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C++ TrustDomain::IsChainValid方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TrustDomain::IsChainValid方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TrustDomain::IsChainValid方法的具体用法?C++ TrustDomain::IsChainValid怎么用?C++ TrustDomain::IsChainValid使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TrustDomain的用法示例。


示例1: NotReached

// Recursively build the path from the given subject certificate to the root.
// Be very careful about changing the order of checks. The order is significant
// because it affects which error we return when a certificate or certificate
// chain has multiple problems. See the error ranking documentation in
// pkix/pkix.h.
static Result
BuildForward(TrustDomain& trustDomain,
             const BackCert& subject,
             Time time,
             KeyUsage requiredKeyUsageIfPresent,
             KeyPurposeId requiredEKUIfPresent,
             const CertPolicyId& requiredPolicy,
             /*optional*/ const Input* stapledOCSPResponse,
             unsigned int subCACount)
  Result rv;

  TrustLevel trustLevel;
  // If this is an end-entity and not a trust anchor, we defer reporting
  // any error found here until after attempting to find a valid chain.
  // See the explanation of error prioritization in pkix.h.
  rv = CheckIssuerIndependentProperties(trustDomain, subject, time,
                                        requiredEKUIfPresent, requiredPolicy,
                                        subCACount, trustLevel);
  Result deferredEndEntityError = Success;
  if (rv != Success) {
    if (subject.endEntityOrCA == EndEntityOrCA::MustBeEndEntity &&
        trustLevel != TrustLevel::TrustAnchor) {
      deferredEndEntityError = rv;
    } else {
      return rv;

  if (trustLevel == TrustLevel::TrustAnchor) {
    // End of the recursion.

    NonOwningDERArray chain;
    for (const BackCert* cert = &subject; cert; cert = cert->childCert) {
      rv = chain.Append(cert->GetDER());
      if (rv != Success) {
        return NotReached("NonOwningDERArray::SetItem failed.", rv);

    // This must be done here, after the chain is built but before any
    // revocation checks have been done.
    return trustDomain.IsChainValid(chain, time);

  if (subject.endEntityOrCA == EndEntityOrCA::MustBeCA) {
    // Avoid stack overflows and poor performance by limiting cert chain
    // length.
    static const unsigned int MAX_SUBCA_COUNT = 6;
    static_assert(1/*end-entity*/ + MAX_SUBCA_COUNT + 1/*root*/ ==
                  "MAX_SUBCA_COUNT and NonOwningDERArray::MAX_LENGTH mismatch.");
    if (subCACount >= MAX_SUBCA_COUNT) {
      return Result::ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER;
  } else {
    assert(subCACount == 0);

  // Find a trusted issuer.

  PathBuildingStep pathBuilder(trustDomain, subject, time,
                               requiredEKUIfPresent, requiredPolicy,
                               stapledOCSPResponse, subCACount);

  // TODO(bug 965136): Add SKI/AKI matching optimizations
  rv = trustDomain.FindIssuer(subject.GetIssuer(), pathBuilder, time);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  rv = pathBuilder.CheckResult();
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  // If we found a valid chain but deferred reporting an error with the
  // end-entity certificate, report it now.
  if (deferredEndEntityError != Success) {
    return deferredEndEntityError;

  // We've built a valid chain from the subject cert up to a trusted root.
  return Success;

示例2: MapSECStatus

// Recursively build the path from the given subject certificate to the root.
// Be very careful about changing the order of checks. The order is significant
// because it affects which error we return when a certificate or certificate
// chain has multiple problems. See the error ranking documentation in
// pkix/pkix.h.
static Result
BuildForward(TrustDomain& trustDomain,
             BackCert& subject,
             PRTime time,
             EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA,
             KeyUsages requiredKeyUsagesIfPresent,
             KeyPurposeId requiredEKUIfPresent,
             const CertPolicyId& requiredPolicy,
             /*optional*/ const SECItem* stapledOCSPResponse,
             unsigned int subCACount,
             /*out*/ ScopedCERTCertList& results)
  Result rv;

  TrustLevel trustLevel;
  // If this is an end-entity and not a trust anchor, we defer reporting
  // any error found here until after attempting to find a valid chain.
  // See the explanation of error prioritization in pkix.h.
  rv = CheckIssuerIndependentProperties(trustDomain, subject, time,
                                        requiredEKUIfPresent, requiredPolicy,
                                        subCACount, &trustLevel);
  PRErrorCode deferredEndEntityError = 0;
  if (rv != Success) {
    if (endEntityOrCA == EndEntityOrCA::MustBeEndEntity &&
        trustLevel != TrustLevel::TrustAnchor) {
      deferredEndEntityError = PR_GetError();
    } else {
      return rv;

  if (trustLevel == TrustLevel::TrustAnchor) {
    // End of the recursion.

    // Construct the results cert chain.
    results = CERT_NewCertList();
    if (!results) {
      return MapSECStatus(SECFailure);
    for (BackCert* cert = &subject; cert; cert = cert->childCert) {
      CERTCertificate* dup = CERT_DupCertificate(cert->GetNSSCert());
      if (CERT_AddCertToListHead(results.get(), dup) != SECSuccess) {
        return MapSECStatus(SECFailure);
      // dup is now owned by results.

    // This must be done here, after the chain is built but before any
    // revocation checks have been done.
    SECStatus srv = trustDomain.IsChainValid(results.get());
    if (srv != SECSuccess) {
      return MapSECStatus(srv);

    return Success;

  if (endEntityOrCA == EndEntityOrCA::MustBeCA) {
    // Avoid stack overflows and poor performance by limiting cert chain
    // length.
    static const unsigned int MAX_SUBCA_COUNT = 6;
    if (subCACount >= MAX_SUBCA_COUNT) {
      return Fail(RecoverableError, SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER);
  } else {
    PR_ASSERT(subCACount == 0);

  // Find a trusted issuer.
  // TODO(bug 965136): Add SKI/AKI matching optimizations
  ScopedCERTCertList candidates;
  if (trustDomain.FindPotentialIssuers(&subject.GetNSSCert()->derIssuer, time,
                                       candidates) != SECSuccess) {
    return MapSECStatus(SECFailure);
  if (!candidates) {
    return Fail(RecoverableError, SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER);

  PRErrorCode errorToReturn = 0;

  for (CERTCertListNode* n = CERT_LIST_HEAD(candidates);
       !CERT_LIST_END(n, candidates); n = CERT_LIST_NEXT(n)) {
    rv = BuildForwardInner(trustDomain, subject, time, requiredEKUIfPresent,
                           requiredPolicy, n->cert->derCert, subCACount,
    if (rv == Success) {
      // If we found a valid chain but deferred reporting an error with the
      // end-entity certificate, report it now.
      if (deferredEndEntityError != 0) {
