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C++ String::EndsWith方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中String::EndsWith方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ String::EndsWith方法的具体用法?C++ String::EndsWith怎么用?C++ String::EndsWith使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在String的用法示例。


示例1: Create

void Audio::Create(const String& nameRef)
	TCHAR buffer[100];

	String sendString;

	if (nameRef.EndsWith(".mp3")) sendString = String("open \"") + m_FileName + "\" type mpegvideo alias " + m_Alias;
	else if (nameRef.EndsWith(".wav")) sendString = String("open \"") + m_FileName + "\" type waveaudio alias " + m_Alias;
	else if (nameRef.EndsWith(".mid")) sendString = String("open \"") + m_FileName + "\" type sequencer alias " + m_Alias;

	int result = mciSendString(sendString.ToTChar(), 0, 0, 0);	
	if (result != 0) return;
	sendString = String("set ") + m_Alias + " time format milliseconds";
	mciSendString(sendString.ToTChar(), 0, 0, 0);

	sendString = String("status ") + m_Alias + " length";
	mciSendString(sendString.ToTChar(), buffer, 100, 0);

	m_Duration = String(buffer).ToInteger();
	// Create a window to catch the MM_MCINOTIFY message with
	m_hWnd = CreateWindow(TEXT("STATIC"), TEXT(""), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GetModuleHandle(0), 0);
	SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) AudioProcStatic);	// set the custom message loop (subclassing)
	SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG) this);			// set this object as the parameter for the Proc

示例2: TryCreateStorage

AssetStoragePtr HttpAssetProvider::TryCreateStorage(HashMap<String, String> &storageParams, bool fromNetwork)
    if (!storageParams.Contains("src") || !IsValidRef(storageParams["src"], ""))
        return AssetStoragePtr();
    if (storageParams.Contains("type") && storageParams["type"].Compare("HttpAssetStorage", false) != 0)
        return AssetStoragePtr();

    String baseUrl = storageParams["src"];
    if (!baseUrl.EndsWith("/") && baseUrl.Contains("/"))
        baseUrl = baseUrl.Substring(0, baseUrl.FindLast('/')+1);
    if (!baseUrl.EndsWith("/"))
        return AssetStoragePtr();

    String name = UniqueName(storageParams["name"]);

    // @todo liveupdate, liveupload, autodiscoverable etc. when actually needed
    AssetStoragePtr storage = StorageForBaseURL(baseUrl);
    if (!storage)
        storage = AssetStoragePtr(new HttpAssetStorage(framework_->GetContext(), name, baseUrl, storageParams["localdir"]));

    return storage;

示例3: Error

void PixInsightX11Installer::CopyFiles( const String& targetDir, const String& sourceDir )
   if ( !targetDir.BeginsWith( '/' ) )
      throw Error( "CopyFiles(): Relative target directory." );
   if ( !sourceDir.BeginsWith( '/' ) )
      throw Error( "CopyFiles(): Relative source directory." );
   if ( targetDir.EndsWith( '/' ) || sourceDir.EndsWith( '/' ) )
      throw Error( "CopyFiles(): Incorrectly terminated directories." );
   if ( !File::DirectoryExists( targetDir ) )
      throw Error( "CopyFiles(): Nonexistent target directory." );
   if ( !File::DirectoryExists( sourceDir ) )
      throw Error( "CopyFiles(): Nonexistent source directory." );

   StringList sourceItems = SearchDirectory( sourceDir );

   size_type sourceDirLen = sourceDir.Length();
   for ( StringList::const_iterator i = sourceItems.Begin(); i != sourceItems.End(); ++i )
      String relSourcePath = *i;
      relSourcePath.DeleteLeft( sourceDirLen );

      String targetPath = targetDir + relSourcePath;
      if ( targetPath.EndsWith( '/' ) )
          * Create a subdirectory
         targetPath.Delete( targetPath.UpperBound() );
         if ( !File::DirectoryExists( targetPath ) )
            File::CreateDirectory( targetPath );
            String sourcePath = *i;
            sourcePath.Delete( sourcePath.UpperBound() );
            File::CopyTimesAndPermissions( targetPath, sourcePath );
          * Copy a file
          * ### N.B. We don't have to create subdirectories here becase they
          * have been reported by SearchDirectory(), and we are creating them
          * before copying files. SearchDirectory() promises that all
          * subdirectories are reported before their contained files.
         String targetSubdir = File::ExtractDirectory( targetPath );
         if ( targetSubdir.EndsWith( '/' ) )
            targetSubdir.Delete( targetSubdir.UpperBound() );
         if ( !File::DirectoryExists( targetSubdir ) )
            File::CreateDirectory( targetSubdir );
         File::CopyFile( targetPath, *i );

示例4: Combine

String Path::Combine(const String & path1, const String & path2)
    StringBuilder sb(path1.Length()+path2.Length()+2);
    if (!path1.EndsWith(L'\\') && !path1.EndsWith(L'/'))
    return sb.ProduceString();

示例5: Combine

		String Path::Combine(const String & path1, const String & path2)
			if (path1.Length() == 0) return path2;
			StringBuilder sb(path1.Length()+path2.Length()+2);
			if (!path1.EndsWith('\\') && !path1.EndsWith('/'))
			return sb.ProduceString();

示例6: String

Audio::Audio(String const& nameRef) : m_Playing(false), m_Paused(false), m_MustRepeat(false), m_hWnd(0), m_Volume(100)
	if (nameRef.EndsWith(".mp3") || nameRef.EndsWith(".wav") || nameRef.EndsWith(".mid"))
		m_Alias = String("audio") + m_nr++;
		m_FileName = nameRef;


示例7: WriteZipFileAux

static status_t WriteZipFileAux(zipFile zf, const String & baseName, const Message & msg, int compressionLevel, zip_fileinfo * fileInfo)
   for (MessageFieldNameIterator iter = msg.GetFieldNameIterator(); iter.HasData(); iter++)
      const String & fn = iter.GetFieldName();

      uint32 fieldType;
      if (msg.GetInfo(fn, &fieldType) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
         case B_MESSAGE_TYPE:
            String newBaseName = baseName;
            if ((newBaseName.HasChars())&&(newBaseName.EndsWith('/') == false)) newBaseName += '/';
            newBaseName += fn;

            // Message fields we treat as sub-directories   
            MessageRef subMsg;
            for (int32 i=0; msg.FindMessage(fn, i, subMsg) == B_NO_ERROR; i++) if (WriteZipFileAux(zf, newBaseName, *subMsg(), compressionLevel, fileInfo) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;

         case B_RAW_TYPE:
            String fileName = baseName;
            if ((fileName.HasChars())&&(fileName.EndsWith('/') == false)) fileName += '/';
            fileName += fn;

            const void * data;
            uint32 numBytes;
            for (int32 i=0; msg.FindData(fn, B_RAW_TYPE, i, &data, &numBytes) == B_NO_ERROR; i++)
               if (zipOpenNewFileInZip2(zf,
                                        fileName(),  // file name
                                        fileInfo,    // file info
                                        NULL,        // const void* extrafield_local,
                                        0,           // uInt size_extrafield_local,
                                        NULL,        // const void* extrafield_global,
                                        0,           // uInt size_extrafield_global,
                                        NULL,        // const char* comment,
                                        (compressionLevel>0)?Z_DEFLATED:0,  // int method,
                                        compressionLevel,  // int compressionLevel
                                        0) != ZIP_OK) return B_ERROR;
               if (zipWriteInFileInZip(zf, data, numBytes) != ZIP_OK) return B_ERROR;
               if (zipCloseFileInZip(zf) != ZIP_OK) return B_ERROR;
   return B_NO_ERROR;


   FileUtilities::Combine(const String &path1, const String &path2)
      String firstHalf = path1;
      String secondHalf = path2;

      if (firstHalf.EndsWith(_T("\\")) || firstHalf.EndsWith(_T("/")))
         firstHalf = firstHalf.Mid(0, firstHalf.GetLength() -1);

      if (secondHalf.StartsWith(_T("\\")) || secondHalf.StartsWith(_T("/")))
         secondHalf = secondHalf.Mid(1);

      String result = firstHalf + "\\" + secondHalf;

      return result;


bool ResourceOps::CheckCreate2DLevel(const String& resourcePath, const String& resourceName, bool reportError)

    Editor* editor = GetSubsystem<Editor>();
    Project* project = editor->GetProject();

    String fullpath = resourcePath + resourceName;
    if (!resourceName.EndsWith(".tmx"))
        fullpath += ".tmx";

    FileSystem* fs = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();

    if (fs->FileExists(fullpath))
        if (reportError)
            String errorMsg;
            errorMsg.AppendWithFormat("The level:\n\n%s\n\nalready exists", fullpath.CString());
            editor->PostModalError("Create 2D Level Error", errorMsg);

        return false;

    return true;



String PixInsightX11Installer::Unquoted( const String& s )
   String r = s;
   if ( s.BeginsWith( '\"' ) )
      if ( s.EndsWith( '\"' ) )
         r.DeleteRight( r.UpperBound() );
         r.DeleteLeft( 1 );
   if ( s.BeginsWith( '\'' ) )
      if ( s.EndsWith( '\'' ) )
         r.DeleteRight( r.UpperBound() );
         r.DeleteLeft( 1 );
   return r;

示例11: IsWritable

bool FilterLibrary::IsWritable() const
    * If wheter this is a new library, or the current library file does not
    * exist, or it is a read-only file, then this library is not writable.
   if ( filePath.IsEmpty() )
      return false;
   if ( !File::Exists( filePath ) )
      return false;
   if ( File::IsReadOnly( filePath ) )
      return false;

    * Do not allow rewriting the default filter collection.
#ifdef __PCL_WINDOWS
   // Windows filesystem is case-insensitive
   if ( filePath.CompareIC( DefaultLibraryPath() ) == 0 )
   if ( filePath == DefaultLibraryPath() )
      return false;

    * Attempt to create a file on the same directory where we have the current
    * filter collection file. If we can create a file, then the current filter
    * library is (should be) writable.
      String dirPath = File::ExtractDrive( filePath ) + File::ExtractDirectory( filePath );
      if ( !File::DirectoryExists( dirPath ) ) // ?? cannot happen
         return false;

      if ( !dirPath.EndsWith( '/' ) )
         dirPath += '/';
      String testFileName = dirPath + "test_file";
      if ( File::Exists( testFileName ) )
         String baseName = testFileName;
         unsigned i = 0;
            testFileName = baseName + String( ++i );
         while ( File::Exists( testFileName ) );
      File f;
      f.CreateForWriting( testFileName );
      File::Remove( testFileName );
      return true;
   catch ( ... )
      return false;

示例12: GetRealLineNumber

int JSVM::GetRealLineNumber(const String& fileName, const int lineNumber) {
    int realLineNumber = lineNumber;
    String path = fileName;
    if (!path.EndsWith(".js.map"))
        path += ".js.map";
    if (path.EndsWith(".js")) {
        return realLineNumber;
    SharedPtr<File> mapFile(GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetFile(path));
    //if there's no source map file, maybe you use a pure js, so give an error, or maybe forgot to generate source-maps :(
    if (mapFile.Null()) 
        return realLineNumber;
    String map;
    int top = duk_get_top(ctx_);
    duk_get_global_string(ctx_, "require");
    duk_push_string(ctx_, "AtomicEditor/Script/jsutils");
    if (duk_pcall(ctx_, 1))
        printf("Error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx_, -1));
        duk_set_top(ctx_, top);
        return false;

    duk_get_prop_string(ctx_, -1, "getRealLineNumber");
    duk_push_string(ctx_, map.CString());
    duk_push_int(ctx_, lineNumber);
    bool ok = true;
    if (duk_pcall(ctx_, 2))
        ok = false;
        printf("Error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx_, -1));
        realLineNumber = duk_to_int(ctx_, -1);
    duk_set_top(ctx_, top);

    return realLineNumber;

示例13: DebugOutput

	Void DebugOutput(const TChar* format, ...)
		va_list argList;
		va_start(argList, format);

		String buffer;
		buffer.FormatV(format, argList);

		if (!buffer.EndsWith(Text("\n")))
			buffer += Text("\n");

示例14: CleanupDNSLabel

String CleanupDNSLabel(const String & s, const String & optAdditionalAllowedChars)
   const uint32 len = muscleMin(s.Length(), (uint32)63);  // DNS spec says maximum 63 chars per label!
   String ret; if (ret.Prealloc(len) != B_NO_ERROR) return ret;

   const char * p = s();
   for (uint32 i=0; i<len; i++)
      const char c = p[i];
         case '\'': case '\"': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}':
            // do nothing -- we will omit delimiters

                 if ((muscleInRange(c, '0', '9'))||(muscleInRange(c, 'A', 'Z'))||(muscleInRange(c, 'a', 'z'))||(optAdditionalAllowedChars.Contains(c))) ret += c;
            else if ((ret.HasChars())&&(ret.EndsWith('-') == false)) ret += '-';
   while(ret.EndsWith('-')) ret -= '-';  // remove any trailing dashes
   return ret;

示例15: Load

	bool DynLibImpl::Load(const String& libraryPath, String* errorMessage)
		String path = libraryPath;
		if (!path.EndsWith(".dll"))
			path += ".dll";

		m_handle = LoadLibraryExW(path.GetWideString().data(), nullptr, (File::IsAbsolute(path)) ? LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH : 0);
		if (m_handle)
			return true;
			*errorMessage = Error::GetLastSystemError();
			return false;
