本文整理汇总了C#中INode.GetChild方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# INode.GetChild方法的具体用法?C# INode.GetChild怎么用?C# INode.GetChild使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类INode
示例1: Render
public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
if (node.ChildrenCount != 2)
throw new MonoRailException("#capturefor directive expects an id attribute and a template block");
var idNode = (ASTWord) node.GetChild(0);
var bodyNode = (ASTBlock) node.GetChild(1);
var id = idNode.Literal;
var buffer = new StringWriter();
var sb = buffer.GetStringBuilder();
bodyNode.Render(context, buffer);
var currentContent = context[id] as string;
if( currentContent != null )
context[id] = sb.ToString();
return true;
示例2: Render
public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
if(node.ChildrenCount == 2) {
string lang = node.GetChild(0).Value(context) as string;
var codeWriter = new StringWriter();
node.GetChild(1).Render(context, codeWriter);
var code = codeWriter.ToString();
if(lang != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) {
var highlighter = new SyntaxHighlighter();
writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"syntax\"><div class=\"code\">");
writer.Write(highlighter.Highlight(code, lang));
return true;
示例3: Init
public override void Init(IRuntimeServices rs, IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
base.Init(rs, context, node);
compNameNode = node.GetChild(0);
if (compNameNode == null)
String message = String.Format("You must specify the component name on the #{0} directive", Name);
throw new ViewComponentException(message);
示例4: GetIterator
/// <summary>
/// returns an Iterator to the collection in the #foreach()
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"> current context </param>
/// <param name="node"> AST node </param>
/// <returns>Iterator to do the dataset </returns>
private IEnumerator GetIterator(IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
// get our list object, and punt if it's null.
Object listObject = node.GetChild(2).Value(context);
// if we have an event cartridge, get a new value object
NVelocity.App.Events.EventCartridge eventCartridge = context.EventCartridge;
if (eventCartridge != null)
listObject = eventCartridge.ReferenceInsert(new Stack(), node.GetChild(2).Literal, listObject);
if (listObject == null)
return null;
// See if we already know what type this is.
// Use the introspection cache
EnumType type = EnumType.Unknown;
IntrospectionCacheData introspectionCacheData = context.ICacheGet(this);
Type c = listObject.GetType();
// if we have an entry in the cache, and the Class we have
// cached is the same as the Class of the data object
// then we are ok
if (introspectionCacheData != null && introspectionCacheData.ContextData == c)
// dig the type out of the data object
type = ((EnumType)introspectionCacheData.Thingy);
// If we still don't know what this is,
// figure out what type of object the list
// element is, and get the iterator for it
if (type == EnumType.Unknown)
if (listObject.GetType().IsArray)
type = EnumType.Array;
else if (listObject is IDictionary)
type = EnumType.Dictionary;
else if (listObject is ICollection)
type = EnumType.Collection;
else if (listObject is IEnumerable)
type = EnumType.Enumerable;
else if (listObject is IEnumerator)
type = EnumType.Enumeration;
// if we did figure it out, cache it
if (type != EnumType.Unknown)
introspectionCacheData = new IntrospectionCacheData(c, type);
context.ICachePut(this, introspectionCacheData);
// now based on the type from either cache or examination...
switch (type)
case EnumType.Collection:
return ((ICollection)listObject).GetEnumerator();
case EnumType.Enumerable:
return ((IEnumerable)listObject).GetEnumerator();
case EnumType.Enumeration:
"Warning! The reference {0} is an Enumeration in the #foreach() loop at [{1},{2}] in template {3}. Because it's not resetable, if used in more than once, this may lead to unexpected results.",
node.GetChild(2).FirstToken.Image, Line, Column, context.CurrentTemplateName));
return (IEnumerator)listObject;
case EnumType.Array:
return ((Array)listObject).GetEnumerator();
case EnumType.Dictionary:
return ((IDictionary)listObject).GetEnumerator();
/* we have no clue what this is */
示例5: Init
/// <summary>
/// simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from
/// the AST
/// </summary>
public override void Init(IRuntimeServices rs, IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
base.Init(rs, context, node);
counterName = runtimeServices.GetString(RuntimeConstants.COUNTER_NAME);
counterInitialValue = runtimeServices.GetInt(RuntimeConstants.COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE);
// this is really the only thing we can do here as everything
// else is context sensitive
elementKey = node.GetChild(0).FirstToken.Image.Substring(1);
示例6: Render
/// <summary>
/// iterates through the argument list and renders every
/// argument that is appropriate. Any non appropriate
/// arguments are logged, but render() continues.
/// </summary>
public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
// get our arguments and check them
int argCount = node.ChildrenCount;
for(int i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
// we only handle StringLiterals and References right now
INode n = node.GetChild(i);
if (n.Type == ParserTreeConstants.STRING_LITERAL || n.Type == ParserTreeConstants.REFERENCE)
if (!RenderOutput(n, context, writer))
OutputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");
//UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.Object.toString' may return a different value. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1043"'
rsvc.Error("#include() error : invalid argument type : " + n.ToString());
OutputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");
return true;
示例7: Render
public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
IEngineContext railsContext = EngineContextLocator.Instance.LocateCurrentContext();
IViewComponentRegistry registry = railsContext.Services.GetService<IViewComponentFactory>().Registry;
IViewComponentDescriptorProvider viewDescProvider =
ICacheProvider cacheProvider = railsContext.Services.CacheProvider;
INode compNameNode = node.GetChild(0);
if (compNameNode == null)
String message = String.Format("You must specify the component name on the #{0} directive", Name);
throw new ViewComponentException(message);
string componentName = compNameNode.FirstToken.Image;
if (componentName == null)
String message = String.Format("Could not obtain component name from the #{0} directive", Name);
throw new ViewComponentException(message);
if (componentName.StartsWith("$"))
String nodeContent = compNameNode.Literal.Trim('"', '\'');
SimpleNode inlineNode = runtimeServices.Parse(new StringReader(nodeContent), context.CurrentTemplateName, false);
inlineNode.Init(context, runtimeServices);
componentName = (string) Evaluate(inlineNode, context);
IDictionary componentParams = CreateParameters(context, node);
Type viewComptype = registry.GetViewComponent(componentName);
ViewComponentDescriptor descriptor = null;
CacheKey key = null;
if (viewComptype != null)
descriptor = viewDescProvider.Collect(viewComptype);
bool isOutputtingToCache = false;
ViewComponentCacheBag bag = null;
if (descriptor != null && descriptor.IsCacheable)
key = descriptor.CacheKeyGenerator.Create(componentName, componentParams, railsContext);
if (key != null)
ViewComponentCacheBag cachedContent = (ViewComponentCacheBag) cacheProvider.Get(key.ToString());
if (cachedContent != null)
// Restore entries
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in cachedContent.ContextEntries)
context[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
// Render from cache
return true;
isOutputtingToCache = true;
bag = new ViewComponentCacheBag();
ViewComponent component = viewComponentFactory.Create(componentName);
if (component == null)
throw new MonoRailException("ViewComponentFactory returned a null ViewComponent for " + componentName + ". " +
"Please investigate the implementation: " + viewComponentFactory.GetType().FullName);
ASTDirective directiveNode = (ASTDirective) node;
IViewRenderer renderer = (IViewRenderer) directiveNode.Directive;
NVelocityViewContextAdapter contextAdapter = new NVelocityViewContextAdapter(componentName, node, viewEngine, renderer);
contextAdapter.Context = isOutputtingToCache ? new CacheAwareContext(context, bag) : context;
INode bodyNode = null;
if (node.ChildrenCount > 0)
bodyNode = node.GetChild(node.ChildrenCount - 1);
示例8: Init
/// <summary>
/// Store the literal rendition of a node using
/// the Node.literal().
/// </summary>
public override void Init(IRuntimeServices rs, IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
base.Init(rs, context, node);
literalText = node.GetChild(0).Literal;
示例9: AssertArgument
private bool AssertArgument(INode node)
bool result = true;
if (node.GetChild(0) == null)
runtimeServices.Error("#parse() error : null argument");
result = false;
return result;
示例10: Render
public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
componentName = compNameNode.FirstToken.Image;
if (componentName == null)
String message = String.Format("Could not obtain component name from the #{0} directive", Name);
throw new ViewComponentException(message);
if (componentName.StartsWith("$"))
String nodeContent = compNameNode.Literal.Trim('"', '\'');
SimpleNode inlineNode = rsvc.Parse(new StringReader(nodeContent), context.CurrentTemplateName,
inlineNode.Init(context, rsvc);
componentName = (String) Evaluate(inlineNode, context);
ViewComponent component = viewComponentFactory.Create(componentName);
ASTDirective directiveNode = (ASTDirective) node;
IViewRenderer renderer = (IViewRenderer) directiveNode.Directive;
NVelocityViewContextAdapter contextAdapter = new NVelocityViewContextAdapter(componentName, node, viewEngine, renderer);
contextAdapter.Context = context;
INode bodyNode = null;
IDictionary componentParams = CreateParameters(context, node);
if (node.ChildrenCount > 0)
bodyNode = node.GetChild(node.ChildrenCount - 1);
contextAdapter.BodyNode = bodyNode;
contextAdapter.ComponentParams = componentParams;
contextAdapter.TextWriter = writer;
IRailsEngineContext railsContext = MonoRailHttpHandler.CurrentContext;
component.Init(railsContext, contextAdapter);
ProcessSubSections(component, contextAdapter);
const string ViewComponentContextKey = "viewcomponent";
var previousComp = context[ViewComponentContextKey];
context[ViewComponentContextKey] = component;
if (contextAdapter.ViewToRender != null)
RenderComponentView(context, contextAdapter.ViewToRender, writer, contextAdapter);
if (previousComp != null)
context[ViewComponentContextKey] = previousComp;
return true;
示例11: ProcSubtree
private void ProcSubtree(float tx0, float ty0, float tz0, float tx1, float ty1, float tz1, INode node,
bool insideSolidNode, int currentDepth, int? wantedDepth,
Coords nodeCoords)
if (!_intersectMultiple && results.Count > 0) {
if (tx1 < 0.0 || ty1 < 0.0 || tz1 < 0.0) {
if (_debug) {
var entryDistance = Mathf.Max(tx0, ty0, tz0);
Debug.DrawLine(_ray.origin, _ray.GetPoint(entryDistance), Color.red, 0, false);
if (wantedDepth == null) {
if (node == null) {
if (node.IsSolid()) {
ProcessTerminal(node, tx0, ty0, tz0);
if (results.Count > 0) {
} else {
if (!insideSolidNode) {
//didn't manage to get into a solid node
if (node == null) {
insideSolidNode = node.IsSolid();
if (insideSolidNode && currentDepth >= wantedDepth) {
if (currentDepth == wantedDepth) {
ProcessTerminal(nodeCoords, tx0, ty0, tz0);
} else {
//oops, went too deep!!!
//trace back to wanted depth
var newCoords = new OctreeChildCoords[wantedDepth.Value];
for (var i = 0; i < newCoords.Length; ++i) {
newCoords[i] = nodeCoords.GetCoord(i);
ProcessTerminal(new Coords(newCoords), tx0, ty0,
if (results.Count > 0) {
if (_debug) {
if (node != null) {
var bounds = node.GetBounds();
DrawBounds(bounds, Color.white);
} else {
//inside solid node and still going strong baby!
var bounds = _rootNode.GetChildBounds(nodeCoords);
DrawBounds(bounds, Color.cyan);
var txm = 0.5f * (tx0 + tx1);
var tym = 0.5f * (ty0 + ty1);
var tzm = 0.5f * (tz0 + tz1);
var currNode = FirstNode(tx0, ty0, tz0, txm, tym, tzm);
while (currNode < 8) {
var childIndex = (OctreeNode.ChildIndex) (currNode ^ _dimensionFlipFlags);
if (!_intersectMultiple && results.Count > 0) {
var nextDepth = currentDepth + 1;
var childCoords = new Coords(nodeCoords,
INode childNode;
if (insideSolidNode) {
childNode = null;
} else {
childNode = node.GetChild(childIndex);
switch (currNode) {
//0= none
//1 = only x
示例12: processAndRegister
/// <summary>
/// Used by Parser.java to process VMs within the parsing process
/// processAndRegister() doesn't actually render the macro to the output
/// Processes the macro body into the internal representation used by the
/// VelocimacroProxy objects, and if not currently used, adds it
/// to the macro Factory
/// </summary>
public static void processAndRegister(IRuntimeServices rs, INode node, String sourceTemplate)
// There must be at least one arg to #macro,
// the name of the VM. Note that 0 following
// args is ok for naming blocks of HTML
int numArgs = node.ChildrenCount;
// this number is the # of args + 1. The + 1
// is for the block tree
if (numArgs < 2)
// error - they didn't name the macro or
// define a block
rs.Error("#macro error : Velocimacro must have name as 1st argument to #macro()");
// get the arguments to the use of the VM
String[] argArray = getArgArray(node);
// now, try and eat the code block. Pass the root.
IList macroArray = getASTAsStringArray(node.GetChild(numArgs - 1));
// make a big string out of our macro
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < macroArray.Count; i++)
String macroBody = temp.ToString();
// now, try to add it. The Factory controls permissions,
// so just give it a whack...
rs.AddVelocimacro(argArray[0], macroBody, argArray, sourceTemplate);
示例13: getArgArray
/// <summary> creates an array containing the literal
/// strings in the macro argument
/// </summary>
private static String[] getArgArray(INode node)
// remember : this includes the block tree
int numArgs = node.ChildrenCount;
numArgs--; // avoid the block tree...
String[] argArray = new String[numArgs];
int i = 0;
// eat the args
while(i < numArgs)
argArray[i] = node.GetChild(i).FirstToken.Image;
// trim off the leading $ for the args after the macro name.
// saves everyone else from having to do it
if (i > 0)
if (argArray[i].StartsWith("$"))
argArray[i] = argArray[i].Substring(1, (argArray[i].Length) - (1));
// if (debugMode)
// {
// Console.Out.WriteLine("Macro.getArgArray() : #args = " + numArgs);
// Console.Out.Write(argArray[0] + "(");
// for (i = 1; i < numArgs; i++)
// Console.Out.Write(" " + argArray[i]);
// Console.Out.WriteLine(" )");
// }
return argArray;
示例14: Render
/// <summary>
/// renders the #foreach() block
/// </summary>
public override bool Render(IInternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
// do our introspection to see what our collection is
IEnumerator enumerator = GetIterator(context, node);
INode bodyNode = node.GetChild(3);
INode[][] sections = PrepareSections(bodyNode);
bool isFancyLoop = (sections != null);
if (enumerator == null && !isFancyLoop)
return true;
int counter = counterInitialValue;
// save the element key if there is one,
// and the loop counter
Object o = context.Get(elementKey);
Object ctr = context.Get(counterName);
if (enumerator != null && enumerator.MoveNext())
object current = enumerator.Current;
context.Put(counterName, counter);
//context.Put(hasNextName, enumerator.MoveNext() ? Boolean.TrueString : Boolean.FalseString);
context.Put(elementKey, current);
if (isFancyLoop)
if (counter == counterInitialValue)
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.BeforeAll, sections, context, writer);
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.Between, sections, context, writer);
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.Before, sections, context, writer);
// since 1st item is zero we invert odd/even
if ((counter - counterInitialValue) % 2 == 0)
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.Odd, sections, context, writer);
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.Even, sections, context, writer);
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.Each, sections, context, writer);
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.After, sections, context, writer);
bodyNode.Render(context, writer);
catch (BreakException)
} while (enumerator.MoveNext());
if (isFancyLoop)
if (counter > counterInitialValue)
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.AfterAll, sections, context, writer);
ProcessSection(ForeachSectionEnum.NoData, sections, context, writer);
// restores the loop counter (if we were nested)
// if we have one, else just removes
if (ctr == null)
context.Put(counterName, ctr);
// restores element key if exists
示例15: CreateParameters
protected virtual IDictionary CreateParameters(IInternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
int childrenCount = node.ChildrenCount;
if (childrenCount > 1)
INode lastNode = node.GetChild(childrenCount - 1);
if (lastNode.Type == ParserTreeConstants.BLOCK)
if (childrenCount > 1)
IDictionary dict = ProcessFirstParam(node, context, childrenCount);
if (dict != null)
return dict;
else if (childrenCount > 2)
return ProcessRemainingParams(childrenCount, node, context);
return new Hashtable(0);