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C# TypeSymbol.Equals方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中TypeSymbol.Equals方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TypeSymbol.Equals方法的具体用法?C# TypeSymbol.Equals怎么用?C# TypeSymbol.Equals使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TypeSymbol的用法示例。


示例1: CopyTypeCustomModifiers

        /// <param name="sourceType">Type that already has custom modifiers.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationType">Same as <paramref name="sourceType"/>, but without custom modifiers.  May differ in object/dynamic.</param>
        /// <param name="refKind"><see cref="RefKind"/> of the parameter of which this is the type (or <see cref="RefKind.None"/> for a return type.</param>
        /// <param name="containingAssembly">The assembly containing the signature referring to the destination type.</param>
        /// <returns><paramref name="destinationType"/> with custom modifiers copied from <paramref name="sourceType"/>.</returns>
        internal static TypeSymbol CopyTypeCustomModifiers(TypeSymbol sourceType, TypeSymbol destinationType, RefKind refKind, AssemblySymbol containingAssembly)
            Debug.Assert(sourceType.Equals(destinationType, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions));

            // NOTE: overrides can differ by object/dynamic.  If they do, we'll need to tweak newType before
            // we can use it in place of this.Type.  We do so by computing the dynamic transform flags that
            // code gen uses and then passing them to the dynamic type decoder that metadata reading uses.
            ImmutableArray<bool> flags = CSharpCompilation.DynamicTransformsEncoder.EncodeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(destinationType, refKind);
            TypeSymbol typeWithDynamic = DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformTypeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(sourceType, containingAssembly, refKind, flags);

            TypeSymbol resultType;
            if (destinationType.ContainsTuple() && !sourceType.Equals(destinationType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds | TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamic))
                // We also preserve tuple names, if present and different
                ImmutableArray<string> names = CSharpCompilation.TupleNamesEncoder.Encode(destinationType);
                resultType = TupleTypeDecoder.DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(typeWithDynamic, containingAssembly, names);
                resultType = typeWithDynamic;

            Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(sourceType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamicAndTupleNames)); // Same custom modifiers as source type.
            Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(destinationType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds)); // Same object/dynamic and tuple names as destination type.
            return resultType;

示例2: SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol

        public SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(TypeSymbol leftType, string name, TypeSymbol rightType, TypeSymbol returnType, bool isCheckedBuiltin)
            if (leftType.Equals(rightType, ignoreCustomModifiers: true))
                this.containingType = leftType;
            else if (rightType.Equals(returnType, ignoreCustomModifiers: true))
                this.containingType = rightType;
                Debug.Assert(leftType.Equals(returnType, ignoreCustomModifiers: true));
                this.containingType = leftType;

            this.name = name;
            this.returnType = returnType;

            Debug.Assert((leftType.IsDynamic() || rightType.IsDynamic()) == returnType.IsDynamic());
            Debug.Assert(containingType.IsDynamic() == returnType.IsDynamic());

            this.parameters = (new ParameterSymbol[] {new SynthesizedOperatorParameterSymbol(this, leftType, 0, "left"),
                                                      new SynthesizedOperatorParameterSymbol(this, rightType, 1, "right")}).AsImmutableOrNull();
            this.isCheckedBuiltin = isCheckedBuiltin;

示例3: SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol

        public SynthesizedIntrinsicOperatorSymbol(TypeSymbol leftType, string name, TypeSymbol rightType, TypeSymbol returnType, bool isCheckedBuiltin)
            if (leftType.Equals(rightType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds))
                _containingType = leftType;
            else if (rightType.Equals(returnType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds))
                _containingType = rightType;
                Debug.Assert(leftType.Equals(returnType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds));
                _containingType = leftType;

            _name = name;
            _returnType = returnType;

            Debug.Assert((leftType.IsDynamic() || rightType.IsDynamic()) == returnType.IsDynamic());
            Debug.Assert(_containingType.IsDynamic() == returnType.IsDynamic());

            _parameters = (new ParameterSymbol[] {new SynthesizedOperatorParameterSymbol(this, leftType, 0, "left"),
                                                      new SynthesizedOperatorParameterSymbol(this, rightType, 1, "right")}).AsImmutableOrNull();
            _isCheckedBuiltin = isCheckedBuiltin;

示例4: CopyTypeCustomModifiers

        /// <param name="sourceType">Type that already has custom modifiers.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationType">Same as <paramref name="sourceType"/>, but without custom modifiers.  May differ in object/dynamic.</param>
        /// <param name="refKind"><see cref="RefKind"/> of the parameter of which this is the type (or <see cref="RefKind.None"/> for a return type.</param>
        /// <param name="containingAssembly">The assembly containing the signature referring to the destination type.</param>
        /// <returns><paramref name="destinationType"/> with custom modifiers copied from <paramref name="sourceType"/>.</returns>
        internal static TypeSymbol CopyTypeCustomModifiers(TypeSymbol sourceType, TypeSymbol destinationType, RefKind refKind, AssemblySymbol containingAssembly)
            Debug.Assert(sourceType.Equals(destinationType, ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: true, ignoreDynamic: true));

            if (sourceType.ContainsTuple())
                // TODO(https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12389):
                // Need to save/restore tupleness as well
                if (sourceType.IsTupleType)
                    return destinationType;

                ImmutableArray<bool> flags = CSharpCompilation.DynamicTransformsEncoder.EncodeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(destinationType, refKind);
                TypeSymbol resultType = DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformTypeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(sourceType, containingAssembly, refKind, flags);

                Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(sourceType, ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: false, ignoreDynamic: true)); // Same custom modifiers as source type.
                return resultType;
                // NOTE: overrides can differ by object/dynamic.  If they do, we'll need to tweak newType before
                // we can use it in place of this.Type.  We do so by computing the dynamic transform flags that
                // code gen uses and then passing them to the dynamic type decoder that metadata reading uses.
                ImmutableArray<bool> flags = CSharpCompilation.DynamicTransformsEncoder.EncodeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(destinationType, refKind);
                TypeSymbol resultType = DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformTypeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(sourceType, containingAssembly, refKind, flags);

                Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(sourceType, ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: false, ignoreDynamic: true)); // Same custom modifiers as source type.
                Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(destinationType, ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: true, ignoreDynamic: false)); // Same object/dynamic as destination type.
                return resultType;

示例5: CopyTypeCustomModifiers

        /// <param name="sourceType">Type that already has custom modifiers.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationType">Same as <paramref name="sourceType"/>, but without custom modifiers.  May differ in object/dynamic.</param>
        /// <param name="refKind"><see cref="RefKind"/> of the parameter of which this is the type (or <see cref="RefKind.None"/> for a return type.</param>
        /// <param name="containingAssembly">The assembly containing the signature referring to the destination type.</param>
        /// <returns><paramref name="destinationType"/> with custom modifiers copied from <paramref name="sourceType"/>.</returns>
        internal static TypeSymbol CopyTypeCustomModifiers(TypeSymbol sourceType, TypeSymbol destinationType, RefKind refKind, AssemblySymbol containingAssembly)
            Debug.Assert(sourceType.Equals(destinationType, ignoreCustomModifiers: true, ignoreDynamic: true));

            // NOTE: overrides can differ by object/dynamic.  If they do, we'll need to tweak newType before
            // we can use it in place of this.Type.  We do so by computing the dynamic transform flags that
            // code gen uses and then passing them to the dynamic type decoder that metadata reading uses.

            const int customModifierCount = 0;// Ignore custom modifiers, since we're not done copying them.
            ImmutableArray<bool> flags = CSharpCompilation.DynamicTransformsEncoder.Encode(destinationType, customModifierCount, refKind);
            TypeSymbol resultType = DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformTypeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(sourceType, containingAssembly, refKind, flags);

            Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(sourceType, ignoreCustomModifiers: false, ignoreDynamic: true)); // Same custom modifiers as source type.
            Debug.Assert(resultType.Equals(destinationType, ignoreCustomModifiers: true, ignoreDynamic: false)); // Same object/dynamic as destination type.

            return resultType;

示例6: CopyMethodCustomModifiers

        /// <remarks>
        /// Out params are updated by assignment.  If you require thread-safety, pass temps and then
        /// CompareExchange them back into shared memory.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void CopyMethodCustomModifiers(
            MethodSymbol sourceMethod,
            MethodSymbol destinationMethod,
            out TypeSymbol returnType,
            out ImmutableArray<CustomModifier> returnTypeCustomModifiers,
            out ushort countOfCustomModifiersPrecedingByRef,
            out ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters,
            bool alsoCopyParamsModifier) // Last since always named.
            Debug.Assert((object)sourceMethod != null);

            // Assert: none of the method's type parameters have been substituted
            Debug.Assert((object)sourceMethod == sourceMethod.ConstructedFrom);

            // For the most part, we will copy custom modifiers by copying types.
            // The only time when this fails is when the type refers to a type parameter
            // owned by the overridden method.  We need to replace all such references
            // with (equivalent) type parameters owned by this method.  We know that
            // we can perform this mapping positionally, because the method signatures
            // have already been compared.
            MethodSymbol constructedSourceMethod = sourceMethod.ConstructIfGeneric(destinationMethod.TypeArguments);

            returnTypeCustomModifiers = constructedSourceMethod.ReturnTypeCustomModifiers;
            countOfCustomModifiersPrecedingByRef = destinationMethod.ReturnsByRef ? constructedSourceMethod.CountOfCustomModifiersPrecedingByRef : (ushort)0;

            parameters = CopyParameterCustomModifiers(constructedSourceMethod.Parameters, destinationMethod.Parameters, alsoCopyParamsModifier);

            returnType = destinationMethod.ReturnType; // Default value - in case we don't copy the custom modifiers.

            // We do an extra check before copying the return type to handle the case where the overriding
            // method (incorrectly) has a different return type than the overridden method.  In such cases,
            // we want to retain the original (incorrect) return type to avoid hiding the return type
            // given in source.
            TypeSymbol returnTypeWithCustomModifiers = constructedSourceMethod.ReturnType;
            if (returnType.Equals(returnTypeWithCustomModifiers, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions))
                returnType = CopyTypeCustomModifiers(returnTypeWithCustomModifiers, returnType, destinationMethod.ContainingAssembly);

示例7: SourcePropertySymbol

                // and the property name is required to add the property to the containing type, and
                // the type and parameters are required to determine the override or implementation.
                _lazyType = this.ComputeType(bodyBinder, syntax, diagnostics);
                _lazyParameters = this.ComputeParameters(bodyBinder, syntax, diagnostics);

                bool isOverride = false;
                PropertySymbol overriddenOrImplementedProperty = null;

                if (!isExplicitInterfaceImplementation)
                    // If this property is an override, we may need to copy custom modifiers from
                    // the overridden property (so that the runtime will recognize it as an override).
                    // We check for this case here, while we can still modify the parameters and
                    // return type without losing the appearance of immutability.
                    isOverride = true;
                    overriddenOrImplementedProperty = this.OverriddenProperty;
                    string interfacePropertyName = isIndexer ? WellKnownMemberNames.Indexer : name;
                    explicitlyImplementedProperty = this.FindExplicitlyImplementedProperty(_explicitInterfaceType, interfacePropertyName, interfaceSpecifier, diagnostics);
                    overriddenOrImplementedProperty = explicitlyImplementedProperty;

                if ((object)overriddenOrImplementedProperty != null)
                    _typeCustomModifiers = overriddenOrImplementedProperty.TypeCustomModifiers;

                    TypeSymbol overriddenPropertyType = overriddenOrImplementedProperty.Type;

                    // We do an extra check before copying the type to handle the case where the overriding
                    // property (incorrectly) has a different type than the overridden property.  In such cases,
                    // we want to retain the original (incorrect) type to avoid hiding the type given in source.
                    if (_lazyType.Equals(overriddenPropertyType, ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: true, ignoreDynamic: false))
                        _lazyType = overriddenPropertyType;

                    _lazyParameters = CustomModifierUtils.CopyParameterCustomModifiers(overriddenOrImplementedProperty.Parameters, _lazyParameters, alsoCopyParamsModifier: isOverride);

            if (!hasAccessorList)
                if (hasExpressionBody)
                    _isExpressionBodied = true;
                    _getMethod = SourcePropertyAccessorSymbol.CreateAccessorSymbol(
                    _getMethod = null;
                _setMethod = null;
                _getMethod = CreateAccessorSymbol(getSyntax, explicitlyImplementedProperty, aliasQualifierOpt, notRegularProperty, diagnostics);

示例8: CopyEventCustomModifiers

        protected static void CopyEventCustomModifiers(EventSymbol eventWithCustomModifiers, ref TypeSymbol type, AssemblySymbol containingAssembly)
            Debug.Assert((object)eventWithCustomModifiers != null);

            TypeSymbol overriddenEventType = eventWithCustomModifiers.Type;

            // We do an extra check before copying the type to handle the case where the overriding
            // event (incorrectly) has a different type than the overridden event.  In such cases,
            // we want to retain the original (incorrect) type to avoid hiding the type given in source.
            if (type.Equals(overriddenEventType, ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: true, ignoreDynamic: true))
                type = CustomModifierUtils.CopyTypeCustomModifiers(overriddenEventType, type, RefKind.None, containingAssembly);

示例9: CopyEventCustomModifiers

        protected static void CopyEventCustomModifiers(EventSymbol eventWithCustomModifiers, ref TypeSymbol type)
            Debug.Assert((object)eventWithCustomModifiers != null);

            TypeSymbol overriddenEventType = eventWithCustomModifiers.Type;

            // We do an extra check before copying the type to handle the case where the overriding
            // event (incorrectly) has a different type than the overridden event.  In such cases,
            // we want to retain the original (incorrect) type to avoid hiding the type given in source.
            if (type.Equals(overriddenEventType, ignoreCustomModifiers: true, ignoreDynamic: false))
                type = overriddenEventType;

示例10: MergeTupleNames

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns first or a modified version of first with common tuple names from both types.
        /// </summary>
        internal static TypeSymbol MergeTupleNames(TypeSymbol first, TypeSymbol second)
            if (first.Equals(second, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions & ~TypeCompareKind.IgnoreTupleNames) ||
                return first;


            ImmutableArray<string> names1 = CSharpCompilation.TupleNamesEncoder.Encode(first);
            ImmutableArray<string> names2 = CSharpCompilation.TupleNamesEncoder.Encode(second);

            ImmutableArray<string> mergedNames;
            if (names1.IsDefault || names2.IsDefault)
                mergedNames = default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                Debug.Assert(names1.Length == names2.Length);
                mergedNames = names1.ZipAsArray(names2, (n1, n2) => string.CompareOrdinal(n1, n2) == 0 ? n1 : null);

                if (mergedNames.All(n => n == null))
                    mergedNames = default(ImmutableArray<string>);

            return TupleTypeDecoder.DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(first, mergedNames);

示例11: MergeDynamic

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns first or a modified version of first with merged dynamic flags from both types.
        /// </summary>
        internal static TypeSymbol MergeDynamic(TypeSymbol first, TypeSymbol second, AssemblySymbol corLibrary)
            // SPEC: 4.7 The Dynamic Type
            //       Type inference (7.5.2) will prefer dynamic over object if both are candidates.
            if (first.Equals(second, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions & ~TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamic))
                return first;
            ImmutableArray<bool> flags1 = CSharpCompilation.DynamicTransformsEncoder.EncodeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(first, RefKind.None);
            ImmutableArray<bool> flags2 = CSharpCompilation.DynamicTransformsEncoder.EncodeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(second, RefKind.None);
            ImmutableArray<bool> mergedFlags = flags1.ZipAsArray(flags2, (f1, f2) => f1 | f2);

            return DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformTypeWithoutCustomModifierFlags(first, corLibrary, RefKind.None, mergedFlags);

示例12: MergeTupleNames

        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the names from the two types, finds the common names, and applies them onto the target.
        /// </summary>
        internal static TypeSymbol MergeTupleNames(TypeSymbol first, TypeSymbol second, TypeSymbol target, AssemblySymbol corLibrary)
            if (!target.ContainsTuple() ||
                first.Equals(second, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds | TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamic) ||
                return target;

            ImmutableArray<string> names1 = CSharpCompilation.TupleNamesEncoder.Encode(first);
            ImmutableArray<string> names2 = CSharpCompilation.TupleNamesEncoder.Encode(second);

            ImmutableArray<string> mergedNames;
            if (names1.IsDefault || names2.IsDefault)
                mergedNames = default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                Debug.Assert(names1.Length == names2.Length);
                mergedNames = names1.ZipAsArray(names2, (n1, n2) => string.CompareOrdinal(n1, n2) == 0 ? n1 : null);

                if (mergedNames.All(n => n == null))
                    mergedNames = default(ImmutableArray<string>);

            return TupleTypeDecoder.DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(target, corLibrary, mergedNames);

示例13: Better

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the better type amongst the two, with some possible modifications (dynamic/object or tuple names).
        /// </summary>
        private TypeSymbol Better(TypeSymbol type1, TypeSymbol type2, ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            // Anything is better than an error sym.
            if (type1.IsErrorType())
                return type2;

            if ((object)type2 == null || type2.IsErrorType())
                return type1;

            var t1tot2 = _conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromType(type1, type2, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists;
            var t2tot1 = _conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromType(type2, type1, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists;

            if (t1tot2 && t2tot1)
                if (type1.IsDynamic())
                    return type1;

                if (type2.IsDynamic())
                    return type2;

                if (type1.Equals(type2, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamicAndTupleNames))
                    return MethodTypeInferrer.MergeTupleNames(type1, type2, MethodTypeInferrer.MergeDynamic(type1, type2, type1, _conversions.CorLibrary), _conversions.CorLibrary);

                return null;

            if (t1tot2)
                return type2;

            if (t2tot1)
                return type1;

            return null;
