本文整理汇总了C#中BCBlockGameState类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BCBlockGameState类的具体用法?C# BCBlockGameState怎么用?C# BCBlockGameState使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: BehaviourAdded
/// <summary>
/// sealed override, responsible for most of the bulk of the work of the TimedBehaviour.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toPaddle"></param>
/// <param name="gamestate"></param>
public override sealed void BehaviourAdded(Paddle toPaddle, BCBlockGameState gamestate)
//call base implementation
base.BehaviourAdded(toPaddle, gamestate);
//check if we are SingleInstance. If so, that means that there can only be one instance at a time, which may not be surprising given the name.
if (SingleInstance())
//check for existing instances of our class. If found, add our delay time to them.
foreach (var iterate in (from p in toPaddle.Behaviours where p != this select p))
if (iterate.GetType() == GetType())
//if same type, change delay, and break from routine.
(iterate as TimedPaddleBehaviour).ChangeDelayTime(gamestate, _BehaviourTime, true);
//make sure this instance get's removed, too! we are redundant now.
(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => toPaddle.Behaviours.Remove(this)));
//if we are either not singleinstance or we are single instance but there are no existing behaviours of our type attached,
//do the stuff to add us.
DelayIdentifier = gamestate.DelayInvoke(_BehaviourTime, TimeDelayRoutine, new object[] {gamestate});
//if we have ability music, we play it now. Use the SoundManager's capacity to handle temporary music, which works rather well.
if (_AbilityMusic != "") BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlayTemporaryMusic(_AbilityMusic, 1.0f, true);
//hook Death function. If the paddle dies, obviously the time delay will break out early, so we will need to stop the temporary music ourself.
toPaddle.OnDeath += new Func<Paddle, bool>(toPaddle_OnDeath);
//call abstract method for initialization.
TimedBehaviourInitialize(toPaddle, gamestate);
示例2: getPowerup
public override bool getPowerup(BCBlockGameState gstate,Paddle onPaddle, GamePowerUp gpower)
if(onPaddle==null) return false;
//don't accept it.
//reject it with great prejudice.
//move the location temporarily.
PointF oldposition = gpower.Location;
SizeF oldsize = gpower.Size;
gpower.Location = PointF.Empty;
//draw to a temporary bitmap.
Bitmap drawtothis = new Bitmap(16, 16);
Graphics useg = Graphics.FromImage(drawtothis);
//reset position.
gpower.Location = oldposition;
gpower.Size = oldsize;
//get average.
var averagedpixel = Color.FromArgb((int)((from p in drawtothis.getPixels() select p.ToArgb()).Average()));
ExplosionEffect ee = new ExplosionEffect(gpower.Location, 72);
ee.ExplosionColor = averagedpixel;
ee.DamageBlocks = false;
ee.DamagePaddle = false;
gstate.Defer(() => gstate.GameObjects.AddLast(ee));
//move gpower to above the paddle, and invert the Y speed.
gpower.Location = new PointF(gpower.Location.X, onPaddle.BlockRectangle.Top - gpower.getRectangle().Height - 1);
gpower.Velocity = new PointF(gpower.Velocity.X, -Math.Abs(gpower.Velocity.Y)*1.1f);
return true;
示例3: getRespawnCandidates
/// <summary>
/// routine finds all the blocks that can be candidates for respawning.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<Block> getRespawnCandidates(BCBlockGameState stateobj)
//first, we copy the Blocks from the state. This is to prevent a race condition. Note that
//since it is a shallow clone, it shouldn't have a huge impact on memory usage.
if (stateobj.PlayingLevel == null) return new List<Block>();
List<Block> clonedlist;
clonedlist = stateobj.Blocks.ShallowClone().ToList();
return new List<Block>();
//the primary "issue" here is that we cloned them to make them disparate entities, so we can't just do a direct comparison.
//truly, the best we can do is compare BlockRectangles. This has something of a weird effect in that Blocks that move can and may very well be
//"respawned" by virtue of them no longer being in their original positions. It sounds like it could be an interestiong quirk and there isn't
//a whole lot I can do to prevent it without keeping track of a lot of crap, so I'll see how that goes.
//get all blocks in stateobj.PlayingLevel.levelblocks for which there is no block in clonedlist with the same BlockRectangle...
var queried = from bb in stateobj.PlayingLevel.levelblocks
where (bb.GetType() != typeof(FrustratorBlock) &&
!(clonedlist.Any((wep) => wep.BlockRectangle == bb.BlockRectangle)))
select bb;
//convert to list, and return.
return queried.ToList();
示例4: Callback
public bool Callback(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
//iterate through all balls...
foreach (cBall iterateball in gamestate.Balls)
var gotspeed = iterateball.getMagnitude();
//set a new velocity with that speed.
iterateball.Velocity = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(gotspeed);
//add some randomly coloured lightorbs...
foreach (Color addcolor in chosencolors)
LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(iterateball.Location, addcolor, 17);
PointF usevelocity = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(2, 5, BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(new PointF(0, 0), iterateball.Velocity));
BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(usevelocity, Math.PI / 4);
lo.Velocity = usevelocity;
return true;
示例5: StickyBehaviour
public StickyBehaviour(BCBlockGameState stateobject)
//add a hook to the stateobject's targetarea...
//((PictureBox) stateobject.TargetObject).MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(StickyBehaviour_MouseClick);
//((PictureBox)stateobject.TargetObject).MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(StickyBehaviour_MouseClick);
stateobject.ClientObject.ButtonDown += ClientObject_ButtonDown;
stateobject.ClientObject.ButtonUp += ClientObject_ButtonUp;
示例6: BuilderShotBehaviour
public BuilderShotBehaviour(BCBlockGameState stateobject)
gstate = stateobject;
//stateobject.ClientObject.ButtonDown += new Func<ButtonConstants, bool>(ClientObject_ButtonDown);
//stateobject.ClientObject.ButtonUp += new Func<ButtonConstants, bool>(ClientObject_ButtonUp);
gstate.ClientObject.ButtonDown += ClientObject_ButtonDown;
示例7: getAboveBlocks
public static IEnumerable<Block> getAboveBlocks(BCBlockGameState gstate, RectangleF testrect)
var aboveblocks = from b in gstate.Blocks where b.BlockRectangle.IntersectsWith(testrect) select b;
return from bb in aboveblocks
where Math.Abs(bb.CenterPoint().Y - testrect.CenterPoint().Y) >
Math.Abs(bb.CenterPoint().X - testrect.CenterPoint().Y)
select bb;
示例8: PerformFrame
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
if (removeobject is BasePaddleBehaviour)
((BasePaddleBehaviour) removeobject).BehaviourRemoved(RemoveFrompaddle, gamestate);
return true;
示例9: BallSplit
private bool BallSplit(BCBlockGameState gs)
List<cBall> removethese = new List<cBall>();
List<cBall> addballs = new List<cBall>();
if (gs.PlayerPaddle != null)
//check for Sticky...
if (gs.PlayerPaddle.Behaviours.Any((w) => w is StickyBehaviour))
foreach (var unstick in gs.PlayerPaddle.Behaviours.Where((w) => w is StickyBehaviour))
// foreach(var splitball in (from m in gs.Balls where !m.hasBehaviour(typeof(TempBallBehaviour)) select m))
foreach (var splitball in gs.Balls)
//split splitball into SplitCount new balls.
//first, take note of the absolute speed of the ball.
double magnitude = splitball.TotalSpeed;
//how big will the angle be between them?
double anglediff = (Math.PI * 2) / SplitCount;
double startangle = BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < SplitCount; i++)
double fireangle = startangle + (anglediff * i);
PointF usevelocity = new PointF((float)(Math.Cos(fireangle) * magnitude), (float)(Math.Sin(fireangle) * magnitude));
//clone the ball...
//use the proper type of the object, it could be a subclass!
cBall ballcreate = (cBall)Activator.CreateInstance(splitball.GetType(), splitball);
//set the velocity of the clone to the calculated value.
ballcreate.Velocity = usevelocity;
foreach (var addit in addballs) gs.Balls.AddLast(addit);
foreach (cBall removeit in removethese)
BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("ELECTRICLASER", false);
return true;
示例10: GivePowerTo
public override bool GivePowerTo(BCBlockGameState gamestate, GameCharacter gamechar)
BasicFadingText bft = new BasicFadingText("1-Up", Location, new PointF(0, -2), new Font(BCBlockGameState.GetMonospaceFont(), 14), new Pen(Color.Black,2), new SolidBrush(Color.Green), 500);
gamestate.Forcerefresh = true;
gamestate.Defer(() => gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(bft));
return true;
示例11: BehaviourAdded
public override void BehaviourAdded(Paddle toPaddle, BCBlockGameState gamestate)
ownerpaddle = toPaddle;
//remove any existing terminator behaviour.
foreach (var loopbeh in toPaddle.Behaviours)
if (loopbeh is TerminatorBehaviour)
gstate.GameObjects.AddLast(new BehaviourRemoverProxy(toPaddle, loopbeh));
base.BehaviourAdded(toPaddle, gamestate);
示例12: PerformFrame
public override void PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate, Paddle pPaddle)
var rg = BCBlockGameState.rgen;
base.PerformFrame(gamestate, pPaddle);
useoverlaybrush = new SolidBrush(new HSLColor(rg.NextDouble()*240, 240f, 120f));
//spawn a sparkle.
var paddlerect = pPaddle.Getrect();
PointF randompoint = new PointF(paddlerect.Left + (float) (paddlerect.Width*rg.NextDouble()),
paddlerect.Top + (float) (paddlerect.Height*rg.NextDouble()));
Sparkle s = new Sparkle(randompoint, BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(0, 2),
new HSLColor(rg.NextDouble()*240, 240, 120));
gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => gamestate.Particles.Add(s)));
示例13: BehaviourAdded
public override void BehaviourAdded(Paddle toPaddle, BCBlockGameState gamestate)
base.BehaviourAdded(toPaddle, gamestate);
addedobject = new ProxyObject((po, gs) =>
PerformFrame(toPaddle, gamestate);
return false;
}, null);
示例14: PowerupCallback
public bool PowerupCallback(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
//PaddleMinusPowerup makes the paddle smaller...
if ((gamestate.PlayerPaddle.PaddleSize.Width) > paddlesizechangeamount + 10)
SizeF changedsize = new SizeF(gamestate.PlayerPaddle.PaddleSize.Width - paddlesizechangeamount, gamestate.PlayerPaddle.PaddleSize.Height);
//gamestate.PlayerPaddle.PaddleSize =
//give it a size object that will change it's size...
gamestate.PlayerPaddle.Behaviours.Add(new PaddleBehaviours.SizeChangeBehaviour(changedsize, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1)));
AddScore(gamestate, -5, "Paddle--");
return true;
示例15: PerformBlockHit
public override bool PerformBlockHit(BCBlockGameState parentstate, cBall ballhit)
bool nodef = false;
DefaultHitSound = "";
if(!Silent) PlayBlockSound(ballhit, "METAL");
RaiseBlockHit(parentstate, ballhit, ref nodef);
//temporary code for testing powerup:
//invincible blocks will now "emerge" a mushroom.
//MushroomPower mp = new MushroomPower(this);
return false;