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C# XmlElement.GetEnumerator方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Xml.XmlElement.GetEnumerator方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# XmlElement.GetEnumerator方法的具体用法?C# XmlElement.GetEnumerator怎么用?C# XmlElement.GetEnumerator使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Xml.XmlElement的用法示例。


示例1: AppendChildAffectOnEnumeration

		public void AppendChildAffectOnEnumeration ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), true, "MoveNext should have succeeded.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), false, "MoveNext should have failed.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), true, "MoveNext should have succeeded.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), true, "MoveNext should have succeeded.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), false, "MoveNext should have failed.");

示例2: Reset

		public void Reset ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/><child2/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (((XmlElement)enumerator.Current).LocalName, "child2", "Expected child2.");
			Assert.AreEqual (((XmlElement)enumerator.Current).LocalName, "child1", "Expected child1.");

示例3: ZeroChildren

		public void ZeroChildren ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo/>");
			documentElement = document.DocumentElement;
			Assert.AreEqual (documentElement.GetEnumerator().MoveNext(), false, "Should be empty node list.");

示例4: CurrentAfterLastNode

		public void CurrentAfterLastNode ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
				obj = enumerator.Current;
				Assert.Fail ("Calling Current property after last node in list should have thrown InvalidOperationException.");
			catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

示例5: CurrentDoesntMove

		public void CurrentDoesntMove ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (Object.ReferenceEquals(enumerator.Current, enumerator.Current), true, "Consecutive calls to Current property should yield same reference.");

示例6: RemoveOnlyChildAffectOnEnumeration

		public void RemoveOnlyChildAffectOnEnumeration ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), false, "MoveNext should have failed.");

示例7: saveTestRemoveAllAffectOnEnumeration

		// TODO:  Take the word save off front of this method when XmlNode.RemoveAll() is fully implemented.

		public void saveTestRemoveAllAffectOnEnumeration ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/><child2/><child3/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (element.ChildNodes.Count, 3, "Expected 3 children.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), true, "MoveNext should have succeeded.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), false, "MoveNext should have failed.");

示例8: saveTestReplaceChildAffectOnEnumeration

		// TODO:  Take the word save off front of this method when XmlNode.ReplaceChild() is implemented.

		public void saveTestReplaceChildAffectOnEnumeration ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/><child2/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			node = document.CreateElement("child3");
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), true, "MoveNext should have succeeded.");
			element.ReplaceChild(node, element.LastChild);
			Assert.AreEqual (((XmlElement)enumerator.Current).LocalName, "child3", "Expected child3 element.");
			Assert.AreEqual (enumerator.MoveNext(), false, "MoveNext should have failed.");

示例9: RemoveChildAffectOnEnumerationWhenEnumeratorIsOnRemovedChild

		public void RemoveChildAffectOnEnumerationWhenEnumeratorIsOnRemovedChild ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/><child2/><child3/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator ();
			enumerator.MoveNext ();
			enumerator.MoveNext ();
			Assert.AreEqual ("child2", ((XmlElement)enumerator.Current).LocalName, "Expected child2 element.");
			Assert.AreEqual ("child2", element.FirstChild.NextSibling.LocalName, "Expected child2 element.");
			element.RemoveChild (element.FirstChild.NextSibling);
			enumerator.MoveNext ();
			try {
				element = (XmlElement) enumerator.Current;
				Assert.Fail ("Expected an InvalidOperationException.");
			} catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

示例10: RemoveChildAffectOnEnumeration

		public void RemoveChildAffectOnEnumeration ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/><child2/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
			Assert.AreEqual (((XmlElement)enumerator.Current).LocalName, "child2", "Expected child2 element.");

示例11: CheckElementForOPCCompliance

        /* OPC Compliance methods */

         * Check the element for the following OPC compliance rules:
         * <p>
         * Rule M4.2: A format consumer shall consider the use of the Markup
         * Compatibility namespace to be an error.
         * </p><p>
         * Rule M4.3: Producers shall not create a document element that contains
         * refinements to the Dublin Core elements, except for the two specified in
         * the schema: <dcterms:created> and <dcterms:modified> Consumers shall
         * consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error.
         * </p><p>
         * Rule M4.4: Producers shall not create a document element that contains
         * the xml:lang attribute. Consumers shall consider a document element that
         * violates this constraint to be an error.
         *  </p><p>
         * Rule M4.5: Producers shall not create a document element that contains
         * the xsi:type attribute, except for a <dcterms:created> or
         * <dcterms:modified> element where the xsi:type attribute shall be present
         * and shall hold the value dcterms:W3CDTF, where dcterms is the namespace
         * prefix of the Dublin Core namespace. Consumers shall consider a document
         * element that violates this constraint to be an error.
         * </p>
        public void CheckElementForOPCCompliance(XmlElement el)
            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in el.Attributes)
                if (attr.Name.StartsWith("xmlns:"))
                    string namespacePrefix = attr.Name.Substring(6);
                    if (nsmgr.LookupNamespace(namespacePrefix).Equals(PackageNamespaces.MARKUP_COMPATIBILITY))
                        // Rule M4.2
                        throw new InvalidFormatException(
                                    "OPC Compliance error [M4.2]: A format consumer shall consider the use of the Markup Compatibility namespace to be an error.");
            // Check the current element

            // Rule M4.3
            if (el.NamespaceURI.Equals(
                    && !(el.LocalName.Equals(KEYWORD_CREATED) || el.LocalName
                throw new InvalidFormatException(
                        "OPC Compliance error [M4.3]: Producers shall not create a document element that contains refinements to the Dublin Core elements, except for the two specified in the schema: <dcterms:created> and <dcterms:modified> Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error.");

            // Rule M4.4
            if (el.Attributes["lang", namespaceXML] != null)
                throw new InvalidFormatException(
                        "OPC Compliance error [M4.4]: Producers shall not create a document element that contains the xml:lang attribute. Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error.");

            // Rule M4.5
            if (el.NamespaceURI.Equals(
                // DCTerms namespace only use with 'created' and 'modified' elements
                String elName = el.LocalName;
                if (!(elName.Equals(KEYWORD_CREATED) || elName
                    throw new InvalidFormatException("Namespace error : " + elName
                            + " shouldn't have the following naemspace -> "
                            + namespaceDcTerms);

                // Check for the 'xsi:type' attribute
                XmlAttribute typeAtt = el.Attributes["xsi:type"];
                if (typeAtt == null)
                    throw new InvalidFormatException("The element '" + elName
                            + "' must have the '" + nsmgr.LookupPrefix(namespaceXSI)
                            + ":type' attribute present !");

                // Check for the attribute value => 'dcterms:W3CDTF'
                if (!typeAtt.Value.Equals("dcterms:W3CDTF"))
                    throw new InvalidFormatException("The element '" + elName
                            + "' must have the '" + nsmgr.LookupPrefix(namespaceXSI)
                            + ":type' attribute with the value 'dcterms:W3CDTF' !");

            // Check its children
            IEnumerator itChildren = el.GetEnumerator();
            while (itChildren.MoveNext())
                if (itChildren.Current is XmlElement)

示例12: CurrentBeforeFirstNode

		public void CurrentBeforeFirstNode ()
			document.LoadXml ("<foo><child1/></foo>");
			element = document.DocumentElement;
			enumerator = element.GetEnumerator();
				obj = enumerator.Current;
				Fail ("Calling Current property before first node in list should have thrown InvalidOperationException.");
			} catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
