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C# ReadCSV.GetDouble方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Encog.Util.CSV.ReadCSV.GetDouble方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ReadCSV.GetDouble方法的具体用法?C# ReadCSV.GetDouble怎么用?C# ReadCSV.GetDouble使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Encog.Util.CSV.ReadCSV的用法示例。


示例1: LoadTestData

        protected override void LoadTestData(string testFile)
            ReadCSV test_csv = new ReadCSV(testFile, true, CSVFormat.DecimalPoint);

            List<double[]> test_input = new List<double[]>();
            test_input_orig = new List<double[]>();

            while (test_csv.Next())
                double x = test_csv.GetDouble(0);
                double y = test_csv.GetDouble(1);

                test_input.Add(new[] { x, y });
                test_input_orig.Add(new[] { x, y });


            //Analyze(ref test_input);
            Normalize(ref test_input, ref vmin, ref vmax);

            testData = new List<IMLData>();
            foreach (var d in test_input)
                testData.Add(new BasicMLData(d));

示例2: LoadCSVTOMemory

        /// <summary>
        /// Load a CSV file into a memory dataset.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The CSV format to use.</param>
        /// <param name="filename">The filename to load.</param>
        /// <param name="headers">True if there is a header line.</param>
        /// <param name="inputSize">The input size.  Input always comes first in a file.</param>
        /// <param name="idealSize">The ideal size, 0 for unsupervised.</param>
        /// <returns>A NeuralDataSet that holds the contents of the CSV file.</returns>
        public static IMLDataSet LoadCSVTOMemory(CSVFormat format, String filename,
                                                bool headers, int inputSize, int idealSize)
            var result = new BasicMLDataSet();
            var csv = new ReadCSV(filename, headers, format);
            while (csv.Next())
                BasicMLData ideal = null;
                int index = 0;

                var input = new BasicMLData(inputSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; i++)
                    double d = csv.GetDouble(index++);
                    input[i] = d;

                if (idealSize > 0)
                    ideal = new BasicMLData(idealSize);
                    for (int i = 0; i < idealSize; i++)
                        double d = csv.GetDouble(index++);
                        ideal[i] = d;

                IMLDataPair pair = new BasicMLDataPair(input, ideal);

            return result;

示例3: ReadAndCallLoader

        public ICollection<LoadedMarketData> ReadAndCallLoader(TickerSymbol symbol, IList<MarketDataType> neededTypes, DateTime from, DateTime to, string File)
                //We got a file, lets load it.
                ICollection<LoadedMarketData> result = new List<LoadedMarketData>();
                ReadCSV csv = new ReadCSV(File, true, CSVFormat.English);
                csv.DateFormat = "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss";

                DateTime ParsedDate = from;

                //  Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
                while (csv.Next() && ParsedDate >= from && ParsedDate <= to  )
                    DateTime date = csv.GetDate("Time");
                    double Bid= csv.GetDouble("Bid");
                    double Ask = csv.GetDouble("Ask");
                    double AskVolume = csv.GetDouble("AskVolume");
                    double BidVolume= csv.GetDouble("BidVolume");
                    double _trade = ( Bid + Ask ) /2;
                    double _tradeSize = (AskVolume + BidVolume) / 2;
                    LoadedMarketData data = new LoadedMarketData(date, symbol);
                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Trade, _trade);
                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, _tradeSize);

                    Console.WriteLine("Current DateTime:"+ParsedDate.ToShortDateString()+ " Time:"+ParsedDate.ToShortTimeString() +"  Start date was "+from.ToShortDateString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Stopping at date:" + to.ToShortDateString() );
                    ParsedDate = date;
                    //double open = csv.GetDouble("Open");
                    //double close = csv.GetDouble("High");
                    //double high = csv.GetDouble("Low");
                    //double low = csv.GetDouble("Close");
                    //double volume = csv.GetDouble("Volume");
                    //LoadedMarketData data = new LoadedMarketData(date, symbol);
                    //data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                    //data.SetData(MarketDataType.High, high);
                    //data.SetData(MarketDataType.Low, low);
                    //data.SetData(MarketDataType.Close, close);
                    //data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, volume);

                return result;

            catch (Exception ex)

                Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv");
                Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv:" + ex.Message);

            Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv");
            return null;

示例4: ReadAndCallLoader

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the CSV and call loader.
        /// Used internally to load the csv and place data in the marketdataset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The symbol.</param>
        /// <param name="neededTypes">The needed types.</param>
        /// <param name="from">From.</param>
        /// <param name="to">To.</param>
        /// <param name="File">The file.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        ICollection<LoadedMarketData> ReadAndCallLoader(TickerSymbol symbol, IEnumerable<MarketDataType> neededTypes, DateTime from, DateTime to, string File)
                //We got a file, lets load it.

                ICollection<LoadedMarketData> result = new List<LoadedMarketData>();
                ReadCSV csv = new ReadCSV(File, true, CSVFormat.English);
                //In case we want to use a different date format...and have used the SetDateFormat method, our DateFormat must then not be null..
                //We will use the ?? operator to check for nullables.
                csv.DateFormat = DateFormat ?? "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
                csv.TimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss";

                DateTime ParsedDate = from;
                bool writeonce = true;

                while (csv.Next())
                    DateTime date = csv.GetDate(0);
                    ParsedDate = date;

                    if (writeonce)
                        Console.WriteLine(@"First parsed date in csv:" + ParsedDate.ToShortDateString());
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Stopping at date:" + to.ToShortDateString());
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Current DateTime:" + ParsedDate.ToShortDateString() + @" Time:" +
                                          ParsedDate.ToShortTimeString() + @"  Asked Start date was " +
                        writeonce = false;
                    if (ParsedDate >= from && ParsedDate <= to)
                        DateTime datex = csv.GetDate(0);
                        double open = csv.GetDouble(1);
                        double close = csv.GetDouble(2);
                        double high = csv.GetDouble(3);
                        double low = csv.GetDouble(4);
                        double volume = csv.GetDouble(5);
                        double range = Math.Abs(open - close);
                        double HighLowRange = Math.Abs(high - low);
                        double DirectionalRange = close - open;
                        LoadedMarketData data = new LoadedMarketData(datex, symbol);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.High, high);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Low, low);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Close, close);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, volume);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.RangeHighLow, Math.Round(HighLowRange, 6));
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.RangeOpenClose, Math.Round(range, 6));
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.RangeOpenCloseNonAbsolute, Math.Round(DirectionalRange, 6));



                return result;

示例5: ReadAndCallLoader

        public ICollection<LoadedMarketData> ReadAndCallLoader(TickerSymbol symbol, IList<MarketDataType> neededTypes, DateTime from, DateTime to,string File)

                        //We got a file, lets load it.


                        ICollection<LoadedMarketData> result = new List<LoadedMarketData>();
                        ReadCSV csv = new ReadCSV(File, true,LoadedFormat);

                        csv.DateFormat = DateTimeFormat.Normalize();
                        //  Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
                        while (csv.Next())
                            DateTime date = csv.GetDate("Time");
                            double open = csv.GetDouble("Open");
                            double close = csv.GetDouble("High");
                            double high = csv.GetDouble("Low");
                            double low = csv.GetDouble("Close");
                            double volume = csv.GetDouble("Volume");
                            LoadedMarketData data = new LoadedMarketData(date, symbol);
                            data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                            data.SetData(MarketDataType.High, high);
                            data.SetData(MarketDataType.Low, low);
                            data.SetData(MarketDataType.Close, close);
                            data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, volume);

                        return result;                 
            catch (Exception ex)
              Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv");
              Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv:"+ex.Message);

            Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv");
            return null;

示例6: QuickParseCSV

 /// <summary>
 /// parses one column of a csv and returns an array of doubles.
 /// you can only return one double array with this method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
 /// <param name="formatused">The formatused.</param>
 /// <param name="Name">The name of the column to parse..</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List<double> QuickParseCSV(string file, CSVFormat formatused, string Name)
     List<double> returnedArrays = new List<double>();
     ReadCSV csv = new ReadCSV(file, true, formatused);
     while (csv.Next())
     return returnedArrays;

示例7: Load

        /// <summary>
        /// Load financial data from a CSV file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ticker">The ticker being loaded, ignored for a CSV load.</param>
        /// <param name="dataNeeded">The data needed.</param>
        /// <param name="from">The starting date.</param>
        /// <param name="to">The ending date.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICollection<LoadedMarketData> Load(TickerSymbol ticker, IList<MarketDataType> dataNeeded, DateTime from,
                                                  DateTime to)
                if (File.Exists(TheFile))
                    //We got a file, lets load it.
                    TheFile = TheFile;
                    ICollection<LoadedMarketData> result = new List<LoadedMarketData>();
                    var csv = new ReadCSV(TheFile, true, CSVFormat.English);

                    //  Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
                    while (csv.Next())
                        DateTime date = csv.GetDate("Time");
                        double open = csv.GetDouble("Open");
                        double close = csv.GetDouble("High");
                        double high = csv.GetDouble("Low");
                        double low = csv.GetDouble("Close");
                        double volume = csv.GetDouble("Volume");
                        var data = new LoadedMarketData(date, ticker);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, close);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.High, high);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Low, low);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, volume);

                    return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new LoaderError(ex);

            throw new LoaderError(@"Something went wrong reading the csv");

示例8: QuickParseCSV

 /// <summary>
 /// parses one column of a csv and returns an array of doubles.
 /// you can only return one double array with this method.
 /// We are assuming CSVFormat english in this quick parse csv method.
 /// You can input the size (number of lines) to read.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
 /// <param name="Name">The name of the column to parse.</param>
 /// <param name="size">The size.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List<double> QuickParseCSV(string file, string Name, int size)
     List<double> returnedArrays = new List<double>();
     ReadCSV csv = new ReadCSV(file, true, CSVFormat.English);
     int currentRead = 0;
     while (csv.Next() && currentRead < size)
     return returnedArrays;

示例9: Load

        /// <summary>
        /// Load financial data from Google.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ticker">The ticker to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="dataNeeded">The data needed.</param>
        /// <param name="from">The starting time.</param>
        /// <param name="to">The ending time.</param>
        /// <returns>The loaded data.</returns>
        public ICollection<LoadedMarketData> Load(TickerSymbol ticker, IList<MarketDataType> dataNeeded, DateTime from,
                                                  DateTime to)
            ICollection<LoadedMarketData> result = new List<LoadedMarketData>();
            Uri url = BuildUrl(ticker, from, to);
            WebRequest http = WebRequest.Create(url);
            var response = (HttpWebResponse) http.GetResponse();

            if (response != null)
                using (Stream istream = response.GetResponseStream())
                    var csv = new ReadCSV(istream, true, CSVFormat.DecimalPoint);

                    while (csv.Next())
                        DateTime date = csv.GetDate("date");

                        double open = csv.GetDouble("open");
                        double close = csv.GetDouble("close");
                        double high = csv.GetDouble("high");
                        double low = csv.GetDouble("low");
                        double volume = csv.GetDouble("volume");

                        var data =
                            new LoadedMarketData(date, ticker);

                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Close, close);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.High, high);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Low, low);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                        data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, volume);

                    if (istream != null) istream.Close();
            return result;

示例10: ConvertCSV2Binary

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a CSV file to binary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csvFile">The CSV file to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format.</param>
        /// <param name="binFile">The binary file.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The input.</param>
        /// <param name="ideal">The ideal.</param>
        /// <param name="headers">True, if headers are present.</param>
        public static void ConvertCSV2Binary(FileInfo csvFile, CSVFormat format,
                                             FileInfo binFile, int[] input, int[] ideal, bool headers)
            var csv = new ReadCSV(csvFile.ToString(), headers, format);

            var buffer = new BufferedMLDataSet(binFile.ToString());
            buffer.BeginLoad(input.Length, ideal.Length);
            while (csv.Next())
                var inputData = new BasicMLData(input.Length);
                var idealData = new BasicMLData(ideal.Length);

                // handle input data
                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                    inputData[i] = csv.GetDouble(input[i]);

                // handle input data
                for (int i = 0; i < ideal.Length; i++)
                    idealData[i] = csv.GetDouble(ideal[i]);

                // add to dataset

                buffer.Add(inputData, idealData);

示例11: CalibrateFile

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to calibrate the training file. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file to consider.</param>
        protected void CalibrateFile(string file)
            var csv = new ReadCSV(file, true, CSVFormat.English);
            while (csv.Next())
                var a = new double[1];
                double close = csv.GetDouble(1);

                const int fastIndex = 2;
                const int slowIndex = fastIndex + Config.InputWindow;
                a[0] = close;
                for (int i = 0; i < Config.InputWindow; i++)
                    double fast = csv.GetDouble(fastIndex + i);
                    double slow = csv.GetDouble(slowIndex + i);

                    if (!double.IsNaN(fast) && !double.IsNaN(slow))
                        double diff = (fast - slow)/Config.PipSize;
                        _minDifference = Math.Min(_minDifference, diff);
                        _maxDifference = Math.Max(_maxDifference, diff);

                if (_window.IsFull())
                    double max = (_window.CalculateMax(0, Config.InputWindow) - close)/Config.PipSize;
                    double min = (_window.CalculateMin(0, Config.InputWindow) - close)/Config.PipSize;

                    double o = Math.Abs(max) > Math.Abs(min) ? max : min;

                    _maxPiPs = Math.Max(_maxPiPs, (int) o);
                    _minPiPs = Math.Min(_minPiPs, (int) o);

示例12: ProcessFile

        /// <summary>
        /// Process the individual training file. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The training file to process.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The data set to output to.</param>
        protected void ProcessFile(string file, BufferedMLDataSet output)
            var inputData = new BasicMLData(output.InputSize);
            var idealData = new BasicMLData(output.IdealSize);

            var csv = new ReadCSV(file, true, CSVFormat.English);
            while (csv.Next())
                var a = new double[Config.InputWindow + 1];
                double close = csv.GetDouble(1);

                const int fastIndex = 2;
                const int slowIndex = fastIndex + Config.InputWindow;

                a[0] = close;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    double fast = csv.GetDouble(fastIndex + i);
                    double slow = csv.GetDouble(slowIndex + i);
                    double diff = _fieldDifference.Normalize((fast - slow)/Config.PipSize);
                    a[i + 1] = diff;

                if (_window.IsFull())
                    double max = (_window.CalculateMax(0, Config.InputWindow) - close)/Config.PipSize;
                    double min = (_window.CalculateMin(0, Config.InputWindow) - close)/Config.PipSize;

                    double o = Math.Abs(max) > Math.Abs(min) ? max : min;

                    a = _window.GetLast();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        inputData[i] = a[i + 1];

                    o = _fieldOutcome.Normalize(o);
                    idealData[0] = o;

                    output.Add(inputData, idealData);

示例13: ReadAndCallLoader

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads and parses CSV data from file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ticker">Ticker associated with CSV file</param>
        /// <param name="neededTypes">Columns to parse (headers)</param>
        /// <param name="from">DateTime from</param>
        /// <param name="to">DateTime to</param>
        /// <param name="File">Filepath to CSV</param>
        /// <returns>Marketdata</returns>
        public ICollection<LoadedMarketData> ReadAndCallLoader(TickerSymbol ticker, IList<MarketDataType> neededTypes, DateTime from, DateTime to, string File)
                LoadedFile = File;
                Console.WriteLine("Loading instrument: " + ticker.Symbol + " from: " + File);
                //We got a file, lets load it.
                ICollection<LoadedMarketData> result = new List<LoadedMarketData>();
                ReadCSV csv = new ReadCSV(File, true, LoadedFormat);
                if (DateTimeDualColumn)
                    csv.DateFormat = DateFormat;
                    csv.TimeFormat =  TimeFormat;
                    csv.DateFormat = DateFormat;

                while (csv.Next())
                    string datetime = "";
                    if (DateTimeDualColumn)
                        datetime = csv.GetDate("Date").ToShortDateString() + " " +
                        datetime = csv.GetDate("Date").ToShortDateString();
                    DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(datetime);
                    if (date > from && date < to)
                        // CSV columns
                        double open = csv.GetDouble("Open");
                        double high = csv.GetDouble("High");
                        double low = csv.GetDouble("Low");
                        double close = csv.GetDouble("Close");
                        double volume = csv.GetDouble("Volume");

                        LoadedMarketData data = new LoadedMarketData(date, ticker);
                        foreach (MarketDataType marketDataType in neededTypes)
                            switch (marketDataType.ToString())
                                case "Open":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Open, open);
                                case "High":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.High, high);
                                case "Low":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Low, low);
                                case "Close":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Close, close);
                                case "Volume":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Volume, volume);
                                case "RangeHighLow":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.RangeHighLow, Math.Round(Math.Abs(high - low), 6));
                                case "RangeOpenClose":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.RangeOpenClose, Math.Round(Math.Abs(close - open), 6));
                                case "RangeOpenCloseNonAbsolute":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.RangeOpenCloseNonAbsolute, Math.Round(close - open, 6));
                                case "Weighted":
                                    data.SetData(MarketDataType.Weighted, Math.Round((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, 6));
                return result;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong reading the csv: " + ex.Message);
            return null;

示例14: loadSP500

 public void loadSP500(String sp500Filename)
     var csv = new ReadCSV(sp500Filename, true, CSVFormat.English);
     while (csv.Next())
         var date = csv.GetDate("date");
         double amount = csv.GetDouble("adj close");
         var sample = new FinancialSample();

示例15: loadPrime

        public void loadPrime(String primeFilename)
            var csv = new ReadCSV(primeFilename, true, CSVFormat.English);

            while (csv.Next())
                var date = csv.GetDate("date");
                double rate = csv.GetDouble("prime");
                var ir = new InterestRate(date, rate);

