本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Bounds.Contains方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Bounds.Contains方法的具体用法?C# Bounds.Contains怎么用?C# Bounds.Contains使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.Bounds
示例1: getDesiredPositionDelta
public Vector3 getDesiredPositionDelta( Bounds targetBounds, Vector3 basePosition, Vector3 targetAvgVelocity )
var desiredOffset = Vector3.zero;
var hasHorizontal = ( axis & CameraAxis.Horizontal ) == CameraAxis.Horizontal;
var hasVertical = ( axis & CameraAxis.Vertical ) == CameraAxis.Vertical;
var bounds = new Bounds( basePosition, new Vector3( width, height, 5f ) );
if( !bounds.Contains( targetBounds.max ) || !bounds.Contains( targetBounds.min ) )
// figure out the minimum distance we need to move to get the player back in our bounds
// x-axis
if( hasHorizontal && bounds.min.x > targetBounds.min.x )
desiredOffset.x = targetBounds.min.x - bounds.min.x;
else if( hasHorizontal && bounds.max.x < targetBounds.max.x )
desiredOffset.x = targetBounds.max.x - bounds.max.x;
// y-axis. disregard movement above the trap when in platform snap mode
if( hasVertical && bounds.min.y > targetBounds.min.y )
desiredOffset.y = targetBounds.min.y - bounds.min.y;
else if( /*!inPlatformSnapMode &&*/ hasVertical && bounds.max.y < targetBounds.max.y )
desiredOffset.y = targetBounds.max.y - bounds.max.y;
return desiredOffset;
示例2: FixedUpdate
protected override void FixedUpdate()
_realDetectionBlock = DetectionBlock;
_realDetectionBlock.center = DetectionBlock.center + this.transform.position;
if (IsFreeToMove && !IsDead && !IsHurt) {
if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt && ValidateDetection()) {
if (AlwaysFollow) {
_following = true;
if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt
&& this.transform.position.x - RangeOfAttack <= ProtaController.transform.position.x
&& this.transform.position.x + RangeOfAttack >= ProtaController.transform.position.x
&& _realDetectionBlock.Contains(ProtaController.transform.position)) {
_delayToAttackCounter += Time.deltaTime;
if (_delayToAttackCounter >= DelayToAttack) {
if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt && this.transform.position.x > ProtaController.transform.position.x) {
} else if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt) {
_delayToAttackCounter = 0.0f;
} else {
} else if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt && ( _realDetectionBlock.Contains(ProtaController.transform.position) || _following )) {
// At Left
if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt && this.transform.position.x - RangeOfAttack > ProtaController.transform.position.x) {
} else if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt && this.transform.position.x + RangeOfAttack < ProtaController.transform.position.x) {
} else {
} else if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt) {
} else if (!IsAttacking && !IsHurt) {
示例3: BoundsInBoundsCheck
public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck( Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;
switch (test) {
case BoundsTest.center:
if (bigB.Contains(pos)){
if(pos.x > bigB.max.x){
off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
} else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x){
off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
if(pos.y > bigB.max.y){
off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
} else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y){
off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
if(pos.z > bigB.max.z){
off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
} else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z){
off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;
示例4: setScope
public static void setScope(Bounds pBounds, Transform pParent,NetworkPlayer pPlayer)
foreach (Transform lTransform in pParent)
示例5: DynamicSetupList
private List<Vector3> DynamicSetupList(float minX, float maxX, float minZ, float maxZ, Bounds bR, Bounds bM)
List<Vector3> checkList = new List<Vector3>();
float Tilesize = Pathfinder.Instance.Tilesize;
for (float i = minZ; i < maxZ; i += Tilesize / 2)
for (float j = minX; j < maxX; j += Tilesize / 2)
for (float k = bR.min.y; k < bR.max.y; k += Tilesize)
if (k > lowestY)
Vector3 local = transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(j, k, i));
if (bM.Contains(local))
checkList.Add(new Vector3(j, k, i));
return checkList;
示例6: LookForTrackedUserInRegion
ZigTrackedUser LookForTrackedUserInRegion(ZigInput zig, Bounds region) {
foreach (ZigTrackedUser trackedUser in zig.TrackedUsers.Values) {
if (trackedUser.SkeletonTracked && region.Contains(trackedUser.Position) && trackedUser != leftTrackedUser && trackedUser != rightTrackedUser) {
return trackedUser;
return null;
示例7: existsBetweenOrInside
//Checks for containment first, then for intersection
public static bool existsBetweenOrInside(Bounds box, Triangle3 triangle)
foreach (Vector3 p in triangle.ABC)
return true;
return existsBetween(box, triangle);
示例8: AreaContainsClick
public static bool AreaContainsClick(Bounds area , Vector2 mousePosition)
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
if (area.Contains(mousePosition))
return true;
return false;
示例9: BoundsWithinPoints
// BoundsWithinPoints //
// Cchecks if passed bounds contains either point (return false) //
// Then Fires rays between both points to check if the bounds are contained within both rays (return true) //
public static bool BoundsWithinPoints( Vector3 point_a, Vector3 point_b, Bounds bounds )
// If the start or end point are within the object, do nothing
if( bounds.Contains( point_a ) || bounds.Contains( point_b ) )
return false;
// If the object is fully on both rays
Ray ray_forward = new Ray( point_a, point_b - point_a );
Ray ray_backward = new Ray( point_b, point_a - point_b );
if( bounds.IntersectRay( ray_forward ) && bounds.IntersectRay( ray_backward ))
return true;
return false;
示例10: Update
protected override void Update()
if (EditorDebugMode) {
if (!ShootAlways) {
DebugExtension.DebugBounds(_realDetectionBlock, Color.red);
DebugExtension.DebugBounds(_realShootRangeBlock, Color.green);
_realDetectionBlock = DetectionBlock;
_realDetectionBlock.center = DetectionBlock.center + this.transform.position;
_realShootRangeBlock = ShootRangeBlock;
_realShootRangeBlock.center = ShootRangeBlock.center + this.transform.position;
if (!IsDead && (ShootAlways || _realDetectionBlock.Contains(PlayerController.transform.position)) ) {
_attackDelayCounter += Time.deltaTime;
if (_attackDelayCounter >= AttackDelay) {
_attackDelayCounter = 0;
if (ShootAtTarget) {
_BulletToSpawn = Instantiate(BulletToSpawn, this.transform.position + _upSpawnPosition, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
_BulletToSpawn.GetComponent<BulletController>().TargetPosition = PlayerController.transform.position;
} else {
if (!ChooseShootDirections || ShootLeft) {
_BulletToSpawn = Instantiate(BulletToSpawn, this.transform.position + _leftSpawnPosition, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
_BulletToSpawn.GetComponent<BulletController>().TargetPosition = new Vector2(_realShootRangeBlock.min.x, _BulletToSpawn.transform.position.y);
if (!ChooseShootDirections || ShootUp) {
_BulletToSpawn = Instantiate(BulletToSpawn, this.transform.position + _upSpawnPosition, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
_BulletToSpawn.GetComponent<BulletController>().TargetPosition = new Vector2(_BulletToSpawn.transform.position.x, _realShootRangeBlock.max.y);
if (!ChooseShootDirections || ShootRight) {
_BulletToSpawn = Instantiate(BulletToSpawn, this.transform.position + _rightSpawnPosition, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
_BulletToSpawn.GetComponent<BulletController>().TargetPosition = new Vector2(_realShootRangeBlock.max.x, _BulletToSpawn.transform.position.y);
示例11: ApplyForce
public void ApplyForce(Transform transObj, float maxForce = 1, float radius = 0)
//radius = 0;
//Debug.Log("Cube hit!");
var b = new Bounds(FinalPosition, transform.localScale);
b.Expand(radius * 2);
// Why does radius need to be multiplied by 2?
//var falloffBounds =new Bounds( new Bounds(FinalPosition, transform.localScale + (Vector3.one * Falloff) + (Vector3.one * radius * 2));
var falloffBounds = new Bounds(FinalPosition, transform.localScale);
falloffBounds.Expand(radius * 2 + Falloff * 2);
if (falloffBounds.Contains(transObj.position))
//Debug.Log("Object in falloff");
// inside the obstacle!
if (b.Contains(transObj.position))
//Debug.Log("Object has enter bounds!");
transObj.position = GetClosestBorderFromInsidePoint(b, transObj.position, 0.01f);
// in the fallout area
var falloutClosePoint = falloffBounds.ClosestPoint(transObj.position);
Helpers.DrawDebugPoint(falloutClosePoint, 1, Color.cyan);
var objClosePoint = b.ClosestPoint(transObj.position);
Helpers.DrawDebugPoint(objClosePoint, 1, Color.magenta);
Debug.DrawLine(falloutClosePoint, objClosePoint, Color.yellow);
var mag = (falloutClosePoint - objClosePoint).magnitude;
var frac = Mathf.Max(1 - mag / Falloff, 0);
//Debug.Log("mag = " + mag + " (" + frac + ")");
var forceVector = (falloutClosePoint - objClosePoint).normalized * frac * maxForce;
transObj.position += forceVector * Time.deltaTime;
示例12: GetPosition
public override Vector3 GetPosition(MBParticle PT)
int runs = 0;
Bounds r = new Bounds(Vector3.zero,Scale);
Vector3 hrs=Scale;
Bounds hr = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, hrs);
Vector3 v = Vector3.zero;
while (runs++ < 100) {
v.x = Random.Range(r.min.x, r.max.x);
v.y = Random.Range(r.min.y, r.max.y);
v.z = Random.Range(r.min.z, r.max.z);
if (!hr.Contains(v))
return v;
return new Vector3(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.min.z);
示例13: FixedUpdate
void FixedUpdate(){
Vector3 delta = _player.transform.position - transform.position;
if(delta.x > targetDistance.x || delta.x < -targetDistance.x){
Bounds bounds = new Bounds(transform.position, wakeDistance);
movementEnabled = true;
示例14: ClosestPoint
public static Vector2 ClosestPoint(Bounds bounds, Vector2 point) {
if (bounds.Contains(point)) {
return point;
} else {
float x = point.x;
float y = point.y;
if (x < bounds.min.x) {
x = bounds.min.x;
} else if (x > bounds.max.x) {
x = bounds.max.x;
if (y < bounds.min.y) {
y = bounds.min.y;
} else if (y > bounds.max.y) {
y = bounds.max.y;
return new Vector2(x, y);
示例15: updateScope
public void updateScope(Bounds pBounds)
//Scope Transform中的子物体
foreach (Transform lNetworkPlayerRoot in networkPlayerRoots)
setScope(pBounds, lNetworkPlayerRoot, networkPlayer);
//Scope 自定义物体
var lNetworkViewNode = networkViewList.First;
while (lNetworkViewNode != null)
var lNetworkView = lNetworkViewNode.Value;
var lNextNode = lNetworkViewNode.Next;
if (lNetworkView)
lNetworkViewNode = lNextNode;