本文整理汇总了C#中IFeatureClass.CreateFeature方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# IFeatureClass.CreateFeature方法的具体用法?C# IFeatureClass.CreateFeature怎么用?C# IFeatureClass.CreateFeature使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类IFeatureClass
示例1: CreateFeature
public static void CreateFeature(IFeatureClass featureClass, IPoint point)
// Build the feature
IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature();
feature.Shape = point;
//Update a value on string field - name of the new feature (city)
int fieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("AREANAME");
feature.set_Value(fieldIndex, "Mentone");
//Commit the new feature to the geodatabase
示例2: CreateFeature
/// <summary>
/// ���ݼ���ͼ�������Ҫ��
/// </summary>
/// <params name="featureLayer">��ǰ�༭ͼ��</params>
/// <params name="geom">Ҫ�ؼ���</params>
public static void CreateFeature(IFeatureClass featureClass, IGeometryArray geometryArray2, List<ziduan> list)
IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = null;
IFeatureCursor featureCursor = null;
IDataset dataset = (IDataset)featureClass;
IWorkspace workspace = dataset.Workspace;
workspaceEdit = workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;
for (int i = 0; i < geometryArray2.Count; i++)
IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature();
IGeometry mGeometry = geometryArray2.get_Element(i);
DataEditCommon.ZMValue(feature, mGeometry); //����ͼ��Zֵ����
feature.Shape = mGeometry;
if (list != null)
for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
if (feature.Fields.FindField(list[j].name) > 0)
feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(list[j].name), list[j].value);
if (feature.Fields.FindField("id") > 0)
feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField("id"), (i + 1).ToString());
if (feature.Fields.FindField("Contour") > 0)
feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField("Contour"), feature.Shape.Envelope.ZMax);
catch (Exception ex)
if (featureCursor != null)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(featureCursor); //�ͷ�ָ��
示例3: NodeToFeatureClass
private void NodeToFeatureClass(osm osmDocument, IFeatureClass pointFeatureClass)
// initial safety check -- consider throwing an exception instead
if (osmDocument == null)
if (osmDocument.Items == null)
if (pointFeatureClass == null)
int tagCollectionPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmTags");
int osmUserPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmuser");
int osmUIDPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmuid");
int osmVisiblePointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmvisible");
int osmVersionPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmversion");
int osmChangesetPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmchangeset");
int osmTimeStampPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("osmtimestamp");
int osmIDPointFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("OSMID");
ISpatialReferenceFactory srFactory = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass();
ISpatialReference wgs84 = srFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984) as ISpatialReference;
foreach (var documentItem in osmDocument.Items)
if (documentItem is node)
// if (DoesHaveKeys(documentItem))
// {
node currentNode = documentItem as node;
IFeature newPointFeature = pointFeatureClass.CreateFeature();
IPoint pointGeometry = new PointClass();
pointGeometry.X = Convert.ToDouble(currentNode.lon, new CultureInfo("en-US"));
pointGeometry.Y = Convert.ToDouble(currentNode.lat, new CultureInfo("en-US"));
pointGeometry.SpatialReference = wgs84;
newPointFeature.Shape = pointGeometry;
if (osmUserPointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmUserPointFieldIndex, currentNode.user);
if (osmUIDPointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmUIDPointFieldIndex, currentNode.uid);
if (osmVisiblePointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmVisiblePointFieldIndex, currentNode.visible);
if (osmVersionPointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmVersionPointFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(currentNode.version));
if (osmChangesetPointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmChangesetPointFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(currentNode.changeset));
if (osmTimeStampPointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmTimeStampPointFieldIndex, Convert.ToDateTime(currentNode.timestamp));
if (osmIDPointFieldIndex != -1)
newPointFeature.set_Value(osmIDPointFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(currentNode.id));
_osmUtility.insertOSMTags(tagCollectionPointFieldIndex, newPointFeature, currentNode.tag);
// }
示例4: WriteFeatureDataTable2shp
// FeatureDataTablet to shapefile
private void WriteFeatureDataTable2shp(GeometryType gtype, FeatureDataTable ftable, IFeatureClass fc, String shapefilePath)
int rowCount = ftable.Rows.Count;
int colCount = ftable.Columns.Count;
int geometryColIndex = ftable.GeometryColumnIndex;
//GeometryType gtype = selLayer.GeometryType;
toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum = rowCount;
toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 0;
toolStripProgressBar1.Visible = true;
// for each selected features
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
toolStripProgressBar1.Value = i + 1;
selectionStripStatusLabel1.Text = toolStripProgressBar1.Value.ToString() + "/" + rowCount.ToString() + " features exported .";
toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = shapefilePath;
// create a new feature
IFeature feature = fc.CreateFeature();
DataRow arow = ftable.Rows[i];
string globalid;
if (arow.Table.Columns.Contains("GlobalID"))
globalid = arow["GlobalID"].ToString();
globalid = arow["OBJECTID"].ToString();
// geometry
ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Geometries.Geometry mobileGeometry = arow[geometryColIndex] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Geometries.Geometry;
byte[] mobileGeometryByteArray = mobileGeometry.ExportToEsriShape();
int len = mobileGeometryByteArray.Length;
switch (gtype)
case GeometryType.Point:
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint aoShape = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.PointClass();
((ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IESRIShape)aoShape).ImportFromESRIShape(ref len, ref mobileGeometryByteArray[0]);
feature.Shape = aoShape;
case GeometryType.Multipoint:
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IMultipoint aoShape2 = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.MultipointClass();
((ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IESRIShape)aoShape2).ImportFromESRIShape(ref len, ref mobileGeometryByteArray[0]);
feature.Shape = aoShape2;
case GeometryType.Polyline:
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolyline aoShape3 = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.PolylineClass();
((ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IESRIShape)aoShape3).ImportFromESRIShape(ref len, ref mobileGeometryByteArray[0]);
feature.Shape = aoShape3;
case GeometryType.Polygon:
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolygon aoShape4 = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.PolygonClass();
((ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IESRIShape)aoShape4).ImportFromESRIShape(ref len, ref mobileGeometryByteArray[0]);
feature.Shape = aoShape4;
// insert other attributes
// in mobile cache, the last col is for geometry
// in shapefile, fid and shape fields are first two, for other fields index = +2
for (int col = 0; col < colCount - 1; col++)
// type
DataColumn dc = ftable.Columns[col];
Type dt = dc.DataType;
// guid or globalid, change to string
if (dt == typeof(Guid) || (dt == typeof(ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.GlobalId)))
feature.set_Value(col + 2, arow[col].ToString());
// if blob field, write to file
if (dt == typeof(Byte[]))
// raster field, write to jpg files
if (dt == typeof(Bitmap))
string photofoldername = shapefilePath + "\\" + dc.ColumnName;
if (!Directory.Exists(photofoldername))
// get bitmap from a raster field, save to ImageSource
System.Windows.Media.ImageSource imgsrc = null;
Bitmap bitmap = arow[col] as Bitmap;
if (bitmap == null)
System.Windows.Int32Rect rect = new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
IntPtr hBitmap = IntPtr.Zero;
示例5: catch
object ICopyFeatures.CopyFromMdb(IFeature copiedFeature, IFeatureClass toFeatureClass)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 492 DataManager \n{0}", copiedFeature.get_Value(2)));
IFeature newfeature = toFeatureClass.CreateFeature();
var simplifiedFeature = newfeature as IFeatureSimplify;
IGeometry myGeometry = copiedFeature.ShapeCopy;
newfeature.Shape = myGeometry;
catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 501 DataManager \n{0}", e1)); }
//MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 503 DataManager \n{0}", newfeature.OID));
//return newfeature.OID;
return 1;
示例6: createFeatureClass
private void createFeatureClass()
string ftClsPath = rsUtil.TempMosaicDir+"\\catBnd.shp";
IFields flds = new FieldsClass();
IFieldsEdit fldsE = (IFieldsEdit)flds;
IField fld = new FieldClass();
IFieldEdit fldE = (IFieldEdit)fld;
fldE.Name_2 = "catIndex";
fldE.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger;
ftCls = geoUtil.createFeatureClass(ftClsPath, fldsE, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon, sr);
int catInd = ftCls.FindField("catIndex");
int cnt = 0;
foreach (IRaster rs in inrs)
IFeature ftr = ftCls.CreateFeature();
ftr.set_Value(catInd, cnt);
IEnvelope ext = ((IRasterProps)rs).Extent;
IPolygon poly = new PolygonClass();
IPointCollection pColl = (IPointCollection)poly;
ftr.Shape = poly;
示例7: populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineLayer
* A function to populate a referenced Feature Class (fc) with the contents of a Google Maps Engine map layer
protected void populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineLayer(ref IFeatureClass fc, string mapId, string parentId, MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.MapLayer layer)
// create a new feature
IFeature feature;
log.Debug("Creating a feature for layer " + layer.id);
// attempt to process the assets within a the layer
// fetch the layer asset object from the API
log.Debug("Fetching an asset object for the layer.");
MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.Asset layerAsset = api.getAssetById(ext.getToken(), layer.id);
// create a new feature
log.Debug("Creating a new feature.");
feature = fc.CreateFeature();
// Update the values for this feature
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_CustomerId_Name), mapId.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0]);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_CustomerId_Name + ": " + mapId.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0]);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetId_Name), layer.id);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetId_Name + ": " + layer.id);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_MapAssetId_Name), mapId);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_MapAssetId_Name + ": " + mapId);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name), layerAsset.type);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name + ": " + layerAsset.type);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetName_Name), layerAsset.name);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetName_Name + ": " + layerAsset.name);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_ParentAssetId_Name), parentId);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_ParentAssetId_Name + ": " + parentId);
// attempt to set the description object
// set the layer description value (truncate if necessary)
, layerAsset.description.Length > 256
? layerAsset.description.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
: layerAsset.description);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetDescription_Name + ": " + layerAsset.description);
catch (System.Exception ex)
// log warning
// verify the layer has a bbox and has two valid points
if (layerAsset.bbox != null && layerAsset.bbox.Count() == 4)
// deterine the maximum and minimum bounds of all layers within this map
// 0=West, 1=South, 2=East, 3=North
double XMAX = layerAsset.bbox[2];
log.Debug("XMAX: " + XMAX);
double YMAX = layerAsset.bbox[3];
log.Debug("YMAX: " + YMAX);
double XMIN = layerAsset.bbox[0];
log.Debug("XMIN: " + XMIN);
double YMIN = layerAsset.bbox[1];
log.Debug("YMIN: " + YMIN);
// determine the map extent based on the layers maximum extent
IPoint pExtentNE = new Point();
pExtentNE.X = XMAX;
pExtentNE.Y = YMAX;
IPoint pExtentSW = new Point();
pExtentSW.X = XMIN;
pExtentSW.Y = YMIN;
IPoint pExtentNW = new Point();
pExtentNW.X = XMIN;
pExtentNW.Y = YMAX;
IPoint pExtentSE = new Point();
pExtentSE.X = XMAX;
pExtentSE.Y = YMIN;
// define the polygon bounding box (NE/SW) as a point collection
IPointCollection pExtentPointCol = new Polygon();
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentNE, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentSE, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentSW, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentNW, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
// create a polygon, p, from the point collection, then close the polygon
IPolygon pExtent = (IPolygon)pExtentPointCol;
// add the polygon, p, as the new feature's geometry
if (pExtent != null)
// set the shape geometry
log.Debug("Setting the feature's geometry as the polygon.");
feature.Shape = pExtent;
// set the feature's goemetry as the default world
示例8: Append3DFile
public static bool Append3DFile(string str3DFile, IFeatureClass fClassTarget , string strSpatialRef, ref IFeature feature3D)
string strTempPath=System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(System.Environment.SystemDirectory);
string strOutputTemp = System.IO.Path.Combine(strTempPath, "temp.shp");
if (System.IO.File.Exists(strOutputTemp) && !DeleteDataset(strOutputTemp))
ErrorMessage = "无法使用临时文件";
return false;
if (!Import3DFile(str3DFile, strOutputTemp, strSpatialRef))
return false;
IWorkspace wsTemp =Hy.Esri.Utility.WorkspaceHelper.OpenWorkspace(Hy.Esri.Utility.enumWorkspaceType.File, strTempPath);
IFeatureClass fClassTemp = (wsTemp as IFeatureWorkspace).OpenFeatureClass("temp");
IFeatureCursor fCursorTemp = fClassTemp.Search(null, false);
IFeature fTemp = fCursorTemp.NextFeature();
if (fTemp == null)
ErrorMessage = "追加的中转过程出错!";
return false;
IGeometry geo3D = (fTemp.Shape as IClone).Clone() as IGeometry;
//IFeatureClass fClass = (wsTarget as IFeatureWorkspace).OpenFeatureClass(featureClassName);
//feature3D = fClass.CreateFeature();
feature3D = fClassTarget.CreateFeature();
feature3D.Shape = geo3D;
return true;
//string outPut = WorkspaceHelper.GetGpString(wsTarget, featrueDatasetName, featureClassName);
//IFeature newFeature = null;
//Append gpAppend = new Append();
//gpAppend.inputs = strOutputTemp;
//gpAppend.output = newFeature;
//gpAppend.target = outPut;
//Geoprocessor geoProcessor = new Geoprocessor();
//geoProcessor.OverwriteOutput = true;
//IGeoProcessorResult gpResult = geoProcessor.Execute(gpAppend, null) as IGeoProcessorResult;
//return gpResult.Status == esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded;
catch(Exception exp)
ErrorMessage = exp.Message;
return false;
示例9: Insert
/// <summary>
/// 插入新记录-方法自身开始结束编辑,实体类和几何的数量和列表序号要一一对应
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FC">要素类</param>
/// <param name="listModel">实体类属性表</param>
/// <param name="listGeometry">要素几何</param>
/// <param name="SaveCount">每次保存的入库行数</param>
/// <returns>null为成功,其他为错误信息</returns>
private string Insert(IFeatureClass FC, List<model> listModel, List<IGeometry> listGeometry, int SaveCount)
int count = listModel.Count;
int count2 = listGeometry.Count;
if (count == 0)
return "实体类为空";
if (count != count2)
return "实体类和要素几何数目不同";
IWorkspaceEdit WSE = (FC as IDataset).Workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;
int flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
model model = listModel[i];
IFeature F = FC.CreateFeature();
if (listGeometry[i] != null)
F.Shape = listGeometry[i];
int index = -1;
#region 属性表赋值
index = FC.FindField("OBJECTID ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.OBJECTID);
index = FC.FindField("YSJWJMC ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.YSJWJMC);
index = FC.FindField("CPMC ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.CPMC);
index = FC.FindField("TM ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.TM);
index = FC.FindField("TH ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.TH);
index = FC.FindField("MJ ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.MJ);
index = FC.FindField("DMFBL ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.DMFBL);
index = FC.FindField("SJL ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.SJL);
index = FC.FindField("SJGS ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.SJGS);
index = FC.FindField("CPSYQDWMC ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.CPSYQDWMC);
index = FC.FindField("SJJKGLDWMC ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.SJJKGLDWMC);
index = FC.FindField("CPSCDWMC ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.CPSCDWMC);
index = FC.FindField("CPCBDWMC ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.CPCBDWMC);
index = FC.FindField("CPSCRQ ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.CPSCRQ);
index = FC.FindField("DXLB ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.DXLB);
index = FC.FindField("XBJD ");
if (index != -1)
F.set_Value(index, model.XBJD);
示例10: updateAcetate
public static void updateAcetate(SEE see, IFeatureClass featureClass, ISDUTExtension ext)
if(see == null)
Logger.Write("Update acetate");
IFeature feat = null;
if(featureClass.FeatureCount(null) < 1)
feat = featureClass.CreateFeature();
feat.Shape = see.Shape;
feat = featureClass.Update(null,false).NextFeature();
feat.Shape = see.Shape;
Logger.Write("Update acetate -- Refresh");
示例11: populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineMap
* A function to populate a referenced FeatureClass (fc) with the contents of a Google Maps Engine map
public void populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineMap(ref IFeatureClass fc, ref MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.Map map)
// create a feature object
log.Debug("Creating a new Feature object to be used later in populating the FC.");
IFeature feature = fc.CreateFeature();
log.Debug("Creating feature for map " + map.id);
// create a projectId value from the MapId
String projectId = map.id.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0];
// Update the values for this feature
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_CustomerId_Name), projectId);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_CustomerId_Name + ": " + projectId);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetId_Name), map.id);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetId_Name + ": " + map.id);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_MapAssetId_Name), map.id);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_MapAssetId_Name + ": " + map.id);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name), "map");
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name + ": " + "map");
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetName_Name), map.name);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetName_Name + ": " + map.name);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_ParentAssetId_Name), projectId);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_ParentAssetId_Name + ": " + projectId);
// attempt to set the description
// attempt to set the feature description (truncating if necessary)
, map.description.Length > 256
? map.description.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
: map.description);
log.Debug(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetDescription_Name + ": " + map.description);
catch (System.Exception ex)
// warn
// check to see if the bbox object is not null
log.Debug("Adding spatial representation if available.");
if (map.bbox != null && map.bbox.Count() == 4)
// deterine the maximum and minimum bounds of all layers within this map
// 0=West, 1=South, 2=East, 3=North
double XMAX = map.bbox[2];
log.Debug("XMAX: " + XMAX);
double YMAX = map.bbox[3];
log.Debug("YMAX: " + YMAX);
double XMIN = map.bbox[0];
log.Debug("XMIN: " + XMIN);
double YMIN = map.bbox[1];
log.Debug("YMIN: " + YMIN);
// determine the map extent based on the layers maximum extent
IPoint pExtentNE = new Point();
pExtentNE.X = XMAX;
pExtentNE.Y = YMAX;
IPoint pExtentSW = new Point();
pExtentSW.X = XMIN;
pExtentSW.Y = YMIN;
IPoint pExtentNW = new Point();
pExtentNW.X = XMIN;
pExtentNW.Y = YMAX;
IPoint pExtentSE = new Point();
pExtentSE.X = XMAX;
pExtentSE.Y = YMIN;
// define the polygon bounding box (NE/SW) as a point collection
log.Debug("Building polygon object.");
IPointCollection pExtentPointCol = new Polygon();
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentNE, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentSE, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentSW, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
pExtentPointCol.AddPoint(pExtentNW, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
// create a polygon, p, from the point collection, then close the polygon
IPolygon pExtent = (IPolygon)pExtentPointCol;
// add the polygon, p, as the new feature's geometry
if (pExtent != null)
log.Debug("Setting feature's geometry.");
feature.Shape = pExtent;
log.Warn("Polygon is not valid, setting feature geometry to default worldwide.");
feature.Shape = worldPolygon;
示例12: populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineFolders
* A function to populate a referenced Feature Class (fc) with the contents of a Google Mpas Engine map folder
protected void populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineFolders(ref IFeatureClass fc, string mapId, string parentId, List<MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.MapFolder> folders)
// establish a feature object
IFeature feature;
// add all child folder within this map
for (int f = 0; f < folders.Count(); f++)
// grap the current folder
MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.MapFolder folder = folders[f];
// add all child layers within this map
foreach (MapsEngine.DataModel.gme.MapLayer layer in folder.layers)
populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineLayer(ref fc, mapId, "Folder" + f, layer);
// create a new feature
feature = fc.CreateFeature();
// Update the values for this feature
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_CustomerId_Name), mapId.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0]);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetId_Name), "Folder" + f);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_MapAssetId_Name), mapId);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetType_Name), "folder");
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_AssetName_Name), "Folder " + f);
feature.set_Value(fc.FindField(Properties.Resources.GeodatabaseUtilities_schema_ParentAssetId_Name), parentId);
// Commit the new feature to fc
// if the folder contains subfolders, add them
if (folder.folders != null && folder.folders.Count() > 0)
populateFCWithGoogleMapsEngineFolders(ref fc, mapId, "Folder" + f, folder.folders);
示例13: CreateFeatureNoEditor
/// <summary>
/// ���ݼ���ͼ�������Ҫ��
/// </summary>
/// <params name="featureLayer">��ǰ�༭ͼ��</params>
/// <params name="geom">Ҫ�ؼ���</params>
public static void CreateFeatureNoEditor(IFeatureClass featureClass, IGeometry geometry, List<ziduan> list)
IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature();
DataEditCommon.ZMValue(feature, geometry); //����ͼ��Zֵ����
feature.Shape = geometry;
if (list != null)
for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
if (feature.Fields.FindField(list[j].name) > 0)
feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(list[j].name), list[j].value);
示例14: insertRecords
private bool insertRecords(IFeatureClass ftrCls, IFeature ftr, List<IGeometry> geoLst)
bool x = false;
IFields flds = ftr.Fields;
foreach (IGeometry geo in geoLst)
IFeature nFtr = ftrCls.CreateFeature();
for (int f = 0; f < flds.FieldCount; f++)
IField fld = flds.get_Field(f);
esriFieldType fldType = fld.Type;
int nFldIndex = nFtr.Fields.FindField(fld.Name);
if (fld.Editable==true && (fldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString || fldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || fldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle || fldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger || fldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble))
nFtr.set_Value(nFldIndex, ftr.get_Value(f));
if (fld.Name == "Shape_Area")
nFtr.Shape = geo;
x = true;
catch (Exception e)
x = false;
return x;
示例15: AddFeatureToFeatureClass
//向shp中添加要素 pPolygon多边形 pFeatureClass多边形shp
public static void AddFeatureToFeatureClass(IPolygon pPolygon, IFeatureClass pFeatureClass)
IFeature pFeature = pFeatureClass.CreateFeature();
pFeature.Shape = pPolygon;