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C# Feature.GetTypeName2方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Feature.GetTypeName2方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Feature.GetTypeName2方法的具体用法?C# Feature.GetTypeName2怎么用?C# Feature.GetTypeName2使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Feature的用法示例。


示例1: ConvertMateToPython

        public static bool ConvertMateToPython( 
                                    ref Feature swMateFeature,
                                    ref string asciitext, 
                                    ref ISldWorks mSWApplication,
                                    ref Hashtable saved_parts,
                                    ref int num_link,
                                    ref MathTransform roottrasf,
                                    ref Component2 assemblyofmates
            if (swMateFeature == null)
                return false;

            Mate2 swMate = (Mate2)swMateFeature.GetSpecificFeature2();

            if (swMate == null)
                return false;

            object foo =null;
            bool[] suppressedflags;
            suppressedflags = (bool[])swMateFeature.IsSuppressed2((int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, foo);
            if (suppressedflags[0] == true)
                return false;

            if (swMate.GetMateEntityCount() >= 2)
                 // Get the mated parts
                MateEntity2 swEntityA = swMate.MateEntity(0);
                MateEntity2 swEntityB = swMate.MateEntity(1);
                Component2 swCompA = swEntityA.ReferenceComponent;
                Component2 swCompB = swEntityB.ReferenceComponent;
                double[] paramsA = (double[])swEntityA.EntityParams;
                double[] paramsB = (double[])swEntityB.EntityParams;
                 // this is needed because parts might reside in subassemblies, and mate params are expressed in parent subassembly
                MathTransform invroottrasf = (MathTransform)roottrasf.Inverse();
                MathTransform trA = roottrasf;
                MathTransform trB = roottrasf;

                if (assemblyofmates != null)
                    MathTransform partrasfA = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true);
                    if (partrasfA != null)
                        trA = partrasfA.IMultiply(invroottrasf); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order!
                    MathTransform partrasfB = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true);
                    if (partrasfB != null)
                        trB = partrasfB.IMultiply(invroottrasf); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order!

                 // Fetch the python names using hash map (python names added when scanning parts)
                ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
                ModelDoc2 swModel = (ModelDoc2)mSWApplication.ActiveDoc;
                swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension;
                String name1 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompA)];
                String name2 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompB)];

                 // Only constraints between two parts or part & layout can be created
                if ( ((name1 != null) || (name2 != null)) && (name1 != name2) )
                    CultureInfo bz = new CultureInfo("en-BZ");

                    if (name1 == null)
                        name1 = "body_0";
                    if (name2 == null)
                        name2 = "body_0";

                    // Add some comment in Python, to list the referenced SW items
                    asciitext += "\n# Mate constraint: " + swMateFeature.Name + " [" + swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() + "]" + " type:" + swMate.Type + " align:" + swMate.Alignment + " flip:" + swMate.Flipped + "\n";
                    for (int e = 0; e < swMate.GetMateEntityCount(); e++)
                        MateEntity2 swEntityN = swMate.MateEntity(e);
                        Component2 swCompN = swEntityN.ReferenceComponent;
                        String ce_nameN = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompN)];
                        asciitext += "#   Entity " + e + ": C::E name: " + ce_nameN + " , SW name: " + swCompN.Name2 + " ,  SW ref.type:" + swEntityN.Reference.GetType() + " (" + swEntityN.ReferenceType2 + ")\n";
                    asciitext += "\n";

                    // For each type of SW mate, see which C::E mate constraint(s)
                    // must be created. Some SW mates correspond to more than one C::E constraints.

                    bool swapAB_1 = false;
                    bool do_CHmate_Xdistance  = false;
                    double do_distance_val  = 0.0;
                    bool do_CHmate_parallel   = false;
                    bool   do_parallel_flip     = false;
                    bool do_CHmate_orthogonal = false;
                    bool do_CHmate_spherical  = false;
                    bool do_CHmate_pointline  = false;

                    // to simplify things later...
                    // NOTE: swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() seems equivalent to  swMate.MateEntity(0).ReferenceType2
                    // but in some cases the latter fails.
                    bool entity_0_as_FACE   = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES);
                    bool entity_0_as_EDGE   = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) ||
                                              (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) ||
                                              (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES);
                    bool entity_0_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) ||
                                              (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) ||
                                              (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS);

示例2: PythonTraverseFeatures_for_links

        public void PythonTraverseFeatures_for_links(Feature swFeat, long nLevel, ref  string asciitext, ref MathTransform roottrasf, ref Component2 assemblyofmates)
            Feature swSubFeat;

            int num_link = 0;

            while ((swFeat != null))
                // Export mates as constraints

                if ((swFeat.GetTypeName2() == "MateGroup") &&
                    swSubFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetFirstSubFeature();

                    while ((swSubFeat != null))
                        ConvertMates.ConvertMateToPython(ref swSubFeat, ref asciitext, ref mSWApplication, ref saved_parts, ref num_link, ref roottrasf, ref assemblyofmates);

                        swSubFeat = (Feature)swSubFeat.GetNextSubFeature();

                    } // end while loop on subfeatures mates

                } // end if mate group

                swFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetNextFeature();

            } // end while loop on features

示例3: PythonTraverseFeatures_for_markers

        public void PythonTraverseFeatures_for_markers(Feature swFeat, long nLevel, ref  string asciitext, int nbody, MathTransform swCompTotalTrasf)
            CultureInfo bz = new CultureInfo("en-BZ");

            int nmarker = 0;

            String bodyname = "body_" + nbody;

            while ((swFeat != null))
                // asciitext += "# feature: " + swFeat.Name + " [" + swFeat.GetTypeName2() + "]" + "\n";

                // Export markers, if any (as coordinate systems)
                if (swFeat.GetTypeName2() == "CoordSys")
                    CoordinateSystemFeatureData swCoordSys = (CoordinateSystemFeatureData)swFeat.GetDefinition();
                    MathTransform tr = swCoordSys.Transform;

                    MathTransform tr_part = swCompTotalTrasf;
                    MathTransform tr_abs = tr.IMultiply(tr_part);  // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order!

                    double[] quat = GetQuaternionFromMatrix(ref tr_abs);
                    double[] amatr = (double[])tr_abs.ArrayData;
                    String markername = "marker_" + nbody + "_" + nmarker;
                    asciitext += "\n# Auxiliary marker (coordinate system feature)\n";
                    asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} =chrono.ChMarker()\n", markername);
                    asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName('{1}')" + "\n", markername, swFeat.Name);
                    asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.AddMarker({1})\n", bodyname, markername);
                    asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Impose_Abs_Coord(chrono.ChCoordsysD(chrono.ChVectorD({1},{2},{3}),chrono.ChQuaternionD({4},{5},{6},{7})))\n",
                               quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]);

                swFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetNextFeature();

示例4: DumpTraverseFeatures

        public void DumpTraverseFeatures(Feature swFeat, long nLevel, ref  string asciitext)
            Feature swSubFeat;
            string sPadStr = " ";
            long i = 0;

            for (i = 0; i <= nLevel; i++)
                sPadStr = sPadStr + "  ";

            while ((swFeat != null))
                asciitext += sPadStr + "    -" + swFeat.Name + " [" + swFeat.GetTypeName2() + "]" + "\n";
                swSubFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetFirstSubFeature();
                if ((swSubFeat != null))
                    DumpTraverseFeatures(swSubFeat, nLevel + 1, ref asciitext);
                if (nLevel == 1)
                    swFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetNextFeature();
                    swFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetNextSubFeature();
