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C++ SurfaceMesh::allocate方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中SurfaceMesh::allocate方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ SurfaceMesh::allocate方法的具体用法?C++ SurfaceMesh::allocate怎么用?C++ SurfaceMesh::allocate使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SurfaceMesh的用法示例。


示例1: operator

        //! node counter
        std::size_t nodeCtr = 0;

        //! Go through all elements
        for ( std::size_t e = 0; e < numElements; e ++ ) {

            //! Construct multi-index from linear counter
            const MultiIndexType eM = MultiIndex::wrap( e, gridSizes );

            //! Check if on requested boundary surface
            const bool onBoundary = ( eM[ dir ] == mIndexComp );

            //! If so, construct the surface element(s)
            if ( onBoundary ) {

                //! Get pointer to volume element
                VolumeElement * vep = grid.elementPtr( eM );

                //! Go through elements on the surface of the volume element
                for ( unsigned se = 0; se < numSurfElementsPerElement; se ++ ) {

                    //! Create new surface element
                    SurfaceElement * surfElem = new SurfaceElement;

                    //! Extract the surface simplex's vertices
                    boost::array<unsigned, numSurfSimplexVertices> surfSimplex;
                    detail_::ExtractSurfaceSimplex<VolumeElement::shape>()( parameterSurfaceIndices,
                                                                            se, surfSimplex );

                    //! Set volume element pointer
                    surfElem -> setVolumeElementPointer( vep );

                    //! Access to surface elements geometry nodes
                    typename SurfaceElement::NodePtrIter nodePtrIter =
                        surfElem -> nodesBegin();

                    //! Go through the parameter points of the surface element
                    typename SurfaceElement::ParamIter paramIter =
                        surfElem -> parametricBegin();
                    typename SurfaceElement::ParamIter paramEnd  =
                        surfElem -> parametricEnd();

                    for ( unsigned p = 0; paramIter != paramEnd;
                          ++paramIter, ++nodePtrIter, p++ ) {

                        //! ..
                        typename base::Vector<surfaceDim>::Type eta
                            = surfaceSupportPoints[ p ];

                        typename LinearSimplexFun::FunArray phi;
                        linearSimplexFun.evaluate( eta, phi );

                        typename base::Vector<volumeDim>::Type xi
                            = base::constantVector<volumeDim>( 0. );

                        for ( unsigned s = 0; s < phi.size(); s ++ ) {
                            xi += phi[s] * volumeVertices[ surfSimplex[s] ];


                        *paramIter = xi;

                        //! evaluate geometry at the parameter point
                        const typename VolumeElement::Node::VecDim x =
                            base::Geometry<VolumeElement>()( vep, xi );

                        //! convert to vector and pass to node
                        std::vector<double> xV( x.size() );
                        for ( int d = 0; d < x.size(); d ++ )
                            xV[d] = x[d];

                        SurfaceNode * surfNode = new SurfaceNode;
                        surfNode -> setX( xV.begin() );
                        surfNode -> setID( nodeCtr++ );
                        *nodePtrIter = surfNode;

                        surfaceNodes.push_back( surfNode );
                    } // end loop over surface element's nodes

                    //! Store element pointer
                    surfaceElements.push_back( surfElem );
                } // end loop over simplices per volume element
            } // end condition if volume element lies on requested bdry

        }// end loop over all volume elements

        surfaceMesh.allocate( surfaceNodes.size(), surfaceElements.size() );

        std::copy( surfaceNodes.begin(), surfaceNodes.end(),
                   surfaceMesh.nodesBegin() );
        std::copy( surfaceElements.begin(), surfaceElements.end(),
                   surfaceMesh.elementsBegin() );
