本文整理汇总了C#中PdfSharp.Drawing.XMatrix类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# XMatrix类的具体用法?C# XMatrix怎么用?C# XMatrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Format
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the space used for the axis title.
/// </summary>
internal override void Format()
XGraphics gfx = _rendererParms.Graphics;
AxisTitleRendererInfo atri = ((AxisRendererInfo)_rendererParms.RendererInfo)._axisTitleRendererInfo;
if (atri.AxisTitleText != "")
XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(atri.AxisTitleText, atri.AxisTitleFont);
if (atri.AxisTitleOrientation != 0)
XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2];
points[0].X = 0;
points[0].Y = 0;
points[1].X = size.Width;
points[1].Y = size.Height;
XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix();
size.Width = Math.Abs(points[1].X - points[0].X);
size.Height = Math.Abs(points[1].Y - points[0].Y);
atri.X = 0;
atri.Y = 0;
atri.Height = size.Height;
atri.Width = size.Width;
示例2: SetupFromBrush
/// <summary>
/// Setups the shading pattern from the specified brush.
/// </summary>
public void SetupFromBrush(XLinearGradientBrush brush, XMatrix matrix)
if (brush == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");
PdfShading shading = new PdfShading(this.document);
Elements[Keys.Shading] = shading;
Elements[Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");
示例3: SetupFromBrush
/// <summary>
/// Setups the shading pattern from the specified brush.
/// </summary>
internal void SetupFromBrush(XLinearGradientBrush brush, XMatrix matrix, XGraphicsPdfRenderer renderer)
if (brush == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");
PdfShading shading = new PdfShading(_document);
shading.SetupFromBrush(brush, renderer);
Elements[Keys.Shading] = shading;
//Elements[Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");
Elements.SetMatrix(Keys.Matrix, matrix);
示例4: FromImageBrush
/// <summary>
/// Creates an XForm from an image brush.
/// </summary>
public static XForm FromImageBrush(DocumentRenderingContext context, ImageBrush brush)
XPImage xpImage = ImageBuilder.FromImageBrush(context, brush);
XImage ximage = xpImage.XImage;
double width = ximage.PixelWidth;
double height = ximage.PixelHeight;
// view box in point
// XRect box = new XRect(brush.Viewbox.X * 0.75, brush.Viewbox.Y * 0.75, brush.Viewbox.Width * 0.75, brush.Viewbox.Height * 0.75);
XRect box = new XRect(0, 0, width, height);
XForm xform = new XForm(context.PdfDocument, box);
PdfContentWriter formWriter = new PdfContentWriter(context, xform, RenderMode.Default);
Debug.Assert(ximage != null);
PdfFormXObject pdfForm = xform.PdfForm;
pdfForm.Elements.SetMatrix(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Matrix, new XMatrix());
//formWriter.Size = brush.Viewport.Size;
string imageID = formWriter.Resources.AddImage(new PdfImage(context.PdfDocument, ximage));
XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix();
double scaleX = brush.Viewport.Width / brush.Viewbox.Width * 4 / 3 * ximage.PointWidth;
double scaleY = brush.Viewport.Height / brush.Viewbox.Height * 4 / 3 * ximage.PointHeight;
matrix.TranslatePrepend(-brush.Viewbox.X, -brush.Viewbox.Y);
matrix.ScalePrepend(scaleX, scaleY);
matrix.TranslatePrepend(brush.Viewport.X / scaleX, brush.Viewport.Y / scaleY);
matrix = new XMatrix(width, 0, 0, -height, 0, height);
// TODO:WriteClip(path.Data);
//formWriter.WriteLiteral("{0:0.###} 0 0 -{1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###} cm 100 Tz {4} Do Q\n",
// matrix.M11, matrix.M22, matrix.OffsetX, matrix.OffsetY + brush.Viewport.Height, imageID);
formWriter.WriteLiteral(imageID + " Do Q\n");
return xform;
示例5: FromMatrix
/// <summary>
/// Creates a literal from an XMatrix
/// </summary>
public static PdfLiteral FromMatrix(XMatrix matrix)
return new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");
示例6: GetMatrix
/// Converts the specified value to XMatrix.
/// If the value not exists, the function returns an identity matrix.
/// If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
public XMatrix GetMatrix(string key, bool create)
XMatrix value = new XMatrix();
object obj = this[key];
if (obj == null)
if (create)
this[key] = new PdfLiteral("[1 0 0 1 0 0]"); // cannot be parsed, implement a PdfMatrix...
return value;
if (obj is PdfReference)
obj = ((PdfReference)obj).Value;
PdfArray array = obj as PdfArray;
if (array != null && array.Elements.Count == 6)
value = new XMatrix(array.Elements.GetReal(0), array.Elements.GetReal(1), array.Elements.GetReal(2),
array.Elements.GetReal(3), array.Elements.GetReal(4), array.Elements.GetReal(5));
else if (obj is PdfLiteral)
throw new NotImplementedException("Parsing matrix from literal.");
throw new InvalidCastException("Element is not an array with 6 values.");
return value;
示例7: AddTransform
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the transformation matrix.
/// </summary>
void AddTransform(XMatrix transform, XMatrixOrder order)
//if (!this.transform.Equals(value))
XMatrix matrix = this.transform;
matrix.Multiply(transform, order);
this.transform = matrix;
matrix = this.defaultViewMatrix;
matrix.Multiply(this.transform, XMatrixOrder.Prepend);
#if GDI
if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix m = (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix)matrix;
this.gfx.Transform = m;
this.gfx.Transform = (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix)matrix;
#if WPF
if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
MatrixTransform mt = new MatrixTransform(transform.ToWpfMatrix());
MatrixTransform mt = new MatrixTransform();
mt.Matrix = transform.ToWpfMatrix();
if (order == XMatrixOrder.Append)
mt = (MatrixTransform)mt.Inverse;
if (this.renderer != null)
this.renderer.Transform = this.transform;
示例8: MultiplyTransform
/// <summary>
/// Multiplies the transformation matrix of this object and specified matrix.
/// </summary>
public void MultiplyTransform(XMatrix matrix)
//MultiplyTransform(matrix, XMatrixOrder.Prepend);
XMatrix matrix2 = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity;
AddTransform(matrix2, XMatrixOrder.Prepend);
示例9: RotateAtTransform
/// <summary>
/// Applies the specified rotation operation to the transformation matrix of this object by
/// prepending it to the object's transformation matrix.
/// </summary>
public void RotateAtTransform(double angle, XPoint point, XMatrixOrder order)
//XMatrix matrix = this.transform;
//matrix.RotateAt(angle, point, order);
//Transform = matrix;
XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity;
matrix.RotateAtPrepend(angle, point);
AddTransform(matrix, order);
示例10: RotateTransform
/// <summary>
/// Applies the specified rotation operation to the transformation matrix of this object
/// in the specified order. The angle unit of measure is degree.
/// </summary>
public void RotateTransform(double angle, XMatrixOrder order)
//XMatrix matrix = this.transform;
//matrix.Rotate(angle, order);
//Transform = matrix;
XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity;
AddTransform(matrix, order);
示例11: MultiplyTransform
public XMatrix MultiplyTransform(XMatrix matrix)
return this.transform;
示例12: ArcToBezier
// Function: ArcToBezier
// Synopsis: Compute the Bezier approximation of an arc
// Notes: This utilitycomputes the Bezier approximation for an elliptical arc as it is defined
// in the SVG arc spec. The ellipse from which the arc is carved is axis-aligned in its
// own coordinates, and defined there by its x and y radii. The rotation angle defines
// how the ellipse's axes are rotated relative to our x axis. The start and end points
// define one of 4 possible arcs; the sweep and large-arc flags determine which one of
// these arcs will be chosen. See SVG spec for details.
// Returning pieces = 0 indicates a line instead of an arc
// pieces = -1 indicates that the arc degenerates to a point
public static PointCollection ArcToBezier(double xStart, double yStart, double xRadius, double yRadius, double rotationAngle,
bool isLargeArc, bool isClockwise, double xEnd, double yEnd, out int pieces)
double cosArcAngle, sinArcAngle, xCenter, yCenter, r, bezDist;
XVector vecToBez1, vecToBez2;
XMatrix matToEllipse;
double fuzz2 = FUZZ * FUZZ;
bool isZeroCenter = false;
pieces = -1;
// In the following, the line segment between between the arc's start and
// end points is referred to as "the chord".
// Transform 1: Shift the origin to the chord's midpoint
double x = (xEnd - xStart) / 2;
double y = (yEnd - yStart) / 2;
double halfChord2 = x * x + y * y; // (half chord length)^2
// Degenerate case: single point
if (halfChord2 < fuzz2)
// The chord degeneartes to a point, the arc will be ignored
return null;
// Degenerate case: straight line
if (!AcceptRadius(halfChord2, fuzz2, ref xRadius) || !AcceptRadius(halfChord2, fuzz2, ref yRadius))
// We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc
pieces = 0;
return null;
if (xRadius == 0 || yRadius == 0)
// We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc
pieces = 0;
return null;
// Transform 2: Rotate to the ellipse's coordinate system
rotationAngle = -rotationAngle * Calc.Deg2Rad;
double cos = Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
double sin = Math.Sin(rotationAngle);
r = x * cos - y * sin;
y = x * sin + y * cos;
x = r;
// Transform 3: Scale so that the ellipse will become a unit circle
x /= xRadius;
y /= yRadius;
// We get to the center of that circle along a verctor perpendicular to the chord
// from the origin, which is the chord's midpoint. By Pythagoras, the length of that
// vector is sqrt(1 - (half chord)^2).
halfChord2 = x * x + y * y; // now in the circle coordinates
if (halfChord2 > 1)
// The chord is longer than the circle's diameter; we scale the radii uniformly so
// that the chord will be a diameter. The center will then be the chord's midpoint,
// which is now the origin.
r = Math.Sqrt(halfChord2);
xRadius *= r;
yRadius *= r;
xCenter = yCenter = 0;
isZeroCenter = true;
// Adjust the unit-circle coordinates x and y
x /= r;
y /= r;
// The length of (-y,x) or (x,-y) is sqrt(rHalfChord2), and we want a vector
// of length sqrt(1 - rHalfChord2), so we'll multiply it by:
r = Math.Sqrt((1 - halfChord2) / halfChord2);
示例13: BezierCurveFromArc
/// <summary>
/// Creates between 1 and 5 Béziers curves from parameters specified like in WPF.
/// </summary>
public static List<XPoint> BezierCurveFromArc(XPoint point1, XPoint point2, XSize size,
double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, bool clockwise, PathStart pathStart)
// See also http://www.charlespetzold.com/blog/blog.xml from January 2, 2008:
// http://www.charlespetzold.com/blog/2008/01/Mathematics-of-ArcSegment.html
double δx = size.Width;
double δy = size.Height;
Debug.Assert(δx * δy > 0);
double factor = δy / δx;
bool isCounterclockwise = !clockwise;
// Adjust for different radii and rotation angle.
XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix();
matrix.ScaleAppend(δy / δx, 1);
XPoint pt1 = matrix.Transform(point1);
XPoint pt2 = matrix.Transform(point2);
// Get info about chord that connects both points.
XPoint midPoint = new XPoint((pt1.X + pt2.X) / 2, (pt1.Y + pt2.Y) / 2);
XVector vect = pt2 - pt1;
double halfChord = vect.Length / 2;
// Get vector from chord to center.
XVector vectRotated;
// (comparing two Booleans here!)
if (isLargeArc == isCounterclockwise)
vectRotated = new XVector(-vect.Y, vect.X);
vectRotated = new XVector(vect.Y, -vect.X);
// Distance from chord to center.
double centerDistance = Math.Sqrt(δy * δy - halfChord * halfChord);
if (double.IsNaN(centerDistance))
centerDistance = 0;
// Calculate center point.
XPoint center = midPoint + centerDistance * vectRotated;
// Get angles from center to the two points.
double α = Math.Atan2(pt1.Y - center.Y, pt1.X - center.X);
double β = Math.Atan2(pt2.Y - center.Y, pt2.X - center.X);
// (another comparison of two Booleans!)
if (isLargeArc == (Math.Abs(β - α) < Math.PI))
if (α < β)
α += 2 * Math.PI;
β += 2 * Math.PI;
// Invert matrix for final point calculation.
double sweepAngle = β - α;
// Let the algorithm of GDI+ DrawArc to Bézier curves do the rest of the job
return BezierCurveFromArc(center.X - δx * factor, center.Y - δy, 2 * δx * factor, 2 * δy,
α / Calc.Deg2Rad, sweepAngle / Calc.Deg2Rad, pathStart, ref matrix);
示例14: AppendPartialArcQuadrant
/// <summary>
/// Appends a Bézier curve for an arc within a full quadrant.
/// </summary>
static void AppendPartialArcQuadrant(List<XPoint> points, double x, double y, double width, double height, double α, double β, PathStart pathStart, XMatrix matrix)
Debug.Assert(α >= 0 && α <= 360);
Debug.Assert(β >= 0);
if (β > 360)
β = β - Math.Floor(β / 360) * 360;
Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(α - β) <= 90);
// Scanling factor.
double δx = width / 2;
double δy = height / 2;
// Center of ellipse.
double x0 = x + δx;
double y0 = y + δy;
// We have the following quarters:
// |
// 2 | 3
// ----+-----
// 1 | 0
// |
// If the angles lie in quarter 2 or 3, their values are subtracted by 180 and the
// resulting curve is reflected at the center. This algorithm works as expected (simply tried out).
// There may be a mathematically more elegant solution...
bool reflect = false;
if (α >= 180 && β >= 180)
α -= 180;
β -= 180;
reflect = true;
double cosα, cosβ, sinα, sinβ;
if (width == height)
// Circular arc needs no correction.
α = α * Calc.Deg2Rad;
β = β * Calc.Deg2Rad;
// Elliptic arc needs the angles to be adjusted such that the scaling transformation is compensated.
α = α * Calc.Deg2Rad;
sinα = Math.Sin(α);
if (Math.Abs(sinα) > 1E-10)
α = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan(δy * Math.Cos(α) / (δx * sinα));
β = β * Calc.Deg2Rad;
sinβ = Math.Sin(β);
if (Math.Abs(sinβ) > 1E-10)
β = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan(δy * Math.Cos(β) / (δx * sinβ));
double κ = 4 * (1 - Math.Cos((α - β) / 2)) / (3 * Math.Sin((β - α) / 2));
sinα = Math.Sin(α);
cosα = Math.Cos(α);
sinβ = Math.Sin(β);
cosβ = Math.Cos(β);
//XPoint pt1, pt2, pt3;
if (!reflect)
// Calculation for quarter 0 and 1.
switch (pathStart)
case PathStart.MoveTo1st:
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 + δx * cosα, y0 + δy * sinα)));
case PathStart.LineTo1st:
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 + δx * cosα, y0 + δy * sinα)));
case PathStart.Ignore1st:
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 + δx * (cosα - κ * sinα), y0 + δy * (sinα + κ * cosα))));
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 + δx * (cosβ + κ * sinβ), y0 + δy * (sinβ - κ * cosβ))));
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 + δx * cosβ, y0 + δy * sinβ)));
// Calculation for quarter 2 and 3.
switch (pathStart)
case PathStart.MoveTo1st:
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 - δx * cosα, y0 - δy * sinα)));
case PathStart.LineTo1st:
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 - δx * cosα, y0 - δy * sinα)));
case PathStart.Ignore1st:
points.Add(matrix.Transform(new XPoint(x0 - δx * (cosα - κ * sinα), y0 - δy * (sinα + κ * cosα))));
示例15: ScaleTransform
/// <summary>
/// Applies the specified scaling operation to the transformation matrix of this object
/// in the specified order.
/// </summary>
public void ScaleTransform(double scaleXY, XMatrixOrder order)
//XMatrix matrix = this.transform;
//matrix.Scale(scaleXY, scaleXY, order);
//Transform = matrix;
XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity;
matrix.ScalePrepend(scaleXY, scaleXY);
AddTransform(matrix, order);