本文整理汇总了C#中ActorInfo类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ActorInfo类的具体用法?C# ActorInfo怎么用?C# ActorInfo使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: CalculateActorSelectionPriority
static long CalculateActorSelectionPriority(ActorInfo info, Rectangle bounds, int2 selectionPixel)
var centerPixel = new int2(bounds.X, bounds.Y);
var pixelDistance = (centerPixel - selectionPixel).Length;
return ((long)-pixelDistance << 32) + info.SelectionPriority();
示例2: SetPreview
public void SetPreview(ActorInfo actor, TypeDictionary td)
var init = new ActorPreviewInitializer(actor, worldRenderer, td);
preview = actor.TraitInfos<IRenderActorPreviewInfo>()
.SelectMany(rpi => rpi.RenderPreview(init))
// Calculate the preview bounds
PreviewOffset = int2.Zero;
IdealPreviewSize = int2.Zero;
var r = preview
.SelectMany(p => p.Render(worldRenderer, WPos.Zero))
.Select(rr => rr.PrepareRender(worldRenderer));
if (r.Any())
var b = r.First().ScreenBounds(worldRenderer);
foreach (var rr in r.Skip(1))
b = Rectangle.Union(b, rr.ScreenBounds(worldRenderer));
IdealPreviewSize = new int2(b.Width, b.Height);
PreviewOffset = -new int2(b.Left, b.Top) - IdealPreviewSize / 2;
示例3: RenderActor
public static ActorTemplate RenderActor(ActorInfo info, TileSet tileset, Palette p)
var ri = info.Traits.Get<RenderSimpleInfo>();
string image = null;
if (ri.OverrideTheater != null)
for (int i = 0; i < ri.OverrideTheater.Length; i++)
if (ri.OverrideTheater[i] == tileset.Id)
image = ri.OverrideImage[i];
image = image ?? ri.Image ?? info.Name;
using (var s = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image, tileset.Extensions))
var shp = new ShpReader(s);
var bitmap = RenderShp(shp, p);
using (var s2 = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image + "2", tileset.Extensions))
var shp2 = new ShpReader(s2);
var roofBitmap = RenderShp(shp2, p);
using (var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
g.DrawImage(roofBitmap, 0, 0);
catch { }
return new ActorTemplate { Bitmap = bitmap, Info = info, Centered = !info.Traits.Contains<BuildingInfo>() };
示例4: OccupiedCells
public IReadOnlyDictionary<CPos, SubCell> OccupiedCells(ActorInfo info, CPos location, SubCell subCell = SubCell.Any)
var occupied = OccupiesSpace ? new Dictionary<CPos, SubCell>() { { location, SubCell.FullCell } } :
new Dictionary<CPos, SubCell>();
return new ReadOnlyDictionary<CPos, SubCell>(occupied);
示例5: Render
public IEnumerable<IRenderable> Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
var jamsMissiles = ai.TraitInfoOrDefault<JamsMissilesInfo>();
if (jamsMissiles != null)
yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red),
Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
var jamsRadar = ai.TraitInfoOrDefault<JamsRadarInfo>();
if (jamsRadar != null)
yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Blue),
Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderJammerCircle>())
if (a.Actor.Owner.IsAlliedWith(w.RenderPlayer))
foreach (var r in a.Trait.RenderAfterWorld(wr))
yield return r;
示例6: RenderActor
public static ActorTemplate RenderActor(ActorInfo info, TileSet tileset, Palette p)
var image = RenderSimple.GetImage(info, tileset.Id);
using (var s = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image, tileset.Extensions))
var shp = new ShpReader(s);
var bitmap = RenderShp(shp, p);
using (var s2 = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image + "2", tileset.Extensions))
var shp2 = new ShpReader(s2);
var roofBitmap = RenderShp(shp2, p);
using (var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
g.DrawImage(roofBitmap, 0, 0);
catch { }
return new ActorTemplate
Bitmap = bitmap,
Info = info,
Appearance = info.Traits.GetOrDefault<EditorAppearanceInfo>()
示例7: EditorActorBrush
public EditorActorBrush(EditorViewportControllerWidget editorWidget, ActorInfo actor, PlayerReference owner, WorldRenderer wr)
this.editorWidget = editorWidget;
worldRenderer = wr;
world = wr.World;
editorLayer = world.WorldActor.Trait<EditorActorLayer>();
Actor = actor;
this.owner = owner;
preview = editorWidget.Get<ActorPreviewWidget>("DRAG_ACTOR_PREVIEW");
preview.GetScale = () => worldRenderer.Viewport.Zoom;
preview.IsVisible = () => editorWidget.CurrentBrush == this;
var buildingInfo = actor.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildingInfo>();
if (buildingInfo != null)
locationOffset = -FootprintUtils.AdjustForBuildingSize(buildingInfo);
previewOffset = FootprintUtils.CenterOffset(world, buildingInfo);
var td = new TypeDictionary();
td.Add(new FacingInit(facing));
td.Add(new TurretFacingInit(facing));
td.Add(new OwnerInit(owner.Name));
td.Add(new RaceInit(owner.Race));
preview.SetPreview(actor, td);
// The preview widget may be rendered by the higher-level code before it is ticked.
// Force a manual tick to ensure the bounds are set correctly for this first draw.
示例8: DoProduction
public void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string raceVariant)
var exit = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;
var spawn = self.CenterPosition + exitinfo.SpawnOffset;
var to = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);
var fi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<IFacingInfo>();
var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing < 0 ? Util.GetFacing(to - spawn, fi == null ? 0 : fi.GetInitialFacing()) : exitinfo.Facing;
var exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
var target = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);
var bi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildableInfo>();
if (bi != null && bi.ForceRace != null)
raceVariant = bi.ForceRace;
self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
var td = new TypeDictionary
new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
new LocationInit(exit),
new CenterPositionInit(spawn),
new FacingInit(initialFacing)
if (raceVariant != null)
td.Add(new RaceInit(raceVariant));
var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);
var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault<IMove>();
if (move != null)
if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay));
newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(
newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));
newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ? Color.Red : Color.Green, false);
if (!self.IsDead)
foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyProduction>())
t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);
var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait<INotifyOtherProduction>();
foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);
foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing<INotifyBuildComplete>())
示例9: RenderPreview
public override IEnumerable<IRenderable> RenderPreview(World world, ActorInfo building, PaletteReference pr)
var p = BaseBuildingPreview(world, building, pr);
var anim = new Animation(world, RenderSprites.GetImage(building), () => 0);
return p.Concat(anim.Render(WPos.Zero, WVec.Zero, 0, pr, Scale));
示例10: CanTargetActor
// TODO: This can be removed after the legacy and redundant 0% = not targetable
// assumption has been removed from the yaml definitions
public override bool CanTargetActor(ActorInfo victim, Actor firedBy)
var health = victim.Traits.GetOrDefault<HealthInfo>();
if (health == null)
return false;
return DamageVersus(victim) > 0;
示例11: CreateActor
public int CreateActor(ActorInfo info, ActorConfig config, OnFinish finish)
//int id = PlayScript.Instance.director.entityManager.CreateID();
int id = director.entityManager.CreateID();
Actor actor = new Actor(info, config, id, director);
return id;
示例12: GetImage
public static string GetImage(ActorInfo actor, string Tileset)
var Info = actor.Traits.Get<RenderSimpleInfo>();
if (Info.OverrideTileset != null && Tileset != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Info.OverrideTileset.Length; i++)
if (Info.OverrideTileset[i] == Tileset)
return Info.OverrideImage[i];
return Info.Image ?? actor.Name;
示例13: ValidActor
bool ValidActor(ActorInfo a, IEnumerable<CPos> cells)
foreach (var c in cells)
var mi = a.TraitInfoOrDefault<MobileInfo>();
if (mi != null && mi.CanEnterCell(self.World, self, c))
return true;
return false;
示例14: GetImage
public string GetImage(ActorInfo actor, SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, string faction)
if (FactionImages != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(faction))
string factionImage = null;
if (FactionImages.TryGetValue(faction, out factionImage) && sequenceProvider.HasSequence(factionImage))
return factionImage;
return (Image ?? actor.Name).ToLowerInvariant();
示例15: Render
public void Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Cyan),
Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderShroudCircle>())
if (a.Actor.Owner == a.Actor.World.LocalPlayer)