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C++ Pointer::resizeTriList方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中trianglegeom::Pointer::resizeTriList方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Pointer::resizeTriList方法的具体用法?C++ Pointer::resizeTriList怎么用?C++ Pointer::resizeTriList使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在trianglegeom::Pointer的用法示例。


示例1: readFile

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReadStlFile::readFile()
  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_SurfaceMeshDataContainerName);

  // Open File
  FILE* f = fopen(m_StlFilePath.toLatin1().data(), "rb");
  if (NULL == f)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Error opening STL file", -1003);

  // Read Header
  char h[80];
  int32_t triCount = 0;
  fread(h, sizeof(int32_t), 20, f);
  fread(&triCount, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);

  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = sm->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();
  triangleGeom->resizeVertexList(triCount * 3);
  float* nodes = triangleGeom->getVertexPointer(0);
  int64_t* triangles = triangleGeom->getTriPointer(0);

  // Resize the triangle attribute matrix to hold the normals and update the normals pointer
  QVector<size_t> tDims(1, triCount);

  // Read the triangles
  static const size_t k_StlElementCount = 12;
  float v[k_StlElementCount];
  unsigned short attr;
  for (int32_t t = 0; t < triCount; ++t)
    fread(reinterpret_cast<void*>(v), sizeof(float), k_StlElementCount, f);

    fread(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&attr), sizeof(unsigned short), 1, f);
    if (attr > 0)
      std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(attr); // Allocate a buffer for the STL attribute data to be placed into
      fread( reinterpret_cast<void*>(&(buffer.front())), attr, 1, f); // Read the bytes into the buffer so that we can skip it.
    if(v[3] < m_minXcoord) { m_minXcoord = v[3]; }
    if(v[3] > m_maxXcoord) { m_maxXcoord = v[3]; }
    if(v[4] < m_minYcoord) { m_minYcoord = v[4]; }
    if(v[4] > m_maxYcoord) { m_maxYcoord = v[4]; }
    if(v[5] < m_minZcoord) { m_minZcoord = v[5]; }
    if(v[5] > m_maxZcoord) { m_maxZcoord = v[5]; }
    if(v[6] < m_minXcoord) { m_minXcoord = v[6]; }
    if(v[6] > m_maxXcoord) { m_maxXcoord = v[6]; }
    if(v[7] < m_minYcoord) { m_minYcoord = v[7]; }
    if(v[7] > m_maxYcoord) { m_maxYcoord = v[7]; }
    if(v[8] < m_minZcoord) { m_minZcoord = v[8]; }
    if(v[8] > m_maxZcoord) { m_maxZcoord = v[8]; }
    if(v[9] < m_minXcoord) { m_minXcoord = v[9]; }
    if(v[9] > m_maxXcoord) { m_maxXcoord = v[9]; }
    if(v[10] < m_minYcoord) { m_minYcoord = v[10]; }
    if(v[10] > m_maxYcoord) { m_maxYcoord = v[10]; }
    if(v[11] < m_minZcoord) { m_minZcoord = v[11]; }
    if(v[11] > m_maxZcoord) { m_maxZcoord = v[11]; }
    m_FaceNormals[3 * t + 0] = v[0];
    m_FaceNormals[3 * t + 1] = v[1];
    m_FaceNormals[3 * t + 2] = v[2];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 0) + 0] = v[3];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 0) + 1] = v[4];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 0) + 2] = v[5];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 1) + 0] = v[6];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 1) + 1] = v[7];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 1) + 2] = v[8];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 2) + 0] = v[9];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 2) + 1] = v[10];
    nodes[3 * (3 * t + 2) + 2] = v[11];
    triangles[t * 3] = 3 * t + 0;
    triangles[t * 3 + 1] = 3 * t + 1;
    triangles[t * 3 + 2] = 3 * t + 2;

