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C++ Ray::GetOrigin方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Ray::GetOrigin方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Ray::GetOrigin方法的具体用法?C++ Ray::GetOrigin怎么用?C++ Ray::GetOrigin使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Ray的用法示例。


示例1: ImpulseBegin

    void TranslationTool::ImpulseBegin(const Ray& ray) {

        Vector3f position = transformable->GetPosition();
        Matrix transform = Matrix::CreateScale(Vector3f(scale)) * Matrix::CreateTranslation(position);
        BoundingBox xBox = BoundingBox::Transform(xAxisBBox, transform);    
        BoundingBox yBox = BoundingBox::Transform(yAxisBBox, transform);
        BoundingBox zBox = BoundingBox::Transform(zAxisBBox, transform);

        F32 distance;
        if (ray.Intersects(xBox, &distance)) {
            if (ray.Intersects(Plane(Vector3f::Up, -position.y), &distance)) {
                type = XAxis;
                prevPoint = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distance;
        } else if (ray.Intersects(yBox, &distance)) {
            if (ray.Intersects(Plane(Vector3f::Backward, -position.z), &distance)) {
                type = YAxis;
                prevPoint = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distance;
        } else if (ray.Intersects(zBox, &distance)) {
            if (ray.Intersects(Plane(Vector3f::Right, -position.x), &distance)) {
                type = ZAxis;
                prevPoint = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distance;

示例2: Impulse

 void TranslationTool::Impulse(const Ray& ray) {
     Vector3f position = transformable->GetPosition();
     switch(type) {
         case XAxis: {
             F32 distance;
             if (ray.Intersects(Plane(Vector3f::Up, -position.y), &distance)) {
                 Vector3f intersection = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distance;
                 F32 deltaX = intersection.x - prevPoint.x;
                 transformable->SetPosition(Vector3f(position.x + deltaX, position.y, position.z));
                 prevPoint = intersection;
         case YAxis: {
             F32 distance;
             if (ray.Intersects(Plane(Vector3f::Backward, -position.z), &distance)) {
                 Vector3f intersection = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distance;
                 F32 deltaY = intersection.y - prevPoint.y;
                 transformable->SetPosition(Vector3f(position.x, position.y + deltaY, position.z));
                 prevPoint = intersection;
         case ZAxis: {
             F32 distance;
             if (ray.Intersects(Plane(Vector3f::Right, -position.x), &distance)) {
                 Vector3f intersection = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distance;
                 F32 deltaZ = intersection.z - prevPoint.z;
                 transformable->SetPosition(Vector3f(position.x, position.y, position.z + deltaZ));
                 prevPoint = intersection;

示例3: Intersects

        GeometryRayTestResult Intersects(const Sphere& Ball, const Ray& Cast)
            // Code in this function is based on the equivalent in Ogre
            const Vector3 CastDir = Cast.GetNormal();
            const Vector3 CastOrigin = Cast.GetOrigin() - Ball.Center; // Makes math easier to do this in sphere local coordinates
            const Real Radius = Ball.Radius;

            // Build coefficients for our formula
            // t = (-b +/- sqrt(b*b + 4ac)) / 2a
            Real ACoEff = CastDir.DotProduct(CastDir);
            Real BCoEff = 2 * CastOrigin.DotProduct(CastDir);
            Real CCoEff = CastOrigin.DotProduct(CastOrigin) - ( Radius * Radius );

            // Get the Determinate
            Real Determinate = ( BCoEff * BCoEff ) - ( 4 * ACoEff * CCoEff );
            if( Determinate < 0 ) {
                return GeometryRayTestResult(false,Ray());
                Real NearDist = ( -BCoEff - MathTools::Sqrt( Determinate ) ) / ( 2 * ACoEff );
                Real FarDist = ( -BCoEff + MathTools::Sqrt( Determinate ) ) / ( 2 * ACoEff );

                Ray Ret( Cast.GetOrigin() + (CastDir * NearDist), Cast.GetOrigin() + (CastDir * FarDist) );
                return GeometryRayTestResult(true,Ret);

示例4: IntersectingRayAgainstAABB

bool BasicPrimitiveTests::IntersectingRayAgainstAABB(const Ray & ray, const AABB & aabb, float & rtn_t)
		Main Idea:
            -> Uses slab representation for box.
            -> Finds intersection of ray/segment with each slab. Then compares intersection times for overlap in all slabs.
                -> Keep track of:
                    -> A: The farthest of all entries into a slab
                    -> B: The closest of all exits out of a slab.
                -> If A > B at anytime, exit with no intersection. 

        Intersecting slabs:
            -> Intersect slabs by inserting ray equation into plane equations for slab.
            -> Solve for t

        -> Must handle case when ray parallel to slab separately.
            -> To avoid division by zero.

        Can test for intersection without calculating intersection point:
            -> Choose coordinate system where box is axis aligned and centered at origin:
                    -> Translate segment and AABB to origin.
                    -> Transform Segment to OBB space, then translate both segment and OBB to origin.

            -> Do separating axis test with 6 axes:
                -> Three principle axes.
                -> Three cross products of box face normals and segment direction vector.
	rtn_t = 0.0f;
	float tmax = FLT_MAX;
	Eigen::Vector3f aabb_min = aabb.GetCenter() - aabb.GetExtents();
	Eigen::Vector3f aabb_max = aabb.GetCenter() + aabb.GetExtents();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		if (abs(ray.GetDirection()[i]) < EPSILON)
			//Ray is parallel to slab. Not hit if origin not within slab.
			if (ray.GetOrigin()[i] < aabb_min[i] || ray.GetOrigin()[i] > aabb_max[i])
				return false;
			float one_over_direction = 1.0f / ray.GetDirection()[i];
			float t1 = (aabb_min[i] - ray.GetOrigin()[i]) * one_over_direction;
			float t2 = (aabb_max[i] - ray.GetOrigin()[i]) * one_over_direction;
			if (t1 > t2) Swap(t1, t2);
			if (t1 > rtn_t) rtn_t = t1;
			if (t2 > tmax) tmax = t2;
			if (rtn_t > tmax) return false;
	return true;

示例5: Transform

 Ray Ray::Transform(const Ray& ray, const Matrix& transform) {
     Vector3f origin = ray.GetOrigin();
     Vector3f target = origin + ray.GetDirection() * ray.GetDistance();
     Vector3f newOrigin = Vector3f::Transform(origin, transform);
     Vector3f newTarget = Vector3f::Transform(target, transform);
     return Ray(newOrigin, newTarget);


		Air::U1 MeshEntity::RayCast( const Ray& ray ,float*	pOutDistance)
#if 1
				return	false;

			Matrix	matWorld	=	*GetWorldMatrix();
			Matrix	matWorldInv	=	matWorld;
			Float3	vStart	=	ray.m_vStart;
			Float3	vLookAt	=	vStart	+	ray.m_vDirection;
			vStart			=	matWorldInv*vStart;
			vLookAt			=	matWorldInv*vLookAt;
			Float3	vDir	=	(vLookAt	-	vStart);

			Ray	objSpaceRay(vStart,vDir);

			float	fDistance	=	999999.0f;

			U1	bHit	=	m_pMesh->RayCast(objSpaceRay,&fDistance);
			if(bHit	&&	pOutDistance!=NULL){
				Float3	vObjSpaceHitPostion		=	vStart	+	vDir*fDistance;
				Float3	vWorldSpaceHiPosition	=	matWorld*vObjSpaceHitPostion;
				*pOutDistance	=	(vWorldSpaceHiPosition	-	ray.m_vStart).Length();
			return	bHit;

示例7: fabs

bool PlaneIntersector<real>::Intersect( const Plane<real>* plane, const Ray<real>& ray, Intersection<real>& oIntersection )
    const Vector3<real>& origin = ray.GetOrigin();
    const Vector3<real>& direction = ray.GetDirection();

    // Do not perform intersection if the direction of the ray is degenerated relative to the plane
    if ( fabs( direction.Y() ) > EPS )
        // Compute the intersection point and see if it's inside the plane bounds
        real t = -origin.Y() / direction.Y();
        Vector3<real> intersectionPoint = origin + t * direction;
        bool isInsideXBounds = ( fabs( intersectionPoint.X() ) < plane->GetSizeX() * 0.5 ) ? true : false;
        bool isInsideZBounds = ( fabs( intersectionPoint.Z() ) < plane->GetSizeZ() * 0.5 ) ? true : false;

        // If the ray intersect and the intersection is in front
        if ( ( t > 0 ) && isInsideXBounds && isInsideZBounds )
            oIntersection.SetPosition( intersectionPoint );
            oIntersection.SetNormal( Vector3<real>( 0, -sign<real>( direction.Y() ), 0 ) );
            oIntersection.IsInside( false );

            // Compute texture coodinates as (z=-0.5 => u=0 and x=-0.5 => v=0)
            real u = ( intersectionPoint.Z() + plane->GetSizeZ() * 0.5 ) / plane->GetSizeZ();
            real v = ( intersectionPoint.X() + plane->GetSizeX() * 0.5 ) / plane->GetSizeX();
            oIntersection.SetTextureCoordinates( Vector3<real>( u, v, 0 ) );

            return true;

    return false;

示例8: CheckCollision

float Sphere::CheckCollision(Ray ray)
	Vector q = ray.GetOrigin();
	Vector v = ray.GetDirection();
	float A = pow(v.x, 2) + pow(v.y, 2) + pow(v.z, 2);
    float Bx = v.x * (q.x - origin.x);
    float By = v.y * (q.y - origin.y);
    float Bz = v.z * (q.z - origin.z);
    float B = 2 * (Bx + By + Bz);
    float C = pow(q.x - origin.x, 2) + pow(q.y - origin.y, 2) + pow(q.z - origin.z, 2) - pow(radius, 2);

    //Determines if we have a 'hit'
    float discriminant = pow(B, 2) - (4 * A * C);

    if (discriminant >= 0.f)
        //Calculate our t values
        float root = sqrt(discriminant);
        float t1 = (-B + root) / (2 * A);
        float t2 = (-B - root) / (2 * A);
        float d = t1;
        if (t1 > t2 && t2 > 0) //Make sure we don't take a negative 
            d = t2; //Choose the smaller (closer) of the 2 values.

        if (d >= 0) //We want a positive distance from the starting vector
            return d;

    return -1.0f;


Ray<real> NodeIntersector<real>::TransformRayToLocalCoordinates( const CoreLib::Node<real>* node, const Ray<real>& ray )
	const Matrix4<real>& globalToLocal = node->GetGlobalToLocal();

	// The origin is affected by the affine transformation while the direction is not affected by translation ( operator ^ )
	return Ray<real>( globalToLocal * ray.GetOrigin(), globalToLocal ^ ray.GetDirection() );

示例10: Intersect

int Sphere::Intersect( Ray& a_Ray, float& a_Dist )
	vector3 v = a_Ray.GetOrigin() - m_Centre;
	float b = -DOT( v, a_Ray.GetDirection() );
	float det = (b * b) - DOT( v, v ) + m_SqRadius;
	int retval = MISS;
	if (det > 0)
		det = sqrtf( det );
		float i1 = b - det;
		float i2 = b + det;
		if (i2 > 0)
			if (i1 < 0) 
				if (i2 < a_Dist) 
					a_Dist = i2;
					retval = INPRIM;
				if (i1 < a_Dist)
					a_Dist = i1;
					retval = HIT;
	return retval;

示例11: if

bool SphereIntersector<real>::Intersect( const Sphere<real>* sphere, const Ray<real>& ray, Intersection<real>& oIntersection )
	// Compute the equation corresponding to x²+y²+z²=0 with p+t*d to obtain a quadratic equation
	real a = ray.GetDirection().SquaredLength();
	real b = 2.0 * ray.GetDirection() * ray.GetOrigin();
	real c = ray.GetOrigin().SquaredLength() - sphere->GetRadius() * sphere->GetRadius();

	real discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c;

	// Discriminant >= 0 => the must be at least one intersection
	if ( discriminant >= 0 )
		// Compute the two potential intersections and only keep the nearest
		real sqrtDisc = sqrt( discriminant );
		real t = 0;
		real t1 = ( -b - sqrtDisc ) / ( 2.0 * a );
		real t2 = ( -b + sqrtDisc ) / ( 2.0 * a );

		if ( t1 >= 0 )
			t = t1;
			oIntersection.IsInside( false );
		else if ( t2 >= 0 )
			t = t2;
			oIntersection.IsInside( true );
			return false;

		oIntersection.SetPosition( ray.GetOrigin() + t * ray.GetDirection() );
		oIntersection.SetNormal( oIntersection.GetPosition().Normalized() );
		oIntersection.SetTextureCoordinates( oIntersection.GetPosition().Normalized() );

		// The normal must be flipped to coincide with the hit direction
		if ( oIntersection.IsInside() )
			oIntersection.SetNormal( -oIntersection.GetNormal() );

		return true;

	return false;

示例12: IntersectingRayAgainstOBB

bool BasicPrimitiveTests::IntersectingRayAgainstOBB(const Ray & ray, const OBB & obb)
	Eigen::Matrix3f obb_rotation;
	Eigen::Vector3f ray_d_obb = obb_rotation * ray.GetDirection();
	Eigen::Vector3f ray_o_obb = obb_rotation * (ray.GetOrigin() - obb.GetCenter());
	return 0;

示例13: GetIntersectionDisk

FPType Plane::GetIntersectionDisk(Ray ray, Vector3d normal_, Vector3d position)
	FPType denom = normal_.Dot(ray.GetDirection());
	FPType t = -1;
	if(std::abs(denom) > ray.tMin && t <= ray.tMax)
		t = (position - ray.GetOrigin()).Dot(normal_) / denom;
	return t;

示例14: GetIntersection

FPType Plane::GetIntersection(const Ray &ray)
	FPType denom = normal.Dot(ray.GetDirection());
	if(std::abs(denom) > BIAS)
		FPType t = (center - ray.GetOrigin()).Dot(normal) / denom;
		if(t > BIAS)
			return t;
	return false;

示例15: getPoint

bool Camera::getPoint(int mx, int my, const std::vector<LineSegment>& lines,
                      Vector3& p, const Plane& plane) {
    float minDist = 1000.0f;
    bool findCurr = false;
    Ray ray = getRay(mx, my);

    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
            if (Ray::distRayPoint(ray, lines[i].points[j]) < 0.1f) {
                if ((ray.GetOrigin() - lines[i].points[j]).length() < minDist) {
                    minDist = (ray.GetOrigin() - lines[i].points[j]).length();
                    p = lines[i].points[j];
                    findCurr = true;
    if (!findCurr)
        p = intersect(ray, plane);
    // std::cout<<p<<std::endl;
    return findCurr;
