本文整理汇总了C#中DenseVector类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# DenseVector类的具体用法?C# DenseVector怎么用?C# DenseVector使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Create
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DenseEvd"/> class. This object will compute the
/// the eigenvalue decomposition when the constructor is called and cache it's decomposition.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
/// <param name="symmetricity">If it is known whether the matrix is symmetric or not the routine can skip checking it itself.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If EVD algorithm failed to converge with matrix <paramref name="matrix"/>.</exception>
public static DenseEvd Create(DenseMatrix matrix, Symmetricity symmetricity)
if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare);
var order = matrix.RowCount;
// Initialize matrices for eigenvalues and eigenvectors
var eigenVectors = DenseMatrix.CreateIdentity(order);
var blockDiagonal = new DenseMatrix(order);
var eigenValues = new DenseVector(order);
bool isSymmetric;
switch (symmetricity)
case Symmetricity.Hermitian:
isSymmetric = true;
case Symmetricity.Asymmetric:
isSymmetric = false;
isSymmetric = matrix.IsHermitian();
Control.LinearAlgebraProvider.EigenDecomp(isSymmetric, order, matrix.Values, eigenVectors.Values, eigenValues.Values, blockDiagonal.Values);
return new DenseEvd(eigenVectors, eigenValues, blockDiagonal, isSymmetric);
示例2: EstimatePolynomial
// Computes coefficients of real polynomial (or estimates if values are noised) using Svd
// Each row of matrix should contain [x, P(x)], at least rank+1 rows
// Supplied x-es best have magintude in range [1-2], so resulting coefficient matrix is well conditioned
public static Polynomial EstimatePolynomial(Matrix<float> values, int rank)
// 1) Create equation Xa = b
// | x1^n x1^n-1 ... x1 1 | | a0 | | P(x1) |
// | | | ...| = | |
// | xk^n xk^n-1 ... xk 1 | | an | | P(xk) |
Matrix<float> X = new DenseMatrix(values.RowCount, rank + 1);
Vector<float> P = new DenseVector(values.RowCount);
for(int i = 0; i < values.RowCount; ++i)
X[i, rank] = 1.0f;
for(int c = rank - 1; c >= 0; --c)
X[i, c] = X[i, c + 1] * values.At(i, 0);
P[i] = values[i, 1];
return new Polynomial()
Coefficents = SvdSolver.Solve(X, P),
Rank = rank
示例3: HeapSortWithDecreasingDoubleArray
public void HeapSortWithDecreasingDoubleArray()
var sortedIndices = new int[10];
Vector<Complex> values = new DenseVector(10);
values[0] = 9;
values[1] = 8;
values[2] = 7;
values[3] = 6;
values[4] = 5;
values[5] = 4;
values[6] = 3;
values[7] = 2;
values[8] = 1;
values[9] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sortedIndices.Length; i++)
sortedIndices[i] = i;
IlutpElementSorter.SortDoubleIndicesDecreasing(0, sortedIndices.Length - 1, sortedIndices, values);
for (var i = 0; i < sortedIndices.Length; i++)
Assert.AreEqual(i, sortedIndices[i], "#01-" + i);
示例4: UseSolver
/// <summary>
/// The main method that uses the Ilutp preconditioner.
/// </summary>
public void UseSolver()
// Create a sparse matrix. For now the size will be 10 x 10 elements
Matrix matrix = CreateMatrix(10);
// Create the right hand side vector. The size is the same as the matrix
// and all values will be 2.0.
Vector rightHandSideVector = new DenseVector(10, 2.0);
// Create the Ilutp preconditioner
Ilutp preconditioner = new Ilutp();
// Set the drop tolerance. All entries with absolute values smaller than this value will be
// removed from the preconditioner matrices.
preconditioner.DropTolerance = 1e-5;
// Set the relative fill level. This indicates how much additional fill we allow. In this case
// about 200%
preconditioner.FillLevel = 200;
// Set the pivot tolerance. This indicates when pivoting is used. In this case we pivot if
// the largest off-diagonal entry is twice as big as the diagonal entry.
preconditioner.PivotTolerance = 0.5;
// Create the actual preconditioner
// Now that all is set we can solve the matrix equation.
Vector solutionVector = preconditioner.Approximate(rightHandSideVector);
// Another way to get the values is by using the overloaded solve method
// In this case the solution vector needs to be of the correct size.
preconditioner.Approximate(rightHandSideVector, solutionVector);
示例5: DenseEvd
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DenseEvd"/> class. This object will compute the
/// the eigenvalue decomposition when the constructor is called and cache it's decomposition.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If EVD algorithm failed to converge with matrix <paramref name="matrix"/>.</exception>
public DenseEvd(DenseMatrix matrix)
if (matrix == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");
if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare);
var order = matrix.RowCount;
// Initialize matrices for eigenvalues and eigenvectors
MatrixEv = DenseMatrix.Identity(order);
MatrixD = matrix.CreateMatrix(order, order);
VectorEv = new DenseVector(order);
IsSymmetric = true;
for (var i = 0; IsSymmetric && i < order; i++)
for (var j = 0; IsSymmetric && j < order; j++)
IsSymmetric &= matrix.At(i, j) == matrix.At(j, i).Conjugate();
Control.LinearAlgebraProvider.EigenDecomp(IsSymmetric, order, matrix.Values, ((DenseMatrix) MatrixEv).Values,
((DenseVector) VectorEv).Values, ((DenseMatrix) MatrixD).Values);
示例6: ReadFile
public bool ReadFile(string fileName)
TextReader tr = null;
try {
tr = new StreamReader(fileName);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
string buffer = tr.ReadLine();
string[] numbers = buffer.Split(' ');
N = int.Parse(numbers[0]);
P = int.Parse(numbers[1]);
A = new DenseMatrix(P, N);
for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) {
buffer = tr.ReadLine();
numbers = buffer.Split(' ');
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
A[i,j] = int.Parse(numbers[j]);
B = new DenseVector(P);
for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) {
buffer = tr.ReadLine();
B[i] = int.Parse(buffer);
return true;
示例7: SolveWideMatrixThrowsArgumentException
public void SolveWideMatrixThrowsArgumentException()
var matrix = new SparseMatrix(2, 3);
Vector input = new DenseVector(2);
var solver = new GpBiCg();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => solver.Solve(matrix, input));
示例8: SolveLongMatrixThrowsArgumentException
public void SolveLongMatrixThrowsArgumentException()
var matrix = new SparseMatrix(3, 2);
Vector input = new DenseVector(3);
var solver = new BiCgStab();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => solver.Solve(matrix, input));
示例9: HeapSortWithDuplicateDoubleEntries
public void HeapSortWithDuplicateDoubleEntries()
var sortedIndices = new int[10];
Vector<Complex> values = new DenseVector(10);
values[0] = 1;
values[1] = 1;
values[2] = 1;
values[3] = 1;
values[4] = 2;
values[5] = 2;
values[6] = 2;
values[7] = 2;
values[8] = 3;
values[9] = 4;
for (var i = 0; i < sortedIndices.Length; i++)
sortedIndices[i] = i;
IlutpElementSorter.SortDoubleIndicesDecreasing(0, sortedIndices.Length - 1, sortedIndices, values);
for (var i = 0; i < sortedIndices.Length; i++)
if (i == 0)
Assert.AreEqual(9, sortedIndices[i], "#01-" + i);
if (i == 1)
Assert.AreEqual(8, sortedIndices[i], "#01-" + i);
if (i < 6)
if ((sortedIndices[i] != 4) &&
(sortedIndices[i] != 5) &&
(sortedIndices[i] != 6) &&
(sortedIndices[i] != 7))
Assert.Fail("#01-" + i);
if ((sortedIndices[i] != 0) &&
(sortedIndices[i] != 1) &&
(sortedIndices[i] != 2) &&
(sortedIndices[i] != 3))
Assert.Fail("#01-" + i);
示例10: CanCallUnaryNegationOperatorOnDenseVector
public void CanCallUnaryNegationOperatorOnDenseVector()
var vector = new DenseVector(this._data);
var other = -vector;
for (var i = 0; i < this._data.Length; i++)
Assert.AreEqual(-this._data[i], other[i]);
示例11: CanCallUnaryPlusOperatorOnDenseVector
public void CanCallUnaryPlusOperatorOnDenseVector()
var vector = new DenseVector(Data);
var other = +vector;
for (var i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++)
AssertHelpers.AreEqual(vector[i], other[i]);
示例12: CreateStandardBcVector
/// <summary>
/// Create standard vector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">Size of the vector.</param>
/// <returns>New vector.</returns>
protected Vector CreateStandardBcVector(int size)
Vector vector = new DenseVector(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
vector[i] = i + 1;
return vector;
示例13: Create
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DenseSvd"/> class. This object will compute the
/// the singular value decomposition when the constructor is called and cache it's decomposition.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
/// <param name="computeVectors">Compute the singular U and VT vectors or not.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If SVD algorithm failed to converge with matrix <paramref name="matrix"/>.</exception>
public static DenseSvd Create(DenseMatrix matrix, bool computeVectors)
var nm = Math.Min(matrix.RowCount, matrix.ColumnCount);
var s = new DenseVector(nm);
var u = new DenseMatrix(matrix.RowCount);
var vt = new DenseMatrix(matrix.ColumnCount);
Control.LinearAlgebraProvider.SingularValueDecomposition(computeVectors, ((DenseMatrix) matrix.Clone()).Values, matrix.RowCount, matrix.ColumnCount, s.Values, u.Values, vt.Values);
return new DenseSvd(s, u, vt, computeVectors);
示例14: CreateVector
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the Vector class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The array to create this vector from.</param>
/// <returns>The new <c>Vector</c>.</returns>
protected override Vector<double> CreateVector(IList<double> data)
var vector = new DenseVector(data.Count);
for (var index = 0; index < data.Count; index++)
vector[index] = data[index];
return vector;
示例15: UseSolver
/// <summary>
/// The main method that runs the BiCGStab iterative solver.
/// </summary>
public void UseSolver()
// Create a sparse matrix. For now the size will be 10 x 10 elements
Matrix matrix = CreateMatrix(10);
// Create the right hand side vector. The size is the same as the matrix
// and all values will be 2.0.
Vector rightHandSideVector = new DenseVector(10, 2.0);
// Create a preconditioner. The possibilities are:
// 1) No preconditioner - Simply do not provide the solver with a preconditioner.
// 2) A simple diagonal preconditioner - Create an instance of the Diagonal class.
// 3) A ILU preconditioner - Create an instance of the IncompleteLu class.
// 4) A ILU preconditioner with pivoting and drop tolerances - Create an instance of the Ilutp class.
// Here we'll use the simple diagonal preconditioner.
// We need a link to the matrix so the pre-conditioner can do it's work.
IPreConditioner preconditioner = new Diagonal();
// Create a new iterator. This checks for convergence of the results of the
// iterative matrix solver.
// In this case we'll create the default iterator
IIterator iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();
// Create the solver
BiCgStab solver = new BiCgStab(preconditioner, iterator);
// Now that all is set we can solve the matrix equation.
Vector solutionVector = solver.Solve(matrix, rightHandSideVector);
// Another way to get the values is by using the overloaded solve method
// In this case the solution vector needs to be of the correct size.
solver.Solve(matrix, rightHandSideVector, solutionVector);
// Finally you can check the reason the solver finished the iterative process
// by calling the SolutionStatus property on the iterator
ICalculationStatus status = iterator.Status;
if (status is CalculationCancelled)
Console.WriteLine("The user cancelled the calculation.");
if (status is CalculationIndetermined)
Console.WriteLine("Oh oh, something went wrong. The iterative process was never started.");
if (status is CalculationConverged)
Console.WriteLine("Yippee, the iterative process converged.");
if (status is CalculationDiverged)
Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry the iterative process diverged.");
if (status is CalculationFailure)
Console.WriteLine("Oh dear, the iterative process failed.");
if (status is CalculationStoppedWithoutConvergence)
Console.WriteLine("Oh dear, the iterative process did not converge.");