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C# Image.Copy方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Image.Copy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Image.Copy方法的具体用法?C# Image.Copy怎么用?C# Image.Copy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Image的用法示例。


示例1: Segment

 public System.Drawing.Bitmap Segment(System.Drawing.Bitmap image, Image<Bgr, Byte> originalImage, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect)
     _totalImage = new Image<Bgr, byte>(image);
     _mask = _totalImage.GrabCut(rect, ITERATIONCOUNT);
     CvInvoke.cvAndS(_mask.Ptr, new MCvScalar(1d), _mask.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero);
     Image<Bgr, Byte> result = originalImage.Copy(_mask);
     return result.ToBitmap();

示例2: ComparingThread

 public ComparingThread(Image<Bgr, byte> imgDB, Image<Bgr, byte> imgReal, int i)
     this.imgOrig = imgDB.Copy();
     this.imgCmp = imgReal.Copy();
     this.isFinish = false;
     this.signPos = i;

示例3: AccumulateBackground

 /// <summary>
 /// Learns the background statisitics for one more frame.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">Image to be accumulated for learning background statistics.</param>
 public void AccumulateBackground(Image<Gray, Single> image)
     if (!first) {
     CvInvoke.cvAbsDiff(image.Ptr, prev.Ptr, tmp1.Ptr);
       first = false;
       prev = image.Copy();

示例4: ProcessAndView

        public override Image<Rgb, byte> ProcessAndView(Image<Rgb, byte> image)
            var outputImage = new Image<Rgb, byte>(image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, Rgbs.Black);
            var debugImage = outputImage.Copy();

            //Convert the image to grayscale and filter out the noise
            var grayImage = image.Convert<Gray, Byte>();

            using (var storage = new MemStorage())
                for (var contours = grayImage.FindContours(CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, IsRetrieveExternal ? RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL : RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, storage); contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)
                    var currentContour = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.05, storage);

                    //Console.WriteLine("AREA {0}", currentContour.Area);

                    //if (currentContour.Area > MinContourArea) //only consider contours with area greater than 250
                        //outputImage.Draw(currentContour.GetConvexHull(ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE), Rgbs.White, 2);
                        outputImage.FillConvexPoly(currentContour.GetConvexHull(ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE).ToArray(), Rgbs.White);

                        if (IsRenderContent)
                            debugImage.FillConvexPoly(currentContour.GetConvexHull(ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE).ToArray(), Rgbs.White);
                    //    if (IsRenderContent)
                    //        debugImage.FillConvexPoly(currentContour.GetConvexHull(ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE).ToArray(), Rgbs.Red);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var bitmapSource = debugImage.ToBitmapSource(true);
                return bitmapSource;
            }).ContinueWith(t => DebugImageSource = t.Result);


            return outputImage;

示例5: stripBorder

        public static Image<Gray, Byte> stripBorder(Image<Gray, Byte> image, Gray threshold)
            bool found;

            int left;
            found = false;
            for (left = 0; left < image.Cols; left++)
                for (int r = 0; r < image.Rows && !found; ++r)
                    if (image[r, left].Intensity >= threshold.Intensity)
                        found = true;
                if (found) break;

            int right;
            found = false;
            for (right = image.Cols - 1; right >= 0; right--)
                for (int r = 0; r < image.Rows && !found; ++r)
                    if (image[r, right].Intensity >= threshold.Intensity)
                        found = true;
                if (found) break;

            int top;
            found = false;
            for (top = 0; top < image.Rows; top++)
                for (int c = 0; c < image.Cols && !found; ++c)
                    if (image[top, c].Intensity >= threshold.Intensity)
                        found = true;
                if (found) break;

            int bottom;
            found = false;
            for (bottom = image.Rows - 1; bottom >= 0; bottom--)
                for (int c = 0; c < image.Cols && !found; ++c)
                    if (image[bottom, c].Intensity >= threshold.Intensity)
                        found = true;
                if (found) break;

            if (right < left)
                left = 0;
                right = 0;

            if (bottom < top)
                top = 0;
                bottom = 0;

            return image.Copy(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(left, top, right-left + 1, bottom-top + 1));

示例6: WriteImages

            public void WriteImages( Image targetImage )
                if (tex!=null) {
                    targetImage.Copy( x + padding, y + padding, tex );

                if (left!=null)  left.WriteImages( targetImage );
                if (right!=null) right.WriteImages( targetImage );

示例7: Median

        internal static void Median(Image<Bgr, byte> img)
                //new copy
                Image<Bgr, Byte> imgcopy = img.Copy();
                MIplImage m2 = imgcopy.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr2 = (byte*)m2.imageData.ToPointer();
                int nChan2 = m2.nChannels;
                int padding2 = m2.widthStep - m2.nChannels * m2.width;
                // get the pointer to the beginning of the image
                MIplImage m = img.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr = (byte*)m.imageData.ToPointer();
                int width = img.Width;
                int height = img.Height;
                int nChan = m.nChannels; // numero de canais 3
                int padding = m.widthStep - m.nChannels * m.width; // alinhamento (padding)
                int widthStep = m.widthStep;
                int widthStep2 = m2.widthStep;
                int width2 = imgcopy.Width;
                int height2 = imgcopy.Height;

                byte* dataPtrpom = dataPtr;
                byte* dataPtrpom2 = dataPtr2;

                int[] pixels = new int[3];

                pixels[0] = 0;
                pixels[1] = 0;
                pixels[2] = 0;

                dataPtr += widthStep + nChan;
                dataPtr2 += widthStep2 + nChan2;
                int[] values = new int[9];
                for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                    for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                        values[0] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - dataPtr2[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - dataPtr2[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - dataPtr2[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        values[1] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - dataPtr2[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - dataPtr2[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - dataPtr2[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        values[2] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - dataPtr2[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - dataPtr2[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - dataPtr2[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        values[3] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - dataPtr2[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - dataPtr2[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - dataPtr2[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        values[4] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        values[5] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - dataPtr2[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - dataPtr2[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - dataPtr2[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        values[6] = Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - dataPtr2[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - dataPtr2[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - dataPtr2[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2])
                            + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2])

示例8: NoiseReduction

        /*this is the function to be checked*/
        internal static void NoiseReduction(Image<Bgr, byte> img, int w11, int w12, int w13, int w21, int w22, int w23, int w31, int w32, int w33, double wmain)
                //new copy
                Image<Bgr, Byte> imgcopy = img.Copy();
                MIplImage m2 = imgcopy.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr2 = (byte*)m2.imageData.ToPointer();
                int nChan2 = m2.nChannels;
                int padding2 = m2.widthStep - m2.nChannels * m2.width;
                // get the pointer to the beginning of the image
                MIplImage m = img.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr = (byte*)m.imageData.ToPointer();
                int width = img.Width;
                int height = img.Height;
                int nChan = m.nChannels; // numero de canais 3
                int padding = m.widthStep - m.nChannels * m.width; // alinhamento (padding)
                int widthStep = m.widthStep;
                int widthStep2 = m2.widthStep;
                int width2 = imgcopy.Width;
                int height2 = imgcopy.Height;

                byte* dataPtrpom = dataPtr;
                byte* dataPtrpom2 = dataPtr2;

                int[] pixels = new int[3];

                pixels[0] = 0;
                pixels[1] = 0;
                pixels[2] = 0;

                dataPtr += widthStep + nChan;
                dataPtr2 += widthStep2 + nChan2;

                for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                    for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] * w11;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] * w11;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] * w11;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[0] * w12;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[1] * w12;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2)[2] * w12;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] * w13;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] * w13;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] * w13;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0] * w21;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1] * w21;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2] * w21;
                        pixels[0] += dataPtr2[0] * w22;
                        pixels[1] += dataPtr2[1] * w22;
                        pixels[2] += dataPtr2[2] * w22;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0] * w23;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1] * w23;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2] * w23;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[0] * w31;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[1] * w31;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 - nChan2)[2] * w31;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0] * w32;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1] * w32;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2] * w32;
                        pixels[0] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0] * w33;
                        pixels[1] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1] * w33;
                        pixels[2] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2] * w33;

                        pixels[0] = Convert.ToInt32(pixels[0] / wmain);
                        pixels[1] = Convert.ToInt32(pixels[1] / wmain);
                        pixels[2] = Convert.ToInt32(pixels[2] / wmain);
                        if (pixels[0] > 255)
                            pixels[0] = 255;
                        if (pixels[1] > 255)
                            pixels[1] = 255;
                        if (pixels[2] > 255)
                            pixels[2] = 255;
                        if (pixels[0] < 0)
                            pixels[0] = 0;
                        if (pixels[1] < 0)
                            pixels[1] = 0;
                        if (pixels[2] < 0)
                            pixels[2] = 0;
                        dataPtr[0] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[0]);
                        dataPtr[1] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[1]);
                        dataPtr[2] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[2]);
                        pixels[0] = 0;
                        pixels[1] = 0;
                        pixels[2] = 0;
                        dataPtr += nChan;
                        dataPtr2 += nChan2;
                    dataPtr += 2 * nChan + padding;
                    dataPtr2 +=  2 * nChan2 + padding2;

                dataPtr = dataPtrpom;
                dataPtr2 = dataPtrpom2;

                int[] sum = new int[3]; //left top corner

示例9: Translate

        internal static void Translate(Image<Bgr, byte> img, int movex, int movey)
                //new copy
                Image<Bgr, Byte> imgcopy = img.Copy();
                MIplImage m2 = imgcopy.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr2 = (byte*)m2.imageData.ToPointer();
                int nChan2 = m2.nChannels;
                int padding2 = m2.widthStep - m2.nChannels * m2.width;
                // get the pointer to the beginning of the image
                MIplImage m = img.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr = (byte*)m.imageData.ToPointer();
                int width = img.Width;
                int height = img.Height;
                int nChan = m.nChannels; // numero de canais 3
                int padding = m.widthStep - m.nChannels * m.width; // alinhamento (padding)

                byte* dataPtrpom = dataPtr;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                         if (x < movex)
                             dataPtr[0] = 0;
                             dataPtr[1] = 0;
                             dataPtr[2] = 0;

                         if (y < movey)
                             dataPtr[0] = 0;
                             dataPtr[1] = 0;
                             dataPtr[2] = 0;
                        dataPtr += nChan;
                    dataPtr += padding;

                dataPtr = dataPtrpom;
                for (int i = 0; i < movey; i++)
                    dataPtr += nChan*width;
                    dataPtr += padding;
                dataPtr += nChan*movex;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        dataPtr[0] = dataPtr2[0];
                        dataPtr[1] = dataPtr2[1];
                        dataPtr[2] = dataPtr2[2];

                        dataPtr2 += nChan2;

                            dataPtr += nChan;

                    dataPtr2 += padding2;
                    dataPtr += padding;
                    dataPtr += nChan*movex;


示例10: Sobel

        internal static void Sobel(Image<Bgr, byte> img)
                //new copy
                Image<Bgr, Byte> imgcopy = img.Copy();
                MIplImage m2 = imgcopy.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr2 = (byte*)m2.imageData.ToPointer();
                int nChan2 = m2.nChannels;
                int padding2 = m2.widthStep - m2.nChannels * m2.width;
                // get the pointer to the beginning of the image
                MIplImage m = img.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr = (byte*)m.imageData.ToPointer();
                int width = img.Width;
                int height = img.Height;
                int nChan = m.nChannels; // numero de canais 3
                int padding = m.widthStep - m.nChannels * m.width; // alinhamento (padding)
                int widthStep = m.widthStep;
                int widthStep2 = m2.widthStep;
                int width2 = imgcopy.Width;
                int height2 = imgcopy.Height;

                byte* dataPtrpom = dataPtr;
                byte* dataPtrpom2 = dataPtr2;
                int[] pixels1 = new int[3];
                int[] pixels2 = new int[3];
                int[] s = new int[3];

                pixels1[0] = 0;
                pixels1[1] = 0;
                pixels1[2] = 0;

                pixels2[0] = 0;
                pixels2[1] = 0;
                pixels2[2] = 0;

                s[0] = 0;
                s[1] = 0;
                s[2] = 0;

                dataPtr += widthStep + nChan;
                dataPtr2 += widthStep + nChan2;

                for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                    for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                        //left pixels1
                        pixels1[0] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[0];
                        pixels1[1] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[1];
                        pixels1[2] += (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 - nChan2)[2];
                        pixels1[0] += 2 * (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[0];
                        pixels1[1] += 2 * (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[1];
                        pixels1[2] += 2 * (dataPtr2 - nChan2)[2];
                        pixels1[0] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep - nChan2)[0];
                        pixels1[1] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep - nChan2)[1];
                        pixels1[2] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep - nChan2)[2];
                        //right pixels1
                        pixels1[0] = pixels1[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[0];
                        pixels1[1] = pixels1[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[1];
                        pixels1[2] = pixels1[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep2 + nChan2)[2];
                        pixels1[0] = pixels1[0] - 2 * (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0];
                        pixels1[1] = pixels1[1] - 2 * (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1];
                        pixels1[2] = pixels1[2] - 2 * (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2];
                        pixels1[0] = pixels1[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep + nChan2)[0];
                        pixels1[1] = pixels1[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep + nChan2)[1];
                        pixels1[2] = pixels1[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep + nChan2)[2];

                        //bottom pixels2
                        pixels2[0] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep - nChan)[0];
                        pixels2[1] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep - nChan)[1];
                        pixels2[2] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep - nChan)[2];
                        pixels2[0] += 2 * (dataPtr2 + widthStep)[0];
                        pixels2[1] += 2 * (dataPtr2 + widthStep)[1];
                        pixels2[2] += 2 * (dataPtr2 + widthStep)[2];
                        pixels2[0] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep + nChan)[0];
                        pixels2[1] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep + nChan)[1];
                        pixels2[2] += (dataPtr2 + widthStep + nChan)[2];
                        //top pixels2
                        pixels2[0] = pixels2[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep - nChan)[0];
                        pixels2[1] = pixels2[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep - nChan)[1];
                        pixels2[2] = pixels2[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep - nChan)[2];
                        pixels2[0] = pixels2[0] - 2 * (dataPtr2 - widthStep)[0];
                        pixels2[1] = pixels2[1] - 2 * (dataPtr2 - widthStep)[1];
                        pixels2[2] = pixels2[2] - 2 * (dataPtr2 - widthStep)[2];
                        pixels2[0] = pixels2[0] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep + nChan)[0];
                        pixels2[1] = pixels2[1] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep + nChan)[1];
                        pixels2[2] = pixels2[2] - (dataPtr2 - widthStep + nChan)[2];

                        s[0] = Math.Abs(pixels1[0]) + Math.Abs(pixels2[0]);
                        s[1] = Math.Abs(pixels1[1]) + Math.Abs(pixels2[1]);
                        s[2] = Math.Abs(pixels1[2]) + Math.Abs(pixels2[2]);

                        if (s[0] > 255)
                            s[0] = 255;
                        if (s[1] > 255)
                            s[1] = 255;
                        if (s[2] > 255)

示例11: Scale

        internal static void Scale(Image<Bgr, byte> img, double scale)
                //new copy
                Image<Bgr, Byte> imgcopy = img.Copy();
                MIplImage m2 = imgcopy.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr2 = (byte*)m2.imageData.ToPointer();
                int nChan2 = m2.nChannels;
                int padding2 = m2.widthStep - m2.nChannels * m2.width;
                // get the pointer to the beginning of the image
                MIplImage m = img.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr = (byte*)m.imageData.ToPointer();
                int width = img.Width;
                int height = img.Height;
                int nChan = m.nChannels; // numero de canais 3
                int padding = m.widthStep - m.nChannels * m.width; // alinhamento (padding)

                byte* dataPtrpom = dataPtr;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        dataPtr[0] = 0;
                        dataPtr[1] = 0;
                        dataPtr[2] = 0;
                        dataPtr += nChan;
                    dataPtr += padding;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)

                        int newx = Convert.ToInt16(x*scale);
                        int newy = Convert.ToInt16(y*scale);

                        dataPtr = dataPtrpom;
                        if (newx < width & newy < height)
                            for (int i = 0; i < newy; i++)
                                dataPtr += nChan * width;
                                dataPtr += padding;
                            dataPtr += nChan * newx;

                            dataPtr[0] = dataPtr2[0];
                            dataPtr[1] = dataPtr2[1];
                            dataPtr[2] = dataPtr2[2];
                        dataPtr2 += nChan2;
                    dataPtr2 += padding2;

示例12: Roberts

        internal static void Roberts(Image<Bgr, byte> img)
                //new copy
                Image<Bgr, Byte> imgcopy = img.Copy();
                MIplImage m2 = imgcopy.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr2 = (byte*)m2.imageData.ToPointer();
                int nChan2 = m2.nChannels;
                int padding2 = m2.widthStep - m2.nChannels * m2.width;
                // get the pointer to the beginning of the image
                MIplImage m = img.MIplImage;
                byte* dataPtr = (byte*)m.imageData.ToPointer();
                int width = img.Width;
                int height = img.Height;
                int nChan = m.nChannels; // numero de canais 3
                int padding = m.widthStep - m.nChannels * m.width; // alinhamento (padding)
                int widthStep = m.widthStep;
                int widthStep2 = m2.widthStep;
                int width2 = imgcopy.Width;
                int height2 = imgcopy.Height;

                byte* dataPtrpom = dataPtr;
                byte* dataPtrpom2 = dataPtr2;

                int[] pixels = new int[3];

                pixels[0] = 0;
                pixels[1] = 0;
                pixels[2] = 0;

                dataPtr += widthStep;
                dataPtr2 += widthStep2;

                for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width - 1; x++)
                        pixels[0] += Math.Abs(dataPtr2[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]);
                        pixels[1] += Math.Abs(dataPtr2[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]);
                        pixels[2] += Math.Abs(dataPtr2[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2]);

                        if (pixels[0] > 255)
                            pixels[0] = 255;
                        if (pixels[1] > 255)
                            pixels[1] = 255;
                        if (pixels[2] > 255)
                            pixels[2] = 255;
                        if (pixels[0] < 0)
                            pixels[0] = 0;
                        if (pixels[1] < 0)
                            pixels[1] = 0;
                        if (pixels[2] < 0)
                            pixels[2] = 0;
                        dataPtr[0] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[0]);
                        dataPtr[1] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[1]);
                        dataPtr[2] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[2]);
                        pixels[0] = 0;
                        pixels[1] = 0;
                        pixels[2] = 0;
                        dataPtr += nChan;
                        dataPtr2 += nChan2;
                    dataPtr += nChan + padding;
                    dataPtr2 += nChan2 + padding2;

                dataPtr = dataPtrpom;
                dataPtr2 = dataPtrpom2;

                for (int x = 0; x < width2 - 1; x++)
                    pixels[0] += Math.Abs(dataPtr2[0] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[0]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[0] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[0]);
                    pixels[1] += Math.Abs(dataPtr2[1] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[1]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[1] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[1]);
                    pixels[2] += Math.Abs(dataPtr2[2] - (dataPtr2 + widthStep2 + nChan2)[2]) + Math.Abs((dataPtr2 + widthStep2)[2] - (dataPtr2 + nChan2)[2]);

                    if (pixels[0] > 255)
                        pixels[0] = 255;
                    if (pixels[1] > 255)
                        pixels[1] = 255;
                    if (pixels[2] > 255)
                        pixels[2] = 255;
                    if (pixels[0] < 0)
                        pixels[0] = 0;
                    if (pixels[1] < 0)
                        pixels[1] = 0;
                    if (pixels[2] < 0)
                        pixels[2] = 0;
                    dataPtr[0] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[0]);
                    dataPtr[1] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[1]);
                    dataPtr[2] = Convert.ToByte(pixels[2]);
                    pixels[0] = 0;
                    pixels[1] = 0;
                    pixels[2] = 0;

                    dataPtr += nChan;
                    dataPtr2 += nChan2;

示例13: Enhancement

 // Konstruktor
 public Enhancement(Image<Bgr, Byte> image)
     imageInput = image.Copy();
     //imageTrafficsigns = imageBgr.Copy();
     imageEnhanced = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(imageInput.Width, imageInput.Height);
