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C# TypeSymbol.IsExpressionTree方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中TypeSymbol.IsExpressionTree方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TypeSymbol.IsExpressionTree方法的具体用法?C# TypeSymbol.IsExpressionTree怎么用?C# TypeSymbol.IsExpressionTree使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TypeSymbol的用法示例。


示例1: IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithType

        public static LambdaConversionResult IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithType(UnboundLambda anonymousFunction, TypeSymbol type)
            Debug.Assert((object)anonymousFunction != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)type != null);

            if (type.IsDelegateType())
                return IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithDelegate(anonymousFunction, type);
            else if (type.IsExpressionTree())
                return IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithExpressionTree(anonymousFunction, (NamedTypeSymbol)type);

            return LambdaConversionResult.BadTargetType;

示例2: GenerateAnonymousFunctionConversionError

        internal void GenerateAnonymousFunctionConversionError(DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            UnboundLambda anonymousFunction, TypeSymbol targetType)
            Debug.Assert((object)targetType != null);
            Debug.Assert(anonymousFunction != null);

            // Is the target type simply bad?

            // If the target type is an error then we've already reported a diagnostic. Don't bother
            // reporting the conversion error.
            if (targetType.IsErrorType() || syntax.HasErrors)

            // CONSIDER: Instead of computing this again, cache the reason why the conversion failed in
            // CONSIDER: the Conversion result, and simply report that.

            var reason = Conversions.IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithType(anonymousFunction, targetType);

            // It is possible that the conversion from lambda to delegate is just fine, and 
            // that we ended up here because the target type, though itself is not an error
            // type, contains a type argument which is an error type. For example, converting
            // (Foo foo)=>{} to Action<Foo> is a perfectly legal conversion even if Foo is undefined!
            // In that case we have already reported an error that Foo is undefined, so just bail out.

            if (reason == LambdaConversionResult.Success)

            var id = anonymousFunction.MessageID.Localize();

            if (reason == LambdaConversionResult.BadTargetType)
                if (ReportDelegateInvokeUseSiteDiagnostic(diagnostics, targetType, node: syntax))

                // Cannot convert {0} to type '{1}' because it is not a delegate type
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonMethToNonDel, syntax, id, targetType);

            if (reason == LambdaConversionResult.ExpressionTreeMustHaveDelegateTypeArgument)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ExpressionTreeMustHaveDelegate, syntax, ((NamedTypeSymbol)targetType).TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[0]);

            if (reason == LambdaConversionResult.ExpressionTreeFromAnonymousMethod)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousMethodToExpressionTree, syntax);

            // At this point we know that we have either a delegate type or an expression type for the target.

            var delegateType = targetType.GetDelegateType();

            // The target type is a vaid delegate or expression tree type. Is there something wrong with the 
            // parameter list?

            // First off, is there a parameter list at all?

            if (reason == LambdaConversionResult.MissingSignatureWithOutParameter)
                // COMPATIBILITY: The C# 4 compiler produces two errors for:
                // delegate void D (out int x);
                // ...
                // D d = delegate {};
                // error CS1676: Parameter 1 must be declared with the 'out' keyword
                // error CS1688: Cannot convert anonymous method block without a parameter list 
                // to delegate type 'D' because it has one or more out parameters
                // This seems redundant, (because there is no "parameter 1" in the source code)
                // and unnecessary. I propose that we eliminate the first error.

                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_CantConvAnonMethNoParams, syntax, targetType);

            // There is a parameter list. Does it have the right number of elements?

            if (reason == LambdaConversionResult.BadParameterCount)
                // Delegate '{0}' does not take {1} arguments
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDelArgCount, syntax, targetType, anonymousFunction.ParameterCount);

            // The parameter list exists and had the right number of parameters. Were any of its types bad?

            // If any parameter type of the lambda is an error type then suppress 
            // further errors. We've already reported errors on the bad type.
