本文整理汇总了C#中IFeatureClass.FindField方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# IFeatureClass.FindField方法的具体用法?C# IFeatureClass.FindField怎么用?C# IFeatureClass.FindField使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类IFeatureClass
示例1: GetCity
private City GetCity(IFeature city, IFeatureClass cityClass)
IPoint capitalShape = city.Shape as IPoint;
int areaNameIndex = cityClass.FindField(CityConst.AREA_NAME);
return new City()
AreaName = city.get_Value(areaNameIndex) as string,
X = capitalShape.X,
Y = capitalShape.Y
示例2: CreateFeature
public static void CreateFeature(IFeatureClass featureClass, IPoint point)
// Build the feature
IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature();
feature.Shape = point;
//Update a value on string field - name of the new feature (city)
int fieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("AREANAME");
feature.set_Value(fieldIndex, "Mentone");
//Commit the new feature to the geodatabase
示例3: Calculate
/// <summary>
/// 参数说明,栅格面,写入这个面的字段名称,点要素,点要素的速度字段,计算平均速度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pPolygonFClass"></param>
/// <param name="pFieldName"></param>
/// <param name="pPointFClass"></param>
/// <param name="FieldName"></param>
public void Calculate(IFeatureClass pPolygonFClass, string pFieldName,IFeatureClass pPointFClass, string FieldName)
IFeatureCursor pPolyCursor = pPolygonFClass.Search(null, false);
int pFieldIndex = pPointFClass.FindField(FieldName);
IFeature pPolyFeature = pPolyCursor.NextFeature();
int pPolygonIndex = pPolygonFClass.FindField(pFieldName);
while (pPolyFeature != null)
IGeometry pPolGeo = pPolyFeature.Shape;
int Count = 0;
ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
spatialFilter.Geometry = pPolGeo;
spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains;
IFeatureCursor pPointCur = pPointFClass.Search(spatialFilter, false);
double TotalSpeed = 0;
if (pPointCur != null)
IFeature pPointFeature = pPointCur.NextFeature();
while (pPointFeature != null)
pPointFeature = pPointCur.NextFeature();
TotalSpeed = TotalSpeed + (double)pPointFeature.get_Value(pFieldIndex);
if (Count != 0)
pPolyFeature.set_Value(pPolygonIndex, TotalSpeed / Count);
pPolyFeature = pPolyCursor.NextFeature();
示例4: UpdateFeature
public static void UpdateFeature(IFeatureClass featureClass)
// Create a COM releaser for cursor management
using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
// Use IFeatureClass.Update to create an update cursor
IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Update(null, true);
// find the index of the field named "country"
int fieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("Country");
IFeature feature = null;
while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
feature.set_Value(fieldIndex, "USA");
featureCursor.UpdateFeature(feature); // Do not use IFeature.Store with UpdateCursors
示例5: Bind
public void Bind(object pArgument)
if (pArgument is mergeFunctionArguments)
mergeFunctionArguments arg = (mergeFunctionArguments)pArgument;
inrs = arg.InRaster;
outrs = arg.OutRaster;
//Console.WriteLine("Number of Bands in outrs = " + ((IRasterBandCollection)outrs).Count.ToString());
ftrCls = arg.Boundary;
//ftrCls = arg.Boundary.Catalog;
catIndex = ftrCls.FindField("catIndex");
IRasterProps rsProp = (IRasterProps)outrs;
myRasterInfo = myFunctionHelper.RasterInfo;
myPixeltype = myRasterInfo.PixelType;
myValidFlag = true;
throw new System.Exception("Incorrect arguments object. Expected: mergeFunctionArguments");
示例6: GetStateDetails
private StateDetails GetStateDetails(IFeature state, IFeatureClass statesClass)
int areaIdx = statesClass.FindField(StateConst.AREA);
int stateNameIdx = statesClass.FindField(StateConst.STATE_NAME);
int subRegionIdx = statesClass.FindField(StateConst.SUB_REGION);
int stateAbbrIdx = statesClass.FindField(StateConst.STATE_ABBR);
int pop2000Idx = statesClass.FindField(StateConst.POP2000);
int pop00_sqmiIdx = statesClass.FindField(StateConst.POP00_SQMI);
return new StateDetails
Area = (double)state.get_Value(areaIdx),
StateName = state.get_Value(stateNameIdx) as string,
SubRegion = state.get_Value(subRegionIdx) as string,
StateAbbr = state.get_Value(stateAbbrIdx) as string,
Pop2000 = (int)state.get_Value(pop2000Idx),
Pop00_SQMI = (int)state.get_Value(pop00_sqmiIdx)
示例7: calcStandMeans
private static void calcStandMeans(IFeatureClass strataFtr, IFeatureClass standsFtr, int[] meanStrataFldIndex, int[] varStrataFldIndex, int[] countFldStrataIndex, IField[] fldsToSummarize, geoDatabaseUtility geoUtil)
int cnt = 0;
int[] ptFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
int[] meanFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
int[] varFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
int[] cntFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
foreach (IField fld in fldsToSummarize)
string sName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "v_" + fld.Name, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, false);
varFldIndex[cnt] = standsFtr.FindField(sName);
string mName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "m_" + fld.Name, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, false);
meanFldIndex[cnt] = standsFtr.FindField(mName);
string cName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "n_" + fld.Name, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, false);
cntFldIndex[cnt] = standsFtr.FindField(cName);
IFeatureCursor uCur = standsFtr.Update(null, true);
IFeature uFtr = uCur.NextFeature();
while (uFtr != null)
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry geo = uFtr.Shape;
ISpatialFilter spFlt = new SpatialFilter();
spFlt.Geometry = geo;
spFlt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
double totalArea = 0;
IFeatureCursor sCur = strataFtr.Search(spFlt, true);
IFeature sFtr = sCur.NextFeature();
double[][] vlArr = new double[meanFldIndex.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < meanFldIndex.Length; i++)
vlArr[i] = new double[3];
while (sFtr != null)
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry sgeo = sFtr.Shape;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator4 topo = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator4)sgeo;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry sgeo2 = topo.Intersect(geo, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);
double subArea = (((ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IArea)sgeo2).Area);
totalArea += subArea;
for (int i = 0; i < meanFldIndex.Length; i++)
vlArr[i][0] += System.Convert.ToDouble(sFtr.get_Value(meanStrataFldIndex[i])) * subArea;
vlArr[i][1] += System.Convert.ToDouble(sFtr.get_Value(varStrataFldIndex[i])) * subArea;
vlArr[i][2] += System.Convert.ToDouble(sFtr.get_Value(countFldStrataIndex[i]));
sFtr = sCur.NextFeature();
if (totalArea != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < meanFldIndex.Length; i++)
uFtr.set_Value(meanFldIndex[i], vlArr[i][0]/totalArea);
uFtr.set_Value(varFldIndex[i], vlArr[i][1]/totalArea);
uFtr.set_Value(cntFldIndex[i], vlArr[i][2]);
uFtr = uCur.NextFeature();
示例8: summarizeBiomassPolygon
public static void summarizeBiomassPolygon(IFeatureClass pointFtr, IField[] fldsToSummarize, IFunctionRasterDataset strataRaster, IFeatureClass standsFtr, geoDatabaseUtility geoUtil = null, rasterUtil rsUtil = null)
if (geoUtil == null) geoUtil = new geoDatabaseUtility();
if(rsUtil == null) rsUtil = new rasterUtil();
int cnt = 0;
//need to work on calculating N
Dictionary<string,double[][]> vlDic = getDictionaryValues(pointFtr, fldsToSummarize, strataRaster, geoUtil, rsUtil); //Strata: SummaryFields [{sum,sum2,cnt},...]
int[] meanFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
int[] varFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
int[] cntFldIndex = new int[fldsToSummarize.Length];
//string cntName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "n", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, false);
//int cntIndex = standsFtr.FindField(cntName);
foreach (IField fld in fldsToSummarize)
string sName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "v_" + fld.Name, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, false);
varFldIndex[cnt] = standsFtr.FindField(sName);
string mName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "m_" + fld.Name, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, false);
meanFldIndex[cnt] = standsFtr.FindField(mName);
string cntName = geoUtil.createField(standsFtr, "n_" + fld.Name, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, false);
cntFldIndex[cnt] = standsFtr.FindField(cntName);
IFeatureCursor uCur = standsFtr.Update(null, true);
IFeature uFtr = uCur.NextFeature();
while (uFtr != null)
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry geo = uFtr.Shape;
IFunctionRasterDataset cRs = rsUtil.clipRasterFunction(strataRaster, geo, esriRasterClippingType.esriRasterClippingOutside);
//Console.WriteLine("Clipping raster");
Dictionary<string, double> rsStrataPropDic = getStrataProportion(cRs,rsUtil); //Strata: proportion of area
//int tn = 0;
//double[] tn = new double[meanFldIndex.Length];
double[][] updateValuesArr = new double[meanFldIndex.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < meanFldIndex.Length; i++)
updateValuesArr[i] = new double[3];
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> kvp in rsStrataPropDic)
string stratum = kvp.Key;
double proportion = kvp.Value;
//Console.WriteLine(stratum + " = " + proportion.ToString());
double[][] vlDicArr;
if (vlDic.TryGetValue(stratum, out vlDicArr))
//double n = vlDicArr[0][2];
//tn += System.Convert.ToInt32(n);
for (int i = 0; i < meanFldIndex.Length; i++)
double[] dArr = vlDicArr[i];
double n = dArr[2];
//tn[i] += n;
double s=dArr[0];
double s2=dArr[1];
updateValuesArr[i][0] += (s/n) * proportion;//mean
updateValuesArr[i][1] += (s2-Math.Pow(s,2)/n)/(n-1) * proportion;//variance
updateValuesArr[i][2] += n;
//uFtr.set_Value(cntIndex, tn);
for (int i = 0; i < meanFldIndex.Length; i++)
uFtr.set_Value(meanFldIndex[i], updateValuesArr[i][0]);
uFtr.set_Value(varFldIndex[i], updateValuesArr[i][1]);
uFtr.set_Value(cntFldIndex[i], updateValuesArr[i][2]);
uFtr = uCur.NextFeature();
示例9: CreateTrackUniqueValueRenderer
private IUniqueValueRenderer CreateTrackUniqueValueRenderer(IFeatureClass featureClass, string fieldName)
IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
color.Red = 0;
color.Blue = 0;
color.Green = 255;
ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
simpleLineSymbol.Color = (IColor)color;
simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
simpleLineSymbol.Width = 1.0;
IUniqueValueRenderer uniqueRenderer = new UniqueValueRendererClass();
uniqueRenderer.FieldCount = 1;
uniqueRenderer.set_Field(0, fieldName);
uniqueRenderer.DefaultSymbol = (ISymbol)simpleLineSymbol;
uniqueRenderer.UseDefaultSymbol = true;
Random rand = new Random();
bool bValFound = false;
IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(null, true);
IFeature feature = null;
string val = string.Empty;
int fieldID = featureClass.FindField(fieldName);
if (-1 == fieldID)
return uniqueRenderer;
while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
bValFound = false;
val = Convert.ToString(feature.get_Value(fieldID));
for (int i = 0; i < uniqueRenderer.ValueCount - 1; i++)
if (uniqueRenderer.get_Value(i) == val)
bValFound = true;
if (!bValFound)//need to add the value to the renderer
color.Red = rand.Next(255);
color.Blue = rand.Next(255);
color.Green = rand.Next(255);
simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
simpleLineSymbol.Color = (IColor)color;
simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
simpleLineSymbol.Width = 1.0;
//add the value to the renderer
uniqueRenderer.AddValue(val, "name", (ISymbol)simpleLineSymbol);
//release the featurecursor
return uniqueRenderer;
示例10: reprojectInFeatureClass
public IFeatureClass reprojectInFeatureClass(IFeatureClass InFeatureClass, ISpatialReference SpatialReference)
IWorkspace tempWorkspace = geoUtil.OpenWorkSpace(tempWksStr);
string outNm = ((IDataset)InFeatureClass).BrowseName+"_PR";
outNm = geoUtil.getSafeOutputNameNonRaster(wks,outNm);
IFields outFlds = new FieldsClass();
IFieldsEdit outFldsE = (IFieldsEdit)outFlds;
IField inFld = InFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(InFeatureClass.FindField(ftrField));
IField outFld = new FieldClass();
if (inFld.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID)
IFieldEdit outFldE = (IFieldEdit)outFld;
outFldE.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger;
outFldE.Name_2 = inFld.Name;
IClone cl = (IClone)inFld;
outFld = (IField)cl.Clone();
IFeatureClass outFtrCls = geoUtil.createFeatureClass((IWorkspace2)tempWorkspace,outNm,outFldsE,InFeatureClass.ShapeType,SpatialReference);
string ozName = ftrField;
int ozIndex = outFtrCls.FindField(ozName);
if (ozIndex == -1)
ozName = ftrField+"_1";
ozIndex = outFtrCls.FindField(ozName);
int izIndex = InFeatureClass.FindField(ftrField);
IQueryFilter qf = new QueryFilterClass();
qf.SubFields = InFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName + "," + ftrField;
IFeatureCursor fCur = InFeatureClass.Search(qf, false);
IFeature ftr = fCur.NextFeature();
IWorkspaceEdit wksE = (IWorkspaceEdit)tempWorkspace;
bool weStart = true;
while (ftr != null)
object vl = ftr.get_Value(izIndex);
IFeatureProject ftrP = (IFeatureProject)ftr;
IFeature oFtr = outFtrCls.CreateFeature();
oFtr.Shape = ftr.Shape;
if(ozIndex>-1) oFtr.set_Value(ozIndex, vl);
ftr = fCur.NextFeature();
ftrField = ozName;
catch (Exception e)
if (weStart) wksE.StopEditing(true);
return outFtrCls;
示例11: AddQALayerToActiveView
private void AddQALayerToActiveView(IMap map, IFeatureClass SourceLineFeatureClass, IFeatureClass SourcePolygonFeatureClass,
string layerPathFile, double metersPerUnit, bool bIsBefore1022, bool bFabricIsInGCS)
if (map == null || layerPathFile == null || !layerPathFile.EndsWith(".lyr"))
// Create a new GxLayer
IGxLayer gxLayer = new GxLayerClass();
IGxFile gxFile = (IGxFile)gxLayer;
// Set the path for where the layerfile is located on disk
gxFile.Path = layerPathFile;
// Test if we have a valid layer and add it to the map
if (!(gxLayer.Layer == null))
if (!(gxLayer.Layer is ICompositeLayer))
ICompositeLayer pCompLyr = (ICompositeLayer)gxLayer.Layer;
for (int i=0; i<pCompLyr.Count; i++)
ILayer pLyr = pCompLyr.get_Layer(i);
if (pLyr is IFeatureLayer)
IFeatureLayer pFlyr = (IFeatureLayer)pLyr;
//now update the definition query
IFeatureLayerDefinition pFeatLyrDef = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)pFlyr;
string sLyrName = pFlyr.Name;
bool bExc = false;
if (sLyrName.Contains("Minus"))
pFlyr.FeatureClass = SourceLineFeatureClass;
bExc = false;
//ILayerFields pLayerFields = pFlyr as ILayerFields;
//First turn off all layers
//for (int kk = 0; kk < pLayerFields.FieldCount; kk++)
// IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_FieldInfo(kk);
// pFieldInfo.Visible = false;
SetLabelExpressionOnFeatureLayer(pFlyr, out bExc);
if (bExc || bFabricIsInGCS)
int jj=pFlyr.FeatureClass.FindField("ComputedMinusObserved");
if (jj>-1)
string sVal = (0.1 / metersPerUnit).ToString("0.00");
string sCminusO=pFlyr.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(jj).Name;
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = sCminusO + " > "+sVal+" AND " + sCminusO + " < "+sVal;
//IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_Field(jj) as IFieldInfo;
//pFieldInfo.Visible = true;
string s = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
int iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("ArcLength");
if (iField > -1)
//IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_Field(iField) as IFieldInfo;
//pFieldInfo.Visible = true;
string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"ArcLength\"", s2);
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("ArcLength", s2);
s = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("Distance");
if (iField > -1)
//IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = pLayerFields.get_Field(iField) as IFieldInfo;
//pFieldInfo.Visible = true;
string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Distance\"", s2);
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("Distance", s2);
s = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
iField = SourceLineFeatureClass.FindField("DensifyType");
if (iField > -1)
string s2 = SourceLineFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(iField).Name;
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"DensifyType\"", s2);
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("DensifyType", s2);
s = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression;
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = s.Replace("\"Shape_Length\"", SourceLineFeatureClass.LengthField.Name);
pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression = pFeatLyrDef.DefinitionExpression.Replace("Shape_Length", SourceLineFeatureClass.LengthField.Name);
示例12: UpdateCircularArcValues
private bool UpdateCircularArcValues(IFeatureClass LineTable, IQueryFilter QueryFilter, bool Unversioned, IDictionary<int, InferredCurve> CurveLookup, myProgessor progressor, Dictionary<int, int> MaxSequenceCache)
IFeature pLineFeat = null;
IFeatureBuffer buffer = null;
IFeatureCursor pLineCurs = null;
IFeatureCursor pRadialCur = null;
IFeatureCursor maxCursor = null;
IDataStatistics dataStatistics = null;
IGeometryFactory3 geometryFactory = new GeometryEnvironmentClass();
IGeometry geometry = new PolylineClass();
geometryFactory.CreateEmptyGeometryByType(LineTable.ShapeType, out geometry);
IGeometryDef geometryDef = LineTable.Fields.get_Field(LineTable.FindField(LineTable.ShapeFieldName)).GeometryDef;
if (geometryDef.HasZ)
IZAware zAware = (IZAware)(geometry);
zAware.ZAware = true;
if (geometryDef.HasM)
IMAware mAware = (IMAware)(geometry);
mAware.MAware = true;
CurveByInferenceSettings.FieldPositions positions = new CurveByInferenceSettings.FieldPositions((ITable)LineTable);
buffer = LineTable.CreateFeatureBuffer();
pLineCurs = LineTable.Update(QueryFilter, false);
pRadialCur = LineTable.Insert(false);
while ((pLineFeat = pLineCurs.NextFeature()) != null)
//loop through all of the given lines, and update centerpoint ids, radius, and arc length values
if (!progressor.Continue())
return false;
InferredCurve curveInfo = CurveLookup[pLineFeat.OID];
pLineFeat.set_Value(positions.RadiusFieldIdx, curveInfo.InferredRadius);
pLineFeat.set_Value(positions.CenterpointIDFieldIdx, curveInfo.InferredCenterpointID);
IFeature feature = pLineFeat as IFeature;
double length = 0;
if (feature != null)
IPolyline polyline = feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
if (polyline != null)
length = ((IProximityOperator)polyline.FromPoint).ReturnDistance(polyline.ToPoint);
pLineFeat.set_Value(positions.ArcLengthFieldIdx, length);
if (Unversioned)
//fine the max sequence value
int maxSequence = -1;
if (MaxSequenceCache.ContainsKey(curveInfo.Parcel))
maxSequence = MaxSequenceCache[curveInfo.Parcel];
maxCursor = LineTable.Search(new QueryFilter() {
SubFields = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", LineTable.OIDFieldName, CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.SequenceFieldName, CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.ParcelIDFieldName),
WhereClause = String.Format("{0} = {1}", CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.ParcelIDFieldName, curveInfo.Parcel) }, true);
int seqenceIdx = maxCursor.Fields.FindField(CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.SequenceFieldName);
IRow maxFeat = null;
while ((maxFeat = maxCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
maxSequence = Math.Max((int)maxFeat.get_Value(seqenceIdx), maxSequence);
MaxSequenceCache.Add(curveInfo.Parcel, maxSequence);
dataStatistics = null;
maxCursor = null;
if (maxSequence <= 0)
throw new Exception("Failed to find max sequence value");
//the chord bearing
double featureBearing = (double)pLineFeat.get_Value(positions.BearingFieldIdx);
//half the delta of the proposed curve would be:
double halfdelta = toDegrees(Math.Asin(length / 2 / curveInfo.InferredRadius.Value));
//perpendicular to the chord
示例13: MatchTable
/// <summary>
/// Geocodes a table of addresses
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressTable">Input address table</param>
/// <param name="addressFieldNames">Fields defined in the table</param>
/// <param name="whereClause">Query filter where clause</param>
/// <param name="outputFeatureClass">Output feature class for matched addresses</param>
/// <param name="outputFieldNames">Output field names</param>
/// <param name="fieldsToCopy"></param>
/// <param name="cancelTracker"></param>
public virtual void MatchTable(ITable addressTable, String addressFieldNames, String whereClause,
IFeatureClass outputFeatureClass, String outputFieldNames, IPropertySet fieldsToCopy, ITrackCancel cancelTracker)
_log.Debug("IAddressGeocoding MatchTable");
// Obtain the read and insert cursors
IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
queryFilter.WhereClause = whereClause;
ICursor readCursor = null;
IFeatureCursor insertCursor = null;
IFeatureCursor updateCursor = null;
// m_needToUpdate will be True when a Rematch is being preformed
if (m_needToUpdate)
// Create update cursor to update matched records
updateCursor = outputFeatureClass.Update(queryFilter, false);
if (isSameObject(addressTable, outputFeatureClass))
readCursor = updateCursor as ICursor;
readCursor = addressTable.Search(queryFilter, true);
// Create insert cursor to add new records
readCursor = addressTable.Search(queryFilter, true);
insertCursor = outputFeatureClass.Insert(true);
int count = addressTable.RowCount(queryFilter);
// Progress dialog setup
IStepProgressor progressor = null;
if (cancelTracker != null)
progressor = cancelTracker.Progressor as IStepProgressor;
IProgressStatistics progStats = cancelTracker as IProgressStatistics;
if (progressor != null)
progressor.StepValue = 1;
progressor.MaxRange = addressTable.RowCount(null);
// Separate the input field names
string[] multilineFields = addressFieldNames.Split(',');
// Read the first row and get the address field
IRow row = readCursor.NextRow();
Dictionary<int, string> addressFieldIndexes = new Dictionary<int, string>();
// Get the index of each valid field
for (int i = 0; i < multilineFields.Length; i++)
if (multilineFields[i].Trim().Length > 0)
addressFieldIndexes.Add(row.Fields.FindField(multilineFields[i].Trim()), multilineFields[i].Trim());
string address;
IPropertySet addressProperties = new PropertySetClass();
IPropertySet resultSet;
IFeatureBuffer featureBuffer;
object copyTo, copyFrom, key, value;
// Get the name and value of all the properties in the property set
fieldsToCopy.GetAllProperties(out copyTo, out copyFrom);
string[] copyToArray = copyTo as string[];
object[] copyFromArray = copyFrom as object[];
string matchStatus = "U";
// Populate the output feature class
while (row != null)
featureBuffer = outputFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int,string> entry in addressFieldIndexes)
if (entry.Key != -1)
address = row.get_Value(entry.Key) as string;
address = row.get_Value(0) as string;
addressProperties.SetProperty(entry.Value, address);
resultSet = MatchAddress(addressProperties);
// Get all of the fields and values of the result
resultSet.GetAllProperties(out key, out value);
string[] names = key as string[];
object[] items = value as object[];
示例14: FindFKey
private string FindFKey(FeatureClassField[] theFkeys, IFeatureClass fc, out int fkeyIndex)
string theReturn = "";
fkeyIndex = -1;
IDataset theDataset = (IDataset)fc;
foreach (FeatureClassField fcf in theFkeys)
if (fcf.FeatureClassName == theDataset.Name)
fkeyIndex = fc.FindField(fcf.FieldName);
if (fkeyIndex == -1)
return "";
theReturn = fcf.FieldName;
return theReturn;
示例15: InsertTopoError
private bool InsertTopoError(IFeatureClass destFClass)
string strSQL = @"SELECT
IIF(b.TargetFeatClass1 is Null,'',b.TargetFeatClass1) as YSTC,
IIF(a.SourceBSM is Null,'',a.SourceBSM) as SourceBSM,
IIF(a.MBTC is Null,'',a.MBTC) as MBTC,
IIF(a.TargetBSM is Null,'',a.TargetBSM) as BSM2,
a.TPTC as TopoLayerName,
a.Reason as Description,
a.IsException as IsException,
IIf(a.Remark is Null,'',a.Remark) as Remark,
b.GZBM ,
a.ArcGisRule as ArcGisRule,
a.SourceOID as OID,
a.TargetOID as OID2
from LR_ResAutoTopo as a, LR_ResultEntryRule as b where a.RuleInstID=b.RuleInstID
DataTable dtError = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetDataTable(this.ResultConnection, strSQL);
IFeatureCursor fCusorInsert = destFClass.Insert(false);
Dictionary<int, int> dictFieldIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < m_FieldCaptions.Count; i++)
int xFieldIndex = destFClass.FindField("X����");
int yFieldIndex = destFClass.FindField("Y����");
IErrorFeatureContainer errFeatureContainer = this.Topology as IErrorFeatureContainer;
ISpatialReference spatialRef = (this.Topology as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference;
for (int i = 0; i < dtError.Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow rowError = dtError.Rows[i];
int fClassID = Convert.ToInt32(rowError["SourceLayerID"]);
int fClassID2 = Convert.ToInt32(rowError["TargetLayerID"]);
int oid = Convert.ToInt32(rowError["OID"]);
int oid2 = Convert.ToInt32(rowError["OID2"]);
esriGeometryType geoType = (esriGeometryType)Convert.ToInt32(rowError["JHLX"]);
esriTopologyRuleType ruleType = (esriTopologyRuleType)Convert.ToInt32(rowError["ArcGISRule"]);
IFeature srcFeature = errFeatureContainer.get_ErrorFeature(spatialRef, ruleType, geoType, fClassID, fClassID2, oid, oid2) as IFeature;
IFeatureBuffer fNew = destFClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < m_FieldCaptions.Count; j++)
int fIndex = dictFieldIndex[j];
if (fIndex < 0)
fNew.set_Value(fIndex, rowError[j]);
fNew.Shape = GetErrorGeometry(srcFeature);
IPoint point = fNew.Shape as IPoint;
fNew.set_Value(xFieldIndex, point.X);
fNew.set_Value(yFieldIndex, point.Y);
if (i % 2000 == 0)
return true;
catch(Exception exp)
return false;