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C++ String::CompareNoCase方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中String::CompareNoCase方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ String::CompareNoCase方法的具体用法?C++ String::CompareNoCase怎么用?C++ String::CompareNoCase使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在String的用法示例。


示例1: while

   MySQLConnection::LoadSupportsTransactions_(const String &database)
      supports_transactions_ = false;

      if (database.GetLength() == 0)

      MySQLRecordset rec;
      if (!rec.Open(shared_from_this(), SQLCommand("SHOW TABLE STATUS in " + database)))

      int tableCount = 0;

      while (!rec.IsEOF())
         String sEngine = rec.GetStringValue("Engine");
         if (sEngine.CompareNoCase(_T("InnoDB")) != 0)



      if (tableCount > 0)
         // Only InnoDB tables in this database. Enable transactions.
         supports_transactions_ = true;

示例2: GetRawFieldValue

      MimeBody::IsAttachment()  const
      Previously we looked at the ContentDisposition header and the Name header to determine
      whether it's an attachment or not. This was not safe, since a lot of attachments did
      not have these headers but just a Content-type header. The new strategy is:

      1) If the ContentDisposition is of type attachment, we assume it's an attachment
      2) If the main ContentType is text or multipart, we assume that it's not an attachment
      3) In all other cases, we treat it as an attachment.

      discrete-type := "text" / "image" / "audio" / "video" / "application" / extension-token
      composite-type := "message" / "multipart" / extension-token

      // If the content-disposition is set to attachment, we always treats it as an attachment
      // even if the main type is set to multipart or text.
      AnsiString sDisposition = GetRawFieldValue(CMimeConst::ContentDisposition());
      if (sDisposition.StartsWith(CMimeConst::Attachment()))
         return true;

      if (sDisposition.StartsWith(CMimeConst::Inline()))
         AnsiString sFileName = GetParameter(CMimeConst::ContentDisposition(), "filename");

         if (!sFileName.IsEmpty())
            return true;

      String sMainType = GetMainType();

      if (sMainType.CompareNoCase(_T("multipart")) == 0)
         // Multipart ...
         return false;

      if (sMainType.CompareNoCase(_T("text")) == 0)
         // This is just a text part.
         return false;

      return true;

示例3: engine_init_gfx_filters

bool engine_init_gfx_filters(Size &game_size, Size &screen_size, const int color_depth)
    Out::FPrint("Initializing gfx filters");
    if (force_gfxfilter[0])
        GfxFilterRequest = force_gfxfilter;
        GfxFilterRequest = usetup.gfxFilterID;
    Out::FPrint("Requested gfx filter: %s", GfxFilterRequest.GetCStr());

    // Try to initialize gfx filter of requested name
    if (GfxFilterRequest.CompareNoCase("max") != 0 &&
        initialize_graphics_filter(GfxFilterRequest, color_depth))
        // Filter found, but we must also try if the engine will be able to set
        // screen resolution
        if (!try_find_nearest_supported_mode(game_size, filter->GetScalingFactor(), screen_size, color_depth,
                usetup.windowed, usetup.prefer_sideborders, usetup.prefer_letterbox))
            delete filter;
            filter = NULL;
    // If the filter was not set for any reason, try to choose standard scaling filter
    // of maximal possible scaling factor
    if (!filter)
        String filter_name;
        int scaling_factor;
#if defined (WINDOWS_VERSION) || defined (LINUX_VERSION)
        scaling_factor = try_find_max_supported_uniform_scaling(game_size, screen_size, color_depth,
                            usetup.windowed, usetup.prefer_sideborders, usetup.prefer_letterbox);
        if (scaling_factor == 0)
            screen_size = game_size;
            scaling_factor = 1;
        filter_name.Format(scaling_factor > 1 ? "StdScale%d" : "None", scaling_factor);
        initialize_graphics_filter(filter_name, color_depth);

    // If not suitable filter still found then return with error message
    if (!filter)
        set_allegro_error("Failed to find acceptable graphics filter");
        return false;

    // On success apply filter and define game frame
    Out::FPrint("Applying graphics filter: %s", filter->GetFilterID());
    game_size.Width = screen_size.Width / filter->GetScalingFactor();
    game_size.Height = screen_size.Height / filter->GetScalingFactor();
    Out::FPrint("Chosen gfx resolution: %d x %d (%d bit), game frame: %d x %d",
        screen_size.Width, screen_size.Height, color_depth, game_size.Width, game_size.Height);
    return true;

示例4: engine_init_gfx_filters

int engine_init_gfx_filters(Size &game_size, Size &screen_size, const int color_depth)
    Out::FPrint("Initializing gfx filters");
    if (force_gfxfilter[0])
        GfxFilterRequest = force_gfxfilter;
        GfxFilterRequest = usetup.gfxFilterID;
    Out::FPrint("Requested gfx filter: %s", GfxFilterRequest.GetCStr());

    String gfxfilter;
    if (GfxFilterRequest.CompareNoCase("max") != 0)
        gfxfilter = GfxFilterRequest;
    const Size base_size = game_size;
    const bool windowed = usetup.windowed != 0;
    const bool enable_sideborders = usetup.enable_side_borders != 0;
    const bool force_letterbox = game.options[OPT_LETTERBOX] != 0;

    int scaling_factor = 0;
    if (!gfxfilter.IsEmpty())
        scaling_factor = get_scaling_from_filter_name(gfxfilter);
        Size found_screen_size;
        if (try_find_nearest_supported_mode(base_size, scaling_factor, found_screen_size, color_depth,
                windowed, enable_sideborders, force_letterbox))
            screen_size = found_screen_size;

#if defined (WINDOWS_VERSION) || defined (LINUX_VERSION)
    if (screen_size.IsNull())
        Size found_screen_size;
        scaling_factor = try_find_max_supported_uniform_scaling(base_size, found_screen_size, color_depth,
                            windowed, enable_sideborders, force_letterbox);
        if (scaling_factor > 0)
            screen_size = found_screen_size;
            gfxfilter.Format(scaling_factor > 1 ? "StdScale%d" : "None", scaling_factor);

    if (gfxfilter.IsEmpty())
        set_allegro_error("Failed to find acceptable graphics filter");
        return EXIT_NORMAL;
    game_size.Width = screen_size.Width / scaling_factor;
    game_size.Height = screen_size.Height / scaling_factor;
    Out::FPrint("Chosen gfx resolution: %d x %d (%d bit), game frame: %d x %d",
        screen_size.Width, screen_size.Height, color_depth, game_size.Width, game_size.Height);
    if (initialize_graphics_filter(gfxfilter, base_size.Width, base_size.Height, color_depth))
        return EXIT_NORMAL;


   MailerDaemonAddressDeterminer::IsMailerDaemonAddress(const String &sAddress)
      String sAddressPart = StringParser::ExtractAddress(sAddress);

      if (sAddressPart.CompareNoCase(_T("MAILER-DAEMON")) == 0)
          return true;
         return false;

示例6: Select

DocSet DocDir::Select(const DocQuery& query)
	DocSet r;
	CppBase base;
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < doc_base.GetCount(); i++) {
		String nameing = doc_base.GetKey(i);
		CppNamespace& mm = doc_base[i];
		for(int i = 0; i < mm.GetCount(); i++) {
			String nesting = mm.GetKey(i);
			CppNest& nn = mm[i];
			for(int i = 0; i < nn.GetCount(); i++) {
				CppItem& q = nn[i];
				String item = nn.GetKey(i);
				if((query.name.IsEmpty() || query.name == q.name) &&
				   (query.text.IsEmpty() || Contains(item, query.text)) &&
				   (query.package.IsEmpty() || q.package.CompareNoCase(query.package) == 0) &&
				   (query.header.IsEmpty() || q.file.CompareNoCase(query.header) == 0)) {
					String pk;
					const Entry *e = Find(DocKey(nameing, nesting, item, query.lang), pk);
					int st = e ? e->type : UNDOCUMENTED;
					if((query.undocumented || e) && (st != IGNORED || query.ignored)) {
						DocItem& a = r.GetAdd(nameing).GetAdd(nesting).GetAdd(item);
						a.cppitem = &q;
						a.item = item;
						a.status = st;
						a.package = e ? pk : q.package;
	for(i = 0; i < dir.GetCount(); i++) {
		ArrayMap<DocKey, Entry>& pk = dir[i];
		String package = dir.GetKey(i);
		for(int j = 0; j < pk.GetCount(); j++) {
			const DocKey& k = pk.GetKey(j);
			if(k.lang == query.lang &&
			   query.name.IsEmpty() &&
			   (query.text.IsEmpty() || Contains(k.item, query.text)) &&
			   (query.package.IsEmpty() || package.CompareNoCase(query.package) == 0) &&
			   query.header.IsEmpty() &&
			   !Contains(r, k)) {
				DocItem& a = r.GetAdd(k.nameing).GetAdd(k.nesting).GetAdd(k.item);
				a.cppitem = NULL;
				a.item = k.item;
				int st = pk[j].type;
				a.status = st == NORMAL ? OBSOLETE : st == LINK ? OBSOLETELINK : st;
				a.package = package;
	return r;


   IMAPFolderContainer::IsPublicFolder(const std::vector<String> &vecFolderPath)
      if (vecFolderPath.size() == 0)
         return false;

      String sPublicFolderName = Configuration::Instance()->GetIMAPConfiguration()->GetIMAPPublicFolderName();
      if (sPublicFolderName.CompareNoCase(vecFolderPath[0]) == 0)
         return true;
         return false;


   MessageAttachmentStripper::_IsGoodTextPart(shared_ptr<MimeBody> pBody)
      if (!pBody)
         return false;

      String sContentType = pBody->GetContentType();

      if (sContentType.CompareNoCase(_T("text")))
         return true;

      return false;

示例9: OnParse

//[ Protected virtual XmlTextElement functions            ]
void XmlTextImage::OnParse(XmlNode &cXmlNode)
	// Is this an XML element?
	if (cXmlNode.GetType() == XmlNode::Element) {
		// Destroy the previous image
		if (m_pImage) {
			delete m_pImage;
			m_pImage = nullptr;

		// Get XML element
		XmlElement &cXmlElement = static_cast<XmlElement&>(cXmlNode);

		// Parse attributes
		XmlAttribute *pAttribute = cXmlElement.GetFirstAttribute();
		while (pAttribute) {
			// Get name and value
			String sName  = pAttribute->GetName();
			String sValue = pAttribute->GetValue();

			// Save attribute
			if (sName.CompareNoCase("Src")) {
				// Image filename
				m_sFilename = sValue;
			} else if (sName.CompareNoCase("Width")) {
				// Image width
				m_vSize.x = sValue.GetInt();
			} if (sName.CompareNoCase("Height")) {
				// Image height
				m_vSize.y = sValue.GetInt();

			// Next attribute
			pAttribute = pAttribute->GetNext();


示例10: pre_create_gfx_driver

bool pre_create_gfx_driver(const String &gfx_driver_id)
    if (gfx_driver_id.CompareNoCase("D3D9") == 0 && (game.color_depth != 1))
        gfxDriver = GetD3DGraphicsDriver(NULL);
        if (!gfxDriver)
            Out::FPrint("Failed to initialize D3D9 driver: %s", get_allegro_error());
#if defined (IOS_VERSION) || defined(ANDROID_VERSION) || defined(WINDOWS_VERSION)
    if (gfx_driver_id.CompareNoCase("DX5") != 0 && (psp_gfx_renderer > 0) && (game.color_depth != 1))
        gfxDriver = GetOGLGraphicsDriver(NULL);
        if (!gfxDriver)
            Out::FPrint("Failed to initialize OGL driver: %s", get_allegro_error());

    if (!gfxDriver)
        gfxDriver = GetSoftwareGraphicsDriver(NULL);

    if (gfxDriver)
        Out::FPrint("Created graphics driver: %s", gfxDriver->GetDriverName());
        return true;
    return false;


      String sMirrorAddress = Configuration::Instance()->GetMirrorAddress();

      if (sMirrorAddress.IsEmpty())

      // Do not mirror messages sent from the mirror address
      if (sMirrorAddress.CompareNoCase(_message->GetFromAddress()) == 0)

      // If message is sent from a mailer daemon address, don't mirror it.
      if (MailerDaemonAddressDeterminer::IsMailerDaemonAddress(_message->GetFromAddress()))

      // Is the mirror address a local domain?
      String sDomain = StringParser::ExtractDomain(sMirrorAddress);
      shared_ptr<const Domain> pDomain = CacheContainer::Instance()->GetDomain(sDomain);      

      if (pDomain)
         // The domain is local. See if the account exist.
         shared_ptr<const Account> pAccount = CacheContainer::Instance()->GetAccount(sMirrorAddress);

         if (!pDomain->GetIsActive() || !pAccount || !pAccount->GetActive())
            // check if a route exists with the same name and account.
            bool found = false;
            vector<shared_ptr<Route> > vecRoutes = Configuration::Instance()->GetSMTPConfiguration()->GetRoutes()->GetItemsByName(sDomain);
            boost_foreach(shared_ptr<Route> route, vecRoutes)
               if (route->ToAllAddresses() || route->GetAddresses()->GetItemByName(sMirrorAddress))
                  found = true;

            if (!found)
               // The account didn't exist, or it wasn't active. Report a failure.
               ErrorManager::Instance()->ReportError(ErrorManager::Medium, 4402, "SMTPDeliverer::_SendMirrorMessage", "Mirroring failed. The specified mirror address is local but either the domain is not enabled, or the account does not exist or is disabled.");

示例12: switch

MySQLMacroExpander::ProcessMacro(std::shared_ptr<DALConnection> connection, const Macro &macro, String &sErrorMessage)
    switch (macro.GetType())
    case Macro::DropColumnKeys:
        // MySQL4 doesn't support WHERE clauses in SHOW INDEX so
        // we must manually sort the result below.
        String sql;
        sql.Format(_T("SHOW INDEX IN %s"), macro.GetTableName().c_str());

        MySQLRecordset rec;
        if (!rec.Open(connection, SQLCommand(sql)))
            sErrorMessage = "It was not possible to execute the below SQL statement. Please see hMailServer error log for details.\r\n" + sql;
            return false;

        while (!rec.IsEOF())
            String columnName = rec.GetStringValue("Column_name");

            if (columnName.CompareNoCase(macro.GetColumnName()) != 0)
                // Wrong column

            String constraintName = rec.GetStringValue("Key_name");

            String sqlUpdate;
            sqlUpdate.Format(_T("ALTER TABLE %s DROP INDEX %s"), macro.GetTableName().c_str(), constraintName.c_str());

            DALConnection::ExecutionResult execResult = connection->TryExecute(SQLCommand(sqlUpdate), sErrorMessage, 0, 0);

            if (execResult != DALConnection::DALSuccess)
                return false;


    return true;

示例13: parse_scaling_option

void parse_scaling_option(const String &scaling_option, FrameScaleDefinition &scale_def, int &scale_factor)
    const char *game_scale_options[kNumFrameScaleDef - 1] = { "max_round", "stretch", "proportional" };
    scale_def = kFrame_IntScale;
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumFrameScaleDef - 1; ++i)
        if (scaling_option.CompareNoCase(game_scale_options[i]) == 0)
            scale_def = (FrameScaleDefinition)(i + 1);

    if (scale_def == kFrame_IntScale)
        scale_factor = StrUtil::StringToInt(scaling_option);
        scale_factor = 0;


   SignatureAdder::GetMessageIsLocal_(std::shared_ptr<Message> message)
      String sFromAddressDomain = StringParser::ExtractDomain(message->GetFromAddress());
      // Loop over the recipients and check if they are on the same domain.if
      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MessageRecipient> > &vecRecipients = message->GetRecipients()->GetVector();
      auto iter = vecRecipients.begin();
      auto iterEnd = vecRecipients.end();

      for (; iter != iterEnd; iter++)
         String sRecipientAddress = (*iter)->GetAddress();
         String sRecipientDomain = StringParser::ExtractDomain(sRecipientAddress);

         if (sFromAddressDomain.CompareNoCase(sRecipientDomain) != 0)
            return false;


      return true;

示例15: if

   // Load all settings from hMailServer.ini
      m_AdministratorPassword = _ReadIniSettingString("Security", "AdministratorPassword", "");

      m_DatabaseServer = _ReadIniSettingString("Database", "Server", "");
      m_DatabaseName = _ReadIniSettingString("Database", "Database", "");
      m_Username = _ReadIniSettingString("Database", "Username", "");
      m_Password = _ReadIniSettingString("Database", "Password", "");
      m_bIsInternalDatabase = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Database", "Internal", 0) == 1;
      m_DatabaseServerFailoverPartner = _ReadIniSettingString("Database", "ServerFailoverPartner", "");

      String sDatabaseType = _ReadIniSettingString("Database", "Type", "");
      Crypt::EncryptionType iPWDEncryptionType = (Crypt::EncryptionType) _ReadIniSettingInteger("Database", "Passwordencryption", 0);

      // Decrypt password read from hmailserver.ini
      m_Password = Crypt::Instance()->DeCrypt(m_Password, iPWDEncryptionType);

      if (sDatabaseType.CompareNoCase(_T("MSSQL")) == 0)
         m_eSQLDBType = HM::DatabaseSettings::TypeMSSQLServer;
      else if (sDatabaseType.CompareNoCase(_T("MYSQL")) == 0)
         m_eSQLDBType = HM::DatabaseSettings::TypeMYSQLServer;
      else if (sDatabaseType.CompareNoCase(_T("PostgreSQL")) == 0)
         m_eSQLDBType = HM::DatabaseSettings::TypePGServer;
      else if (sDatabaseType.CompareNoCase(_T("MSSQLCE")) == 0)
         m_eSQLDBType = HM::DatabaseSettings::TypeMSSQLCompactEdition;

      m_lDBPort = _ReadIniSettingInteger( "Database", "Port", 0);

      m_AppDirectory = _ReadIniSettingString("Directories", "ProgramFolder", "");
      if (m_AppDirectory.Right(1) != _T("\\"))
         m_AppDirectory += "\\";

      m_DataDirectory = _ReadIniSettingString("Directories", "DataFolder", "");
      if (m_DataDirectory.Right(1) == _T("\\"))
         m_DataDirectory = m_DataDirectory.Left(m_DataDirectory.GetLength() -1);

      m_sTempDirectory = _ReadIniSettingString("Directories", "TempFolder", "");
      if (m_sTempDirectory.Right(1) == _T("\\"))
         m_sTempDirectory = m_sTempDirectory.Left(m_sTempDirectory.GetLength() -1);

      m_sEventDirectory = _ReadIniSettingString("Directories", "EventFolder", "");

      m_sDBScriptDirectory = _ReadIniSettingString("Directories", "ProgramFolder", "");
      if (m_sDBScriptDirectory.Right(1) != _T("\\"))
         m_sDBScriptDirectory += "\\";
      m_sDBScriptDirectory += "DBScripts";

      m_iNoOfDBConnections = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Database", "NumberOfConnections", 5);            
      m_iNoOfDBConnectionAttempts = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Database", "ConnectionAttempts", 6);  
      m_iNoOfDBConnectionAttemptsDelay = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Database", "ConnectionAttemptsDelay", 5);  
      if (m_eSQLDBType == HM::DatabaseSettings::TypeMSSQLCompactEdition)
         // Always use one database connection when working with SQL CE. SQL CE is supposed
         // to be ACID, robust and so on but isn't really.
         // http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=4141097&SiteID=1
         m_iNoOfDBConnections = 1;

      m_iMaxNoOfExternalFetchThreads = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "MaxNumberOfExternalFetchThreads", 15);
      m_bAddXAuthUserHeader = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "AddXAuthUserHeader", 0) == 1;
      m_bGreylistingEnabledDuringRecordExpiration = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "GreylistingEnabledDuringRecordExpiration", 1) == 1;
      m_iGreylistingExpirationInterval = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "GreylistingRecordExpirationInterval", 240);

      m_sDatabaseDirectory = _ReadIniSettingString("Directories", "DatabaseFolder", "");
      if (m_sDatabaseDirectory.Right(1) == _T("\\"))
         m_sDatabaseDirectory = m_sDatabaseDirectory.Left(m_sDatabaseDirectory.GetLength() -1);

      String sValidLanguages = _ReadIniSettingString("GUILanguages", "ValidLanguages", "");
      m_vecValidLanguages = StringParser::SplitString(sValidLanguages, ",");

      _preferredHashAlgorithm = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "PreferredHashAlgorithm", 3);

      m_bDNSBlChecksAfterMailFrom = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "DNSBLChecksAfterMailFrom", 1) == 1;

      m_bSepSvcLogs = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "SepSvcLogs", 0) == 1;
      m_iLogLevel = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "LogLevel", 9);
      m_iMaxLogLineLen = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "MaxLogLineLen", 500);
      if (m_iMaxLogLineLen < 100) m_iMaxLogLineLen = 100;
      m_iQuickRetries = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "QuickRetries", 0);
      m_iQuickRetriesMinutes = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "QuickRetriesMinutes", 6);
      m_iQueueRandomnessMinutes = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "QueueRandomnessMinutes", 0);
      // If m_iQueueRandomnessMinutes out of range use 0 
      if (m_iQueueRandomnessMinutes <= 0) m_iQueueRandomnessMinutes = 0;
      m_iMXTriesFactor = _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "MXTriesFactor", 0);
      if (m_iMXTriesFactor <= 0) m_iMXTriesFactor = 0;
      m_sArchiveDir = _ReadIniSettingString("Settings", "ArchiveDir", "");
      if (m_sArchiveDir.Right(1) == _T("\\"))
         m_sArchiveDir = m_sArchiveDir.Left(m_sArchiveDir.GetLength() -1);
      m_bArchiveHardlinks =  _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "ArchiveHardLinks", 0) == 1;
      m_iPOP3DMinTimeout =  _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "POP3DMinTimeout", 10);
      m_iPOP3DMaxTimeout =  _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "POP3DMaxTimeout",600);
      m_iPOP3CMinTimeout =  _ReadIniSettingInteger("Settings", "POP3CMinTimeout", 30);
