本文整理汇总了C#中BuildContext类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BuildContext类的具体用法?C# BuildContext怎么用?C# BuildContext使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: PostBelongsToBlog
public void PostBelongsToBlog()
IRelationshipInferenceService relService = ObtainService();
TableDefinition blogTable;
TableDefinition postTable;
BuildBlogPostsStructure(out blogTable, out postTable);
BuildContext context = new BuildContext();
ActiveRecordDescriptor arDesc = new ActiveRecordDescriptor();
ActiveRecordPropertyDescriptor[] descs = relService.InferRelations( arDesc, postTable, context );
Assert.AreEqual( 1, descs.Length );
ActiveRecordBelongsToDescriptor desc1 = descs[0] as ActiveRecordBelongsToDescriptor;
Assert.AreEqual( "Blog", desc1.PropertyName );
Assert.AreEqual( "blog_id", desc1.ColumnName );
ActiveRecordDescriptor targetARDescriptor = context.GetNextPendent();
Assert.AreSame( blogTable, targetARDescriptor.Table );
示例2: IsApplied
public override bool IsApplied(BuildContext context, AbstractTypeBuilderList builders)
if (_interceptorType == null && _interceptType == 0)
return false;
foreach (var builder in builders)
var interceptor = builder as InterceptorAspectBuilder;
if (interceptor != null)
if (interceptor._interceptorType == null && interceptor._interceptType == 0)
return false;
if (builder == this)
if (context.IsMethodOrProperty) switch (context.Step)
case BuildStep.Begin: return true;
case BuildStep.Before: return (_interceptType & InterceptType.BeforeCall) != 0;
case BuildStep.After: return (_interceptType & InterceptType.AfterCall) != 0;
case BuildStep.Catch: return (_interceptType & InterceptType.OnCatch) != 0;
case BuildStep.Finally: return (_interceptType & InterceptType.OnFinally) != 0;
case BuildStep.End: return true;
return false;
示例3: BuildStarting
/// <summary>
/// Called before the project's help build starts.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">Provides information about the build process.</param>
public override void BuildStarting(BuildContext context)
// Uncomment the following line to break into the debugger:
// System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
buildStart = DateTime.Now;
示例4: SetStyle
public void SetStyle(BuildContext context)
context.Cell.CellStyle = this.CenterStyle;
示例5: EmbedVirtualFile
private static void EmbedVirtualFile(BuildContext context, string relativePath)
var file = new VirtualPackageFile(
context.SourcePath + relativePath,
context.TargetPath + relativePath);
示例6: Process
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceStream"></param>
/// <param name="targetStream"></param>
public override void Process ( AssetSource assetFile, BuildContext context )
using ( var sourceStream = assetFile.OpenSourceStream() ) {
using ( var targetStream = assetFile.OpenTargetStream() ) {
sourceStream.CopyTo( targetStream );
示例7: BuildClass
private void BuildClass(
DocumentMapping documentMapping, bool isRoot,
string path, BuildContext context
IList<System.Type> hierarchy = new List<System.Type>();
System.Type currClass = documentMapping.MappedClass;
do {
currClass = currClass.BaseType;
// NB Java stops at null we stop at object otherwise we process the class twice
// We also need a null test for things like ISet which have no base class/interface
} while (currClass != null && currClass != typeof(object));
for (int index = hierarchy.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
currClass = hierarchy[index];
* Override the default analyzer for the properties if the class hold one
* That's the reason we go down the hierarchy
// NB Must cast here as we want to look at the type's metadata
var localAnalyzer = GetAnalyzer(currClass);
var analyzer = documentMapping.Analyzer ?? localAnalyzer;
// Check for any ClassBridges
var classBridgeAttributes = AttributeUtil.GetAttributes<ClassBridgeAttribute>(currClass);
AttributeUtil.GetClassBridgeParameters(currClass, classBridgeAttributes);
// Now we can process the class bridges
foreach (var classBridgeAttribute in classBridgeAttributes)
var bridge = BuildClassBridge(classBridgeAttribute, analyzer);
// NB As we are walking the hierarchy only retrieve items at this level
var propertyInfos = currClass.GetProperties(
BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance
foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
BuildProperty(documentMapping, propertyInfo, analyzer, isRoot, path, context);
var fields = currClass.GetFields(
BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
BuildProperty(documentMapping, fieldInfo, analyzer, isRoot, path, context);
示例8: Process
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceStream"></param>
/// <param name="targetStream"></param>
public override void Process ( AssetSource assetFile, BuildContext context )
var src = assetFile.FullSourcePath;
var dst = context.GetTempFileName( assetFile.KeyPath, ".dds" );
RunNVCompress( context, src, dst, NoMips, Fast, ToNormal, Color, Alpha, Normal, Compression );
using ( var target = assetFile.OpenTargetStream() ) {
context.CopyFileTo( dst, target );
示例9: Build
public override void Build ( BuildContext buildContext )
var src = buildContext.Resolve( SourceFile );
var dst = buildContext.GetTempFileName( Hash, ".dds" );
RunNVCompress( buildContext, src, dst, NoMips, Fast, ToNormal, Color, Alpha, Normal, Compression );
using ( var target = buildContext.OpenTargetStream( this ) ) {
buildContext.CopyTo( dst, target );
示例10: Compile
public override void Compile(ICompileContext context, IProjectItem projectItem)
var item = projectItem as Item;
Assert.Cast(item, nameof(item));
var fileName = item.GetValue<string>(LayoutPage)?.Trim() ?? string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
var property = item.GetProperty<string>(LayoutPage);
// find page html file
var rendering = item.Project.Files.FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(i.FilePath, fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (rendering == null)
context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1047, Texts.Rendering_reference_not_found, TraceHelper.GetTextNode(property), fileName);
// find MvcLayout
var layoutItem = item.Project.ProjectItems.OfType<Item>().FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemIdOrPath == "/sitecore/layout/Layouts/MvcLayout");
if (layoutItem == null)
context.Trace.TraceError(Msg.C1048, Texts.Layout_reference_not_found, TraceHelper.GetTextNode(property), "/sitecore/layout/Layouts/MvcLayout");
if (rendering == null || layoutItem == null)
var sourceFile = rendering.Snapshots.First().SourceFile;
var writer = new StringWriter();
var output = new XmlTextWriter(writer);
output.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
var buildContext = new BuildContext(context, sourceFile, output, item, layoutItem);
var literalRendering = FindRendering(buildContext, "Literal", string.Empty, TextSpan.Empty);
if (literalRendering == null)
buildContext.Placeholder = layoutItem["Place Holders"];
buildContext.LiteralRendering = literalRendering;
SetRenderingsField(buildContext, buildContext.Item, writer.ToString());
示例11: Process
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceStream"></param>
/// <param name="targetStream"></param>
public override void Process ( AssetSource assetFile, BuildContext context )
string tempFileName = context.GetTempFileName( assetFile.KeyPath, ".fnt" );
string resolvedPath = assetFile.FullSourcePath;
// Launch 'bmfont.com' with temporary output file :
context.RunTool( @"bmfont.com", string.Format("-c \"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", resolvedPath, tempFileName ) );
// load temporary output :
SpriteFont.FontFile font;
using ( var stream = File.OpenRead( tempFileName ) ) {
font = SpriteFont.FontLoader.Load( stream );
// perform some checks :
if (font.Common.Pages!=1) {
throw new BuildException("Only one page of font image is supported");
// patch font description and add children (e.g. "secondary") content :
using ( var stream = assetFile.OpenTargetStream() ) {
using ( var sw = new BinaryWriter( stream ) ) {
var xml = SpriteFont.FontLoader.SaveToString( font );
sw.Write( xml );
// write pages :
foreach (var p in font.Pages) {
var pageFile = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( tempFileName ), p.File );
if ( Path.GetExtension( pageFile ).ToLower() == ".dds" ) {
context.CopyFileTo( pageFile, sw );
} else {
TextureProcessor.RunNVCompress( context, pageFile, pageFile + ".dds", true, false, false, true, true, false, TextureProcessor.TextureCompression.RGB );
context.CopyFileTo( pageFile + ".dds", sw );
示例12: Process
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceStream"></param>
/// <param name="targetStream"></param>
public override void Process ( AssetSource assetFile, BuildContext context )
var mtrl = BaseIllum.ImportFromXml ( File.ReadAllText(assetFile.FullSourcePath) );
// get dependencies :
var deps = mtrl.GetDependencies().ToArray();
var file = BaseIllum.ExportToXml(mtrl);
using ( var target = assetFile.OpenTargetStream(deps) ) {
using ( var bw = new BinaryWriter(target) ) {
示例13: EmbedFiles
private static void EmbedFiles(BuildContext context)
var basePath = context.SourcePath;
foreach (var virtualPath in context.SourceFolder.ListFiles(context.SourcePath, true))
// skip ignores files
if (IgnoreFile(virtualPath))
// full virtual path given but we need the relative path so it can be put into
// the package that way (the package itself is the logical base path).
// Get it by stripping the basePath off including the slash.
var relativePath = virtualPath.Replace(basePath, "");
EmbedVirtualFile(context, relativePath);
示例14: Package
public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(
BuildContext buildContext,
string projectId,
Dictionary<string, ParseTree.Executable[]> finalCode,
List<string> filesToCopyOver,
ICollection<ParseTree.StructDefinition> structDefinitions,
string inputFolder,
SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();
List<string> concatenatedCode = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "PROJECT_ID", projectId },
concatenatedCode.Add(this.GetPyGameCode("Header.py", replacements));
concatenatedCode.Add(this.GetPyGameCode("AsyncHttpFetcher.py", replacements));
this.Translator.TranslateGlobals(concatenatedCode, finalCode);
this.Translator.TranslateSwitchLookups(concatenatedCode, finalCode);
this.Translator.TranslateFunctions(concatenatedCode, finalCode);
concatenatedCode.Add(this.GetPyGameCode("Footer.py", replacements));
output["game.py"] = new FileOutput()
Type = FileOutputType.Text,
TextContent = string.Join("", concatenatedCode)
foreach (string file in filesToCopyOver)
output[file] = new FileOutput()
Type = FileOutputType.Copy,
RelativeInputPath = file,
return output;
示例15: Build
/// <summary>
/// Builds asset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buildContext"></param>
public override void Build( BuildContext buildContext )
string tempFileName = buildContext.GetTempFileName( AssetPath, ".fnt", false );
string tempFileNameR = buildContext.GetTempFileName( AssetPath, ".fnt", true );
string resolvedPath = buildContext.Resolve( SourcePath );
// Launch 'bmfont.com' with temporary output file :
buildContext.RunTool( @"bmfont.com", string.Format("-c \"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", resolvedPath, tempFileNameR ) );
// load temporary output :
SpriteFont.FontFile font;
using ( var stream = File.OpenRead( tempFileNameR ) ) {
font = SpriteFont.FontLoader.Load( stream );
// perform some checks :
if (font.Common.Pages!=1) {
throw new ContentException("Only one page of font image is supported");
// patch font description and add children (e.g. "secondary") content :
foreach (var p in font.Pages) {
var newAssetPath = Path.Combine( AssetPath, "Page#" + p.ID.ToString() );
var newSrcPath = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(tempFileName), p.File );
if ( Path.GetExtension( newSrcPath ).ToLower() == ".dds" ) {
var asset = buildContext.AddAsset<RawFileAsset>( newAssetPath );
asset.SourceFile = newSrcPath;
asset.BuildOrder = BuildOrder + 1;
} else {
var asset = buildContext.AddAsset<ImageFileTextureAsset>( newAssetPath );
asset.SourceFile = newSrcPath;
asset.BuildOrder = BuildOrder + 1;
p.File = newAssetPath;
using ( var stream = buildContext.TargetStream( this ) ) {
SpriteFont.FontLoader.Save( stream, font );