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C++ result_ptr::resolvedBy方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中tomahawk::result_ptr::resolvedBy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ result_ptr::resolvedBy方法的具体用法?C++ result_ptr::resolvedBy怎么用?C++ result_ptr::resolvedBy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tomahawk::result_ptr的用法示例。


示例1: tDebug

AudioEngine::loadTrack( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result )
    Q_D( AudioEngine );
    tDebug( LOGEXTRA ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << ( result.isNull() ? QString() : result->url() );

    if ( !result )

    // We do this to stop the audio as soon as a user activated another track
    // If we don't block the audioOutput signals, the state change will trigger
    // loading yet another track
    d->audioOutput->blockSignals( true );
    d->audioOutput->blockSignals( false );

    setCurrentTrack( result );

    ScriptJob* job = result->resolvedBy()->getStreamUrl( result );
    connect( job, SIGNAL( done( QVariantMap ) ), SLOT( gotStreamUrl( QVariantMap ) ) );
    job->setProperty( "result", QVariant::fromValue( result ) );

示例2: if

Api_v1_5::playback( QxtWebRequestEvent* event, const QString& command )
    if ( command == "next")
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "next", Qt::QueuedConnection ) , "Skipping to the next track failed." );
    else if ( command == "previous" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "previous", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Rewinding to the previous track failed." );
    else if ( command == "playpause" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "playPause", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Play/Pause failed." );
    else if ( command == "play" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "play", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Starting the playback failed." );
    else if ( command == "pause" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "pause", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Pausing the current track failed." );
    else if ( command == "stop" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "stop", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Stopping the current track failed." );
    else if ( command == "lowervolume" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "lowerVolume", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Lowering volume failed." );
    else if ( command == "raisevolume" )
        JSON_REPLY( QMetaObject::invokeMethod( AudioEngine::instance(), "raiseVolume", Qt::QueuedConnection ), "Raising volume failed." );
    else if ( command == "currenttrack" )
        QByteArray json;
        Tomahawk::result_ptr currentTrack =  AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack();

        if ( currentTrack.isNull() )
            json = "{ \"playing\": false }";
            QVariantMap trackInfo;
            trackInfo.insert( "playing", true );
            trackInfo.insert( "paused", AudioEngine::instance()->isPaused() );
            trackInfo.insert( "position", AudioEngine::instance()->currentTime() / 1000 );
            trackInfo.insert( "bitrate", currentTrack->bitrate() );
            if ( currentTrack->resolvedBy() ) {
                QString resolverName = currentTrack->resolvedBy()->name();
                trackInfo.insert( "resolvedBy", resolverName );
            } else {
                trackInfo.insert( "resolvedBy", "<unknown resolver>" );
            trackInfo.insert( "score", currentTrack->score() );
            trackInfo.insert( "album", currentTrack->track()->album() );
            trackInfo.insert( "albumpos", currentTrack->track()->albumpos() );
            trackInfo.insert( "artist", currentTrack->track()->artist() );
            trackInfo.insert( "duration", currentTrack->track()->duration() );
            trackInfo.insert( "track", currentTrack->track()->track() );

            bool ok;
            json = TomahawkUtils::toJson( trackInfo, &ok );
            Q_ASSERT( ok );

        QxtWebPageEvent * e = new QxtWebPageEvent( event->sessionID, event->requestID, json );
        e->headers.insert( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*" );
        e->contentType = "application/json";
        m_service->postEvent( e );
    else if ( command == "volume" )
        QByteArray json = QString( "{ \"result\": \"ok\", \"volume\": %1}" ).arg( AudioEngine::instance()->volume() ).toUtf8();
        QxtWebPageEvent * e = new QxtWebPageEvent( event->sessionID, event->requestID, json );
        e->headers.insert( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*" );
        e->contentType = "application/json";
        m_service->postEvent( e );
        m_service->sendJsonError( event, "No such playback command." );
