
            b.Encapsulate(new Vector3(c.position.x, c.position.y, 0.0f));

        // Increase b by maximum node size (since b is measured between node centers)
        b.Expand(new Vector3(nodeConstraints.maximumNormalizedNodeSize, nodeConstraints.maximumNormalizedNodeSize, 0));

        var scale = new Vector2(drawingArea.width / b.size.x, drawingArea.height / b.size.y);
        var offset = new Vector2(-b.min.x, -b.min.y);

        Vector2 nodeSize = ComputeNodeSize(scale, nodeConstraints);


        foreach (var e in layout.edges)
            Vector2 v0 = ScaleVertex(layout.vertices[e.source].position, offset, scale);
            Vector2 v1 = ScaleVertex(layout.vertices[e.destination].position, offset, scale);
            DrawEdge(v0, v1, layout.vertices[e.source].propagatedWeight);

        int index = 0;
        foreach (var v in layout.vertices)
            DrawNode(v, ScaleVertex(v.position, offset, scale) - nodeSize / 2, nodeSize, index.ToString());


示例10: ScheduleUpdate

        /** Requests an update to all tiles which touch the specified bounds */
        public void ScheduleUpdate ( Bounds bounds ) {

            if (graph == null) {
                // If no graph has been set, use the first graph available
                if (AstarPath.active != null) {
                    SetGraph (AstarPath.active.astarData.recastGraph);
                if (graph == null) {
                    Debug.LogError ("Received tile update request (from RecastTileUpdate), but no RecastGraph could be found to handle it");

            // Make sure that tiles which do not strictly
            // contain this bounds object but which still
            // might need to be updated are actually updated
            int voxelCharacterRadius = Mathf.CeilToInt (graph.characterRadius/graph.cellSize);
            int borderSize = voxelCharacterRadius + 3;

            // Expand borderSize voxels on each side
            bounds.Expand (new Vector3 (borderSize,0,borderSize)*graph.cellSize*2);

            var touching = graph.GetTouchingTiles (bounds);

            if (touching.Width * touching.Height > 0) {

                if (!anyDirtyTiles) {
                    earliestDirty = Time.time;
                    anyDirtyTiles = true;

                for ( int z = touching.ymin; z <= touching.ymax; z++ ) {
                    for ( int x = touching.xmin; x <= touching.xmax; x++ ) {
                        dirtyTiles[z*graph.tileXCount + x] = true;

示例11: Update

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // If we don't have an object to scroll, we don't scroll at all
        if (skipUpdate || scrollable == null || camera == null || spriteBounds.size == Vector3.zero)

        var cameraSize =
            camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Camera.main.pixelWidth * Vector3.right + Camera.main.pixelHeight * Vector3.up)
            - camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3.zero);
        cameraSize.z = 0;

        var cameraBounds = new Bounds(camera.transform.position, cameraSize);

        DestroyIfOutside(GetComponentsInChildren<SpriteRenderer>(), cameraBounds);
        objs.ForEach(obj => GameObject.Destroy(obj));

        var b = AddBounds(from Transform child in transform select child, new Bounds(transform.position, Vector3.zero));
        //var spawnPosition = Vector3.zero;

        switch (Direction)
            case ScrollDirection.Left:

            case ScrollDirection.Right:

                //spawnPosition = b.max;

                //transform.Translate(-Vector2.right * parallax * Time.deltaTime);
                //if (spawnPosition.x > cameraBounds.max.x)
                //    return;

                if (spriteBounds.size.x == 0)

                for (float x = b.max.x; x < cameraBounds.max.x; x += spriteBounds.size.x)
                    var spawnPosition = new Vector2(x + spriteBounds.size.x / 2, scrollable.transform.position.y);

                    var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(scrollable);

                    obj.transform.position = spawnPosition;
                    obj.transform.parent = transform;

                    var pos = obj.transform.localPosition;
                    pos.y = spawnPosition.y;
                    obj.transform.localPosition = pos;

                for (float x = b.min.x; x > cameraBounds.min.x; x -= spriteBounds.size.x)
                    var spawnPosition = new Vector2(x - spriteBounds.size.x / 2, scrollable.transform.position.y);

                    var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(scrollable);

                    obj.transform.position = spawnPosition;
                    obj.transform.parent = transform;

                    var pos = obj.transform.localPosition;
                    pos.y = spawnPosition.y;
                    obj.transform.localPosition = pos;

                //spawnPosition.x += spriteBounds.size.x / 2 - 0.1f;
                //spawnPosition.y = scrollable.transform.position.y;
                //spawnPosition.z = 0;

            case ScrollDirection.Up:

            case ScrollDirection.Down:

                if (spriteBounds.size.y == 0)

                for (float y = cameraBounds.min.y; y > cameraBounds.min.y; y -= spriteBounds.size.y)
                    var spawnPosition = new Vector2(scrollable.transform.position.x, y + spriteBounds.size.y / 2);

                    var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(scrollable);

                    obj.transform.position = spawnPosition;
                    obj.transform.parent = transform;

                    var pos = obj.transform.localPosition;
                    pos.x = spawnPosition.x;
                    obj.transform.localPosition = pos;


        //var spawn = GameObject.Instantiate(scrollable);
        //spawn.transform.position = spawnPosition;
        //spawn.transform.parent = transform;

示例12: Start

    //private Bounds cameraBounds = new Bounds();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (scrollable == null || camera == null)

        var cameraSize =
            camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Camera.main.pixelWidth * Vector3.right + Camera.main.pixelHeight * Vector3.up)
            - camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3.zero);
        cameraSize.z = 0;

        var cameraBounds = new Bounds(camera.transform.position, cameraSize);

        var transforms = new List<Transform>(from Transform t in scrollable.transform select t);

        spriteBounds = AddBounds(transforms, new Bounds());

        if (spriteBounds.size == Vector3.zero)

        switch (Direction)
            case ScrollDirection.Left:

            case ScrollDirection.Right:

                if (spriteBounds.size.x == 0)

                for (float x = cameraBounds.min.x; x < cameraBounds.max.x; x += spriteBounds.size.x)
                    var spawnPosition = new Vector2(x + spriteBounds.size.x / 2, scrollable.transform.position.y);

                    var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(scrollable);

                    obj.transform.position = spawnPosition;
                    obj.transform.parent = transform;

                    var pos = obj.transform.localPosition;
                    pos.y = spawnPosition.y;
                    obj.transform.localPosition = pos;


            case ScrollDirection.Up:

            case ScrollDirection.Down:

                if (spriteBounds.size.y == 0)

                for (float y = cameraBounds.min.y; y > cameraBounds.min.y; y -= spriteBounds.size.y)
                    var spawnPosition = new Vector2(scrollable.transform.position.x, y + spriteBounds.size.y / 2);

                    var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(scrollable);

                    obj.transform.position = spawnPosition;
                    obj.transform.parent = transform;

                    var pos = obj.transform.localPosition;
                    pos.x = spawnPosition.x;
                    obj.transform.localPosition = pos;



示例13: BuildTileMesh

		protected void BuildTileMesh (Voxelize vox, int x, int z) {
			AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Tile");


			//World size of tile
			float tcsx = tileSizeX*cellSize;
			float tcsz = tileSizeZ*cellSize;

			int voxelCharacterRadius = Mathf.CeilToInt(characterRadius/cellSize);

			Vector3 forcedBoundsMin = forcedBounds.min;
			Vector3 forcedBoundsMax = forcedBounds.max;

			var bounds = new Bounds();
			bounds.SetMinMax(new Vector3(x*tcsx, 0, z*tcsz) + forcedBoundsMin,
				new Vector3((x+1)*tcsx + forcedBoundsMin.x, forcedBoundsMax.y, (z+1)*tcsz + forcedBoundsMin.z)
			vox.borderSize = voxelCharacterRadius + 3;

			//Expand borderSize voxels on each side
			bounds.Expand(new Vector3(vox.borderSize, 0, vox.borderSize)*cellSize*2);

			vox.forcedBounds = bounds;
			vox.width = tileSizeX + vox.borderSize*2;
			vox.depth = tileSizeZ + vox.borderSize*2;

			if (!useTiles && relevantGraphSurfaceMode == RelevantGraphSurfaceMode.OnlyForCompletelyInsideTile) {
				// This best reflects what the user would actually want
				vox.relevantGraphSurfaceMode = RelevantGraphSurfaceMode.RequireForAll;
			} else {
				vox.relevantGraphSurfaceMode = relevantGraphSurfaceMode;

			vox.minRegionSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(minRegionSize / (cellSize*cellSize));

			Debug.Log("Building Tile " + x+","+z);
			System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Voxelizing");

			//Init voxelizer



			AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Filter Ledges");

			vox.FilterLedges(vox.voxelWalkableHeight, vox.voxelWalkableClimb, vox.cellSize, vox.cellHeight, vox.forcedBounds.min);

			AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Filter Ledges");

			AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Filter Low Height Spans");
			vox.FilterLowHeightSpans(vox.voxelWalkableHeight, vox.cellSize, vox.cellHeight, vox.forcedBounds.min);
			AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Filter Low Height Spans");



			System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Eroding");


			System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Building Distance Field");


			System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Building Regions");


			System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Building Contours");

			var cset = new VoxelContourSet();

			vox.BuildContours(contourMaxError, 1, cset, Voxelize.RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES);

			System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Building Poly Mesh");

			VoxelMesh mesh;

			vox.BuildPolyMesh(cset, 3, out mesh);


示例14: GenerateStarMesh

	private Mesh GenerateStarMesh(int starOffset, int starCount)
		var positions = new Vector3[starCount * 4];
		var indices   = new int[starCount * 6];
		var uv0s      = new Vector2[starCount * 4];
		var uv1s      = new Vector2[starCount * 4];
		var normals   = new Vector3[starCount * 4];
		var colours   = new Color[starCount * 4];
		var bounds    = new Bounds();
		for (var i = 0; i < starCount; i++)
			var i0 =  i * 6;
			var i1 = i0 + 1;
			var i2 = i1 + 1;
			var i3 = i2 + 1;
			var i4 = i3 + 1;
			var i5 = i4 + 1;
			var v0 =  i * 4;
			var v1 = v0 + 1;
			var v2 = v1 + 1;
			var v3 = v2 + 1;
			// Index data
			indices[i0] = v0;
			indices[i1] = v1;
			indices[i2] = v2;
			indices[i3] = v3;
			indices[i4] = v2;
			indices[i5] = v1;
			// Calculate star values
			var starData    = GenerateStar();
			var midRadius   = (starData.RadiusMin + starData.RadiusMax) * 0.5f;
			var pulseRadius = (starData.RadiusMax - starData.RadiusMin) * 0.5f;
			var position = starData.Position;
			var colour   = new Color(starData.RadiusPulseRate, starData.RadiusPulseOffset, 0.0f);
			var uv0      = starData.Variant.Coords;
			var uv1      = new Vector2(midRadius, pulseRadius);
			var right    = SGT_Helper.Rotate(Vector2.right * SGT_Helper.InscribedBox, starData.Angle);
			var up       = SGT_Helper.Rotate(Vector2.up    * SGT_Helper.InscribedBox, starData.Angle);
			// Write star values into vertex data
			positions[v0] = position;
			positions[v1] = position;
			positions[v2] = position;
			positions[v3] = position;
			normals[v0] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3(-right + up, 0.0f);
			normals[v1] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3( right + up, 0.0f);
			normals[v2] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3(-right - up, 0.0f);
			normals[v3] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3( right - up, 0.0f);
			colours[v0] = colour;
			colours[v1] = colour;
			colours[v2] = colour;
			colours[v3] = colour;
			uv0s[v0] = uv0[0];
			uv0s[v1] = uv0[1];
			uv0s[v2] = uv0[2];
			uv0s[v3] = uv0[3];
			uv1s[v0] = uv1;
			uv1s[v1] = uv1;
			uv1s[v2] = uv1;
			uv1s[v3] = uv1;
		var starMesh = new Mesh();
		starMesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
		starMesh.name      = "Starfield";
		starMesh.bounds    = bounds;
		starMesh.vertices  = positions;
		starMesh.normals   = normals;
		starMesh.colors    = colours;
		starMesh.uv        = uv0s;
		starMesh.uv1       = uv1s;
		starMesh.triangles = indices;
		return starMesh;

示例15: GenerateStarMesh

            var i0 =  i * 6;
            var i1 = i0 + 1;
            var i2 = i1 + 1;
            var i3 = i2 + 1;
            var i4 = i3 + 1;
            var i5 = i4 + 1;

            var v0 =  i * 4;
            var v1 = v0 + 1;
            var v2 = v1 + 1;
            var v3 = v2 + 1;

            // Index data
            indices[i0] = v0;
            indices[i1] = v1;
            indices[i2] = v2;
            indices[i3] = v3;
            indices[i4] = v2;
            indices[i5] = v1;

            // Calculate star values
            var position = GeneratePosition();
            var index    = weights.RandomIndex;
            var po       = packer.GetOutput(index);
            var ssv      = GetStarVariant(index);

            float baseRadius, minRadius, maxRadius;

            if (ssv != null && ssv.Custom == true)
                baseRadius = Random.Range(ssv.CustomRadiusMin, ssv.CustomRadiusMax);
                minRadius  = Mathf.Max(baseRadius - ssv.CustomPulseRadiusMax, ssv.CustomRadiusMin);
                maxRadius  = Mathf.Min(baseRadius + ssv.CustomPulseRadiusMax, ssv.CustomRadiusMax);
                baseRadius = Random.Range(starRadiusMin, starRadiusMax);
                minRadius  = Mathf.Max(baseRadius - starPulseRadiusMax, starRadiusMin);
                maxRadius  = Mathf.Min(baseRadius + starPulseRadiusMax, starRadiusMax);

            var midRadius   = (minRadius + maxRadius) * 0.5f;
            var pulseRadius = (maxRadius - minRadius) * 0.5f;
            var pulseRate   = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
            var pulseOffset = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);

            var colour    = new Color(pulseRate, pulseOffset, 0.0f);
            var uv1       = new Vector2(midRadius, pulseRadius);
            var rollAngle = Random.Range(-Mathf.PI, Mathf.PI);
            var right     = SGT_Helper.Rotate(Vector2.right * SGT_Helper.InscribedBox, rollAngle);
            var up        = SGT_Helper.Rotate(Vector2.up    * SGT_Helper.InscribedBox, rollAngle);


            // Write star values into vertex data
            positions[v0] = position;
            positions[v1] = position;
            positions[v2] = position;
            positions[v3] = position;

            normals[v0] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3(-right + up, 0.0f);
            normals[v1] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3( right + up, 0.0f);
            normals[v2] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3(-right - up, 0.0f);
            normals[v3] = SGT_Helper.NewVector3( right - up, 0.0f);

            colours[v0] = colour;
            colours[v1] = colour;
            colours[v2] = colour;
            colours[v3] = colour;

            if (po != null)
                uv0s[v0] = po.UvTopLeft;
                uv0s[v1] = po.UvTopRight;
                uv0s[v2] = po.UvBottomLeft;
                uv0s[v3] = po.UvBottomRight;

            uv1s[v0] = uv1;
            uv1s[v1] = uv1;
            uv1s[v2] = uv1;
            uv1s[v3] = uv1;


        var starMesh = new Mesh();

        starMesh.name      = "Starfield";
        starMesh.bounds    = bounds;
        starMesh.vertices  = positions;
        starMesh.normals   = normals;
        starMesh.colors    = colours;
        starMesh.uv        = uv0s;
        starMesh.uv2       = uv1s;
        starMesh.triangles = indices;

        return starMesh;
