本文整理汇总了C#中IFeatureClass.GetFeature方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# IFeatureClass.GetFeature方法的具体用法?C# IFeatureClass.GetFeature怎么用?C# IFeatureClass.GetFeature使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类IFeatureClass
示例1: GetHistoryList
/// <summary>
/// 获取历史记录列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fid">要获取历史记录的要素</param>
/// <param name="fc"></param>
/// <param name="historyFC"></param>
/// <returns>历史记录列表,每一个值都是objectid,而不是道路编号</returns>
public static List<int> GetHistoryList(int fid, IFeatureClass fc, IFeatureClass historyFC)
var f = fc.GetFeature(fid);
if (f == null) return null;
var historyList = new List<int>();
var o = f.get_Value(f.Fields.FindField(ParentIDFieldName));
if (o == null || o == DBNull.Value) return historyList;
var parentNo = Convert.ToInt32(o);
int id;
while(parentNo != -1)
parentNo = GetParentNo(parentNo, historyFC, out id);
if (id != -1) historyList.Add(id);
return historyList;
示例2: Store
public void Store(IFeatureClass exceptionFC)
IFeatureBuffer theFBuffer;
// New exceptions need to be inserted
if (this.ObjectID == -1)
theFBuffer = exceptionFC.CreateFeatureBuffer();
theFBuffer = (IFeatureBuffer)exceptionFC.GetFeature(this.ObjectID);
int idx;
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("ATTACHMENT");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._attachment);
//idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("DATA_EXCEPTION_POINT_ID");
//theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, {populated by trigger});
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("DATA_EXCEPTION_STATUS");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._status);
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("EXCEPTION_DESCRIPTION");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._description);
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("LATITUDE");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._location.Y);
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("LONGITUDE");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._location.X);
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("OPERATIONAL_DATASET_NAME");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._operationDSName);
idx = theFBuffer.Fields.FindField("QA_TEST_NAME");
theFBuffer.set_Value(idx, this._testName);
// Shape
theFBuffer.Shape = this._location;
if (this.ObjectID == -1)
ICursor theInsertCursor = ((ITable)exceptionFC).Insert(false);
this._objectID = (int)theInsertCursor.InsertRow(theFBuffer);
示例3: ProcessLayer
private bool ProcessLayer(
string layerKey,
IFeatureClass workingFC,
IFeatureClass editsFC,
IFeatureClass pristineFC,
IPolygon seeBounds,
double shiftLimit)
if (workingFC == null
|| editsFC == null
|| pristineFC == null
|| seeBounds == null
|| seeBounds.IsEmpty == true)
this.LogMessage("Bad arguments passed to ProcessLayer");
return false;
// Loop through Inserts, Updates, Deletes
IFeatureCursor theInsCursor = null;
IFeatureCursor theUpdCursor = null;
IFeatureCursor theDelCursor = null;
int workingOID = -1;
int pristineOID = -1;
string theTxID = this.TxID;
theInsCursor = this._eDao.getInserts(layerKey);
theUpdCursor = this._eDao.getUpdates(layerKey);
theDelCursor = this._eDao.getDeletes(layerKey);
IFeature theWorkingFeature = null;
IFeature thePristineFeature = null;
string[] pks = new String[1] { workingFC.Fields.get_Field(0).Name }; //this._tmConfig.get_LayerConfig(layerKey).Keys;
IQueryFilter thePKFilter = null;
IFeature theEditIndicator = theInsCursor.NextFeature();
while (theEditIndicator != null)
thePKFilter = DAOUtils.setupFilter(theEditIndicator, pks);
if (thePKFilter != null)
// Pass working feature, no original feature
int idx = theEditIndicator.Fields.FindField(EditsDAO.EDIT_OID_LOG);
int oid = Convert.ToInt32(theEditIndicator.get_Value(idx));
theWorkingFeature = workingFC.GetFeature(oid);
this.LogMessage("Checking insert " + theEditIndicator.OID + ". Biz Where clause: " + thePKFilter.WhereClause);
this.LogMessage("Working OID: " + oid + " Null? " + Convert.ToString(theWorkingFeature == null));
workingOID = oid;
thePristineFeature = null;
pristineOID = -1;
this.EvaluateEditInSee(theWorkingFeature, thePristineFeature, seeBounds, theTxID, thePKFilter.WhereClause, shiftLimit);
this.CreateMissingPKError(theEditIndicator, pks, "insert");
theEditIndicator = theInsCursor.NextFeature();
theEditIndicator = theUpdCursor.NextFeature();
while (theEditIndicator != null)
thePKFilter = DAOUtils.setupFilter(theEditIndicator, pks);
if (thePKFilter != null)
// Pass working feature, pristine feature
int idx = theEditIndicator.Fields.FindField(EditsDAO.EDIT_OID_LOG);
int oid = Convert.ToInt32(theEditIndicator.get_Value(idx));
theWorkingFeature = workingFC.GetFeature(oid);
this.LogMessage("Checking update " + theEditIndicator.OID + ". Biz Where clause: " + thePKFilter.WhereClause);
this.LogMessage("Working OID: " + oid + " Null? " + Convert.ToString(theWorkingFeature == null));
workingOID = oid;
thePristineFeature = null;
IFeatureCursor thePristineCursor = null;
thePristineCursor = pristineFC.Search(thePKFilter, false);
thePristineFeature = thePristineCursor.NextFeature();
pristineOID = thePristineFeature.OID;
catch (Exception)
{ }
if (thePristineCursor != null)
示例4: MatchTable
fieldsToCopy.GetAllProperties(out copyTo, out copyFrom);
string[] copyToArray = copyTo as string[];
object[] copyFromArray = copyFrom as object[];
string matchStatus = "U";
// Populate the output feature class
while (row != null)
featureBuffer = outputFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int,string> entry in addressFieldIndexes)
if (entry.Key != -1)
address = row.get_Value(entry.Key) as string;
address = row.get_Value(0) as string;
addressProperties.SetProperty(entry.Value, address);
resultSet = MatchAddress(addressProperties);
// Get all of the fields and values of the result
resultSet.GetAllProperties(out key, out value);
string[] names = key as string[];
object[] items = value as object[];
// Output match fields and values
// Insert the Feature into the output featureClass and get the next row
if (m_needToUpdate)
_log.Debug("IAddressGeocoding Updating Feature" + row.OID.ToString());
// Record is being rematched so find record to update
IFeature feature = outputFeatureClass.GetFeature(row.OID);
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
if (names[i] == "Shape")
feature.Shape = items[i] as IGeometry;
if (names[i] == "Status")
matchStatus = items[i] as string;
feature.set_Value(outputFeatureClass.FindField(names[i]), items[i]);
// Set the match type
if (outputFeatureClass.FindField("Match_type") != -1)
feature.set_Value(outputFeatureClass.FindField("Match_type"), "A");
// Copy over values from address table
for (int j = 0; j < copyToArray.Length; j++)
row.get_Value(addressTable.FindField(copyFromArray[j] as string)));
示例5: SearchSpatialFilter
/// <summary>
/// ����λ�ڻ������еĵ�Ҫ��- ʹ��ISpatialFilter
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ipPtFeaCls">��ͼ��</param>
/// <param name="ipBufferFeaCls">������ͼ��</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool SearchSpatialFilter(IFeatureClass ipPtFeaCls,
IFeatureClass ipBufferFeaCls)
if (ipBufferFeaCls == null || ipPtFeaCls == null) return false;
ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //(CLSID_SpatialFilter);
// 1. ���ÿռ��ϵ
pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains;
// 2.���ù��˼���
string shapeFieldName = ipPtFeaCls.ShapeFieldName;
pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = shapeFieldName;
// ���cursor
IFeatureCursor ipResultFtCur = null;
// ����Դͼ��Ҫ��
IFeatureCursor ipFeatCursor;
IFeature ipFeature;
IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); //(CLSID_QueryFilter);
string SubFields = "OID,Shape";
pQueryFilter.SubFields = SubFields;
ipFeatCursor = ipBufferFeaCls.Search(pQueryFilter, true);
ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
m_aryResult = new List<PointDistInfo>();
while (ipFeature != null)
IGeometry ipGeometry1, ipGeometry2;
int OID1, OID2;
ipGeometry1 = ipFeature.Shape;
OID1 = ipFeature.OID;
if (ipGeometry1 == null)
ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
pSpatialFilter.Geometry = ipGeometry1;
if (ipResultFtCur != null)
ipResultFtCur = ipPtFeaCls.Search(pSpatialFilter, true);
// ��ӵ��������
if (ipResultFtCur == null)
ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
IFeature ipResFeature = ipResultFtCur.NextFeature();
while (ipResFeature != null)
OID2 = ipResFeature.OID;
// ID��ͬ��˵����ͬһ���㡣ID1:��������ID2:�����ڻ������еĵ�
if (OID1 == OID2)
ipResFeature = ipResultFtCur.NextFeature();
// ��ҽ����¼
PointDistInfo PtInfo;
// OID1
PtInfo.OID1 = OID1;
// OID2
PtInfo.OID2 = OID2;
IFeature ipFeat = null;
//if (OID1 == 58)
// //XtraMessageBox.Show("RulePointDist:SearchSpatialFiler :OIDΪ58�ĵ�������ȡ������ԭ��");
// break;
ipFeat = ipPtFeaCls.GetFeature(OID1);
catch (Exception ex)
SendMessage(enumMessageType.Exception, "��ȡҪ�س����"+ex.ToString());
示例6: SearchPoints
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ipPtFeaCls"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool SearchPoints(IFeatureClass ipPtFeaCls)
if (ipPtFeaCls == null) return false;
// ����Դͼ��Ҫ��
IQueryFilter ipQuery = new QueryFilterClass();
ipQuery.SubFields = "OBJECTID,Shape,BSM";
IFeatureCursor ipFeatCursor = ipPtFeaCls.Search(ipQuery, true);
IFeature ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
IGeometry ipGeometry = null;
int OID1 = -1;
m_aryResult = new List<PointDistInfo>();
int iDecimal = 0;
int iParmer = GetParameter(m_pPara.dPointDist, out iDecimal);
while (ipFeature != null)
ipGeometry = ipFeature.Shape;
OID1 = ipFeature.OID;
if (ipGeometry == null)
ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
if (ipGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint ||
ipGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint)
IPoint ipT = (IPoint)ipGeometry;
int dx = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(ipT.X, iDecimal) * iParmer);
int dy = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(ipT.Y, iDecimal) * iParmer);
string str = dx.ToString() + "_" + dy.ToString();
if (!m_PointtoOID.Contains(str))
m_PointtoOID.Add(str, OID1);
object OID = m_PointtoOID[str];
IFeature OriginFeature = ipPtFeaCls.GetFeature((int)OID);
IPoint OriginPoint = (IPoint)OriginFeature.Shape;
// ��������
double dDist = (ipT.X - OriginPoint.X) * (ipT.X - OriginPoint.X) +
(ipT.Y - OriginPoint.Y) * (ipT.Y - OriginPoint.Y);
if ((int)OID != OID1 && Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(dDist), 2) < m_pPara.dPointDist)
//m_OIDtoOID.Add(OID1, OID);
if (!m_RepeatOIDtoOID.Contains(str))
string strTemp = OID1.ToString();
m_RepeatOIDtoOID.Add(str, strTemp);
string strTemp = m_RepeatOIDtoOID[str].ToString() + "," + OID1;
m_RepeatOIDtoOID[str] = strTemp;
//// ��ҽ����¼
//PointDistInfo PtInfo = new PointDistInfo();
//PtInfo.dDistance = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(dDist), 2);
//PtInfo.OID1 = Convert.ToInt32(OID1);
//PtInfo.OID2 = Convert.ToInt32(OID);
ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
return true;
示例7: DrawSelectResult
private void DrawSelectResult(IFeatureClass fishnetFeaCls)
//第八, 按不同的成绩用不同的颜色画方块.
for (int i = 0; i < featureList.Count; i++)
if (((Feature)featureList[i]).inUse == 1)
GisUtil.drawPolygonByScore(fishnetFeaCls.GetFeature(i).ShapeCopy, ((Feature)featureList[i]).score, mapControl);
GisUtil.drawPolygonByScore(fishnetFeaCls.GetFeature(i).ShapeCopy, 0, mapControl);
示例8: overlapStandard
private List<double> overlapStandard(IFeatureClass featureClass, string targetLayerName)
List<double> overlapList = new List<double>();
IFeatureClass targetFeatureClass = GisUtil.getFeatureClass(mapFolder, targetLayerName);
for (int i = 0; i < featureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
IFeature feature = featureClass.GetFeature(i);
IGeometry geometry = feature.ShapeCopy;
geometry.SpatialReference = mapControl.SpatialReference;
ITopologicalOperator tpOp = geometry as ITopologicalOperator;
IArea area = geometry as IArea;
ISpatialFilter cityFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
cityFilter.Geometry = geometry;
cityFilter.GeometryField = "SHAPE";
cityFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
IFeatureCursor feaCursor = targetFeatureClass.Search(cityFilter, false);
//获取所有与该块相交的要素, 然后检测其相交的面积, 依照比例计算最终的值.
IFeature cityFea = feaCursor.NextFeature();
double overlap = 0;
while (cityFea != null)
if (cityFea != null)
IGeometry intersectedGeom = tpOp.Intersect(cityFea.ShapeCopy, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);
IArea intersectedGeomArea = intersectedGeom as IArea;
ITable table = cityFea.Table;
IRow row = table.GetRow(0);
int fieldNum = table.FindField("GRIDCODE");
double value = (double)cityFea.get_Value(fieldNum);
overlap = overlap + value * (intersectedGeomArea.Area / area.Area);
cityFea = feaCursor.NextFeature();
return overlapList;
示例9: distanceStandard
private List<double> distanceStandard(IFeatureClass featureClass, string targetLayerName)
List<double> distanceList = new List<double>();
IFeatureClass targetFeatureClass = GisUtil.getFeatureClass(mapFolder, targetLayerName);
List<IGeometry> geometryList = new List<IGeometry>();
for (int i = 0; i < targetFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
IGeometry geometry = GisUtil.unionAllFeature(geometryList);
IProximityOperator proOp = geometry as IProximityOperator;
for (int i = 0; i < featureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
IFeature fea = featureClass.GetFeature(i);
IGeometry geom = fea.ShapeCopy;
geom.SpatialReference = mapControl.SpatialReference;
double distance = proOp.ReturnDistance(geom);
return distanceList;
示例10: IntersectRestraint
private List<double> IntersectRestraint(IFeatureClass featureClass, string targetLayerName)
List<double> ratioList = new List<double>();
IFeatureClass targetFeatureClass = GisUtil.getFeatureClass(mapFolder, targetLayerName);
List<IGeometry> geometryList = new List<IGeometry>();
for (int i = 0; i < targetFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
IGeometry geometry = GisUtil.unionAllFeature(geometryList); //e0图层所有的几何图形.
ITopologicalOperator toOp = geometry as ITopologicalOperator;
for (int i = 0; i < featureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
IFeature feature = featureClass.GetFeature(i);
IGeometry srcGeom = feature.ShapeCopy;
srcGeom.SpatialReference = mapControl.SpatialReference;
IGeometry intersectedGeom = toOp.Intersect(srcGeom, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);
//测量相交图形的面积, 超过原图形的一半, 有效.
IArea area = intersectedGeom as IArea;
IArea srcArea = srcGeom as IArea;
double ratio = (area.Area / srcArea.Area) * 100;
return ratioList;
示例11: retrieveNodeID
internal static string retrieveNodeID(IFeatureClass pointFeatureClass, int osmIDPointFieldIndex, int extensionVersion, IPoint pointGeometry)
string nodeID = string.Empty;
if (pointGeometry == null)
return String.Empty;
if (pointGeometry.IsEmpty)
return String.Empty;
if (((IPointIDAware)pointGeometry).PointIDAware == false)
return nodeID;
if (extensionVersion == 1)
nodeID = Convert.ToString(pointGeometry.ID);
else if (extensionVersion == 2)
IFeature pointFeature = null;
pointFeature = pointFeatureClass.GetFeature(pointGeometry.ID);
catch { }
if (pointFeature != null)
if (osmIDPointFieldIndex > -1)
nodeID = Convert.ToString(pointFeature.get_Value(osmIDPointFieldIndex));
return nodeID;
示例12: DeleteFeature
public static void DeleteFeature(IFeatureClass theFC, int OID)
IFeature theNF = theFC.GetFeature(OID);
if (theNF != null) { theNF.Delete(); }
catch (Exception ex) { }
示例13: SplitPolyline
public static List<int> SplitPolyline(int oid, List<IPoint> pts, IFeatureClass fc)
var f = fc.GetFeature(oid);
var geo = f.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
var ret = new List<int>();
var lines = SplitPolylineInner(geo, pts);
if (lines.Count < 2) return ret ;
var cursor = fc.Insert(true);
var idIndex = cursor.FindField(IDField);
var id = GetNewId(fc);
foreach(var line in lines)
var buff = fc.CreateFeatureBuffer();
buff.set_Value(idIndex, id);
buff.Shape = line;
CopyFields(f, buff);
return ret;
示例14: TransformToCrossroadInfo
private static List<CrossroadInfo> TransformToCrossroadInfo(Dictionary<int, List<IPoint>> dict, IFeatureClass fc)
var ret = new List<CrossroadInfo>();
foreach(var pair in dict)
var f = fc.GetFeature(pair.Key);
var name = f.get_Value(f.Fields.FindField("NAME")).ToString();
var no = Convert.ToInt32(f.get_Value(f.Fields.FindField("NO_")));
foreach(var pt in pair.Value)
ret.Add(new CrossroadInfo{
return ret;
示例15: updatePolygon
private bool updatePolygon(IFeatureClass ftrCls,int oid)
bool x = false;
IGeometry geo = ftrCls.GetFeature(oid).ShapeCopy;
ISpatialFilter spFlt = new SpatialFilterClass();
spFlt.WhereClause = ftrCls.OIDFieldName + " <> " + oid.ToString();
spFlt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
IQueryFilterDefinition2 qryDef2 = (IQueryFilterDefinition2)spFlt;
qryDef2.PostfixClause = "Order by Shape_Area DESC";
spFlt.Geometry = geo;
spFlt.GeometryField = ftrCls.ShapeFieldName;
spFlt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;
IFeatureCursor ftrCur = ftrCls.Search(spFlt, false);
int shapeAreaIndex = ftrCur.FindField("Shape_Area");
IFeature ftr = ftrCur.NextFeature();
while (ftr!=null)
IGeometry geoMax = ftr.ShapeCopy;
int beforeCnt = ((IGeometryCollection)geoMax).GeometryCount;
ITopologicalOperator4 tp = (ITopologicalOperator4)geoMax;
IGeometry uGeo = tp.Union(geo);
int afterCnt = ((IGeometryCollection)uGeo).GeometryCount;
if (beforeCnt >= afterCnt)
ftr.Shape = uGeo;
if (shapeAreaEdit)
ftr.set_Value(shapeAreaIndex, ((IArea)uGeo).Area);
x = true;
return x;
catch (Exception e)
x = false;
return x;
ftr = ftrCur.NextFeature();
return x;