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C++ TrustDomain::DigestBuf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TrustDomain::DigestBuf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TrustDomain::DigestBuf方法的具体用法?C++ TrustDomain::DigestBuf怎么用?C++ TrustDomain::DigestBuf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TrustDomain的用法示例。


示例1: input

// TODO(bug 966856): support SHA-2 hashes
KeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const Input subjectPublicKeyInfo,
        /*out*/ uint8_t* hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize)
  if (!hashBuf || hashBufSize != TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH) {

  // RFC 5280 Section 4.1
  // SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
  //    algorithm            AlgorithmIdentifier,
  //    subjectPublicKey     BIT STRING  }

  Reader spki;
  Result rv;

    // The scope of input is limited to reduce the possibility of confusing it
    // with spki in places we need to be using spki below.
    Reader input(subjectPublicKeyInfo);
    rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::SEQUENCE, spki);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
    rv = der::End(input);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;

  // Skip AlgorithmIdentifier
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndSkipValue(spki, der::SEQUENCE);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Input subjectPublicKey;
  rv = der::BitStringWithNoUnusedBits(spki, subjectPublicKey);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  rv = der::End(spki);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  return trustDomain.DigestBuf(subjectPublicKey, hashBuf, hashBufSize);


// TODO(bug 966856): support SHA-2 hashes
KeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const Input subjectPublicKeyInfo,
        /*out*/ uint8_t* hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize)
  if (!hashBuf || hashBufSize != TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH) {

  // RFC 5280 Section 4.1
  // SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
  //    algorithm            AlgorithmIdentifier,
  //    subjectPublicKey     BIT STRING  }

  Reader spki;
  Result rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValueAtEnd(subjectPublicKeyInfo,
                                             der::SEQUENCE, spki);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  // Skip AlgorithmIdentifier
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndSkipValue(spki, der::SEQUENCE);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Input subjectPublicKey;
  rv = der::BitStringWithNoUnusedBits(spki, subjectPublicKey);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  rv = der::End(spki);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  return trustDomain.DigestBuf(subjectPublicKey, hashBuf, hashBufSize);

示例3: serialNumber

CreateEncodedOCSPRequest(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const struct CertID& certID,
                         /*out*/ uint8_t (&out)[OCSP_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH],
                         /*out*/ size_t& outLen)
  // We do not add any extensions to the request.

  // RFC 6960 says "An OCSP client MAY wish to specify the kinds of response
  // types it understands. To do so, it SHOULD use an extension with the OID
  // id-pkix-ocsp-response." This use of MAY and SHOULD is unclear. MSIE11
  // on Windows 8.1 does not include any extensions, whereas NSS has always
  // included the id-pkix-ocsp-response extension. Avoiding the sending the
  // extension is better for OCSP GET because it makes the request smaller,
  // and thus more likely to fit within the 255 byte limit for OCSP GET that
  // is specified in RFC 5019 Section 5.

  // Bug 966856: Add the id-pkix-ocsp-pref-sig-algs extension.

  // Since we don't know whether the OCSP responder supports anything other
  // than SHA-1, we have no choice but to use SHA-1 for issuerNameHash and
  // issuerKeyHash.
  static const uint8_t hashAlgorithm[11] = {
    0x30, 0x09,                               // SEQUENCE
    0x06, 0x05, 0x2B, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1A, //   OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-sha1
    0x05, 0x00,                               //   NULL
  static const uint8_t hashLen = TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH;

  static const unsigned int totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData
    = 2                             // OCSPRequest
    + 2                             //   tbsRequest
    + 2                             //     requestList
    + 2                             //       Request
    + 2                             //         reqCert (CertID)
    + sizeof(hashAlgorithm)         //           hashAlgorithm
    + 2 + hashLen                   //           issuerNameHash
    + 2 + hashLen                   //           issuerKeyHash
    + 2;                            //           serialNumber (header)

  // The only way we could have a request this large is if the serialNumber was
  // ridiculously and unreasonably large. RFC 5280 says "Conforming CAs MUST
  // NOT use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets." With this restriction,
  // we allow for some amount of non-conformance with that requirement while
  // still ensuring we can encode the length values in the ASN.1 TLV structures
  // in a single byte.
  static_assert(totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData < OCSP_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH,
                "totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData too big");
  if (certID.serialNumber.GetLength() >
        OCSP_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH - totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData) {
    return Result::ERROR_BAD_DER;

  outLen = totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData + certID.serialNumber.GetLength();

  uint8_t totalLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(outLen);

  uint8_t* d = out;
  *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 2u;  // OCSPRequest (SEQUENCE)
  *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 4u;  //   tbsRequest (SEQUENCE)
  *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 6u;  //     requestList (SEQUENCE OF)
  *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 8u;  //       Request (SEQUENCE)
  *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 10u; //         reqCert (CertID SEQUENCE)

  // reqCert.hashAlgorithm
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(hashAlgorithm); ++i) {
    *d++ = hashAlgorithm[i];

  // reqCert.issuerNameHash (OCTET STRING)
  *d++ = 0x04;
  *d++ = hashLen;
  Result rv = trustDomain.DigestBuf(certID.issuer, d, hashLen);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  d += hashLen;

  // reqCert.issuerKeyHash (OCTET STRING)
  *d++ = 0x04;
  *d++ = hashLen;
  rv = KeyHash(trustDomain, certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, d, hashLen);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  d += hashLen;

  // reqCert.serialNumber (INTEGER)
  *d++ = 0x02; // INTEGER
  *d++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(certID.serialNumber.GetLength());
  Reader serialNumber(certID.serialNumber);
  do {
    rv = serialNumber.Read(*d);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
  } while (!serialNumber.AtEnd());

  assert(d == out + totalLen);

