本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3F.TryNormalize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3F.TryNormalize方法的具体用法?C# Vector3F.TryNormalize怎么用?C# Vector3F.TryNormalize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3F
示例1: GetEllipseCoefficients
private static void GetEllipseCoefficients(Vector3F normalView, out Vector3F axisMajor, out Vector3F axisMinor, out float radiusMajor, out float radiusMinor)
axisMinor = new Vector3F(normalView.X, normalView.Y, 0);
if (!axisMinor.TryNormalize())
axisMinor = new Vector3F(0, 1, 0);
Vector3F normalScreen = new Vector3F(0, 0, 1); // The normal vector of the screen.
axisMajor = Vector3F.Cross(axisMinor, normalScreen);
radiusMinor = Vector3F.Dot(normalView, normalScreen);
radiusMajor = 1;
示例2: CreateNormalTexture
public static void CreateNormalTexture(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, float[] heights,
int textureWidth, int textureHeight, float cellSize,
bool useNearestNeighborFilter, ref Texture2D normalTexture)
if (graphicsDevice == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("graphicsDevice");
if (heights == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("heights");
int w = textureWidth;
int h = textureHeight;
if (normalTexture != null)
if (normalTexture.Width != w)
throw new ArgumentException("Width of normal texture does not match textureWidth.");
if (normalTexture.Height != h)
throw new ArgumentException("Height of normal texture does not match textureHeight.");
if (normalTexture.Format != SurfaceFormat.Color)
throw new ArgumentException("Format of normal texture must be Color.");
if ((w > 1 || h > 1) && normalTexture.LevelCount == 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Normal texture does not have mipmaps.");
normalTexture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, w, h, true, SurfaceFormat.Color);
var normals = new Vector4[heights.Length];
//for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
Parallel.For(0, textureHeight, y =>
int yMinus1 = (y > 0) ? y - 1 : 0;
int yPlus1 = (y < h - 2) ? y + 1 : y;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
// The normals are computed using the Sobel filter kernel:
// -1 0 +1
// -2 0 +2
// -1 0 +1
float deltaX = 0;
float deltaZ = 0;
int xMinus1 = (x > 0) ? x - 1 : x;
int xPlus1 = (x < w - 2) ? x + 1 : x;
deltaX += 1 * (heights[yMinus1 * w + xMinus1] - heights[yMinus1 * w + xPlus1]);
deltaX += 2 * (heights[y * w + xMinus1] - heights[y * w + xPlus1]);
deltaX += 1 * (heights[yPlus1 * w + xMinus1] - heights[yPlus1 * w + xPlus1]);
deltaZ += 1 * (heights[yMinus1 * w + xMinus1] - heights[yPlus1 * w + xMinus1]);
deltaZ += 2 * (heights[yMinus1 * w + x] - heights[yPlus1 * w + x]);
deltaZ += 1 * (heights[yMinus1 * w + xPlus1] - heights[yPlus1 * w + xPlus1]);
deltaX /= 4.0f;
deltaZ /= 4.0f;
// Instead of the cross product we can compute the normal directly.
// See derivation in "Fast Heightfield Normal Calculation", Game Programming Gems 3, pp. 344.
Vector3F normal = new Vector3F(deltaX, 2 * cellSize, deltaZ);
// Change order of z and y to standard normal map order.
// Convert [-1, 1] range to [0, 1].
normals[y * w + x] = new Vector4(
normal.X / 2.0f + 0.5f,
-normal.Z / 2.0f + 0.5f, // Invert to create standard "green-up" normal maps.
normal.Y / 2.0f + 0.5f,
SetTextureLevel(normalTexture, 0, normals);
CreateTerrainGeometryMipLevels(normalTexture, normals, useNearestNeighborFilter);
示例3: TryNormalize
public void TryNormalize()
Vector3F v = Vector3F.Zero;
bool normalized = v.TryNormalize();
v = new Vector3F(1, 2, 3);
normalized = v.TryNormalize();
Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3).Normalized, v);
v = new Vector3F(0, -1, 0);
normalized = v.TryNormalize();
Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0, -1, 0).Normalized, v);
示例4: OnSetup
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnSetup()
// Get anchor orientations in world space.
Matrix33F anchorOrientationA = BodyA.Pose.Orientation * AnchorOrientationALocal;
Matrix33F anchorOrientationB = BodyB.Pose.Orientation * AnchorOrientationBLocal;
// Get the quaternion that rotates something from anchor orientation A to
// anchor orientation B:
// QB = QTotal * QA
// => QTotal = QB * QA.Inverse
QuaternionF total = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(anchorOrientationB * anchorOrientationA.Transposed);
// Compute swing axis and angle.
Vector3F xAxisA = anchorOrientationA.GetColumn(0);
Vector3F yAxisA = anchorOrientationA.GetColumn(1);
Vector3F xAxisB = anchorOrientationB.GetColumn(0);
QuaternionF swing = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(xAxisA, xAxisB);
Vector3F swingAxis = new Vector3F(swing.X, swing.Y, swing.Z);
if (!swingAxis.TryNormalize())
swingAxis = yAxisA;
float swingAngle = swing.Angle;
0 <= swingAngle && swingAngle <= ConstantsF.Pi,
"QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F, Vector3F) should only create rotations along the \"short arc\".");
// The swing limits create a deformed cone. If we look onto the x-axis of A:
// y-axis goes to the right. z-axis goes up.
Vector3F xAxisBInAnchorA = Matrix33F.MultiplyTransposed(anchorOrientationA, xAxisB);
float directionY = xAxisBInAnchorA.Y;
float directionZ = xAxisBInAnchorA.Z;
// In this plane, we have an ellipse with the formula:
// y²/a² + z²/b² = 1, where a and b are the ellipse radii.
// We don't know the exact radii. We can compute them from the swing min/max angles.
// To make it simpler, we do not use a flat ellipse. We use the swing z limit for a.
// And the swing y limit for b.
// We have a different ellipse for each quarter.
float ellipseA = (directionY > 0) ? Maximum.Z : -Minimum.Z;
float ellipseB = (directionZ > 0) ? -Minimum.Y : Maximum.Y;
// The angles are in radians: angle = bow/radius. So our a and b are on the unit sphere.
// This creates an elliptic thing on the unit sphere - not in a plane. We don't care because
// we only need a smooth interpolation between the swing y and z limits.
// No we look for the swing angle in the direction of xAxisB.
// The next step can derived from following formulas:
// y²/a² + z²/b² = 1 The ellipse formula.
// slope = directionZ / directionY The direction in which we need the limit.
// slope = z/y The (y,z) is the point on the ellipse in the given direction.
// swingLimit = sqrt(y² + z²) This is the distance of (y,z) from the center.
// Since our ellipse is on a sphere, swingLimit is an angle (= bow / radius).
float swingLimit = ellipseB;
if (!Numeric.IsZero(directionY))
float slope = directionZ / directionY;
float slopeSquared = slope * slope;
float ellipseASquared = ellipseA * ellipseA;
float ellipseBSquared = ellipseB * ellipseB;
swingLimit = (float)Math.Sqrt((1 + slopeSquared) / (1 / ellipseASquared + slopeSquared / ellipseBSquared));
// The ellipse normal would give us a better swing axis. But our computed swingAngle
// is not correct for this axis...
// Create a swing axis from the ellipse normal.
//float k = ellipseASquared / ellipseBSquared * directionZ / directionY;
//var normal = anchorOrientationA * new Vector3F(0, -k, 1).Normalized;
//if (Vector3F.Dot(normal, swingAxis) < 0)
// swingAxis = -normal;
// swingAxis = normal;
//Debug.Assert(QuaternionF.Dot(swing, total) >= 0);
var swingAxisALocal = Matrix33F.MultiplyTransposed(anchorOrientationA, swingAxis);
// We define our rotations like this:
// First we twist around the x-axis of A. Then we swing.
// QTotal = QSwing * QTwist
// => QSwing.Inverse * QTotal = QTwist
QuaternionF twist = swing.Conjugated * total;
// The quaternion returns an angle in the range [0, 2π].
float twistAngle = twist.Angle;
// The minimum and maximum twist limits are in the range [-π, π].
if (twistAngle > ConstantsF.Pi)
// Convert the twistAngle to the range used by the twist limits.
twistAngle = -(ConstantsF.TwoPi - twistAngle);
Debug.Assert(-ConstantsF.TwoPi < twistAngle && twistAngle <= ConstantsF.TwoPi);
示例5: Initialize
private void Initialize(RigidBody bodyA, RigidBody bodyB, Contact contact)
Debug.Assert(bodyA != null && bodyB != null && contact != null);
_bodyA = bodyA;
_bodyB = bodyB;
Contact = contact;
_simulation = _bodyA.Simulation ?? _bodyB.Simulation;
Debug.Assert(_simulation != null);
ErrorReduction = _simulation.Settings.Constraints.ContactErrorReduction;
_minConstraintImpulse = _simulation.Settings.Constraints.MinConstraintImpulse;
Vector3F n = Contact.Normal;
_rA = Contact.PositionAWorld - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
_rB = Contact.PositionBWorld - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
_rALengthSquared = -1;
_rBLengthSquared = -1;
Vector3F vRel = RelativeVelocity;
float vRelN = Vector3F.Dot(vRel, n);
// Get material-dependent values.
var materialA = BodyA.Material.GetProperties(BodyA, Contact.PositionALocal, Contact.FeatureA);
var materialB = BodyB.Material.GetProperties(BodyB, Contact.PositionBLocal, Contact.FeatureB);
var materialCombiner = _simulation.Settings.MaterialPropertyCombiner;
// Restitution is clamped to 0 if bodies are slow or if restitution is very low.
if (Math.Abs(vRelN) > _simulation.Settings.Constraints.RestingVelocityLimit)
_restitution = materialCombiner.CombineRestitution(materialA.Restitution, materialB.Restitution);
if (_restitution < _simulation.Settings.Constraints.RestitutionThreshold)
_restitution = 0;
// The contacts must be created BEFORE forces are applied! If the bodies are moving less
// than the RestingVelocityLimit, we set the Restitution to zero.
// Bodies that do not move relative to each other must have a restitution of 0 to get
// stable stacks!
// RestingVelocityLimit can even be zero!
_restitution = 0;
_staticFriction = materialCombiner.CombineFriction(materialA.StaticFriction, materialB.StaticFriction);
_dynamicFriction = materialCombiner.CombineFriction(materialA.DynamicFriction, materialB.DynamicFriction);
_surfaceMotionAEnabled = materialA.SupportsSurfaceMotion;
_surfaceMotionBEnabled = materialB.SupportsSurfaceMotion;
// Get friction directions. The first direction is in direction of the greatest tangent
// velocity.
_t0 = vRel - vRelN * n;
if (!_t0.TryNormalize())
_t0 = n.Orthonormal1;
_t1 = Vector3F.Cross(_t0, n);
// Reset cached impulses.
_penetrationConstraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
_frictionConstraint0.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
_frictionConstraint1.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
示例6: GetSupportPointNormalized
/// <summary>
/// Gets a support point for a given normalized direction vector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directionNormalized">
/// The normalized direction vector for which to get the support point.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A support point regarding the given direction.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// A support point regarding a direction is an extreme point of the shape that is furthest away
/// from the center regarding the given direction. This point is not necessarily unique.
/// </remarks>
public override Vector3F GetSupportPointNormalized(Vector3F directionNormalized)
// The general formula for cylinders with arbitrary orientation is in
// Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments", pp. 136.
// The formula for cylinders with up-axis = y-axis is simpler:
Vector3F directionInXYPlane = new Vector3F(directionNormalized.X, 0, directionNormalized.Z);
if (directionInXYPlane.TryNormalize())
// The general case.
if (directionNormalized.Y >= 0)
return Vector3F.UnitY * _height / 2 + _radius * directionInXYPlane;
return -Vector3F.UnitY * _height / 2 + _radius * directionInXYPlane;
// localDirection == +/-(0, 1, 0)
Debug.Assert(Numeric.IsZero(directionNormalized.X) && Numeric.IsZero(directionNormalized.Z), "X and Y of direction are expected to be (near) zero.");
if (directionNormalized.Y >= 0)
return new Vector3F(_radius, _height / 2, 0);
return new Vector3F(_radius, -_height / 2, 0);
示例7: ClampTerrainToRoad
bool isClosed = Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(flattenedPoints[0], flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 1]);
// Get the line segments which of the road border.
List<Vector4F> segments = new List<Vector4F>(); // 2 points per segment.
Vector3F lastOrthonormal = Vector3F.Right;
Vector4F previousV1 = Vector4F.Zero;
Vector4F previousV2 = Vector4F.Zero;
for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
Vector3F start = flattenedPoints[i];
Vector3F previous;
bool isFirstPoint = (i == 0);
if (!isFirstPoint)
previous = flattenedPoints[i - 1];
else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
previous = flattenedPoints[flattenedPoints.Count - 2];
previous = start;
Vector3F next;
bool isLastPoint = (i + 1 == flattenedPoints.Count);
if (!isLastPoint)
next = flattenedPoints[i + 1];
else if (isClosed && road.SmoothEnds)
next = flattenedPoints[1];
next = start;
Vector3F tangent = next - previous;
Vector3F orthonormal = new Vector3F(tangent.Z, 0, -tangent.X);
if (!orthonormal.TryNormalize())
orthonormal = lastOrthonormal;
// Add 2 vertices two segments for the road side border.
// pV1 pV2 (previous vertices)
// x x
// | |
// x x
// v1 v2 (current vertices)
// We store the side falloff with the vertex:
// Vectors are 4D. Height is y. Side falloff is w.
Vector4F v1 = new Vector4F(start - orthonormal * (halfWidths[i] + 0), sideFalloffs[i]);
Vector4F v2 = new Vector4F(start + orthonormal * (halfWidths[i] + 0), sideFalloffs[i]);
if (i > 0)
if (isLastPoint && !isClosed)
// A segment for the end of the road.
if (!isClosed)
示例8: GetSupportPoint
/// <summary>
/// Gets a support point for a given direction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">
/// The direction for which to get the support point. The vector does not need to be normalized.
/// The result is undefined if the vector is a zero vector.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A support point regarding the given direction.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// A support point regarding a direction is an extreme point of the shape that is furthest away
/// from the center regarding the given direction. This point is not necessarily unique.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public override Vector3F GetSupportPoint(Vector3F direction)
direction.Z = 0;
if (!direction.TryNormalize())
direction = Vector3F.UnitX;
return direction * _radius;
示例9: ProcessNormals
/// <summary>
/// Prepares a normal map for compression using DXT5 (a.k.a. DXT5nm).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image">The image (<see cref="DataFormat.R32G32B32A32_FLOAT"/>).</param>
/// <param name="invertY"><see langword="true"/> to invert the y component.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="image"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
/// </exception>
public static void ProcessNormals(Image image, bool invertY)
if (image == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
float sign = invertY ? -1 : 1;
// ReSharper disable AccessToDisposedClosure
using (var image4F = new ImageAccessor(image))
for (int y = 0; y < image4F.Height; y++)
Parallel.For(0, image4F.Height, y =>
for (int x = 0; x < image4F.Width; x++)
Vector4F v = image4F.GetPixel(x, y);
Vector3F normal = new Vector3F(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);
// Renormalize normals. (Important for higher mipmap levels.)
if (!normal.TryNormalize())
normal = new Vector3F(0, 0, 1);
// Convert to DXT5nm (xGxR).
v.X = 0.0f;
v.Y = sign * normal.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
v.Z = 0.0f;
v.W = normal.X * 0.5f + 0.5f;
image4F.SetPixel(x, y, v);
// ReSharper restore AccessToDisposedClosure
示例10: InitializeBody
private void InitializeBody(Vector3F upVector)
if (!upVector.TryNormalize())
throw new ArgumentException("The up vector must not be a zero vector.");
UpVector = upVector;
CapsuleShape shape = new CapsuleShape(0.4f, 1.8f);
MassFrame mass = new MassFrame { Mass = 100 };
UniformMaterial material = new UniformMaterial
// The body should be frictionless, so that it can be easily pushed by the simulation to
// valid positions.
StaticFriction = 0.0f,
DynamicFriction = 0.0f,
// The body should not bounce when being hit or pushed.
Restitution = 0
Body = new RigidBody(shape, mass, material)
// We set the mass explicitly and it should not automatically change when the
// shape is changed; e.g. a ducked character has a smaller shape, but still the same mass.
AutoUpdateMass = false,
// This body is under our control and should never be deactivated by the simulation.
CanSleep = false,
CcdEnabled = true,
// The capsule does not rotate in any direction.
LockRotationX = true,
LockRotationY = true,
LockRotationZ = true,
Name = "CharacterController",
Pose = new Pose(shape.Height / 2 * upVector,
QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.UnitY, upVector)),
// When the user changes the shape, we must re-compute all contacts.
Body.ShapeChanged += (s, e) => UpdateContacts();
示例11: GetSupportPoint
/// <overloads>
/// <summary>
/// Gets a support point for a given direction.
/// </summary>
/// </overloads>
/// <summary>
/// Gets a support point for a given direction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">
/// The direction for which to get the support point. The vector does not need to be normalized.
/// The result is undefined if the vector is a zero vector.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A support point regarding the given direction.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// A support point regarding a direction is an extreme point of the shape that is furthest away
/// from the center regarding the given direction. This point is not necessarily unique.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <strong>Notes to Inheritors:</strong>
/// The default implementation of this method normalizes the direction and calls
/// <see cref="GetSupportPointNormalized"/>. If this method is overridden,
/// don't forget to check whether direction is a zero vector and to normalize
/// <paramref name="direction"/> if required.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public virtual Vector3F GetSupportPoint(Vector3F direction)
if (!direction.TryNormalize())
direction = Vector3F.UnitX;
return GetSupportPointNormalized(direction);
示例12: OnSetup
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnSetup()
var deltaTime = Simulation.Settings.Timing.FixedTimeStep;
float errorReduction = ConstraintHelper.ComputeErrorReduction(deltaTime, SpringConstant, DampingConstant);
float softness = ConstraintHelper.ComputeSoftness(deltaTime, SpringConstant, DampingConstant);
// Get anchor orientations in world space.
Matrix33F anchorOrientationA = BodyA.Pose.Orientation * AnchorOrientationALocal;
Matrix33F anchorOrientationB = BodyB.Pose.Orientation * AnchorOrientationBLocal;
Matrix33F relativeOrientationMatrix = anchorOrientationA.Transposed * anchorOrientationB;
QuaternionF relativeOrientation = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(relativeOrientationMatrix);
QuaternionF deltaRotation = TargetOrientation * relativeOrientation.Conjugated;
float angle = deltaRotation.Angle;
if (angle > ConstantsF.Pi)
// Quaternion should be the shortest arc quaternion (angle < 180°).
deltaRotation = -deltaRotation;
angle = ConstantsF.TwoPi - angle;
Debug.Assert(Numeric.AreEqual(angle, deltaRotation.Angle));
Vector3F axis = new Vector3F(deltaRotation.X, deltaRotation.Y, deltaRotation.Z);
if (!axis.TryNormalize())
// Do nothing.
_minImpulseLimits[0] = 0;
_minImpulseLimits[1] = 0;
_minImpulseLimits[2] = 0;
// Axis is in local space of anchor A.
// Convert axis to world space.
axis = anchorOrientationA * axis;
// Main axis is the quaternion axis.
bool isActive = !Numeric.IsZero(angle);
SetupConstraint(0, -angle, 0, axis, deltaTime, errorReduction, softness, isActive);
if (!UseSingleAxisMode)
// In multi-axes-mode mode: constrain rotation on 2 orthogonal axes.
SetupConstraint(1, 0, 0, axis.Orthonormal1, deltaTime, errorReduction, softness, isActive);
SetupConstraint(2, 0, 0, axis.Orthonormal2, deltaTime, errorReduction, softness, isActive);
// No warmstarting.
_constraints[0].ConstraintImpulse = 0;
_constraints[1].ConstraintImpulse = 0;
_constraints[2].ConstraintImpulse = 0;
示例13: OnSetup
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnSetup()
_deltaTime = Simulation.Settings.Timing.FixedTimeStep;
// Anchors in world space.
var anchorA = BodyA.Pose.ToWorldPosition(AnchorPositionALocal);
var anchorB = BodyB.Pose.ToWorldPosition(AnchorPositionBLocal);
// The constraint acts on the axis between the anchors.
_axis = anchorB - anchorA;
float distance = _axis.Length;
// Check if limits are active.
_minLimitIsActive = distance < MinDistance && !Numeric.IsZero(distance);
_maxLimitIsActive = distance > MaxDistance;
// Abort if no limit is active.
if (!_minLimitIsActive && !_maxLimitIsActive)
_constraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
_ra = anchorA - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
_rb = anchorB - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
// Too close together = positive deviation and positive target velocity.
// Too far apart = negative deviation and negative target velocity.
var deviation = (_minLimitIsActive) ? MinDistance - distance : MaxDistance - distance;
_constraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = deviation * ErrorReduction / _deltaTime;
float maxErrorCorrectionVelocity = Simulation.Settings.Constraints.MaxErrorCorrectionVelocity;
_constraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(_constraint.TargetRelativeVelocity, -maxErrorCorrectionVelocity, maxErrorCorrectionVelocity);
_constraint.Softness = Softness / _deltaTime;
_constraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_axis, -Vector3F.Cross(_ra, _axis), _axis, Vector3F.Cross(_rb, _axis));
// To keep it simple we do not warmstart. Warmstarting can only be done if the same limit
// was active the last time.
_constraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
示例14: PlaneShape
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PlaneShape"/> class from three points.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point0">A point on the plane.</param>
/// <param name="point1">A point on the plane.</param>
/// <param name="point2">A point on the plane.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This constructor creates a <see cref="PlaneShape"/> from three points in the plane. The
/// points must be ordered counter-clockwise. The front-face (which points into the empty
/// half-space) is defined through the counter-clockwise order of the points.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="point0"/>, <paramref name="point1"/>, and <paramref name="point2"/> do not
/// form a valid triangle.
/// </exception>
public PlaneShape(Vector3F point0, Vector3F point1, Vector3F point2)
if (Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(point0, point1)
|| Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(point0, point2)
|| Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(point1, point2))
throw new ArgumentException("The points do not form a valid triangle.");
// Compute normal vector.
_normal = Vector3F.Cross(point1 - point0, point2 - point0);
if (!_normal.TryNormalize())
throw new ArgumentException("The points do not form a valid triangle.");
// Compute the distance from the origin.
_distanceFromOrigin = Vector3F.Dot(point0, _normal);
示例15: GetSupportPointNormalized
/// <summary>
/// Gets a support point for a given normalized direction vector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directionNormalized">
/// The normalized direction vector for which to get the support point.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A support point regarding the given direction.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// A support point regarding a direction is an extreme point of the shape that is furthest away
/// from the center regarding the given direction. This point is not necessarily unique.
/// </remarks>
public override Vector3F GetSupportPointNormalized(Vector3F directionNormalized)
directionNormalized.Z = 0;
if (!directionNormalized.TryNormalize())
directionNormalized = Vector3F.UnitX;
return directionNormalized * _radius;