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C++ UTexture2D::GetSizeY方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中UTexture2D::GetSizeY方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ UTexture2D::GetSizeY方法的具体用法?C++ UTexture2D::GetSizeY怎么用?C++ UTexture2D::GetSizeY使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UTexture2D的用法示例。


示例1: UpdateSelectedTexel

static bool UpdateSelectedTexel(
	UPrimitiveComponent* Component, 
	int32 NodeIndex, 
	FLightMapRef& Lightmap, 
	const FVector& Position, 
	FVector2D InterpolatedUV, 
	int32 LocalX, int32 LocalY,
	int32 LightmapSizeX, int32 LightmapSizeY)
	if (Component == GCurrentSelectedLightmapSample.Component
		&& NodeIndex == GCurrentSelectedLightmapSample.NodeIndex
		&& LocalX == GCurrentSelectedLightmapSample.LocalX
		&& LocalY == GCurrentSelectedLightmapSample.LocalY)
		return false;
		// Store information about the selected texel
		FSelectedLightmapSample NewSelectedTexel(Component, NodeIndex, Lightmap, Position, LocalX, LocalY, LightmapSizeX, LightmapSizeY);

		if (IsValidRef(Lightmap))
			FLightMap2D* Lightmap2D = Lightmap->GetLightMap2D();
			const FVector2D CoordinateScale = Lightmap2D->GetCoordinateScale();
			const FVector2D CoordinateBias = Lightmap2D->GetCoordinateBias();
			// Calculate lightmap atlas UV's for the selected point
			FVector2D LightmapUV = InterpolatedUV * CoordinateScale + CoordinateBias;

			int32 LightmapIndex = Lightmap2D->AllowsHighQualityLightmaps() ? 0 : 1;
			UTexture2D* CurrentLightmap = Lightmap2D->GetTexture( LightmapIndex );
			// UV's in the lightmap atlas
			NewSelectedTexel.LightmapX = FMath::TruncToInt(LightmapUV.X * CurrentLightmap->GetSizeX());
			NewSelectedTexel.LightmapY = FMath::TruncToInt(LightmapUV.Y * CurrentLightmap->GetSizeY());
			// Write the selection color to the selected lightmap texel
			WriteTexel(CurrentLightmap, NewSelectedTexel.LightmapX, NewSelectedTexel.LightmapY, GTexelSelectionColor, NewSelectedTexel.OriginalColor);

			GCurrentSelectedLightmapSample = NewSelectedTexel;
			return true;
			UE_LOG(LogStaticLightingSystem, Log, TEXT("Texel selection failed because the lightmap is an invalid reference!"));
			return false;

示例2: BroadcastStatusCallback

void FEditorLiveStreaming::BroadcastStatusCallback( const FLiveStreamingStatus& Status )
	TSharedPtr< SNotificationItem > Notification( NotificationWeakPtr.Pin() );
	if( Notification.IsValid() )
		// Don't bother clobbering existing message with text about web cam starting/stopping, unless we're already broadcasting.
		// We want to make sure people see the persistent text about login state.
		if( SubmittedVideoFrameCount > 0 ||
			( Status.StatusType != FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::WebCamStarted &&
			  Status.StatusType != FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::WebCamStopped &&
			  Status.StatusType != FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::WebCamTextureNotReady &&
			  Status.StatusType != FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::WebCamTextureReady &&
			  Status.StatusType != FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::ChatConnected &&
			  Status.StatusType != FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::ChatDisconnected ) )
			Notification->SetText( Status.CustomStatusDescription );
		// Only spawn a notification if we're actually still trying to broadcast, not if we're stopping broadcasting.  We don't want
		// to revive our notification that we intentionally expired.
		if( bIsBroadcasting )
			FNotificationInfo Info( Status.CustomStatusDescription );
			Info.FadeInDuration = 0.1f;
			Info.FadeOutDuration = 0.5f;
			Info.ExpireDuration = 1.5f;
			Info.bUseThrobber = false;
			Info.bUseSuccessFailIcons = true;
			Info.bUseLargeFont = true;
			Info.bFireAndForget = false;
			Info.bAllowThrottleWhenFrameRateIsLow = false;
			NotificationWeakPtr = FSlateNotificationManager::Get().AddNotification( Info );

	Notification = NotificationWeakPtr.Pin();
	if( Notification.IsValid() )
		SNotificationItem::ECompletionState State = SNotificationItem::CS_Pending;
		if( Status.StatusType == FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::Failure )
			State = SNotificationItem::CS_Fail;
		else if( Status.StatusType == FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::BroadcastStarted ||
				 Status.StatusType == FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::WebCamStarted ||
				 Status.StatusType == FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::ChatConnected )
			State = SNotificationItem::CS_Success;

		Notification->SetCompletionState( State );

	// If the web cam just turned on, then we'll go ahead and show it
	if( Status.StatusType == FLiveStreamingStatus::EStatusType::WebCamTextureReady )
		bool bIsImageFlippedHorizontally = false;
		bool bIsImageFlippedVertically = false;
		UTexture2D* WebCamTexture = LiveStreamer->GetWebCamTexture( bIsImageFlippedHorizontally, bIsImageFlippedVertically );
		if( ensure( WebCamTexture != nullptr ) )
			IMainFrameModule& MainFrameModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IMainFrameModule>( TEXT( "MainFrame" ) );
			check( MainFrameModule.IsWindowInitialized() );
			auto RootWindow = MainFrameModule.GetParentWindow();
			check( RootWindow.IsValid() );

			// Allow the user to customize the image mirroring, too!
			const auto& Settings = *GetDefault< UEditorLiveStreamingSettings >();
			if( Settings.bMirrorWebCamImage )
				bIsImageFlippedHorizontally = !bIsImageFlippedHorizontally;

			// How many pixels from the edge of the main frame window to where the broadcast status window appears
			const int WindowBorderPadding = 50;

			// @todo livestream: Currently this window is not created as "topmost".  We don't really want it to be OS-topmost, but we do want it to be the most
			// topmost "regular" window in our application (not on top of tooltips, etc.)

			// Create a window that will show the web cam video feed
			BroadcastStatusWindow = SNew( SWindow )
				.Title( LOCTEXT( "StreamingWindowTitle", "Web Camera" ) )
				.ClientSize( FVector2D( WebCamTexture->GetSizeX(), WebCamTexture->GetSizeY() ) )
				.ScreenPosition( FVector2D( 
					RootWindow->GetRectInScreen().Right - WebCamTexture->GetSizeX() - WindowBorderPadding, 
					RootWindow->GetRectInScreen().Top +  WindowBorderPadding ) )

				// @todo livestream: Ideally the user could freely resize the window, but it gets a bit tricky to preserve the web cam aspect.  Plus, we don't really like how letterboxing/columnboxing looks with this.
				.SizingRule( ESizingRule::FixedSize )

				.AutoCenter( EAutoCenter::None )
				.bDragAnywhere( true )
				.SupportsMaximize( true )
				.SupportsMinimize( true )
				.FocusWhenFirstShown( false )
				.ActivateWhenFirstShown( false )
				.SaneWindowPlacement( false );


示例3: DrawHUD

void FEdMode::DrawHUD(FEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient,FViewport* Viewport,const FSceneView* View,FCanvas* Canvas)
    // Render the drag tool.
    ViewportClient->RenderDragTool( View, Canvas );

    // Let the current mode tool draw a HUD if it wants to
    FModeTool* tool = GetCurrentTool();
    if( tool )
        tool->DrawHUD( ViewportClient, Viewport, View, Canvas );

    if (ViewportClient->IsPerspective() && GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->bHighlightWithBrackets)
        DrawBrackets( ViewportClient, Viewport, View, Canvas );

    // If this viewport doesn't show mode widgets or the mode itself doesn't want them, leave.
    if( !(ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags.ModeWidgets) || !ShowModeWidgets() )

    // Clear Hit proxies
    const bool bIsHitTesting = Canvas->IsHitTesting();
    if ( !bIsHitTesting )

    // Draw vertices for selected BSP brushes and static meshes if the large vertices show flag is set.
    if ( !ViewportClient->bDrawVertices )

    const bool bLargeVertices		= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.LargeVertices;
    const bool bShowBrushes			= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Brushes;
    const bool bShowBSP				= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.BSP;
    const bool bShowBuilderBrush	= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.BuilderBrush != 0;

    UTexture2D* VertexTexture = GetVertexTexture();
    const float TextureSizeX		= VertexTexture->GetSizeX() * ( bLargeVertices ? 1.0f : 0.5f );
    const float TextureSizeY		= VertexTexture->GetSizeY() * ( bLargeVertices ? 1.0f : 0.5f );

    // Temporaries.
    TArray<FVector> Vertices;

    for ( FSelectionIterator It( *Owner->GetSelectedActors() ) ; It ; ++It )
        AActor* SelectedActor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It );
        checkSlow( SelectedActor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );

        if( bLargeVertices )
            FCanvasItemTestbed::bTestState = !FCanvasItemTestbed::bTestState;

            // Static mesh vertices
            AStaticMeshActor* Actor = Cast<AStaticMeshActor>( SelectedActor );
            if( Actor && Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent() && Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh
                    && Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh->RenderData )
                FTransform ActorToWorld = Actor->ActorToWorld();
                const FPositionVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].PositionVertexBuffer;
                for( uint32 i = 0 ; i < VertexBuffer.GetNumVertices() ; i++ )
                    Vertices.AddUnique( ActorToWorld.TransformPosition( VertexBuffer.VertexPosition(i) ) );

                FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FLinearColor::White );
                TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
                for( int32 VertexIndex = 0 ; VertexIndex < Vertices.Num() ; ++VertexIndex )
                    const FVector& Vertex = Vertices[VertexIndex];
                    FVector2D PixelLocation;
                        const bool bOutside =
                            PixelLocation.X < 0.0f || PixelLocation.X > View->ViewRect.Width() ||
                            PixelLocation.Y < 0.0f || PixelLocation.Y > View->ViewRect.Height();
                        if( !bOutside )
                            const float X = PixelLocation.X - (TextureSizeX/2);
                            const float Y = PixelLocation.Y - (TextureSizeY/2);
                            if( bIsHitTesting )
                                Canvas->SetHitProxy( new HStaticMeshVert(Actor,Vertex) );
                            TileItem.Texture = VertexTexture->Resource;

                            TileItem.Size = FVector2D( TextureSizeX, TextureSizeY );
                            Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem, FVector2D( X, Y ) );
                            if( bIsHitTesting )
                                Canvas->SetHitProxy( NULL );

示例4: RebuildRenderData


			for (int32 X = 0; X < TileMap->MapWidth; ++X)
				const FPaperTileInfo TileInfo = Layer->GetCell(X, Y);

				// do stuff
				const float TotalSeparation = (TileMap->SeparationPerLayer * Z) + (TileMap->SeparationPerTileX * X) + (TileMap->SeparationPerTileY * Y);
				FVector TopLeftCornerOfTile = (StepPerTileX * X) + (StepPerTileY * Y) + EffectiveTopLeftCorner;
				TopLeftCornerOfTile += TotalSeparation * PaperAxisZ;

				const int32 TileWidth = TileMap->TileWidth;
				const int32 TileHeight = TileMap->TileHeight;

					UTexture2D* SourceTexture = nullptr;

					FVector2D SourceUV = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
					if (Layer->bCollisionLayer)
						if (TileInfo.PackedTileIndex == 0)
						SourceTexture = UCanvas::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UCanvas>()->DefaultTexture;
						if (TileInfo.TileSet == nullptr)

						if (!TileInfo.TileSet->GetTileUV(TileInfo.PackedTileIndex, /*out*/ SourceUV))

						SourceTexture = TileInfo.TileSet->TileSheet;
						if (SourceTexture == nullptr)

					if ((SourceTexture != LastSourceTexture) || (CurrentBatch == nullptr))
						CurrentBatch = (new (BatchedSprites) FSpriteDrawCallRecord());
						CurrentBatch->Texture = SourceTexture;
						CurrentBatch->Color = DrawColor;
						CurrentBatch->Destination = TopLeftCornerOfTile.ProjectOnTo(PaperAxisZ);

					if (SourceTexture != LastSourceTexture)
						InverseTextureSize = FVector2D(1.0f / SourceTexture->GetSizeX(), 1.0f / SourceTexture->GetSizeY());

						if (TileInfo.TileSet != nullptr)
							SourceDimensionsUV = FVector2D(TileInfo.TileSet->TileWidth * InverseTextureSize.X, TileInfo.TileSet->TileHeight * InverseTextureSize.Y);
							TileSizeXY = FVector2D(TileInfo.TileSet->TileWidth, TileInfo.TileSet->TileHeight);
							TileSetOffset = (TileInfo.TileSet->DrawingOffset.X * PaperAxisX) + (TileInfo.TileSet->DrawingOffset.Y * PaperAxisY);
							SourceDimensionsUV = FVector2D(TileWidth * InverseTextureSize.X, TileHeight * InverseTextureSize.Y);
							TileSizeXY = FVector2D(TileWidth, TileHeight);
							TileSetOffset = FVector::ZeroVector;
						LastSourceTexture = SourceTexture;
					TopLeftCornerOfTile += TileSetOffset;

					SourceUV.X *= InverseTextureSize.X;
					SourceUV.Y *= InverseTextureSize.Y;

					FSpriteDrawCallRecord& NewTile = *CurrentBatch;

					const float WX0 = FVector::DotProduct(TopLeftCornerOfTile, PaperAxisX);
					const float WY0 = FVector::DotProduct(TopLeftCornerOfTile, PaperAxisY);

					const FVector4 BottomLeft(WX0, WY0 - TileSizeXY.Y, SourceUV.X, SourceUV.Y + SourceDimensionsUV.Y);
					const FVector4 BottomRight(WX0 + TileSizeXY.X, WY0 - TileSizeXY.Y, SourceUV.X + SourceDimensionsUV.X, SourceUV.Y + SourceDimensionsUV.Y);
					const FVector4 TopRight(WX0 + TileSizeXY.X, WY0, SourceUV.X + SourceDimensionsUV.X, SourceUV.Y);
					const FVector4 TopLeft(WX0, WY0, SourceUV.X, SourceUV.Y);

					new (NewTile.RenderVerts) FVector4(BottomLeft);
					new (NewTile.RenderVerts) FVector4(TopRight);
					new (NewTile.RenderVerts) FVector4(BottomRight);

					new (NewTile.RenderVerts) FVector4(BottomLeft);
					new (NewTile.RenderVerts) FVector4(TopLeft);
					new (NewTile.RenderVerts) FVector4(TopRight);

