本文整理汇总了C#中Vec2.sub方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vec2.sub方法的具体用法?C# Vec2.sub怎么用?C# Vec2.sub使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vec2
示例1: initialize
* Initialize the bodies, anchors, lengths, max lengths, and ratio using the world anchors.
public void initialize(Body b1, Body b2, Vec2 ga1, Vec2 ga2, Vec2 anchor1, Vec2 anchor2, float r)
bodyA = b1;
bodyB = b2;
groundAnchorA = ga1;
groundAnchorB = ga2;
localAnchorA = bodyA.getLocalPoint(anchor1);
localAnchorB = bodyB.getLocalPoint(anchor2);
Vec2 d1 = anchor1.sub(ga1);
lengthA = d1.length();
Vec2 d2 = anchor2.sub(ga2);
lengthB = d2.length();
ratio = r;
Debug.Assert(ratio > Settings.EPSILON);
示例2: initTest
public override void initTest(bool argDeserialized)
Body ground = null;
BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
ground = getWorld().createBody(bd);
EdgeShape shape = new EdgeShape();
shape.set(new Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), new Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
ground.createFixture(shape, 0.0f);
PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
shape.setAsBox(0.5f, 0.5f);
BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
bd.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
bd.position.set(-5.0f, 5.0f);
m_bodies[0] = getWorld().createBody(bd);
m_bodies[0].createFixture(shape, 5.0f);
bd.position.set(5.0f, 5.0f);
m_bodies[1] = getWorld().createBody(bd);
m_bodies[1].createFixture(shape, 5.0f);
bd.position.set(5.0f, 15.0f);
m_bodies[2] = getWorld().createBody(bd);
m_bodies[2].createFixture(shape, 5.0f);
bd.position.set(-5.0f, 15.0f);
m_bodies[3] = getWorld().createBody(bd);
m_bodies[3].createFixture(shape, 5.0f);
DistanceJointDef jd = new DistanceJointDef();
Vec2 p1 = new Vec2();
Vec2 p2 = new Vec2();
Vec2 d = new Vec2();
jd.frequencyHz = 4.0f;
jd.dampingRatio = 0.5f;
jd.bodyA = ground;
jd.bodyB = m_bodies[0];
jd.localAnchorA.set(-10.0f, 0.0f);
jd.localAnchorB.set(-0.5f, -0.5f);
p1 = jd.bodyA.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorA);
p2 = jd.bodyB.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorB);
d = p2.sub(p1);
jd.length = d.length();
m_joints[0] = getWorld().createJoint(jd);
jd.bodyA = ground;
jd.bodyB = m_bodies[1];
jd.localAnchorA.set(10.0f, 0.0f);
jd.localAnchorB.set(0.5f, -0.5f);
p1 = jd.bodyA.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorA);
p2 = jd.bodyB.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorB);
d = p2.sub(p1);
jd.length = d.length();
m_joints[1] = getWorld().createJoint(jd);
jd.bodyA = ground;
jd.bodyB = m_bodies[2];
jd.localAnchorA.set(10.0f, 20.0f);
jd.localAnchorB.set(0.5f, 0.5f);
p1 = jd.bodyA.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorA);
p2 = jd.bodyB.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorB);
d = p2.sub(p1);
jd.length = d.length();
m_joints[2] = getWorld().createJoint(jd);
jd.bodyA = ground;
jd.bodyB = m_bodies[3];
jd.localAnchorA.set(-10.0f, 20.0f);
jd.localAnchorB.set(-0.5f, 0.5f);
p1 = jd.bodyA.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorA);
p2 = jd.bodyB.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorB);
d = p2.sub(p1);
jd.length = d.length();
m_joints[3] = getWorld().createJoint(jd);
jd.bodyA = m_bodies[0];
jd.bodyB = m_bodies[1];
jd.localAnchorA.set(0.5f, 0.0f);
jd.localAnchorB.set(-0.5f, 0.0f);
p1 = jd.bodyA.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorA);
p2 = jd.bodyB.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorB);
d = p2.sub(p1);
jd.length = d.length();
m_joints[4] = getWorld().createJoint(jd);
jd.bodyA = m_bodies[1];
jd.bodyB = m_bodies[2];
jd.localAnchorA.set(0.0f, 0.5f);
jd.localAnchorB.set(0.0f, -0.5f);
p1 = jd.bodyA.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorA);
p2 = jd.bodyB.getWorldPoint(jd.localAnchorB);
示例3: createLeg
private void createLeg(float s, Vec2 wheelAnchor)
Vec2 p1 = new Vec2(5.4f*s, -6.1f);
Vec2 p2 = new Vec2(7.2f*s, -1.2f);
Vec2 p3 = new Vec2(4.3f*s, -1.9f);
Vec2 p4 = new Vec2(3.1f*s, 0.8f);
Vec2 p5 = new Vec2(6.0f*s, 1.5f);
Vec2 p6 = new Vec2(2.5f*s, 3.7f);
FixtureDef fd1 = new FixtureDef();
FixtureDef fd2 = new FixtureDef();
fd1.filter.groupIndex = -1;
fd2.filter.groupIndex = -1;
fd1.density = 1.0f;
fd2.density = 1.0f;
PolygonShape poly1 = new PolygonShape();
PolygonShape poly2 = new PolygonShape();
if (s > 0.0f)
Vec2[] vertices = new Vec2[3];
vertices[0] = p1;
vertices[1] = p2;
vertices[2] = p3;
poly1.set(vertices, 3);
vertices[0] = new Vec2();
vertices[1] = p5.sub(p4);
vertices[2] = p6.sub(p4);
poly2.set(vertices, 3);
Vec2[] vertices = new Vec2[3];
vertices[0] = p1;
vertices[1] = p3;
vertices[2] = p2;
poly1.set(vertices, 3);
vertices[0] = new Vec2();
vertices[1] = p6.sub(p4);
vertices[2] = p5.sub(p4);
poly2.set(vertices, 3);
fd1.shape = poly1;
fd2.shape = poly2;
BodyDef bd1 = new BodyDef(), bd2 = new BodyDef();
bd1.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
bd2.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
bd1.position = m_offset;
bd2.position = p4.add(m_offset);
bd1.angularDamping = 10.0f;
bd2.angularDamping = 10.0f;
Body body1 = getWorld().createBody(bd1);
Body body2 = getWorld().createBody(bd2);
DistanceJointDef djd = new DistanceJointDef();
// Using a soft distance constraint can reduce some jitter.
// It also makes the structure seem a bit more fluid by
// acting like a suspension system.
djd.dampingRatio = 0.5f;
djd.frequencyHz = 10.0f;
djd.initialize(body1, body2, p2.add(m_offset), p5.add(m_offset));
djd.initialize(body1, body2, p3.add(m_offset), p4.add(m_offset));
djd.initialize(body1, m_wheel, p3.add(m_offset), wheelAnchor.add(m_offset));
djd.initialize(body2, m_wheel, p6.add(m_offset), wheelAnchor.add(m_offset));
RevoluteJointDef rjd = new RevoluteJointDef();
rjd.initialize(body2, m_chassis, p4.add(m_offset));
示例4: initialize
* Initialize the bodies, anchors, and length using the world anchors.
* @param b1 First body
* @param b2 Second body
* @param anchor1 World anchor on first body
* @param anchor2 World anchor on second body
public void initialize(Body b1, Body b2, Vec2 anchor1, Vec2 anchor2)
bodyA = b1;
bodyB = b2;
Vec2 d = anchor2.sub(anchor1);
length = d.length();