本文整理汇总了C++中ros::Duration类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Duration类的具体用法?C++ Duration怎么用?C++ Duration使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
bool planning_environment::KinematicModelStateMonitor::allJointsUpdated(ros::Duration allowed_dur) const {
bool ret = true;
for(std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator it = current_joint_state_map_.begin();
it != current_joint_state_map_.end();
it++) {
if(last_joint_update_.find(it->first) == last_joint_update_.end()) {
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << it->first << " not yet updated");
ret = false;
if(allowed_dur != ros::Duration()) {
ros::Duration dur = ros::Time::now()-last_joint_update_.find(it->first)->second;
if(dur > allowed_dur) {
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << it->first << " last updated " << dur.toSec() << " where allowed duration is " << allowed_dur.toSec());
ret = false;
return ret;
示例2: read
void read(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period)
for(int j=0; j < n_joints_; ++j)
joint_position_prev_[j] = joint_position_[j];
joint_position_[j] += angles::shortest_angular_distance(joint_position_[j],
joint_position_kdl_(j) = joint_position_[j];
// derivate velocity as in the real hardware instead of reading it from simulation
joint_velocity_[j] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((joint_position_[j] - joint_position_prev_[j])/period.toSec(), joint_velocity_[j], 0.2);
joint_effort_[j] = sim_joints_[j]->GetForce((int)(0));
joint_stiffness_[j] = joint_stiffness_command_[j];
示例3: main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const double radius = 0.5; // 0.5
const double pitch_step = 0.2;
const int circle_points = 6; // 6
const int circle_rings = 3; // 3
const double plan_time = 5;
const int plan_retry = 1;
//const int pose_id_max = circle_points * 3;
const ros::Duration wait_settle(1.0);
const ros::Duration wait_camera(0.5);
const ros::Duration wait_notreached(3.0);
const ros::Duration wait_reset(30.0);
const std::string planning_group = "bumblebee"; //robot, bumblebee
const std::string end_effector = "tool_flange"; // bumblebee_cam1, tool_flange
const std::string plannerId = "PRMkConfigDefault";
const std::string frame_id = "base_link";
ros::init (argc, argv, "simple_pose_mission");
ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);
ros::NodeHandle node_handle;
ros::Publisher cameratate_pub = node_handle.advertise<group4_msgs::PointCloudPose>("/robot_rx60b/camerapose", 5);
ros::Publisher markerPublisher = node_handle.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("/simple_pose_mission/poses", 10);
tf::TransformListener listener;
// Marker
MarkerPose marker("object_center");
// Robot and scene
moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup group(planning_group);
group4_msgs::PointCloudPose msg;
msg.header.frame_id = frame_id;
tf::Pose object_center = marker.getPose("object_center");
NumberedPoses poses = generatePoses(object_center, circle_points, circle_rings, pitch_step, radius);
NumberedPoses::iterator poses_itt;
bool poses_updated = true;
while (ros::ok())
bool success;
if (poses_updated || poses_itt == poses.end())
poses_itt = poses.begin();
poses_updated = false;
NumberedPose numbered_pose = *poses_itt;
visualizePoses(poses, frame_id,markerPublisher, numbered_pose.pose_id);
ROS_INFO("Moving to pose %i of %i", numbered_pose.pose_id, numbered_pose.pose_id_max);
tf::StampedTransform transform;
listener.lookupTransform("/bumblebee_cam1", "/tool_flange",
ros::Time(0), transform);
catch (tf::TransformException ex){
tf::Pose p = numbered_pose.pose_tf * transform;
geometry_msgs::Pose desired_pose = tfPoseToGeometryPose(p);
group.setPoseTarget(desired_pose, end_effector);
success = false;
for (int itry = 0; itry < plan_retry; itry++)
success = group.move();
if (success)
ROS_INFO("Plan unsuccessfull.. Retrying! (%i)", itry);
if (true)
示例4: update
void JointPositionController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period)
command_struct_ = *(command_.readFromRT());
double command_position = command_struct_.position_;
double command_velocity = command_struct_.velocity_;
bool has_velocity_ = command_struct_.has_velocity_;
double error, vel_error;
double commanded_effort;
double current_position = joint_.getPosition();
// Make sure joint is within limits if applicable
// Compute position error
if (joint_urdf_->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE)
else if (joint_urdf_->type == urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS)
error = angles::shortest_angular_distance(current_position, command_position);
else //prismatic
error = command_position - current_position;
// Decide which of the two PID computeCommand() methods to call
if (has_velocity_)
// Compute velocity error if a non-zero velocity command was given
vel_error = command_velocity - joint_.getVelocity();
// Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform
// time step size. This also allows the user to pass in a precomputed derivative error.
commanded_effort = pid_controller_.computeCommand(error, vel_error, period);
// Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform
// time step size.
commanded_effort = pid_controller_.computeCommand(error, period);
// publish state
if (loop_count_ % 10 == 0)
if(controller_state_publisher_ && controller_state_publisher_->trylock())
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.header.stamp = time;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.set_point = command_position;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.process_value = current_position;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.process_value_dot = joint_.getVelocity();
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.error = error;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.time_step = period.toSec();
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.command = commanded_effort;
double dummy;
bool antiwindup;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.antiwindup = static_cast<char>(antiwindup);
示例5: read
bool LWRHWreal::read(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period)
// update the robot positions
for (int j = 0; j < LBR_MNJ; j++)
joint_position_prev_[j] = joint_position_[j];
joint_position_[j] = device_->getMsrMsrJntPosition()[j];
joint_effort_[j] = device_->getMsrJntTrq()[j];
joint_velocity_[j] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((joint_position_[j]-joint_position_prev_[j])/period.toSec(), joint_velocity_[j], 0.2);
joint_stiffness_[j] = joint_stiffness_command_[j];
return true;
示例6: read
// read 'measurement' joint values
void PanTiltHW::read(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period)
for(int i=0; i<n_joints_;i++)
joint_position_[i] = client_->drives[i].state.position;
joint_position_prev_[i] = joint_position_[i];
joint_velocity_[i] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((joint_position_[i] - joint_position_prev_[i])/period.toSec(), joint_velocity_[i], 0.2);
示例7: cfl
void AmclNode::reconfigureCB(AMCLConfig &config, uint32_t level)
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock cfl(configuration_mutex_);
//we don't want to do anything on the first call
//which corresponds to startup
first_reconfigure_call_ = false;
default_config_ = config;
if(config.restore_defaults) {
config = default_config_;
//avoid looping
config.restore_defaults = false;
d_thresh_ = config.update_min_d;
a_thresh_ = config.update_min_a;
resample_interval_ = config.resample_interval;
laser_min_range_ = config.laser_min_range;
laser_max_range_ = config.laser_max_range;
gui_publish_period = ros::Duration(1.0/config.gui_publish_rate);
save_pose_period = ros::Duration(1.0/config.save_pose_rate);
max_beams_ = config.laser_max_beams;
alpha1_ = config.odom_alpha1;
alpha2_ = config.odom_alpha2;
alpha3_ = config.odom_alpha3;
alpha4_ = config.odom_alpha4;
alpha5_ = config.odom_alpha5;
z_hit_ = config.laser_z_hit;
z_short_ = config.laser_z_short;
z_max_ = config.laser_z_max;
z_rand_ = config.laser_z_rand;
sigma_hit_ = config.laser_sigma_hit;
lambda_short_ = config.laser_lambda_short;
laser_likelihood_max_dist_ = config.laser_likelihood_max_dist;
if(config.laser_model_type == "beam")
laser_model_type_ = LASER_MODEL_BEAM;
else if(config.laser_model_type == "likelihood_field")
if(config.odom_model_type == "diff")
odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_DIFF;
else if(config.odom_model_type == "omni")
odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_OMNI;
else if(config.odom_model_type == "diff-corrected")
odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_DIFF_CORRECTED;
else if(config.odom_model_type == "omni-corrected")
odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_OMNI_CORRECTED;
if(config.min_particles > config.max_particles)
ROS_WARN("You've set min_particles to be less than max particles, this isn't allowed so they'll be set to be equal.");
config.max_particles = config.min_particles;
min_particles_ = config.min_particles;
max_particles_ = config.max_particles;
alpha_slow_ = config.recovery_alpha_slow;
alpha_fast_ = config.recovery_alpha_fast;
tf_broadcast_ = config.tf_broadcast;
pf_ = pf_alloc(min_particles_, max_particles_,
alpha_slow_, alpha_fast_,
(void *)map_);
pf_err_ = config.kld_err;
pf_z_ = config.kld_z;
pf_->pop_err = pf_err_;
pf_->pop_z = pf_z_;
// Initialize the filter
pf_vector_t pf_init_pose_mean = pf_vector_zero();
pf_init_pose_mean.v[0] = last_published_pose.pose.pose.position.x;
pf_init_pose_mean.v[1] = last_published_pose.pose.pose.position.y;
pf_init_pose_mean.v[2] = tf::getYaw(last_published_pose.pose.pose.orientation);
pf_matrix_t pf_init_pose_cov = pf_matrix_zero();
pf_init_pose_cov.m[0][0] = last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*0+0];
pf_init_pose_cov.m[1][1] = last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*1+1];
pf_init_pose_cov.m[2][2] = last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*5+5];
pf_init(pf_, pf_init_pose_mean, pf_init_pose_cov);
pf_init_ = false;
// Instantiate the sensor objects
// Odometry
delete odom_;
odom_ = new AMCLOdom();
odom_->SetModel( odom_model_type_, alpha1_, alpha2_, alpha3_, alpha4_, alpha5_ );
示例8: update
void OmniDriveController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period)
//get the wheel velocity from the handle
double wheel1_vel = wheel1_joint.getVelocity();
double wheel2_vel = wheel2_joint.getVelocity();
double wheel3_vel = wheel3_joint.getVelocity();
// Estimate linear and angular velocity using joint information
odometry_.update(wheel1_vel, wheel2_vel, wheel3_vel, time);
// Publish odometry message
if(last_state_publish_time_ + publish_period_ < time)
last_state_publish_time_ += publish_period_;
// Compute and store orientation info
const geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation(
// Populate odom message and publish
odom_pub_->msg_.header.stamp = time;
odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.x = odometry_.getX();
odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.y = odometry_.getY();
odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.orientation = orientation;
odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.x = odometry_.getLinearX();
odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.y = odometry_.getLinearY();
odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.angular.z = odometry_.getAngular();
// Publish tf /odom frame
if (enable_odom_tf_ && tf_odom_pub_->trylock())
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped& odom_frame = tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms[0];
odom_frame.header.stamp = time;
odom_frame.transform.translation.x = odometry_.getX();
odom_frame.transform.translation.y = odometry_.getY();
odom_frame.transform.rotation = orientation;
// Retreive current velocity command and time step:
Commands curr_cmd = *(command_.readFromRT());
const double dt = (time - curr_cmd.stamp).toSec();
// Brake if cmd_vel has timeout:
if (dt > cmd_vel_timeout_)
//ROS_INFO("wocao nima");
curr_cmd.linear_x = 0.0;
curr_cmd.linear_y = 0.0;
curr_cmd.angular = 0.0;
// Limit velocities and accelerations:
const double cmd_dt(period.toSec());
limiter_linear_x_.limit(curr_cmd.linear_x, last_cmd_.linear_x, cmd_dt);
limiter_linear_y_.limit(curr_cmd.linear_y, last_cmd_.linear_y, cmd_dt);
limiter_angular_. limit(curr_cmd.angular, last_cmd_.angular, cmd_dt);
last_cmd_ = curr_cmd;
// Compute wheels velocities:
const double vth = curr_cmd.angular, vx = - curr_cmd.linear_x, vy = curr_cmd.linear_y;
const double psi = 2 * 3.14159265 / 3;
const double L = wheel_center_;
const double wheel1_cmd = (L*vth - vy) / wheel_radius_;
const double wheel2_cmd = (L*vth + vy*cos(psi/2) - vx*sin(psi/2)) / wheel_radius_;
const double wheel3_cmd = (L*vth + vy*cos(psi/2) + vx*sin(psi/2)) / wheel_radius_;
ROS_INFO("send velocity is %f %f %f", wheel1_cmd,wheel2_cmd,wheel3_cmd);
示例9: update
void JointPositionController::update(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period) {
// compute velocities and accelerations by hand just to be sure
for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) {
double current_position = joints_[i].getPosition();
current_velocities_[i] = (current_position - previous_positions_[i]) / period.toSec();
current_accelerations_[i] = (current_velocities_[i] - previous_velocities_[i]) / period.toSec();
previous_positions_[i] = current_position;
previous_velocities_[i] = current_velocities_[i];
if (new_reference_) {
// Read the latest commanded trajectory message
commanded_trajectory_ = *trajectory_command_buffer_.readFromRT();
new_reference_ = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i ++) {
if (std::abs(commanded_trajectory_.positions[i] - last_commanded_trajectory_.positions[i]) > command_update_tolerance_) {
must_recompute_trajectory_ = true;
reached_reference_ = false;
last_commanded_trajectory_ = commanded_trajectory_;
// Initialize RML result
int rml_result = 0;
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("checking for having to recompute");
// Compute RML traj after the start time and if there are still points in the queue
if (must_recompute_trajectory_) {
// Compute the trajectory
ROS_WARN_STREAM("RML Recomputing trajectory...");
// Update RML input parameters
for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) {
rml_in_->CurrentPositionVector->VecData[i] = joints_[i].getPosition();
rml_in_->CurrentVelocityVector->VecData[i] = current_velocities_[i];
rml_in_->CurrentAccelerationVector->VecData[i] = current_accelerations_[i];
rml_in_->TargetPositionVector->VecData[i] = commanded_trajectory_.positions[i];
rml_in_->TargetVelocityVector->VecData[i] = commanded_trajectory_.velocities[i];
rml_in_->SelectionVector->VecData[i] = true;
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Current position: " << std::endl << *(rml_in_->CurrentPositionVector));
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Target position: " << std::endl << *(rml_in_->TargetPositionVector));
// Store the traj start time
traj_start_time_ = time;
// Set desired execution time for this trajectory (definitely > 0)
// ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("RML IN: time: " << rml_in_->GetMinimumSynchronizationTime());
// Specify behavior after reaching point
rml_flags_.BehaviorAfterFinalStateOfMotionIsReached = recompute_trajectory_ ? RMLPositionFlags::RECOMPUTE_TRAJECTORY : RMLPositionFlags::KEEP_TARGET_VELOCITY;
rml_flags_.SynchronizationBehavior = RMLPositionFlags::ONLY_TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION;
rml_flags_.KeepCurrentVelocityInCaseOfFallbackStrategy = true;
// Compute trajectory
rml_result = rml_->RMLPosition(*rml_in_.get(),
// Disable recompute flag
must_recompute_trajectory_ = false;
// Sample the already computed trajectory
rml_result = rml_->RMLPositionAtAGivenSampleTime(
(time - traj_start_time_ + period).toSec(),
// Determine if any of the joint tolerances have been violated
for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) {
double tracking_error = std::abs(rml_out_->NewPositionVector->VecData[i] - joints_[i].getPosition());
if (tracking_error > position_tolerances_[i]) {
must_recompute_trajectory_ = true;
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Tracking for joint " << i << " outside of tolerance! (" << tracking_error
<< " > " << position_tolerances_[i] << ")");
// Compute command
for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) {
commanded_positions_[i] = rml_out_->NewPositionVector->VecData[i];
// Only set a different position command if the
switch (rml_result) {
case ReflexxesAPI::RML_WORKING:
示例10: updateJointVelocity
void YouBotUniversalController::updateJointVelocity(double setPoint, pr2_mechanism_model::JointState* joint_state_, control_toolbox::Pid* pid_controller_, const ros::Duration& dt, const int& jointIndex) {
double error(0);
double command_ = setPoint;
double velocity_ = joint_state_->velocity_;
const double T = 1;
filteredVelocity[jointIndex] = filteredVelocity[jointIndex] + (velocity_ - filteredVelocity[jointIndex]) * dt.toSec() / (dt.toSec() + T);
error = filteredVelocity[jointIndex] - command_;
ROS_DEBUG("Current velocity: %f, filtered velocity: %f, Error: %f\n", velocity_, filteredVelocity[jointIndex], error);
double commanded_effort = pid_controller_ -> updatePid(error, dt);
joint_state_->commanded_effort_ = commanded_effort;
示例11: readSim
void QuadrotorHardwareSim::readSim(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period)
// call all available subscriber callbacks now
// read state from Gazebo
const double acceleration_time_constant = 0.1;
gz_pose_ = link_->GetWorldPose();
gz_acceleration_ = ((link_->GetWorldLinearVel() - gz_velocity_) + acceleration_time_constant * gz_acceleration_) / (period.toSec() + acceleration_time_constant);
gz_velocity_ = link_->GetWorldLinearVel();
gz_angular_velocity_ = link_->GetWorldAngularVel();
if (!subscriber_state_) {
header_.frame_id = "/world";
header_.stamp = time;
pose_.position.x = gz_pose_.pos.x;
pose_.position.y = gz_pose_.pos.y;
pose_.position.z = gz_pose_.pos.z;
pose_.orientation.w = gz_pose_.rot.w;
pose_.orientation.x = gz_pose_.rot.x;
pose_.orientation.y = gz_pose_.rot.y;
pose_.orientation.z = gz_pose_.rot.z;
twist_.linear.x = gz_velocity_.x;
twist_.linear.y = gz_velocity_.y;
twist_.linear.z = gz_velocity_.z;
twist_.angular.x = gz_angular_velocity_.x;
twist_.angular.y = gz_angular_velocity_.y;
twist_.angular.z = gz_angular_velocity_.z;
acceleration_.x = gz_acceleration_.x;
acceleration_.y = gz_acceleration_.y;
acceleration_.z = gz_acceleration_.z;
if (!subscriber_imu_) {
imu_.orientation.w = gz_pose_.rot.w;
imu_.orientation.x = gz_pose_.rot.x;
imu_.orientation.y = gz_pose_.rot.y;
imu_.orientation.z = gz_pose_.rot.z;
gazebo::math::Vector3 gz_angular_velocity_body = gz_pose_.rot.RotateVectorReverse(gz_angular_velocity_);
imu_.angular_velocity.x = gz_angular_velocity_body.x;
imu_.angular_velocity.y = gz_angular_velocity_body.y;
imu_.angular_velocity.z = gz_angular_velocity_body.z;
gazebo::math::Vector3 gz_linear_acceleration_body = gz_pose_.rot.RotateVectorReverse(gz_acceleration_ - physics_->GetGravity());
imu_.linear_acceleration.x = gz_linear_acceleration_body.x;
imu_.linear_acceleration.y = gz_linear_acceleration_body.y;
imu_.linear_acceleration.z = gz_linear_acceleration_body.z;
示例12: update
void ITRCartesianImpedanceController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period)
// get current values
//std::cout << "Update current values" << std::endl;
KDL::Rotation cur_R(cart_handles_.at(0).getPosition(),
KDL::Vector cur_p(cart_handles_.at(3).getPosition(),
KDL::Frame cur_T( cur_R, cur_p );
x_cur_ = cur_T;
std::vector<double> cur_T_FRI;
// Cartesian speed limit for new positions:
// create quaternions for current and desired orientation, normalize them to get correct angular distance later!
x_cur_quat_ = Eigen::Matrix3d(x_cur_.M.data).transpose();
x_des_quat_ = Eigen::Matrix3d(x_des_.M.data).transpose();
x_set_quat_ = x_des_quat_;
// get linear desired velocity
x_dot_.vel = (x_des_.p-x_set_.p) / period.toSec();
// limit linear velocity to desired position
double x_dot_vel_norm;
x_dot_vel_norm = x_dot_.vel.Norm();
if (x_dot_vel_norm > max_trans_speed_) {
x_dot_.vel = x_dot_.vel / x_dot_vel_norm * max_trans_speed_;
if (cmd_flag_) {
// Interpolate position
x_set_.p = x_prev_.p + (x_dot_.vel * period.toSec());
// Interpolate orientation with SLERP
double slerp_ratio = max_rot_speed_ / (x_des_quat_.angularDistance(x_prev_quat_)) * period.toSec();
slerp_ratio = std::min(slerp_ratio, 1.0);
x_set_quat_ = x_prev_quat_.slerp(slerp_ratio, x_des_quat_);
// convert quaternion to rot matrix
x_set_quat_.normalize(); // need to be normalized to get right rotation matrix
x_set_.M = KDL::Rotation::Quaternion(x_set_quat_.x(), x_set_quat_.y(), x_set_quat_.z(), x_set_quat_.w());
fromKDLtoFRI(x_set_, cur_T_FRI);
// forward commands to hwi
for(int c = 0; c < 30; ++c)
if(c < 12)
if(c > 11 && c < 18)
if(c > 17 && c < 24)
if(c > 23 && c < 30)
x_prev_ = x_set_;
x_prev_quat_ = x_set_quat_;
示例13: readEncoders
void CassiopeiaHW::readEncoders(ros::Duration dt)
// read robots joint state
// right card
if (! dm6814_right.ReadEncoder6814(1, &encoder_1_val))
ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(1) FAILED");
if (! dm6814_right.ReadEncoder6814(2, &encoder_2_val))
ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(2) FAILED");
if (! dm6814_right.ReadEncoder6814(3, &encoder_3_val))
ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(3) FAILED");
//left card
if (! dm6814_left.ReadEncoder6814(1, &encoder_4_val))
ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(1) FAILED");
if (! dm6814_left.ReadEncoder6814(2, &encoder_5_val))
ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(2) FAILED");
if (! dm6814_left.ReadEncoder6814(3, &encoder_6_val))
ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(3) FAILED");
// Handling of encoder value overflow
if ((int)encoder_1_val - (int)encoder_1_old < -62000) encoder_1_ovf++;
else if ((int)encoder_1_val - (int)encoder_1_old > 62000) encoder_1_ovf--;
encoder_1_old = encoder_1_val;
encoder_1 = (int)encoder_1_val + 65535*encoder_1_ovf;
if ((int)encoder_2_val - (int)encoder_2_old < -62000) encoder_2_ovf++;
else if ((int)encoder_2_val - (int)encoder_2_old > 62000) encoder_2_ovf--;
encoder_2_old = encoder_2_val;
encoder_2 = (int)encoder_2_val + 65535*encoder_2_ovf;
if ((int)encoder_3_val - (int)encoder_3_old < -62000) encoder_3_ovf++;
else if ((int)encoder_3_val - (int)encoder_3_old > 62000) encoder_3_ovf--;
encoder_3_old = encoder_3_val;
encoder_3 = (int)encoder_3_val + 65535*encoder_3_ovf;
if ((int)encoder_4_val - (int)encoder_4_old < -62000) encoder_4_ovf++;
else if ((int)encoder_4_val - (int)encoder_4_old > 62000) encoder_4_ovf--;
encoder_4_old = encoder_4_val;
encoder_4 = (int)encoder_4_val + 65535*encoder_4_ovf;
if ((int)encoder_5_val - (int)encoder_5_old < -62000) encoder_5_ovf++;
else if ((int)encoder_5_val - (int)encoder_5_old > 62000) encoder_5_ovf--;
encoder_5_old = encoder_5_val;
encoder_5 = (int)encoder_5_val + 65535*encoder_5_ovf;
if ((int)encoder_6_val - (int)encoder_6_old < -62000) encoder_6_ovf++;
else if ((int)encoder_6_val - (int)encoder_6_old > 62000) encoder_6_ovf--;
encoder_6_old = encoder_6_val;
encoder_6 = (int)encoder_6_val + 65535*encoder_6_ovf;
ROS_DEBUG("1: %d, 2: %d, 3: %d, 4: %d, 5: %d, 6: %d", encoder_1, encoder_2, encoder_3, encoder_4, encoder_5, encoder_6);
// Position Calculation
pos[0]= (double)encoder_1*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[0];
pos[1]= -(double)encoder_2*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[1];
pos[2]= (double)encoder_3*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[2];//disconnected
pos[3]= (double)encoder_4*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[3];
pos[4]= (double)encoder_5*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[4];
pos[5]= (double)encoder_6*2*M_PI/ 4096 - offset_pos[5];
ROS_DEBUG("encoder6: %d, pos (10^3): %d", encoder_6, (int)(pos[5]*1000));
ROS_DEBUG("POS: 1: %f, 2: %f, 3: %f, 4: %f, 5: %f, 6: %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], pos[5]);
// Speed Calculation
for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
vel[i]=(pos[i] - prev_pos[i])/dt.toSec();
prev_pos[i] = pos[i];
示例14: executeCB
int executeCB(ros::Duration dt)
std::cout << "**GoToWaypoint -%- Executing Main Task, elapsed_time: "
<< dt.toSec() << std::endl;
std::cout << "**GoToWaypoint -%- execute_time: "
<< execute_time_.toSec() << std::endl;
execute_time_ += dt;
std::cout << "**Counter value:" << counter << std::endl;
if (counter > 1)
std::cout << "********************************************************************************" << std::endl;
if (!init_)
init_ = true;
if ( (ros::Time::now() - time_at_pos_).toSec() < 0.2 )
if( message_.type == "goto")
// Goal position of ball relative to ROBOT_FRAME
float goal_x = 0.00;
float goal_y = 0.00;
float error_x = message_.x - goal_x;
float error_y = message_.y - goal_y;
if (fabs(error_x) < 0.12 && fabs(error_y) < 0.12)
std::cout << "Closeness count " << closeness_count << std::endl;
//If the NAO has been close for enough iterations, we consider to goal reached
if (closeness_count > 0)
// std::cout << "sleeeping for 2 second before destroying thread" << std::endl;
// sleep(2.0);
return 1;
closeness_count = 0;
//Limit the "error" in order to limit the walk speed
error_x = error_x > 0.6 ? 0.6 : error_x;
error_x = error_x < -0.6 ? -0.6 : error_x;
error_y = error_y > 0.6 ? 0.6 : error_y;
error_y = error_y < -0.6 ? -0.6 : error_y;
// float speed_x = error_x * 1.0/(2+5*closeness_count);
// float speed_y = error_y * 1.0/(2+5*closeness_count);
// float frequency = 0.1/(5*closeness_count+(1.0/(fabs(error_x)+fabs(error_y)))); //Frequency of foot steps
// motion_proxy_ptr->setWalkTargetVelocity(speed_x, speed_y, 0.0, frequency);
// ALMotionProxy::setWalkTargetVelocity(const float& x, const float& y, const float& theta, const float& frequency)
AL::ALValue walk_config;
//walk_config.arrayPush(AL::ALValue::array("MaxStepFrequency", frequency));
//Lower value of step height gives smoother walking
// std::cout << "y " << message_.y << std::endl;
if (fabs(message_.y) < 0.10)
// walk_config.arrayPush(AL::ALValue::array("StepHeight", 0.01));
// motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(message_.x, 0.0, 0.0, walk_config);
motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(message_.x, 0.0, 0.0);
// walk_config.arrayPush(AL::ALValue::array("StepHeight", 0.005));
// motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(0.0, 0.0, message_.y/fabs(message_.y)*0.1, walk_config);
motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(0.0, 0.0, message_.y/fabs(message_.y)*0.1);
return 0;
示例15: update
void OneTaskInverseDynamicsJL::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period)
// get joint positions
for(int i=0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++)
joint_msr_states_.q(i) = joint_handles_[i].getPosition();
joint_msr_states_.qdot(i) = joint_handles_[i].getVelocity();
// clearing msgs before publishing
if (cmd_flag_)
// resetting N and tau(t=0) for the highest priority task
N_trans_ = I_;
// computing Inertia, Coriolis and Gravity matrices
id_solver_->JntToMass(joint_msr_states_.q, M_);
id_solver_->JntToCoriolis(joint_msr_states_.q, joint_msr_states_.qdot, C_);
id_solver_->JntToGravity(joint_msr_states_.q, G_);
// computing the inverse of M_ now, since it will be used often
pseudo_inverse(M_.data,M_inv_,false); //M_inv_ = M_.data.inverse();
// computing Jacobian J(q)
// computing the distance from the mid points of the joint ranges as objective function to be minimized
phi_ = task_objective_function(joint_msr_states_.q);
// using the first step to compute jacobian of the tasks
if (first_step_)
J_last_ = J_;
phi_last_ = phi_;
first_step_ = 0;
// computing the derivative of Jacobian J_dot(q) through numerical differentiation
J_dot_.data = (J_.data - J_last_.data)/period.toSec();
// computing forward kinematics
if (Equal(x_,x_des_,0.05))
ROS_INFO("On target");
cmd_flag_ = 0;
// pushing x to the pose msg
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// setting marker parameters
// computing end-effector position/orientation error w.r.t. desired frame
x_err_ = diff(x_,x_des_);
x_dot_ = J_.data*joint_msr_states_.qdot.data;
// setting error reference
for(int i = 0; i < e_ref_.size(); i++)
// e = x_des_dotdot + Kd*(x_des_dot - x_dot) + Kp*(x_des - x)
e_ref_(i) = -Kd_(i)*(x_dot_(i)) + Kp_(i)*x_err_(i);
// computing b = J*M^-1*(c+g) - J_dot*q_dot
b_ = J_.data*M_inv_*(C_.data + G_.data) - J_dot_.data*joint_msr_states_.qdot.data;
// computing omega = J*M^-1*N^T*J
omega_ = J_.data*M_inv_*N_trans_*J_.data.transpose();
// computing lambda = omega^-1
//lambda_ = omega_.inverse();
// computing nullspace
N_trans_ = N_trans_ - J_.data.transpose()*lambda_*J_.data*M_inv_;
// finally, computing the torque tau
tau_.data = J_.data.transpose()*lambda_*(e_ref_ + b_) + N_trans_*(Eigen::Matrix<double,7,1>::Identity(7,1)*(phi_ - phi_last_)/(period.toSec()));
// saving J_ and phi of the last iteration
J_last_ = J_;
phi_last_ = phi_;
// set controls for joints