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C++ Map::GetNumGroupLayers方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中tmx::Map::GetNumGroupLayers方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Map::GetNumGroupLayers方法的具体用法?C++ Map::GetNumGroupLayers怎么用?C++ Map::GetNumGroupLayers使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tmx::Map的用法示例。


示例1: main

        printf("                                    \n");
        printf("Object group : %02d\n", i);

        // Get an object group.
        const Tmx::ObjectGroup *objectGroup = map->GetObjectGroup(i);

        // Iterate through all objects in the object group.
        for (int j = 0; j < objectGroup->GetNumObjects(); ++j)
            // Get an object.
            const Tmx::Object *object = objectGroup->GetObject(j);

            // Print information about the object.
            printf("Object Name: %s\n", object->GetName().c_str());
            printf("Object Position: (%03d, %03d)\n", object->GetX(),
            printf("Object Size: (%03d, %03d)\n", object->GetWidth(),

            if(object->GetGid() != 0) {
              printf("Object(tile) gid: %d\n", object->GetGid());
              printf("Object(tile) type: %s\n", object->GetType().c_str());

            // Print Polygon points.
            const Tmx::Polygon *polygon = object->GetPolygon();
            if (polygon != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < polygon->GetNumPoints(); i++)
                    const Tmx::Point &point = polygon->GetPoint(i);
                    printf("Object Polygon: Point %d: (%f, %f)\n", i, point.x,

            // Print Polyline points.
            const Tmx::Polyline *polyline = object->GetPolyline();
            if (polyline != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < polyline->GetNumPoints(); i++)
                    const Tmx::Point &point = polyline->GetPoint(i);
                    printf("Object Polyline: Point %d: (%f, %f)\n", i, point.x,

            // Print Text information
            const Tmx::Text *text = object->GetText();
            if(text != 0)
                printf("--Object Text--\n");
                printf("Font family: %s\n", text->GetFontFamily().c_str());
                printf("Pixel size: %d\n", text->GetPixelSize());
                printf("Wraps: %d\n", text->Wraps());
                printf("Bold: %d, Italic: %d, Underline: %d, Strikeout: %d\n", text->IsBold(), text->IsItalic(),
                                                                             text->IsUnderline(), text->IsStrikeout());
                printf("Kerning: %d\n", text->UseKerning());
                printf("Horizontal ALignment: %d\n", text->GetHorizontalAlignment());
                printf("Vertical Alignment: %d\n", text->GetVerticalAlignment());
                printf("Color: %d, %d, %d, %d", text->GetColor()->GetRed(), text->GetColor()->GetGreen(),
                                                text->GetColor()->GetBlue(), text->GetColor()->GetAlpha());

    // Iterate through all of the group layers.
    for(int i = 0; i < map->GetNumGroupLayers(); ++i) {
        printf("                                    \n");
        printf("Group Layer : %02d/%s \n", i, map->GetGroupLayer(i)->GetName().c_str());
        // Get a group layer.
        const Tmx::GroupLayer *groupLayer = map->GetGroupLayer(i);

        printf("Offset X: %d", groupLayer->GetOffsetX());
        printf("Offset Y: %d", groupLayer->GetOffsetY());
        printf("Number of Children: %d", groupLayer->GetNumChildren());

        for(int j = 0; j < groupLayer->GetNumChildren(); j++) {
          const Tmx::Layer *childLayer = groupLayer->GetChild(j);
          printf("Child Layer Name: %s\n", childLayer->GetName().c_str());
          printf("Child Layer Type: %02d\n", childLayer->GetLayerType());

          if(childLayer->GetLayerType() == Tmx::TMX_LAYERTYPE_GROUP_LAYER) {
            const Tmx::GroupLayer *childGroupLayer = static_cast<const Tmx::GroupLayer*>(childLayer);
            printf("  Child group layer number of children: %d\n", childGroupLayer->GetNumChildren());
            printf("  Child group layer first child name: %s\n", childGroupLayer->GetChild(0)->GetName().c_str());
            printf("  Child group layer first child type: %d\n", childGroupLayer->GetChild(0)->GetLayerType());

    delete map;

    return 0;
