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C# XmlElement.SafeSelectNodes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Xml.XmlElement.SafeSelectNodes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# XmlElement.SafeSelectNodes方法的具体用法?C# XmlElement.SafeSelectNodes怎么用?C# XmlElement.SafeSelectNodes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Xml.XmlElement的用法示例。


示例1: MakeImagePathsOfImportedPagePointToOriginalLocations

 public static void MakeImagePathsOfImportedPagePointToOriginalLocations(XmlElement pageDiv, string folderPath)
     foreach (XmlElement img in pageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("descendant::img"))
         img.SetAttribute("src", "file://"+ Path.Combine(folderPath, img.GetAttribute("src")));

示例2: MakeElementWithLanguageForOneGroup

        /// <summary>
        /// For each group (meaning they have a common parent) of editable items, we
        /// need to make sure there are the correct set of copies, with appropriate @lang attributes
        /// </summary>
        private static void MakeElementWithLanguageForOneGroup(XmlElement groupElement, string isoCode, string elementTag)
            //<label>s are annotations on the translation, group, we don't want to mess with them here.
            //the caller at the moment is using '*' for element, so it takes this xpath to filter them out...
            XmlNodeList editableElementsWithinTheIndicatedElement = groupElement.SafeSelectNodes(elementTag+"[not(self::label)]");

            //true, this is a weird situation...			if (editableElementsWithinTheIndicatedParagraph.Count == 0)
            //				return;

            var elementsAlreadyInThisLanguage = from XmlElement x in editableElementsWithinTheIndicatedElement
                                                where x.GetAttribute("lang") == isoCode
                                                select x;
            if (elementsAlreadyInThisLanguage.Count() > 0)//don't mess with this set, it already has a vernacular (this will happen when we're editing a shellbook, not just using it to make a vernacular edition)

            if (groupElement.SafeSelectNodes("ancestor-or-self::*[contains(@class,'bloom-translationGroup')]").Count == 0)

            XmlElement prototype = editableElementsWithinTheIndicatedElement[0] as XmlElement;
            XmlElement newElementInThisLanguage;
            if (prototype == null)// note that we currently (version 1.0) get this when the prototype was the recommended lang='x'. Which is unfortunate, because it means the prototype is deleted by other code before we can copy it.
                newElementInThisLanguage = groupElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("div");
                newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("class", "bloom-editable");
                newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("contenteditable", "true");
                if (groupElement.HasAttribute("data-placeholder"))
                    newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("data-placeholder", groupElement.GetAttribute("data-placeholder"));
            else  //this is the normal situation, where we're just copying the first element
                newElementInThisLanguage = (XmlElement)prototype.ParentNode.InsertAfter(prototype.Clone(), prototype);
            newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("lang", isoCode);
            //if there is an id, get rid of it, because we don't want 2 elements with the same id
            newElementInThisLanguage.InnerText = string.Empty;

示例3: SetImagesForMode

        /* The following, to use normal url query parameters to say if we wanted transparency,
         * was a nice idea, but turned out to not be necessary. I'm leave the code here in
         * case in the future we do find a need to add query parameters.
        public  void SetImagesForMode(bool editMode)
            SetImagesForMode((XmlNode)RawDom, editMode);

        public static void SetImagesForMode(XmlNode pageNode, bool editMode)
            foreach(XmlElement imgNode in pageNode.SafeSelectNodes(".//img"))
                var src = imgNode.GetAttribute("src");
                const string kTransparent = "?makeWhiteTransparent=true";
                src = src.Replace(kTransparent, "");
                if (editMode)
                    src = src + kTransparent;
        public static void ProcessPageAfterEditing(XmlElement destinationPageDiv, XmlElement edittedPageDiv)
            // strip out any elements that are part of bloom's UI; we don't want to save them in the document or show them in thumbnails etc.
            // Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390568/how-to-match-attributes-that-contain-a-certain-string for the xpath.
            // The idea is to match class attriutes which have class bloom-ui, but may have other classes. We don't want to match
            // classes where bloom-ui is a substring, though, if there should be any. So we wrap spaces around the class attribute
            // and then see whether it contains bloom-ui surrounded by spaces.
            // However, we need to do this in the edited page before copying to the storage page, since we are about to suck
            // info from the edited page into the dataDiv and we don't want the bloom-ui elements in there either!
                var node in
                    edittedPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' bloom-ui ')]").Cast<XmlNode>().ToArray())

            destinationPageDiv.InnerXml = edittedPageDiv.InnerXml;

            //Enhance: maybe we should just copy over all attributes?
            destinationPageDiv.SetAttribute("class", edittedPageDiv.GetAttribute("class"));
            //The SIL LEAD SHRP templates rely on "lang" on some ancestor to trigger the correct rules in labels.css.
            //Those get set by putting data-metalanguage on Page, which then leads to a lang='xyz'. Let's save that
            //back to the html in keeping with our goal of having the page look right if you were to just open the
            //html file in Firefox.
            destinationPageDiv.SetAttribute("lang", edittedPageDiv.GetAttribute("lang"));

            // Upon save, make sure we are not in layout mode.  Otherwise we show the sliders.
                var node in
                    destinationPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes(".//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' origami-layout-mode ')]")
                string currentValue = node.Attributes["class"].Value;
                node.Attributes["class"].Value = currentValue.Replace("origami-layout-mode", "");

示例4: MigrateChildren

 /// <summary>
 /// For each div in the page which has the specified class, find the corresponding div with that class in newPage,
 /// and replace its contents with the contents of the source page.
 /// Also inserts any needed styles we know about.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="page"></param>
 /// <param name="parentClass"></param>
 /// <param name="newPage"></param>
 private static void MigrateChildren(XmlElement page, string parentClass, XmlElement newPage)
     //the leading '.' here is needed because newPage is an element in a larger DOM, and we only want to search in this page
     var xpath = ".//div[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + parentClass + " ')]";
     var oldParents = page.SafeSelectNodes(xpath);
     var newParents = newPage.SafeSelectNodes(xpath);
     // The Math.Min is not needed yet; in fact, we don't yet have any cases where there is more than one
     // thing to copy or where the numbers are not equal. It's just a precaution.
     for(int i = 0; i < Math.Min(newParents.Count, oldParents.Count); i++)
         var oldParent = (XmlElement) oldParents[i];
         var newParent = (XmlElement) newParents[i];
         foreach(var child in newParent.ChildNodes.Cast<XmlNode>().ToArray())
         // apparently we are modifying the ChildNodes collection by removing the child from there to insert in the new location,
         // which messes things up unless we make a copy of the collection.
         foreach(XmlNode child in oldParent.ChildNodes.Cast<XmlNode>().ToArray())

示例5: EnsureEditableDivsHaveIds

 void EnsureEditableDivsHaveIds(XmlElement pageElt)
     int count = 1;
     foreach (XmlElement elt in pageElt.SafeSelectNodes(".//div"))
         if (!HasClass(elt, "bloom-editable"))
         if (elt.Attributes["id"] != null)
         elt.SetAttribute("id", tempIdMarker + count++);

示例6: RemoveTempIds

 void RemoveTempIds(XmlElement pageElt)
     int count = 1;
     foreach (XmlElement elt in pageElt.SafeSelectNodes(".//div"))
         if (!HasClass(elt, "bloom-editable"))
         if (!elt.Attributes["id"].Value.StartsWith(tempIdMarker))

示例7: CheckEditableText

 private void CheckEditableText(XmlElement page, string lang, string text, int groupIndex = 0)
     var transGroup = (XmlElement)page.SafeSelectNodes(".//div[contains(@class,'bloom-translationGroup')]")[groupIndex];
     var editDiv = (XmlElement)transGroup.SafeSelectNodes("div[@lang='" + lang + "' and contains(@class,'bloom-editable')]")[0];
     var actualText = editDiv.InnerXml;
     Assert.That(actualText.Trim(), Is.EqualTo(text));

示例8: MakeElementWithLanguageForOneGroup

        /// <summary>
        /// For each group (meaning they have a common parent) of editable items, we
        /// need to make sure there are the correct set of copies, with appropriate @lang attributes
        /// </summary>
        private static void MakeElementWithLanguageForOneGroup(XmlElement groupElement, string isoCode)
            if (groupElement.GetAttribute("class").Contains("STOP"))
            XmlNodeList editableChildrenOfTheGroup =
                groupElement.SafeSelectNodes("*[self::textarea or contains(@class,'bloom-editable')]");

            var elementsAlreadyInThisLanguage = from XmlElement x in editableChildrenOfTheGroup
                                                where x.GetAttribute("lang") == isoCode
                                                select x;
            if (elementsAlreadyInThisLanguage.Any())
                //don't mess with this set, it already has a vernacular (this will happen when we're editing a shellbook, not just using it to make a vernacular edition)

            if (groupElement.SafeSelectNodes("ancestor-or-self::*[contains(@class,'bloom-translationGroup')]").Count == 0)

            var prototype = editableChildrenOfTheGroup[0] as XmlElement;
            XmlElement newElementInThisLanguage;
            if (prototype == null) //this was an empty translation-group (unusual, but we can cope)
                newElementInThisLanguage = groupElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("div");
                newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("class", "bloom-editable");
                newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("contenteditable", "true");
                if (groupElement.HasAttribute("data-placeholder"))
                    newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("data-placeholder", groupElement.GetAttribute("data-placeholder"));
            else //this is the normal situation, where we're just copying the first element
                //what we want to do is copy everything in the element, except that which is specific to a language.
                //so classes on the element, non-text children (like images), etc. should be copied
                newElementInThisLanguage = (XmlElement) prototype.ParentNode.InsertAfter(prototype.Clone(), prototype);
                //if there is an id, get rid of it, because we don't want 2 elements with the same id
                //OK, now any text in there will belong to the prototype language, so remove it, while retaining everything else
            newElementInThisLanguage.SetAttribute("lang", isoCode);

示例9: RemoveAudioMarkup

 private static void RemoveAudioMarkup(XmlElement newpageDiv)
     foreach (var span in newpageDiv.SafeSelectNodes(".//span[contains(@class,'audio-sentence')]").Cast<XmlElement>().ToList())
         XmlNode after = span;
         foreach (XmlNode child in span.ChildNodes)
             span.ParentNode.InsertAfter(child, after);
             after = child;
