本文整理汇总了C#中CGPath.AddCurveToPoint方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# CGPath.AddCurveToPoint方法的具体用法?C# CGPath.AddCurveToPoint怎么用?C# CGPath.AddCurveToPoint使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类CGPath
示例1: ClockView
public ClockView ()
// Set background to pink.
this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB (1.0f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
// All paths are based on 100-unit clock radius
// centered at (0, 0)
// Define circle for tick marks.
tickMarks = new CGPath ();
tickMarks.AddEllipseInRect(new CGRect(-90, -90, 180, 180));
// Hour, minute, second hands defined to point straight up.
// Define hour hand.
hourHand = new CGPath ();
hourHand.MoveToPoint (0, -60);
hourHand.AddCurveToPoint (0, -30, 20, -30, 5, - 20);
hourHand.AddLineToPoint (5, 0);
hourHand.AddCurveToPoint (5, 7.5f, -5, 7.5f, -5, 0);
hourHand.AddLineToPoint (-5, -20);
hourHand.AddCurveToPoint (-20, -30, 0, -30, 0, -60);
hourHand.CloseSubpath ();
// Define minute hand.
minuteHand = new CGPath ();
minuteHand.MoveToPoint (0, -80);
minuteHand.AddCurveToPoint (0, -75, 0, -70, 2.5f, -60);
minuteHand.AddLineToPoint (2.5f, 0);
minuteHand.AddCurveToPoint (2.5f, 5, -2.5f, 5, -2.5f, 0);
minuteHand.AddLineToPoint (-2.5f, -60);
minuteHand.AddCurveToPoint (0, -70, 0, -75, 0, -80);
minuteHand.CloseSubpath ();
// Define second hand.
secondHand = new CGPath ();
secondHand.MoveToPoint (0, 10);
secondHand.AddLineToPoint(0, -80);
示例2: ObserveValue
var percentage = 1 - (distance / MaxDistance);
PointF headOrigin;
float headRadius;
if (_vertical) {
float currentTopPadding = lerp (MinTopPadding, MaxTopPadding, percentage);
float currentTopRadius = lerp (MinTopRadius, MaxTopRadius, percentage);
float currentBottomRadius = lerp (MinBottomRadius, MaxBottomRadius, percentage);
float currentBottomPadding = lerp (MinBottomPadding, MaxBottomPadding, percentage);
var bottomOrigin = new PointF ((float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Width / 2.0f), Bounds.Height - currentBottomPadding - currentBottomRadius);
var topOrigin = PointF.Empty;
if (distance == 0) {
topOrigin = new PointF ((float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Width / 2.0f), bottomOrigin.Y);
} else {
topOrigin = new PointF ((float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Width / 2.0f), Bounds.Height + offset + currentTopPadding + currentTopRadius);
if (percentage == 0) {
bottomOrigin.Y -= ((Math.Abs (verticalShift) - MaxDistance));
triggered = true;
//Top semicircle
path.AddArc (topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y, currentTopRadius, 0, (float) Math.PI, true);
//Left curve
var leftCp1 = new PointF (lerp ((topOrigin.X - currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X - currentBottomRadius), 0.1f), lerp (topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, .2f));
var leftCp2 = new PointF (lerp ((topOrigin.X - currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X - currentBottomRadius), 0.9f), lerp (topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, .2f));
var leftDestination = new PointF (bottomOrigin.X - currentBottomRadius, bottomOrigin.Y);
path.AddCurveToPoint (leftCp1, leftCp2, leftDestination);
//Bottom semicircle
path.AddArc (bottomOrigin.X, bottomOrigin.Y, currentBottomRadius, (float) Math.PI, 0, true);
//Right curve
var rightCp2 = new PointF (lerp ((topOrigin.X + currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X + currentBottomRadius), 0.1f), lerp (topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, .2f));
var rightCp1 = new PointF (lerp ((topOrigin.X + currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X + currentBottomRadius), 0.9f), lerp (topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, .2f));
var rightDestination = new PointF (bottomOrigin.X + currentTopRadius, topOrigin.Y);
path.AddCurveToPoint (rightCp1, rightCp2, rightDestination);
headOrigin = topOrigin;
headRadius = currentTopRadius;
} else {
float currentLeftPadding = lerp (MinTopPadding, MaxTopPadding, percentage);
float currentLeftRadius = lerp (MinTopRadius, MaxTopRadius, percentage);
float currentRightRadius = lerp (MinBottomRadius, MaxBottomRadius, percentage);
float currentRightPadding = lerp (MinBottomPadding, MaxBottomPadding, percentage);
var rightOrigin = new PointF (Bounds.Width - currentRightPadding - currentRightRadius, (float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Height / 2.0f));
var leftOrigin = PointF.Empty;
if (distance == 0) {
leftOrigin = new PointF (rightOrigin.X, (float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Size.Height / 2.0f));
} else {
leftOrigin = new PointF (Bounds.Size.Width + offset + currentLeftPadding + currentLeftRadius, (float) Math.Floor (Bounds.Height / 2.0f));
if (percentage == 0) {
rightOrigin.X -= ((Math.Abs (verticalShift) - MaxDistance));
triggered = true;
示例3: ObserveValue
float verticalShift = (float)Math.Max(0, -1 * ((kMaxTopRadius + kMaxBottomRadius + kMaxTopPadding + kMaxBottomPadding) + offset));
float distance = (float)Math.Min(kMaxDistance, (float)Math.Abs(verticalShift));
float percentage = 1 - (distance / kMaxDistance);
float currentTopPadding = lerp(kMinTopPadding, kMaxTopPadding, percentage);
float currentTopRadius = lerp(kMinTopRadius, kMaxTopRadius, percentage);
float currentBottomRadius = lerp(kMinBottomRadius, kMaxBottomRadius, percentage);
float currentBottomPadding = lerp(kMinBottomPadding, kMaxBottomPadding, percentage);
PointF bottomOrigin = new PointF((float)Math.Floor(this.Bounds.Size.Width / 2), this.Bounds.Size.Height - currentBottomPadding - currentBottomRadius);
PointF topOrigin = PointF.Empty;
if (distance == 0)
topOrigin = new PointF((float)Math.Floor(this.Bounds.Size.Width / 2), bottomOrigin.Y);
topOrigin = new PointF((float)Math.Floor(this.Bounds.Size.Width / 2), this.Bounds.Size.Height + offset + currentTopPadding + currentTopRadius);
if (percentage == 0)
bottomOrigin.Y -= (float)Math.Abs(verticalShift) - kMaxDistance;
triggered = true;
// top semicircle
path.AddArc(topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y, currentTopRadius, 0, (float)Math.PI, true);
// left curve
PointF leftCp1 = new PointF(lerp((topOrigin.X - currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X - currentBottomRadius), 0.1f), lerp(topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, 0.2f));
PointF leftCp2 = new PointF(lerp((topOrigin.X - currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X - currentBottomRadius), 0.9f), lerp(topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, 0.2f));
PointF leftDestination = new PointF(bottomOrigin.X - currentBottomRadius, bottomOrigin.Y);
path.AddCurveToPoint(leftCp1, leftCp2, leftDestination);
// bottom semicircle
path.AddArc(bottomOrigin.X, bottomOrigin.Y, currentBottomRadius, (float)Math.PI, 0, true);
// right curve
PointF rightCp2 = new PointF(lerp((topOrigin.X + currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X + currentBottomRadius), 0.1f), lerp(topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, 0.2f));
PointF rightCp1 = new PointF(lerp((topOrigin.X + currentTopRadius), (bottomOrigin.X + currentBottomRadius), 0.9f), lerp(topOrigin.Y, bottomOrigin.Y, 0.2f));
PointF rightDestination = new PointF(bottomOrigin.X + currentTopRadius, topOrigin.Y);
path.AddCurveToPoint (rightCp1, rightCp2, rightDestination);
if (!triggered) // line 309
// set paths
_shapeLayer.Path = path;
_shapeLayer.ShadowPath = path;
// add the arrow shape
float currentArrowSize = lerp(kMinArrowSize, kMaxArrowSize, percentage);
float currentArrowRadius = lerp(kMinArrowRadius, kMaxArrowRadius, percentage);
float arrowBigRadius = currentArrowRadius + (currentArrowSize / 2);
float arrowSmallRadius = currentArrowRadius - (currentArrowSize / 2);
CGPath arrowPath = new CGPath();
arrowPath.AddArc(topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y, arrowBigRadius, 0, 3 * (float)Math.PI, false);
arrowPath.AddLineToPoint(topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y - arrowBigRadius - currentArrowSize);
arrowPath.AddLineToPoint(topOrigin.X + (2 * currentArrowSize), topOrigin.Y - arrowBigRadius + (currentArrowSize / 2));
arrowPath.AddLineToPoint(topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y - arrowBigRadius + (2 * currentArrowSize));
arrowPath.AddLineToPoint(topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y - arrowBigRadius + currentArrowSize);
arrowPath.AddArc(topOrigin.X, topOrigin.Y, arrowSmallRadius, 3 * (float)Math.PI, 0, true);
示例4: drawLines
void drawLines ()
layer.RemoveAllAnimations ();
var dot = new CGRect (0, 0, lineWidth, lineWidth);
nfloat x, y;
CGPoint start = CGPoint.Empty;
CGPoint end = CGPoint.Empty;
// Draw curved graph line
using (UIColor color = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha (0.25f), dotColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha (0.70f)) {
//color.SetStroke ();
//dotColor.SetFill ();
//ctx.SetLineWidth (lineWidth);
using (CGPath path = new CGPath ()) {
var count = hourly ? HourlyTemps.Count : (Forecasts.Count * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// adjusted index
var ai = i;
double temp;
if (hourly) {
temp = HourlyTemps [ai];
} else {
// reset start when switching from highs to lows
if (i == Forecasts.Count) start = CGPoint.Empty;
var highs = i < Forecasts.Count;
ai = highs ? i : i - Forecasts.Count;
temp = highs ? HighTemps [ai] : LowTemps [ai];
var percent = ((nfloat)temp - scaleLow) / scaleRange;
x = padding + inset + (ai * scaleX);
y = graphRect.GetMaxY () - (graphRect.Height * percent);
end = new CGPoint (x, y);
if (!hourly) {
dot.X = end.X - (lineWidth / 2);
dot.Y = end.Y - (lineWidth / 2);
path.AddEllipseInRect (dot);
//ctx.AddEllipseInRect (dot);
if (start == CGPoint.Empty) {
path.MoveToPoint (end);
} else {
path.MoveToPoint (start);
if (hourly) {
path.AddLineToPoint (end);
} else {
var diff = (end.X - start.X) / 2;
path.AddCurveToPoint (end.X - diff, start.Y, start.X + diff, end.Y, end.X, end.Y);
start = end;
// draw all dots to context
//if (!hourly) ctx.DrawPath (CGPathDrawingMode.Fill);
// add line path to context
layer.Path = path;
//ctx.AddPath (path);