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C++ result_ptr::collection方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中tomahawk::result_ptr::collection方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ result_ptr::collection方法的具体用法?C++ result_ptr::collection怎么用?C++ result_ptr::collection使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tomahawk::result_ptr的用法示例。


示例1: results

DatabaseCommand_Resolve::exec( DatabaseImpl* lib )
     *        Resolving is a 2 stage process.
     *        1) find list of trk/art/alb IDs that are reasonable matches to the metadata given
     *        2) find files in database by permitted sources and calculate score, ignoring
     *           results that are less than MINSCORE

    if ( !m_query->resultHint().isEmpty() )
        qDebug() << "Using result-hint to speed up resolving:" << m_query->resultHint();

        Tomahawk::result_ptr result = lib->resultFromHint( m_query );
        if ( !result.isNull() && ( result->collection().isNull() || result->collection()->source()->isOnline() ) )
            QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> res;
            res << result;
            emit results( m_query->id(), res );

    if ( m_query->isFullTextQuery() )
        fullTextResolve( lib );
        resolve( lib );

示例2: fi

MetadataEditor::loadResult( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result )
    if ( result.isNull() )

    m_result = result;
    setEditable( result->collection() && result->collection()->source()->isLocal() );

    setTitle( result->track()->track() );
    setArtist( result->track()->artist() );
    setAlbum( result->track()->album() );
    setAlbumPos( result->track()->albumpos() );
    setDuration( result->track()->duration() );
    setYear( result->track()->year() );
    setBitrate( result->bitrate() );

    if ( result->collection() && result->collection()->source()->isLocal() )
        QString furl = m_result->url();
        if ( furl.startsWith( "file://" ) )
            furl = furl.right( furl.length() - 7 );

        QFileInfo fi( furl );
        setFileName( fi.absoluteFilePath() );
        setFileSize( TomahawkUtils::filesizeToString( fi.size() ) );

    setWindowTitle( result->track()->track() );

    if ( m_interface )
        m_index = m_interface->indexOfResult( result );

        if ( m_index >= 0 )

示例3: itemFromIndex

TrackProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow( int sourceRow, const QModelIndex& sourceParent ) const
    TrackModelItem* pi = itemFromIndex( sourceModel()->index( sourceRow, 0, sourceParent ) );
    if ( !pi )
        return false;

    const Tomahawk::query_ptr& q = pi->query();
    if( q.isNull() ) // uh oh? filter out invalid queries i guess
        return false;

    Tomahawk::result_ptr r;
    if ( q->numResults() )
        r = q->results().first();

    if ( !m_showOfflineResults && !r.isNull() && !r->collection()->source()->isOnline() )
        return false;

    if ( filterRegExp().isEmpty() )
        return true;

    QStringList sl = filterRegExp().pattern().split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
    foreach( QString s, sl )
        s = s.toLower();
        if ( !r.isNull() )
            if ( !r->artist()->name().toLower().contains( s ) &&
                 !r->album()->name().toLower().contains( s ) &&
                 !r->track().toLower().contains( s ) )
                return false;
            if ( !q->artist().toLower().contains( s ) &&
                 !q->album().toLower().contains( s ) &&
                 !q->track().toLower().contains( s ) )
                return false;

示例4: results

DatabaseCommand_Resolve::exec( DatabaseImpl* lib )
    QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> res;
    if ( !m_query->resultHint().isEmpty() )
        qDebug() << "Using result-hint to speed up resolving:" << m_query->resultHint();

        Tomahawk::result_ptr result = lib->result( m_query->resultHint() );
        if ( !result.isNull() && result->collection()->source()->isOnline() )
            res << result;
            emit results( m_query->id(), res );

        Resolving is a 2 stage process.
        1) find list of trk/art/alb IDs that are reasonable matches to the metadata given
        2) find files in database by permitted sources and calculate score, ignoring
           results that are less than MINSCORE

    typedef QPair<int, float> scorepair_t;

    // STEP 1
    QList< int > artists = lib->searchTable( "artist", m_query->artist(), 10 );
    QList< int > tracks  = lib->searchTable( "track", m_query->track(), 10 );
    QList< int > albums  = lib->searchTable( "album", m_query->album(), 10 );

    if( artists.length() == 0 || tracks.length() == 0 )
        qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->artist() << m_query->track();
        emit results( m_query->id(), res );

    // STEP 2
    TomahawkSqlQuery files_query = lib->newquery();

    QStringList artsl, trksl;
    foreach( int i, artists )
        artsl.append( QString::number( i ) );
    foreach( int i, tracks )
        trksl.append( QString::number( i ) );

    QString sql = QString( "SELECT "
                            "url, mtime, size, md5, mimetype, duration, bitrate, file_join.artist, file_join.album, file_join.track, "
                            "artist.name as artname, "
                            "album.name as albname, "
                            "track.name as trkname, "
                            "file.source, "
                            "file_join.albumpos, "
                            "artist.id as artid, "
                            "album.id as albid "
                            "FROM file, file_join, artist, track "
                            "LEFT JOIN album ON album.id = file_join.album "
                            "WHERE "
                            "artist.id = file_join.artist AND "
                            "track.id = file_join.track AND "
                            "file.id = file_join.file AND "
                            "file_join.artist IN (%1) AND "
                            "file_join.track IN (%2)" )
         .arg( artsl.join( "," ) )
         .arg( trksl.join( "," ) );

    files_query.prepare( sql );

    while( files_query.next() )
        Tomahawk::result_ptr result( new Tomahawk::Result() );
        source_ptr s;

        const QString url_str = files_query.value( 0 ).toString();
        if( files_query.value( 13 ).toUInt() == 0 )
            s = SourceList::instance()->getLocal();
            result->setUrl( url_str );
            s = SourceList::instance()->get( files_query.value( 13 ).toUInt() );
            if( s.isNull() )
                Q_ASSERT( false );

            result->setUrl( QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->userName() ).arg( url_str ) );

        Tomahawk::artist_ptr artist = Tomahawk::Artist::get( files_query.value( 15 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 10 ).toString(), s->collection() );
        Tomahawk::album_ptr album = Tomahawk::Album::get( files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 11 ).toString(), artist, s->collection() );

        result->setModificationTime( files_query.value( 1 ).toUInt() );
        result->setSize( files_query.value( 2 ).toUInt() );
        result->setMimetype( files_query.value( 4 ).toString() );
        result->setDuration( files_query.value( 5 ).toUInt() );

示例5: disconnect

AudioControls::onPlaybackLoading( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result )
    if ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() )
        disconnect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), this, SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) );
        disconnect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) );

    m_currentTrack = result;
    connect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) );
    connect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) );

    ui->artistTrackLabel->setResult( result );
    ui->albumLabel->setResult( result );

    const QString duration = TomahawkUtils::timeToString( result.data()->duration() );
    ui->timeLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length(), QChar( '0' ) ) ) );
    ui->timeLabel->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) );
    ui->timeLeftLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLeftLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length() + 1, QChar( '0' ) ) ) );
    ui->timeLeftLabel->setText( "-" + duration );
    m_lastTextSecondShown = 0;

    ui->stackedLayout->setCurrentWidget( ui->pauseButton );

    ui->loveButton->setEnabled( true );
    ui->loveButton->setVisible( true );
    ui->socialButton->setEnabled( true );
    ui->socialButton->setVisible( true );
    ui->ownerButton->setEnabled( true );
    ui->ownerButton->setVisible( true );

    ui->timeLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Time Elapsed" ) );
    ui->timeLeftLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Time Remaining" ) );
    ui->shuffleButton->setToolTip( tr( "Shuffle" ) );
    ui->repeatButton->setToolTip( tr( "Repeat" ) );
    ui->socialButton->setToolTip( tr( "Share" ) );
    ui->loveButton->setToolTip( tr( "Love" ) );
    ui->ownerButton->setToolTip( QString( tr( "Playing from %1" ) ).arg( result->friendlySource() ) );

    // If the ViewManager doesn't know a page for the current interface, we can't offer the jump link
    ui->artistTrackLabel->setJumpLinkVisible( ( ViewManager::instance()->pageForInterface( AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrackPlaylist() ) ) );


    QPixmap sourceIcon = result->sourceIcon( TomahawkUtils::RoundedCorners, ui->ownerButton->size() );
    if ( !sourceIcon.isNull() )
        ui->ownerButton->setPixmap( sourceIcon );
        ui->ownerButton->setPixmap( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::DefaultResolver, TomahawkUtils::Original, QSize( 34, 34 ) ) );

    if ( QUrl( result->linkUrl() ).isValid() || !result->collection().isNull() )
        ui->ownerButton->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
        ui->ownerButton->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );

