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C# TypeSymbol.?.GetDelegateType方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中TypeSymbol.?.GetDelegateType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TypeSymbol.?.GetDelegateType方法的具体用法?C# TypeSymbol.?.GetDelegateType怎么用?C# TypeSymbol.?.GetDelegateType使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TypeSymbol的用法示例。


示例1: InferReturnType

        private static TypeSymbol InferReturnType(
            BoundBlock block,
            Binder binder,
            TypeSymbol delegateType,
            bool isAsync,
            ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics,
            out RefKind refKind,
            out bool inferredFromSingleType)
            int numberOfDistinctReturns;
            var resultTypes = BlockReturns.GetReturnTypes(block, out refKind, out numberOfDistinctReturns);

            inferredFromSingleType = numberOfDistinctReturns < 2;

            TypeSymbol bestResultType;
            if (resultTypes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                bestResultType = null;
            else if (resultTypes.Length == 1)
                bestResultType = resultTypes[0];
                bestResultType = BestTypeInferrer.InferBestType(resultTypes, binder.Conversions, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

            if (!isAsync)
                return bestResultType;

            // For async lambdas, the return type is the return type of the
            // delegate Invoke method if Invoke has a Task-like return type.
            // Otherwise the return type is Task or Task<T>.
            NamedTypeSymbol taskType = null;
            var delegateReturnType = delegateType?.GetDelegateType()?.DelegateInvokeMethod?.ReturnType as NamedTypeSymbol;
            if ((object)delegateReturnType != null)
                NamedTypeSymbol builderType;
                MethodSymbol createBuilderMethod;
                if (delegateReturnType.IsCustomTaskType(out builderType, out createBuilderMethod))
                    taskType = delegateReturnType;

            if (resultTypes.IsEmpty)
                // No return statements have expressions; use delegate InvokeMethod
                // or infer type Task if delegate type not available.
                return (object)taskType != null && taskType.Arity == 0 ?
                    taskType :

            if ((object)bestResultType == null || bestResultType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void)
                // If the best type was 'void', ERR_CantReturnVoid is reported while binding the "return void"
                // statement(s).
                return null;

            // Some non-void best type T was found; use delegate InvokeMethod
            // or infer type Task<T> if delegate type not available.
            var taskTypeT = (object)taskType != null && taskType.Arity == 1 ?
                delegateReturnType.ConstructedFrom :
            return taskTypeT.Construct(bestResultType);
