本文整理汇总了C#中BCBlockGameState.Defer方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BCBlockGameState.Defer方法的具体用法?C# BCBlockGameState.Defer怎么用?C# BCBlockGameState.Defer使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类BCBlockGameState
示例1: GivePowerTo
public override bool GivePowerTo(BCBlockGameState gamestate, GameCharacter gamechar)
BasicFadingText bft = new BasicFadingText("1-Up", Location, new PointF(0, -2), new Font(BCBlockGameState.GetMonospaceFont(), 14), new Pen(Color.Black,2), new SolidBrush(Color.Green), 500);
gamestate.Forcerefresh = true;
gamestate.Defer(() => gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(bft));
return true;
示例2: BehaviourAdded
public override void BehaviourAdded(Paddle toPaddle, BCBlockGameState gamestate)
base.BehaviourAdded(toPaddle, gamestate);
addedobject = new ProxyObject((po, gs) =>
PerformFrame(toPaddle, gamestate);
return false;
}, null);
示例3: PowerUpCallback
public bool PowerUpCallback(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
float randgen = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * Spawnchancesum;
int useindex = RandomValueToIndex(randgen, spawnchance);
Type grabtype = spawntypes[useindex];
SizeF useSize = new SizeF(16, 16);
PointF useposition =
new PointF(gamestate.GameArea.Width * (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble(), (gamestate.GameArea.Height - 72) * (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble());
GameEnemy genenemy = (GameEnemy)Activator.CreateInstance(grabtype, useposition, useSize);
gamestate.Defer(() =>
AddScore(gamestate, 10);
return true;
示例4: PerformFrame
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
BCBlockGameState.IncrementLocation(gamestate, ref _Location, Velocity);
if (framecounter >= NextDeployment)
framecounter = 0;
NextDeployment = BCBlockGameState.rgen.Next(10, 30);
ExplosionEffect ee = new ExplosionEffect(Location, 10 + (float)(BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 20));
ee.DamageBlocks = false; //doesn't hurt blocks...
ee.ShowOrbs = false;
gamestate.Defer(() =>
return !gamestate.GameArea.Contains(new Point((int)Location.X, (int)Location.Y));
示例5: PerformBlockHit
public override bool PerformBlockHit(BCBlockGameState parentstate, cBall ballhit)
if (CurrentMode == PowerupBlockMode.BlockMode_Filled)
if (isEmergePower())
TransitoryBlockObject tbo = new TransitoryBlockObject(this);
tbo.TransitionComplete = TransitFunc;
CurrentMode = PowerupBlockMode.BlockMode_Transitory;
catch (Exception err)
//call transitfunc directly.
TransitFunc(parentstate, null);
base.PerformBlockHit(parentstate, ballhit);
return false;
示例6: PerformFrame
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
if (Frozen) return false;
PointF usedoffset=PointF.Empty;
BCBlockGameState.IncrementLocation(gamestate, ref _Location, _Velocity,ref usedoffset);
if (!(new Polygon(gamestate.GameArea).Contains(_Poly)))
var result = GeometryHelper.PolygonCollision(new Polygon(gamestate.GameArea), _Poly, Velocity);
var copied = new PointF(-result.MinimumTranslationVector.X, -result.MinimumTranslationVector.Y);
if (Math.Abs(result.MinimumTranslationVector.X) > Math.Abs(result.MinimumTranslationVector.Y))
//mirror X speed.
Velocity = new PointF(-Velocity.X, Velocity.Y);
Velocity = new PointF(Velocity.X, -Velocity.Y);
_Velocity = _VelocityDecayFunction(this, _Velocity);
CurrAngle += AngleSpeed;
_AngleSpeed = _AngleSpeedDecayFunction(this, _AngleSpeed);
//check for ball collisions.
foreach (cBall checkball in gamestate.Balls)
Polygon ballpoly = checkball.GetBallPoly();
if (_Poly.IntersectsWith(ballpoly) && !InvokeBeforeObstacleHit(gamestate,checkball,this))
//only if it intersects.
Vector Adjustment;
GeometryHelper.PolygonCollisionResult pcr = GeometryHelper.PolygonCollision(_Poly,
ballpoly, new Vector(checkball.Velocity.X+Velocity.X, checkball.Velocity.Y+Velocity.Y));
Adjustment = pcr.MinimumTranslationVector;
checkball.Velocity = checkball.Velocity.Mirror(pcr.MinimumTranslationVector);
checkball.Velocity = new PointF(checkball.Velocity.X, checkball.Velocity.Y);
checkball.Location = new PointF(checkball.Location.X - Adjustment.X, checkball.Location.Y - Adjustment.Y);
//determine percentage of "knockback" to us based on the ratio between the ball radius and our average radius.
float ourAverage = _Poly.AverageRadius();
float ballradii = checkball.Radius;
float ratio = ballradii / ourAverage;
PointF mCenter = GetRectangle().CenterPoint();
Velocity = new PointF(Velocity.X + pcr.MinimumTranslationVector.X * ratio, Velocity.Y + pcr.MinimumTranslationVector.Y * ratio);
//get angle between the ball's previous location (assumed from the velocity) and it's current pos,
//with our center point as the pivot.
PointF PrevPosition = checkball.PrevLocation;
PointF CurrLocation = checkball.Location;
var PrevAngle = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(mCenter, PrevPosition);
var CurrentAngle = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(mCenter, CurrLocation);
AngleSpeed = CurrentAngle - PrevAngle;
//reduce our size, as well.
_Poly = _Poly.Scale(0.9f);
if (_Poly.Area() < MinimumSize && !InvokeObstacleHit(gamestate,checkball,this))
//Fire the OnDestroy event
return true; //tweak: make it explode or something, too.
if (_fShoot)
if (delayoffset++ == _ShootDelay)
delayoffset = 0;
//shoot lightning. Because lightning is da' shit.
//choose a random point on this polygon.
PointF selectedpoint = BCBlockGameState.Choose(Poly.Points);
//get angle between that point and the paddle.
//if there is no paddle, use a random value.
double fireangle = gamestate.PlayerPaddle != null ?
BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(selectedpoint, gamestate.PlayerPaddle.CenterPoint()) :
BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
PointF createdvel = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF((float)Math.Cos(fireangle), (float)Math.Sin(fireangle)), Math.PI / 12);
LightningShot ls = new LightningShot(selectedpoint, createdvel)
DamageBlocks = false,
DamagePaddle = true
gamestate.Defer(() => gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(ls));
return !gamestate.GameArea.IntersectsWith(_Poly.GetBounds().ToRectangle());
示例7: AttractRepulseDestructor
public AttractRepulseDestructor(BCBlockGameState gstate, AttractionRepulsionBlock BlockA, AttractionRepulsionBlock BlockB)
//calculate the appropriate vectors.
OriginalBlocks = new AttractionRepulsionBlock[] { BlockA, BlockB };
PointF midpoint = BCBlockGameState.MidPoint(BlockA.CenterPoint(), BlockB.CenterPoint());
double AtoB = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(BlockA.CenterPoint(), midpoint);
double BtoA = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(BlockB.CenterPoint(), midpoint);
double AuseAngle = BtoA; //default to "repel"
double BuseAngle = AtoB;
//if they are not the same colour...
if (!(BlockA.BlockColor.R == BlockB.BlockColor.R &&
BlockA.BlockColor.G == BlockB.BlockColor.G &&
BlockA.BlockColor.B == BlockB.BlockColor.B))
BCBlockGameState.Swap(ref AuseAngle, ref BuseAngle);
//swap, if the colour RGB triplets are unequal we want to "attract" rather than repel.
//their initial speed will be zero.
Aggregates = new BoxDestructor[] { new BoxDestructor(BlockA, PointF.Empty), new BoxDestructor(BlockB, PointF.Empty) };
//but we will change their 'velocitydecay' 0.05 for now, in the appropriate direction.
Aggregates[0].VelocityDecay = new PointF((float)Math.Cos(AuseAngle) * defaultinitialspeed,
(float)(Math.Sin(AuseAngle) * defaultinitialspeed));
Aggregates[1].VelocityDecay = new PointF((float)(Math.Cos(BuseAngle) * defaultinitialspeed),
(float)(Math.Sin(BuseAngle) * defaultinitialspeed));
Aggregates[0].VelocityIncrement = Aggregates[0].VelocityDecay;
Aggregates[1].VelocityIncrement = Aggregates[1].VelocityDecay;
Aggregates[0].VelocityDecay = new PointF(1 + Math.Abs(Aggregates[0].VelocityDecay.X), 1 + Math.Abs(Aggregates[0].VelocityDecay.Y));
Aggregates[1].VelocityDecay = new PointF(1 + Math.Abs(Aggregates[1].VelocityDecay.X), 1 + Math.Abs(Aggregates[1].VelocityDecay.Y));
//now we need to add the BoxDestructor to the gamestate.
//we do not remove the Blocks, instead deferring that to the block itself to decide.
//it is also the caller's responsibility to add this instance to the GameObjects list as well.
gstate.Defer(() =>
示例8: AddScore
protected void AddScore(BCBlockGameState ParentGame, int scoreadd, String prefixString)
//PointF MidPoint = new PointF(mBlockrect.Left + (mBlockrect.Width / 2), mBlockrect.Top + (mBlockrect.Height / 2));
String usestring;
PointF MidPoint = new PointF(Location.X + Size.Width / 2, Location.Y + Size.Height / 2);
int addedscore = scoreadd + (Math.Sign(scoreadd) * ParentGame.GameObjects.Count * 10);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefixString))
usestring = addedscore.ToString();
usestring = prefixString + "(" + addedscore.ToString() + ")";
ParentGame.GameScore += addedscore;
//ParentGame.GameObjects.AddLast(new BasicFadingText(usestring, MidPoint, new PointF(((float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 0.2f) * -0.1f, ((float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble()) * -0.7f), new Font(BCBlockGameState.GetMonospaceFont(), 16), null, null));
ParentGame.Defer(() => ParentGame.GameScore += addedscore);
ParentGame.GameObjects.AddLast(new BasicFadingText(usestring, MidPoint, new PointF(((float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 0.2f) * -0.1f, ((float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble()) * -0.7f), new Font(BCBlockGameState.GetMonospaceFont(), 16), null, null));
示例9: PerformBlockHit
public override bool PerformBlockHit(BCBlockGameState parentstate, cBall ballhit)
parentstate.GameObjects.AddLast(new ProxyObject(proxyfunction, null)));
return base.PerformBlockHit(parentstate, ballhit);
示例10: PerformFrame
public virtual List<Block> PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState ParentGameState,ref List<cBall> ballsadded,ref List<cBall> ballsremove)
PreviousVelocity = Velocity;
//returns the blocks that were affected by the frame (changed or moved).
//PointF NextPosition = new PointF(Location.X + Velocity.X, Location.Y + Velocity.Y);
PointF NextPosition = Location;
BCBlockGameState.IncrementLocation(ParentGameState, ref NextPosition, Velocity);
//RectangleF NextPositionBorders = new RectangleF(NextPosition.X - Radius, NextPosition.Y - Radius, Radius, Radius);
if(ballsadded==null) ballsadded = new List<cBall>();
RectangleF rectangleborders = new RectangleF(Location.X-Radius,Location.Y-Radius,Radius*2,Radius*2);
//Location = new PointF(Location.X+Velocity.X,Location.Y+Velocity.Y);
Location = NextPosition;
TrailData.Enqueue(new TrailItemData(Location,Radius));
while (TrailData.Count > _Trails)
BCBlockGameState wholeref = ParentGameState;
List<Block> affectedblocks = InvokePerformFrame(this, ParentGameState, ref ballsadded,ref ballsremove);
if(affectedblocks==null) affectedblocks = new List<Block>();
if (wholeref != null)
/*if (isTempBall)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(10 * BCBlockGameState.ParticleGenerationFactor); i++)
ParentGameState.Particles.Add(new FireParticle(this));
//check for collision with the walls...
Rectangle clientrect = wholeref.GameArea;
bool DoEmitSound=false;
bool didhit=false;
didhit = CheckWallCollision(rectangleborders, clientrect, ref DoEmitSound);
//CheckBall.Y + CheckBall.radius >= Paddle.Y And CheckBall.Y - _
//CheckBall.radius < Paddle.Y + Paddle.PHeight Or (((CheckBall.Y - _
//CheckBall.Yspeed + CheckBall.radius) >= Paddle.Y And CheckBall.Y - _
//CheckBall.Yspeed - CheckBall.radius < Paddle.Y + Paddle.PHeight) And _
//Sgn(CheckBall.Yspeed) = 1)
if (wholeref.PlayerPaddle != null)
if (rectangleborders.IntersectsWith(wholeref.PlayerPaddle.Getrect()) && Math.Sign(Velocity.Y) == 1)
// Paddle paddle = wholeref.PlayerPaddle;
//if((Location.Y + Radius >= paddle.Position.Y) && (Location.Y -
// Radius < paddle.Position.X+paddle.PaddleSize.Width ) || (((Location.Y - Velocity.Y + Radius) >= paddle.Position.Y &&
// Location.Y - Velocity.Y - Radius < paddle.Position.Y+paddle.PaddleSize.Height) && Math.Sign(Velocity.Y)==1))
// if (Location.Y + Radius >= paddle.Position.Y && (Location.Y - Radius <= (paddle.Position.X + paddle.PaddleSize.Width)))
//the X coordinate checks out here...
wholeref.PlayerPaddle.Impact(wholeref, this);
* */
wholeref.PlayerPaddle.CheckImpact(wholeref, this, true);
bool HitBottom=false;
if (rectangleborders.Bottom > clientrect.Bottom)
didhit = true;
if (didhit)
switch (invokeHitWall(wholeref, this))
case HitWallReturnConstants.HitBall_Default:
if (HitBottom)
ParentGameState.Defer(() => ParentGameState.Balls.Remove(this));
case HitWallReturnConstants.HitBall_Destroy:
ParentGameState.Defer(() => ParentGameState.Balls.Remove(this));
示例11: PerformFrame
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
bool returnvalue = base.PerformFrame(gamestate);
switch (_ShotState)
case BuilderShotState.BSS_Projectile:
List<Block> resulthittest = BCBlockGameState.Block_HitTest(gamestate.Blocks, getfullsize(),
returnvalue = !returnvalue || resulthittest.Any();
if (returnvalue)
_ShotState = BuilderShotState.BSS_Expand;
Velocity = new PointF(0, 0.01f);
gamestate.Forcerefresh = true;
return false;
case BuilderShotState.BSS_Expand:
//if our size is the desired size of the block, create that block and return true.
//otherwise, change out size and location to emulate "growing".
if (this.ShotSize.Width >= BuildSize.Width &&
ShotSize.Height >= BuildSize.Height)
//grow phase completed.
//create the block in the desired location.
RectangleF desiredlocation = new RectangleF(Location.X, Location.Y, BuildSize.Width,
Block builtblock = (Block) Activator.CreateInstance(this.BuildBlock, desiredlocation);
//add it to the game...
//make sure to force a refresh, too.
gamestate.Forcerefresh = true;
() => gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(new ProxyObject(forcerefresher, null)));
//return true to destroy outselves.
//todo: maybe add "effects" here, too?
return true;
//otherwise, we are in the growing phase.
//growincrement could be null, if so, initialize it...
if (Growincrement == null)
//initialize it to the difference between the final size and the current shot size, divided
//by increments.
Growincrement = new SizeF((BuildSize.Width - ShotSize.Width)/increments,
(BuildSize.Height - ShotSize.Height)/increments);
//change size by growincrement.
Location = new PointF(Location.X - Growincrement.Value.Width,
Location.Y - Growincrement.Value.Height);
ShotSize = new SizeF(ShotSize.Width + Growincrement.Value.Width*2,
ShotSize.Height + Growincrement.Value.Height*2);
return false;
return false;
示例12: getPowerup
public override bool getPowerup(BCBlockGameState gstate,Paddle onPaddle, GamePowerUp gpower)
if(onPaddle==null) return false;
//don't accept it.
//reject it with great prejudice.
//move the location temporarily.
PointF oldposition = gpower.Location;
SizeF oldsize = gpower.Size;
gpower.Location = PointF.Empty;
//draw to a temporary bitmap.
Bitmap drawtothis = new Bitmap(16, 16);
Graphics useg = Graphics.FromImage(drawtothis);
//reset position.
gpower.Location = oldposition;
gpower.Size = oldsize;
//get average.
var averagedpixel = Color.FromArgb((int)((from p in drawtothis.getPixels() select p.ToArgb()).Average()));
ExplosionEffect ee = new ExplosionEffect(gpower.Location, 72);
ee.ExplosionColor = averagedpixel;
ee.DamageBlocks = false;
ee.DamagePaddle = false;
gstate.Defer(() => gstate.GameObjects.AddLast(ee));
//move gpower to above the paddle, and invert the Y speed.
gpower.Location = new PointF(gpower.Location.X, onPaddle.BlockRectangle.Top - gpower.getRectangle().Height - 1);
gpower.Velocity = new PointF(gpower.Velocity.X, -Math.Abs(gpower.Velocity.Y)*1.1f);
return true;
示例13: TouchTop
public override void TouchTop(BCBlockGameState gamestate, List<Block> touched, Block mainblock)
Velocity = new PointF(Velocity.X, Math.Abs(Velocity.Y * 0.5f));
Block smackit = touched.First();
BCBlockGameState.Block_Hit(gamestate, smackit, Velocity); //smack it with the player's velocity.
gamestate.Forcerefresh = true;
gamestate.Defer(() => gamestate.Forcerefresh = true);
示例14: PerformFrame
private void PerformFrame(Paddle toPaddle,BCBlockGameState gstate)
//add a random lightorb.
if (offsetcall++ > 10)
offsetcall = 0;
Color chosencolor = new HSLColor(BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 240, 240, 128);
LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(toPaddle.BlockRectangle.RandomSpot(BCBlockGameState.rgen), chosencolor, 32);
lo.Velocity = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(0, 3);
gstate.Defer(() => gstate.Particles.Add(lo));