本文整理汇总了C#中Rectangle2D类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Rectangle2D类的具体用法?C# Rectangle2D怎么用?C# Rectangle2D使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: AddDynamicWeather
public static void AddDynamicWeather( int temperature, int chanceOfPercipitation, int chanceOfExtremeTemperature, int moveSpeed, int width, int height, Rectangle2D bounds )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Facets.Length; ++i )
Rectangle2D area = new Rectangle2D();
bool isValid = false;
for ( int j = 0; j < 10; ++j )
area = new Rectangle2D( bounds.X + Utility.Random( bounds.Width - width ), bounds.Y + Utility.Random( bounds.Height - height ), width, height );
if ( !CheckWeatherConflict( m_Facets[i], null, area ) )
isValid = true;
if ( isValid )
if ( !isValid )
Weather w = new Weather( m_Facets[i], new Rectangle2D[]{ area }, temperature, chanceOfPercipitation, chanceOfExtremeTemperature, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) );
w.m_Bounds = bounds;
w.m_MoveSpeed = moveSpeed;
示例2: SimpleCollisionTest
/// <summary>
/// Test whether label collides.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newLabel"></param>
/// <returns>true if label collided with another (more important or earlier) label</returns>
public Boolean SimpleCollisionTest(Label2D newLabel)
if (labelList.Contains(newLabel))
return false;
Size2D newSize = TextRenderer.MeasureString(newLabel.Text, newLabel.Font);
newSize = new Size2D(newSize.Width + 2 * newLabel.CollisionBuffer.Width, newSize.Height + 2 * newLabel.CollisionBuffer.Height);
Rectangle2D newRect = new Rectangle2D(new Point2D(newLabel.Location.X - newLabel.CollisionBuffer.Width, newLabel.Location.Y - newLabel.CollisionBuffer.Height), newSize);
foreach (Label2D label in labelList)
Size2D size = TextRenderer.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font);
size = new Size2D(size.Width + 2*label.CollisionBuffer.Width, size.Height + 2*label.CollisionBuffer.Height);
Rectangle2D rect =
new Rectangle2D(
new Point2D(label.Location.X - newLabel.CollisionBuffer.Width, label.Location.Y - label.CollisionBuffer.Height),
if (newRect.Intersects(rect))
return true;
return false;
示例3: PresetMapEntry
public PresetMapEntry( int name, int width, int height, int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom )
m_Name = name;
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
m_Bounds = new Rectangle2D( xLeft, yTop, xRight - xLeft, yBottom - yTop );
示例4: ConfirmTentPlacementGump
public ConfirmTentPlacementGump( Mobile owner, TentAddon tent, TentFlap flap, TentBedroll roll, SecureTentChest chest, Rectangle2D bounds )
: base( 10, 10 )
m_Owner = owner;
m_Tent = tent;
m_Flap = flap;
m_Bedroll = roll;
m_Chest = chest;
m_RegionBounds = bounds;
Closable = false;
Disposable = false;
Resizable = false;
Dragable = true;
AddPage( 1 );
AddBackground( 10, 10, 325, 305, 9250 );
AddImageTiled( 25, 25, 295, 11, 50 );
AddLabel( 90, 35, 0, "Confirm Tent Placement" );
AddButton( 35, 275, 4020, 4022, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1 ); //Cancel
AddButton( 280, 275, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1 ); //Ok
AddHtml( 27, 75, 290, 200, String.Format( "<center>You are about to place a travel tent.</center><br> Within, you will find a bedroll "
+ "and a secure wooden chest.<br> To repack your tent, or to logout safely, double-click "
+ "your bedroll. When doing so, please make sure that all items are removed from the chest."
+ "<br> Please press okay to continue, or press cancel to stop tent placement." ), false, false );
示例5: Rectangle2DEqualityTests
public void Rectangle2DEqualityTests()
Rectangle2D r1 = new Rectangle2D();
Rectangle2D r2 = Rectangle2D.Empty;
Rectangle2D r3 = Rectangle2D.Zero;
Rectangle2D r4 = new Rectangle2D(0, 0, 0, 0);
Rectangle2D r5 = new Rectangle2D(9, 10, -5, -6);
Rectangle2D r6 = new Rectangle2D(0, 0, 10, 10);
Rectangle2D r7 = new Rectangle2D(new Point2D(0, 0), new Size2D(10, 10));
Assert.Equal(r1, r2);
Assert.NotEqual(r1, r3);
Assert.Equal(r3, r4);
Assert.NotEqual(r1, r5);
Assert.NotEqual(r3, r5);
Assert.Equal(r6, r7);
IMatrixD v1 = r1;
IMatrixD v2 = r2;
IMatrixD v3 = r3;
IMatrixD v4 = r4;
IMatrixD v5 = r5;
Assert.Equal(v1, v2);
Assert.NotEqual(v1, v3);
Assert.Equal(v3, v4);
Assert.NotEqual(v1, v5);
Assert.NotEqual(v3, v5);
Assert.Equal(v5, r5);
示例6: Create2DElement
public static void Create2DElement(String name, String texture, Vector2 TopLeft, Vector2 BottomRight)
MaterialPtr material = MaterialManager.Singleton.Create(name, "General");
material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).DepthCheckEnabled = false;
material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).DepthWriteEnabled = false;
material.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).LightingEnabled = false;
// Create background rectangle covering the whole screen
Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D(true);
rect.SetCorners(TopLeft.x * 2 - 1, 1 - TopLeft.y * 2, BottomRight.x * 2 - 1, 1 - BottomRight.y * 2);
//rect.SetCorners(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f);
// Render the background before everything else
rect.RenderQueueGroup = (byte)RenderQueueGroupID.RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY;
// Use infinite AAB to always stay visible
AxisAlignedBox aab = new AxisAlignedBox();
rect.BoundingBox = aab;
// Attach background to the scene
SceneNode node = _OgreEngine.mMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode("2D__" + name);
示例7: StrongholdDefinition
public StrongholdDefinition( Rectangle2D[] area, Point3D joinStone, Point3D factionStone, Point3D[] monoliths )
m_Area = area;
m_JoinStone = joinStone;
m_FactionStone = factionStone;
m_Monoliths = monoliths;
示例8: SerpentPillar
public SerpentPillar( string word, Rectangle2D destination, bool active ) : base( 0x233F )
Movable = false;
m_Active = active;
m_Word = word;
m_Destination = destination;
示例9: SafeZone
/*public override bool AllowReds{ get{ return true; } }*/
public SafeZone( Rectangle2D area, Point3D goloc, Map map, bool isGuarded ) : base( null, map, SafeZonePriority, area )
GoLocation = goloc;
this.Disabled = !isGuarded;
示例10: RandomPointIn
private static Point3D RandomPointIn( Rectangle2D rect, Map map )
int x = Utility.Random( rect.X, rect.Width );
int y = Utility.Random( rect.Y, rect.Height );
int z = map.GetAverageZ( x, y );
return new Point3D( x, y, z );
示例11: transform
* Auto-shapes are defined in the [0,21600] coordinate system.
* We need to transform it into normal slide coordinates
public static java.awt.Shape transform(java.awt.Shape outline, Rectangle2D anchor){
AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
at.translate(anchor.GetX(), anchor.GetY());
return at.CreateTransformedShape(outline);
示例12: PolygonElementClip
internal PolygonElementClip(Rectangle2D clipBox)
this.boundary = clipBox;
this.Edges = new Edge[]
new Edge { IsHorisontal = false, IsLeft = true, Value = this.boundary.Left },
new Edge { IsHorisontal = false, IsLeft = false, Value = this.boundary.Right },
new Edge { IsHorisontal = true, IsLeft = true, Value = this.boundary.Bottom },
new Edge { IsHorisontal = true, IsLeft = false, Value = this.boundary.Top }
示例13: ViewBoundsChanedEventArgs
public ViewBoundsChanedEventArgs(Rectangle2D oldViewBounds, Rectangle2D newViewBounds)
if (oldViewBounds != null)
_oldViewBounds = new Rectangle2D(oldViewBounds);
if (_newViewBounds != null)
_newViewBounds = new Rectangle2D(newViewBounds);
示例14: TentValidator
public TentValidator( Mobile owner, TentAddon tent, TentBedroll bedroll, SecureTentChest chest, TravelTentRegion region, Rectangle2D bounds )
: base( 0x12B3 )
Name = "travel tent validator";
Movable = false;
Visible = false;
m_Owner = owner;
m_Tent = tent;
m_Bedroll = bedroll;
m_Chest = chest;
m_Region = region;
m_Bounds = bounds;
示例15: OnTarget
public void OnTarget( Mobile from, Map map, Point3D start, Point3D end, object state )
object[] states = (object[])state;
BaseCommand command = (BaseCommand)states[0];
string[] args = (string[])states[1];
Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D( start.X, start.Y, end.X - start.X + 1, end.Y - start.Y + 1 );
Extensions ext = Extensions.Parse( from, ref args );
bool items, mobiles;
if ( !CheckObjectTypes( command, ext, out items, out mobiles ) )
IPooledEnumerable eable;
if ( items && mobiles )
eable = map.GetObjectsInBounds( rect );
else if ( items )
eable = map.GetItemsInBounds( rect );
else if ( mobiles )
eable = map.GetMobilesInBounds( rect );
ArrayList objs = new ArrayList();
foreach ( object obj in eable )
if ( mobiles && obj is Mobile && !BaseCommand.IsAccessible( from, obj ) )
if ( ext.IsValid( obj ) )
objs.Add( obj );
ext.Filter( objs );
RunCommand( from, objs, command, args );
catch ( Exception ex )
from.SendMessage( ex.Message );