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C# Renderer.Draw方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.Renderer.Draw方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Renderer.Draw方法的具体用法?C# Renderer.Draw怎么用?C# Renderer.Draw使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.Renderer的用法示例。


示例1: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime time)
            //Draw the lifebar
            renderer.Draw(m_BarImage, rect, Color.White);

            //For each life
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Life; i++) {
                //Calculate position
                Rectangle LifeRect	 = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, m_LifeImage.Width, m_LifeImage.Height);
                LifeRect.X			+= Global.LIFE_X + (i * (m_LifeImage.Width - 2));
                LifeRect.Y			+= Global.LIFE_Y;

                //Draw it
                renderer.Draw(m_LifeImage, LifeRect, Color.White);

示例2: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            _policyRect.X = rect.X;
            _policyRect.Y = rect.Y;

            if (Policy != null)
                if (MainWindow.Game.Human.Policies.Contains(Policy))
                    renderer.Draw(_button44gold, _policyRect, Color.White);
                else if (MainWindow.Game.Human.PoliciesInReach.Contains(Policy))
                    renderer.Draw(_button44, _policyRect, Color.Gray);
                    renderer.Draw(_button44, _policyRect, Color.White);

                renderer.Draw(Policy.Image, _policyRect, Color.White);

示例3: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            if (Player != null)
                _iconRect.X = rect.X;
                _iconRect.Y = rect.Y;

                renderer.Draw(Player.Leader.Image, _iconRect, Color.White);

                renderer.DrawString(_font, Player.Leader.Title, rect.X + 24, rect.Y, Color.White);

                renderer.DrawString(_font, Player.Score.ToString(), rect.X + rect.Width - 20, rect.Y, Color.White);

            _seperatorRect.X = rect.X;
            _seperatorRect.Y = rect.Y + rect.Height - 2;

            renderer.Draw(bar340x2, _seperatorRect, Color.White);

示例4: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            base.DrawControl(renderer, rect, gameTime);

            clipRect.X = rect.X + 1;
            clipRect.Y = rect.Y + 1;
            renderer.Draw(_clipImg, clipRect, Color.White);

            clipRect.Y += 5;
            renderer.DrawString(_policyTitleFont, PolicyType.Title, clipRect, Color.White, Alignment.TopCenter); 

示例5: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            if( MainWindow.Game.Human.Technologies.Contains( Tech ))
                renderer.Draw(_backgroundReached, rect, Color.White);
            else if( MainWindow.Game.Human.CurrentResearch == Tech )
                renderer.Draw(_backgroundActive, rect, Color.White);
            else if( MainWindow.Game.Human.PossibleTechnologies.Contains( Tech ) )
                renderer.Draw(_backgroundPossible, rect, Color.White);
                renderer.Draw(_backgroundNoReach, rect, Color.White);

            if( Tech != null )
                _techIconRect.X = rect.X + 2;
                _techIconRect.Y = rect.Y;
                renderer.Draw(Tech.Image, _techIconRect, Color.White);

                _techTitleRect.X = rect.X + 70;
                _techTitleRect.Y = rect.Y + 5;
                renderer.DrawString(_font, Tech.Title,_techTitleRect, Color.White,Alignment.MiddleLeft );

示例6: Render

        public override void Render(Renderer renderer, GameTime gameTime)
            if (_backgroundBuffer == null)
                UpdateBackground(Width, Height);

            // if buffer is still empty, something wrong
            if (_backgroundBuffer == null)

            base.Render(renderer, gameTime);

            if (Visible)
                renderer.Draw(_backgroundBuffer, this.AbsoluteRect, AlphaColor);

示例7: DrawPart

        private void DrawPart(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, BevelBorder pos, BevelStyle style, bool all)
            SkinLayer layer = Skin.Layers["Control"];
              Color c1 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["LightColor"].Value);
              Color c2 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["DarkColor"].Value);
              Color c3 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["FlatColor"].Value);

              if (Color != UndefinedColor) c3 = Color;

              Texture2D img = Skin.Layers["Control"].Image.Resource;

              int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int w1 = 0; int h1 = 0;
              int x2 = 0; int y2 = 0; int w2 = 0; int h2 = 0;

              if (style == BevelStyle.Bumped || style == BevelStyle.Etched)
            if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Top || pos == BevelBorder.Bottom))
              rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left + 1, rect.Top, rect.Width - 2, rect.Height);
            else if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Left))
              rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height - 1);
            switch (pos)
              case BevelBorder.Left:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
            x2 = x1 + 1; y2 = y1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
              case BevelBorder.Top:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
            x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + 1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
              case BevelBorder.Right:
            x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 2; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
            x2 = x1 + 1; y2 = y1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
              case BevelBorder.Bottom:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 2; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
            x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + 1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
            switch (pos)
              case BevelBorder.Left:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
              case BevelBorder.Top:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
              case BevelBorder.Right:
            x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 1; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
              case BevelBorder.Bottom:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;

              switch (Style)
            case BevelStyle.Bumped:
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c1);
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c2);
            case BevelStyle.Etched:
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c2);
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c1);
            case BevelStyle.Raised:
              Color c = c1;
              if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top) c = c1;
              else c = c2;

示例8: DrawControl


		protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
			base.DrawControl(renderer, rect, gameTime);

			if (ReadOnly && Focused)
				SkinLayer lr = Skin.Layers[0];
				Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(rect.Left + lr.ContentMargins.Left,
											 rect.Top + lr.ContentMargins.Top,
											 Width - lr.ContentMargins.Horizontal - btnDown.Width - btnUp.Width,
											 Height - lr.ContentMargins.Vertical);
				renderer.Draw(Manager.Skin.Images["ListBox.Selection"].Resource, rc, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 255, 255, 128));

示例9: DrawControl

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the image box control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderer">Render management object.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Destination rectangle where the image box will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Snapshot of the application's timing values.</param>
        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            if (image != null)
                if (sizeMode == SizeMode.Normal)
                    renderer.Draw(image, rect.X, rect.Y, sourceRect, Color);
                else if (sizeMode == SizeMode.Auto)
                    renderer.Draw(image, rect.X, rect.Y, sourceRect, Color);
                else if (sizeMode == SizeMode.Stretched)
                    renderer.Draw(image, rect, sourceRect, Color);
                else if (sizeMode == SizeMode.Centered)
                    int x = (rect.Width / 2) - (image.Width / 2);
                    int y = (rect.Height / 2) - (image.Height / 2);

                    renderer.Draw(image, x, y, sourceRect, Color);

示例10: DrawSelection

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the text box's selection overlay to highlight selected text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderer">Render management object.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Region where the selection overlay should be drawn.</param>
        private void DrawSelection(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect)
            if (!selection.IsEmpty)
                int s = selection.Start;
                int e = selection.End;

                // Get selection's starting line index, ending line index, starting column index, and ending column index.
                int sl = GetPosY(s);
                int el = GetPosY(e);
                int sc = GetPosX(s);
                int ec = GetPosX(e);

                // Selection height is the height of a single line of text.
                int hgt = font.LineSpacing;

                int start = sl;
                int end = el;

                // Adjust start and end positions to account for vertical scroll values.
                if (start < vert.Value) start = vert.Value;
                if (end > vert.Value + linesDrawn) end = vert.Value + linesDrawn;

                // Draw each line of the selection.
                for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                    Rectangle r = Rectangle.Empty;

                    if (mode == TextBoxMode.Normal)
                        int m = ClientArea.Height - font.LineSpacing;
                        r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value + (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, rect.Top + m / 2,
                                         (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, ec + 0)).X - (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, hgt);
                    else if (sl == el)
                        r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value + (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt,
                                          (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, ec + 0)).X - (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, hgt);
                        if (i == sl) r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value + (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt, (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i]).X - (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, hgt);
                        else if (i == el) r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt, (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, ec + 0)).X, hgt);
                        else r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt, (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i]).X, hgt);

                    renderer.Draw(Manager.Skin.Images["Control"].Resource, r, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(160, 160, 160, 128));

示例11: DrawControl

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the window and all child controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderer">Render management object.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Destination region where the window will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Snapshot of the application's timing values.</param>
        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            SkinLayer l1 = captionVisible ? Skin.Layers[lrCaption] : Skin.Layers[lrFrameTop];
            SkinLayer l2 = Skin.Layers[lrFrameLeft];
            SkinLayer l3 = Skin.Layers[lrFrameRight];
            SkinLayer l4 = Skin.Layers[lrFrameBottom];
            SkinLayer l5 = Skin.Layers[lrIcon];
            LayerStates s1, s2, s3, s4;
            SpriteFont f1 = l1.Text.Font.Resource;
            Color c1 = l1.Text.Colors.Enabled;

            // Window has focus?
            if ((Focused || (Manager.FocusedControl != null && Manager.FocusedControl.Root == this.Root)) && ControlState != ControlState.Disabled)
                s1 = l1.States.Focused;
                s2 = l2.States.Focused;
                s3 = l3.States.Focused;
                s4 = l4.States.Focused;
                c1 = l1.Text.Colors.Focused;

            // Window is disabled?
            else if (ControlState == ControlState.Disabled)
                s1 = l1.States.Disabled;
                s2 = l2.States.Disabled;
                s3 = l3.States.Disabled;
                s4 = l4.States.Disabled;
                c1 = l1.Text.Colors.Disabled;

            // Window not active or child control has focus?
                s1 = l1.States.Enabled;
                s2 = l2.States.Enabled;
                s3 = l3.States.Enabled;
                s4 = l4.States.Enabled;
                c1 = l1.Text.Colors.Enabled;

            // Draw the window layer.
            renderer.DrawLayer(Skin.Layers[lrWindow], rect, Skin.Layers[lrWindow].States.Enabled.Color, Skin.Layers[lrWindow].States.Enabled.Index);

            // Need to draw the window border?
            if (borderVisible)
                // Draw caption layer or top frame layer, then draw the left, right, and bottom frame layers.
                renderer.DrawLayer(l1, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, l1.Height), s1.Color, s1.Index);
                renderer.DrawLayer(l2, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top + l1.Height, l2.Width, rect.Height - l1.Height - l4.Height), s2.Color, s2.Index);
                renderer.DrawLayer(l3, new Rectangle(rect.Right - l3.Width, rect.Top + l1.Height, l3.Width, rect.Height - l1.Height - l4.Height), s3.Color, s3.Index);
                renderer.DrawLayer(l4, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - l4.Height, rect.Width, l4.Height), s4.Color, s4.Index);

                // Draw the window icon if there is one and the window caption is displayed.
                if (iconVisible && (icon != null || l5 != null) && captionVisible)
                    Texture2D i = (icon != null) ? icon : l5.Image.Resource;
                    renderer.Draw(i, GetIconRect(), Color.White);

                int icosize = 0;
                if (l5 != null && iconVisible && captionVisible)
                    icosize = l1.Height - l1.ContentMargins.Vertical + 4 + l5.OffsetX;

                // Draw the close button if visible.
                int closesize = 0;
                if (btnClose.Visible)
                    closesize = btnClose.Width - (btnClose.Skin.Layers[lrButton].OffsetX);

                // Create the rectangle defining the remaining caption area to draw text in.
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(rect.Left + l1.ContentMargins.Left + icosize,
                                            rect.Top + l1.ContentMargins.Top,
                                            rect.Width - l1.ContentMargins.Horizontal - closesize - icosize,
                                            l1.Height - l1.ContentMargins.Top - l1.ContentMargins.Bottom);
                int ox = l1.Text.OffsetX;
                int oy = l1.Text.OffsetY;

                // Draw the window title in the caption area remaining.
                renderer.DrawString(f1, Text, r, c1, l1.Text.Alignment, ox, oy, true);

示例12: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            if (Left + Width > 1600)
                Left = 1600 - Width;

            if (Top + Height + 40 > 850)
                Top = 850 - Height - 20;

            rect.Width = Math.Max(rect.Width, rLine.Width + 20);
            renderer.DrawLayer(this, Skin.Layers[0], rect);
            if (lines != null)
                int y = 5;

                foreach (LineInfo line in lines)
                    // prepare bounding rect
                    rLine.X = rect.X + 5;
                    rLine.Y = rect.Y + y;
                    rLine.Height = line.LineHeight;

                    renderer.DrawString(this, Skin.Layers[0], line.StrippedText, rLine, true);

                    foreach (IconPosition icon in line.Icons)
                        renderer.Draw(_iconDict[icon.IconName], icon.Rect, Color.White);

                    foreach (LinkPosition link in line.Links)
                        renderer.DrawString(Skin.Layers[0].Text.Font.Resource, link.Link, link.Rect.X + 2, link.Rect.Y + y - 3, Color.DarkRed);

                    y += line.LineHeight;

示例13: DrawSelection

        private void DrawSelection(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect)
            if (!selection.IsEmpty)
            int s = selection.Start;
            int e = selection.End;

            int sl = GetPosY(s);
            int el = GetPosY(e);
            int sc = GetPosX(s);
            int ec = GetPosX(e);

            int hgt = font.LineSpacing;

            int start = sl;
            int end = el;

            if (start < vert.Value) start = vert.Value;
            if (end > vert.Value + linesDrawn) end = vert.Value + linesDrawn;

            for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
              Rectangle r = Rectangle.Empty;

              if (mode == TextBoxMode.Normal)
            int m = ClientArea.Height - font.LineSpacing;
            r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value + (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, rect.Top + m / 2,
                             (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, ec + 0)).X - (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, hgt);
              else if (sl == el)
            r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value + (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt,
                              (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, ec + 0)).X - (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, hgt);
            if (i == sl) r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value + (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt, (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i]).X - (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, sc)).X, hgt);
            else if (i == el) r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt, (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i].Substring(0, ec + 0)).X, hgt);
            else r = new Rectangle(rect.Left - horz.Value, rect.Top + (i - vert.Value) * hgt, (int)font.MeasureString(Lines[i]).X, hgt);

              renderer.Draw(Manager.Skin.Images["Control"].Resource, r, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(160, 160, 160, 128));

示例14: DrawControl

        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            if (_buffer == null)
                UpdateBackground(rect.Width, rect.Height);

            // if buffer is still empty, something wrong
            if (_buffer == null)

            // completely transparent, don't draw anything
            if (Alpha == 0)

            if (Enabled)
                if (Hovered)
                    renderer.Draw(_bufferGlow, rect, AlphaColor);
                    renderer.Draw(_buffer, rect, AlphaColor);
                renderer.Draw(_bufferDisabled, rect, AlphaColor);

示例15: DrawControl


    protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
      SkinLayer l = Skin.Layers[0];

      // We render background of the tooltip
      renderer.DrawLayer(this, l, rect);           
      Rectangle rc1 = Rectangle.Empty;
      if (image != null)
        // Now we draw image in the left top corner of the tooltip
        rc1 = new Rectangle(l.ContentMargins.Left, l.ContentMargins.Top + 4, IconSize, IconSize);
        renderer.Draw(image, rc1, Color.White);
      // Text is rendered next to the image
      rect = new Rectangle(rc1.Right, rect.Top + 4, rect.Width, rect.Height);           
      // We alter text alignment from the default skin
      l.Text.Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft;
      renderer.DrawString(this, l, Text, rect, true);
