本文整理汇总了C#中TgcViewer.Utils.TgcGeometry.TgcBoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TgcBoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter方法的具体用法?C# TgcBoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter怎么用?C# TgcBoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类TgcViewer.Utils.TgcGeometry.TgcBoundingBox
示例1: crearOctree
public OctreeNode crearOctree(List<TgcMesh> modelos, TgcBoundingBox sceneBounds)
OctreeNode rootNode = new OctreeNode();
Vector3 pMax = sceneBounds.PMax;
Vector3 pMin = sceneBounds.PMin;
//Calcular punto medio y centro
Vector3 midSize = sceneBounds.calculateAxisRadius();
Vector3 center = sceneBounds.calculateBoxCenter();
//iniciar generacion recursiva de octree
doSectorOctreeX(rootNode, center, midSize, 0, modelos);
//podar nodos innecesarios
//eliminar hijos que subdividen sin necesidad
//imprimir por consola el octree
//imprimir estadisticas de debug
return rootNode;
示例2: crearQuadtree
public QuadtreeNode crearQuadtree(List<TgcMesh> TgcMeshs, TgcBoundingBox sceneBounds)
QuadtreeNode rootNode = new QuadtreeNode();
//Calcular punto medio y centro
Vector3 midSize = sceneBounds.calculateAxisRadius();
Vector3 center = sceneBounds.calculateBoxCenter();
//iniciar generacion recursiva de octree
doSectorQuadtreeX(rootNode, center, midSize, 0, TgcMeshs);
//podar nodos innecesarios
//imprimir por consola el octree
//imprimir estadisticas de debug
return rootNode;
示例3: targetObject
/// <summary>
/// Configura los parámetros de la cámara en funcion del BoundingBox de un modelo
/// </summary>
/// <param name="boundingBox">BoundingBox en base al cual configurar</param>
public void targetObject(TgcBoundingBox boundingBox)
cameraCenter = boundingBox.calculateBoxCenter();
float r = boundingBox.calculateBoxRadius();
cameraDistance = 2 * r;
示例4: testTriangleAABB
/// <summary>
/// /// Indica si un Triangulo colisiona con un BoundingBox
/// Basado en:
/// http://fileadmin.cs.lth.se/cs/Personal/Tomas_Akenine-Moller/code/tribox3.txt
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vert0">Vertice 0 del triángulo</param>
/// <param name="vert1">Vertice 1 del triángulo</param>
/// <param name="vert2">Vertice 2 del triángulo</param>
/// <param name="aabb">BoundingBox</param>
/// <returns>True si hay colisión.</returns>
public static bool testTriangleAABB(Vector3 vert0, Vector3 vert1, Vector3 vert2, TgcBoundingBox aabb)
/* use separating axis theorem to test overlap between triangle and box need to test for overlap in these directions:
* 1) the {x,y,z}-directions (actually, since we use the AABB of the triangle we do not even need to test these)
* 2) normal of the triangle
* 3) crossproduct(edge from tri, {x,y,z}-directin) this gives 3x3=9 more tests
//Compute box center and boxhalfsize (if not already given in that format)
Vector3 boxcenter = aabb.calculateBoxCenter();
Vector3 boxhalfsize = aabb.calculateAxisRadius();
//Aux vars
Vector3[] triverts = new Vector3[3] { vert0, vert1, vert2 };
float min,max,p0,p1,p2,rad,fex,fey,fez;
//move everything so that the boxcenter is in (0,0,0)
Vector3 v0 = Vector3.Subtract(triverts[0], boxcenter);
Vector3 v1 = Vector3.Subtract(triverts[1], boxcenter);
Vector3 v2 = Vector3.Subtract(triverts[2], boxcenter);
//compute triangle edges
Vector3 e0 = Vector3.Subtract(v1, v0); //tri edge 0
Vector3 e1 = Vector3.Subtract(v2, v1); //tri edge 1
Vector3 e2 = Vector3.Subtract(v0, v2); //tri edge 2
//Bullet 3:
//test the 9 tests first (this was faster)
//edge 0
fex = FastMath.Abs(e0.X);
fey = FastMath.Abs(e0.Y);
fez = FastMath.Abs(e0.Z);
p0 = e0.Z * v0.Y - e0.Y * v0.Z;
p2 = e0.Z * v2.Y - e0.Y * v2.Z;
if (p0 < p2) { min = p0; max = p2; } else { min = p2; max = p0; }
rad = fez * boxhalfsize.Y + fey * boxhalfsize.Z;
if (min > rad || max < -rad) return false;
p0 = -e0.Z * v0.X + e0.X * v0.Z;
p2 = -e0.Z * v2.X + e0.X * v2.Z;
if (p0 < p2) { min = p0; max = p2; } else { min = p2; max = p0; }
rad = fez * boxhalfsize.X + fex * boxhalfsize.Z;
if (min > rad || max < -rad) return false;
p1 = e0.Y * v1.X - e0.X * v1.Y;
p2 = e0.Y * v2.X - e0.X * v2.Y;
if (p2 < p1) { min = p2; max = p1; } else { min = p1; max = p2; }
rad = fey * boxhalfsize.X + fex * boxhalfsize.Y;
if (min > rad || max < -rad) return false;
//edge 1
fex = FastMath.Abs(e1.X);
fey = FastMath.Abs(e1.Y);
fez = FastMath.Abs(e1.Z);
p0 = e1.Z * v0.Y - e1.Y * v0.Z;
p2 = e1.Z * v2.Y - e1.Y * v2.Z;
if (p0 < p2) { min = p0; max = p2; } else { min = p2; max = p0; }
rad = fez * boxhalfsize.Y + fey * boxhalfsize.Z;
if (min > rad || max < -rad) return false;
p0 = -e1.Z * v0.X + e1.X * v0.Z;
p2 = -e1.Z * v2.X + e1.X * v2.Z;
if (p0 < p2) { min = p0; max = p2; } else { min = p2; max = p0; }
rad = fez * boxhalfsize.X + fex * boxhalfsize.Z;
if (min > rad || max < -rad) return false;
p0 = e1.Y * v0.X - e1.X * v0.Y;
p1 = e1.Y * v1.X - e1.X * v1.Y;
if (p0 < p1) { min = p0; max = p1; } else { min = p1; max = p0; }
rad = fey * boxhalfsize.X + fex * boxhalfsize.Y;
if (min > rad || max < -rad) return false;
//edge 2
fex = FastMath.Abs(e2.X);
fey = FastMath.Abs(e2.Y);
fez = FastMath.Abs(e2.Z);
p0 = e2.Z * v0.Y - e2.Y * v0.Z;
p1 = e2.Z * v1.Y - e2.Y * v1.Z;
if (p0 < p1) { min = p0; max = p1; } else { min = p1; max = p0; }
示例5: clonarBoundingBoxArbol
private TgcBoundingBox clonarBoundingBoxArbol(TgcBoundingBox bb)
TgcBoundingBox bbClon = bb.clone();
Vector3 pos = bb.calculateBoxCenter();
pos.Y = 0f;
pos.Z -= 40f;
pos.X -= 30f;
bbClon.scaleTranslate(pos, new Vector3(0.3f, 1f, 0.3f));
return bbClon;
示例6: testAABBCylinder
/// <summary>
/// Indica si un Cilindro colisiona con un AABB.
/// Solo indica si hay colision o no. No va mas en detalle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="box">AABB</param>
/// <param name="cylinder">Cilindro alineado</param>
/// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
public static bool testAABBCylinder(TgcBoundingBox box, TgcFixedYBoundingCylinder cylinder)
//datos del aabb
Vector3 boxCenter = box.calculateBoxCenter();
Vector3 boxHalfSize = box.calculateSize() * 0.5f;
//datos del cilindro
Vector3 cylCenter = cylinder.Center;
float cylHalfLength = cylinder.HalfLength;
float cylRadius = cylinder.Radius;
//vector de distancias
Vector3 distances = new Vector3(
FastMath.Abs(boxCenter.X - cylCenter.X),
FastMath.Abs(boxCenter.Y - cylCenter.Y),
FastMath.Abs(boxCenter.Z - cylCenter.Z));
//si el aabb esta muy arriba o muy abajo no hay colision
if (distances.Y > boxHalfSize.Y + cylHalfLength) return false;
//si el aabb esta muy lejos en x o en z no hay colision
if (distances.X > boxHalfSize.X + cylRadius) return false;
if (distances.Z > boxHalfSize.Z + cylRadius) return false;
//si el centro del cilindro esta dentro del aabb hay colision
if (distances.X <= boxHalfSize.X) return true;
if (distances.Z <= boxHalfSize.Z) return true;
//si el cilindro toca alguno de los extremos hay colision
float cornerDistanceSq =
FastMath.Pow2(distances.X - boxHalfSize.X) +
FastMath.Pow2(distances.Z - boxHalfSize.Z);
return (cornerDistanceSq <= FastMath.Pow2(cylRadius));
示例7: distanceFromCameraToObject
/// <summary>
/// Distancia entre un objeto y la camara
/// </summary>
public static float distanceFromCameraToObject(MeshCreatorCamera camera, TgcBoundingBox aabb)
return distanceFromCameraToPoint(camera, aabb.calculateBoxCenter());