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C++ sceneplug::ScenePath类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sceneplug::ScenePath的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ScenePath类的具体用法?C++ ScenePath怎么用?C++ ScenePath使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: pathFromSelectionIdWalk

		bool pathFromSelectionIdWalk( GLuint selectionId, ScenePlug::ScenePath &path ) const
			if( m_selectionId == selectionId )
				path.push_back( m_name );
				return true;
				for( std::vector<SceneGraph *>::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(), eIt = m_children.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
					/// \todo Should be able to prune recursion based on knowledge that child
					/// selection ids are always greater than parent selection ids.
					if( (*it)->pathFromSelectionIdWalk( selectionId, path ) )
						if( m_name != IECore::InternedString() )
							path.push_back( m_name );
						return true;

			return false;

示例2: pathFromSelectionId

		bool pathFromSelectionId( GLuint selectionId, ScenePlug::ScenePath &path ) const
			const bool result = pathFromSelectionIdWalk( selectionId, path );
			std::reverse( path.begin(), path.end() );
			return result;

示例3: scopedContext

		virtual task *execute()
			ContextPtr context = new Context( *m_context );
			context->set( ScenePlug::scenePathContextName, m_scenePath );
			Context::Scope scopedContext( context );
			ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = m_scenePlug->childNamesPlug()->getValue();
			const vector<InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();
			set_ref_count( 1 + childNames.size() );
			ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = m_scenePath;
			childPath.push_back( InternedString() ); // space for the child name
			for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator it = childNames.begin(), eIt = childNames.end(); it != eIt; it++ )
				childPath[m_scenePath.size()] = *it;
				SceneTraversalTask *t = new( allocate_child() ) SceneTraversalTask( m_scenePlug, m_context, childPath );
				spawn( *t );
			return 0;

示例4: operator

		void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range ) const
			for( int i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i )
				ScenePlug::ScenePath childScenePath = m_parent.m_scenePath;
				childScenePath.push_back( m_childNames[i] );
				SceneProceduralPtr sceneProcedural = new SceneProcedural( m_parent, childScenePath );
				m_childProcedurals[ i ] = sceneProcedural;

示例5: applySelectionWalk

		void applySelectionWalk( const PathMatcher &selection, const ScenePlug::ScenePath &path, bool check )
			const unsigned m = check ? selection.match( path ) : 0;

			m_selected = m & Filter::ExactMatch;

			ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = path;
			childPath.push_back( IECore::InternedString() ); // space for the child name
			for( std::vector<SceneGraph *>::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(), eIt = m_children.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
				childPath.back() = (*it)->m_name;
				(*it)->applySelectionWalk( selection, childPath, m & Filter::DescendantMatch );

示例6: computeSet

GafferScene::ConstPathMatcherDataPtr BranchCreator::computeSet( const IECore::InternedString &setName, const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent ) const
	ConstPathMatcherDataPtr inputSetData = inPlug()->set( setName );

	ConstCompoundDataPtr mapping = boost::static_pointer_cast<const CompoundData>( mappingPlug()->getValue() );
	if( !mapping->readable().size() )
		return inputSetData;

	ScenePlug::ScenePath parentPath = mapping->member<InternedStringVectorData>( g_parentKey )->readable();

	ConstPathMatcherDataPtr branchSetData = computeBranchSet( parentPath, setName, context );
	if( !branchSetData )
		return inputSetData;

	const PathMatcher &branchSet = branchSetData->readable();
	if( branchSet.isEmpty() )
		return inputSetData;

	const CompoundData *forwardMapping = mapping->member<CompoundData>( g_forwardMappingKey );

	PathMatcherDataPtr outputSetData = inputSetData->copy();
	PathMatcher &outputSet = outputSetData->writable();

	vector<InternedString> outputPrefix( parentPath );
	for( PathMatcher::RawIterator pIt = branchSet.begin(), peIt = branchSet.end(); pIt != peIt; ++pIt )
		const ScenePlug::ScenePath &branchPath = *pIt;
		if( !branchPath.size() )
			continue; // Skip root
		assert( branchPath.size() == 1 );

		const InternedStringData *outputName = forwardMapping->member<InternedStringData>( branchPath[0], /* throwExceptions = */ true );

		outputPrefix.resize( parentPath.size() + 1 );
		outputPrefix.back() = outputName->readable();
		outputSet.addPaths( branchSet.subTree( *pIt ), outputPrefix );

		pIt.prune(); // We only want to visit the first level

	return outputSetData;

示例7: pathToString

void ScenePlug::pathToString( const ScenePlug::ScenePath &path, std::string &s )
	if( !path.size() )
		s = "/";
		for( ScenePlug::ScenePath::const_iterator it = path.begin(), eIt = path.end(); it != eIt; it++ )
			s += "/" + it->string();

示例8: path

		void path( ScenePlug::ScenePath &p )
			if( !m_parent )
			m_parent->path( p );
			p.push_back( m_name );

示例9: stringToPath

void ScenePlug::stringToPath( const std::string &s, ScenePlug::ScenePath &path )
	typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > Tokenizer;
	Tokenizer tokenizer( s, boost::char_separator<char>( "/" ) );	
	for( Tokenizer::const_iterator it = tokenizer.begin(), eIt = tokenizer.end(); it != eIt; it++ )
		path.push_back( *it );

示例10: updateShadersWalk

void InteractiveRender::updateShadersWalk( const ScenePlug::ScenePath &path )
	/// \todo Keep a track of the hashes of the shaders at each path,
	/// and use it to only update the shaders when they've changed.
	ConstCompoundObjectPtr attributes = inPlug()->attributes( path );

	// terminate recursion for invisible locations
	ConstBoolDataPtr visibility = attributes->member<BoolData>( SceneInterface::visibilityName );
	if( visibility && ( !visibility->readable() ) )

	ConstObjectVectorPtr shader = attributes->member<ObjectVector>( "shader" );
	if( shader )
		std::string name;
		ScenePlug::pathToString( path, name );

		CompoundDataMap parameters;
		parameters["exactscopename"] = new StringData( name );
			EditBlock edit( m_renderer.get(), "attribute", parameters );

			for( ObjectVector::MemberContainer::const_iterator it = shader->members().begin(), eIt = shader->members().end(); it != eIt; it++ )
				const StateRenderable *s = runTimeCast<const StateRenderable>( it->get() );
				if( s )
					s->render( m_renderer.get() );

	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNames = inPlug()->childNames( path );
	ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = path;
	childPath.push_back( InternedString() ); // for the child name
	for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator it=childNames->readable().begin(); it!=childNames->readable().end(); it++ )
		childPath[path.size()] = *it;
		updateShadersWalk( childPath );

示例11: expandWalk

bool SceneView::expandWalk( const GafferScene::ScenePlug::ScenePath &path, size_t depth, PathMatcher &expanded, PathMatcher &selected )
	bool result = false;

	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = preprocessedInPlug<ScenePlug>()->childNames( path );
	const vector<InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();

	if( childNames.size() )
		// expand ourselves to show our children, and make sure we're
		// not selected - we only want selection at the leaf levels of
		// our expansion.
		result |= expanded.addPath( path );
		result |= selected.removePath( path );

		ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = path;
		childPath.push_back( InternedString() ); // room for the child name
		for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator cIt = childNames.begin(), ceIt = childNames.end(); cIt != ceIt; cIt++ )
			childPath.back() = *cIt;
			if( depth == 1 )
				// at the bottom of the expansion - just select the child
				result |= selected.addPath( childPath );
				// continue the expansion
				result |= expandWalk( childPath, depth - 1, expanded, selected );
		// we have no children, just make sure we're selected to mark the
		// leaf of the expansion.
		result |= selected.addPath( path );

	return result;


const TransformTool::Selection &CameraTool::cameraSelection()
	if( !m_cameraSelectionDirty )
		return m_cameraSelection;

	m_cameraSelection = TransformTool::Selection();
	ScenePlug::ScenePath cameraPath = this->cameraPath();
	if( !cameraPath.empty() )
		m_cameraSelection = TransformTool::Selection(

	m_cameraSelectionDirty = false;
	return m_cameraSelection;

示例13: collapseSelection

void SceneView::collapseSelection()
	PathMatcher &selection = const_cast<GafferScene::PathMatcherData *>( m_sceneGadget->getSelection() )->writable();

	std::vector<string> toCollapse;
	selection.paths( toCollapse );

	if( !toCollapse.size() )

	GafferScene::PathMatcherData *expandedData = expandedPaths();
	PathMatcher &expanded = expandedData->writable();

	for( vector<string>::const_iterator it = toCollapse.begin(), eIt = toCollapse.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		/// \todo It would be nice to be able to get ScenePaths out of
		/// PathMatcher::paths() directly.
		ScenePlug::ScenePath path;
		ScenePlug::stringToPath( *it, path );

		if( !expanded.removePath( path ) )
			if( path.size() <= 1 )
			selection.removePath( path );
			path.pop_back(); // now the parent path
			expanded.removePath( path );
			selection.addPath( path );

	// See comment in expandSelection().
	getContext()->changedSignal()( getContext(), "ui:scene:expandedPaths" );
	// See comment in expandSelection().

示例14: writeLocation

void SceneWriter::writeLocation( const GafferScene::ScenePlug *scene, const ScenePlug::ScenePath &scenePath, Context *context, IECore::SceneInterface *output, double time ) const
	context->set( ScenePlug::scenePathContextName, scenePath );

	ConstCompoundObjectPtr attributes = scene->attributesPlug()->getValue();
	for( CompoundObject::ObjectMap::const_iterator it = attributes->members().begin(), eIt = attributes->members().end(); it != eIt; it++ )
		output->writeAttribute( it->first, it->second.get(), time );

	if( scenePath.empty() )
		ConstCompoundObjectPtr globals = scene->globalsPlug()->getValue();
		output->writeAttribute( "gaffer:globals", globals.get(), time );

	ConstObjectPtr object = scene->objectPlug()->getValue();

	if( object->typeId() != IECore::NullObjectTypeId && scenePath.size() > 0 )
		output->writeObject( object.get(), time );

	Imath::Box3f b = scene->boundPlug()->getValue();

	output->writeBound( Imath::Box3d( Imath::V3f( b.min ), Imath::V3f( b.max ) ), time );

	if( scenePath.size() )
		Imath::M44f t = scene->transformPlug()->getValue();
		Imath::M44d transform(
			t[0][0], t[0][1], t[0][2], t[0][3],
			t[1][0], t[1][1], t[1][2], t[1][3],
			t[2][0], t[2][1], t[2][2], t[2][3],
			t[3][0], t[3][1], t[3][2], t[3][3]

		output->writeTransform( new IECore::M44dData( transform ), time );

	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNames = scene->childNamesPlug()->getValue();

	ScenePlug::ScenePath childScenePath = scenePath;
	childScenePath.push_back( InternedString() );
	for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator it=childNames->readable().begin(); it!=childNames->readable().end(); it++ )
		childScenePath[scenePath.size()] = *it;

		SceneInterfacePtr outputChild = output->child( *it, SceneInterface::CreateIfMissing );

		writeLocation( scene, childScenePath, context, outputChild.get(), time );

示例15: pathScope

bool GafferScene::SceneAlgo::exists( const ScenePlug *scene, const ScenePlug::ScenePath &path )
	ScenePlug::PathScope pathScope( Context::current() );

	ScenePlug::ScenePath p; p.reserve( path.size() );
	for( ScenePlug::ScenePath::const_iterator it = path.begin(), eIt = path.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		pathScope.setPath( p );
		ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = scene->childNamesPlug()->getValue();
		const vector<InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();
		if( find( childNames.begin(), childNames.end(), *it ) == childNames.end() )
			return false;
		p.push_back( *it );

	return true;
