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C++ QAction::iconSet方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中QAction::iconSet方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ QAction::iconSet方法的具体用法?C++ QAction::iconSet怎么用?C++ QAction::iconSet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在QAction的用法示例。


示例1: setFormWindow

void ActionEditor::setFormWindow( FormWindow *fw )
    formWindow = fw;
    if ( !formWindow ||
	 !::qt_cast<QMainWindow*>(formWindow->mainContainer()) ) {
	setEnabled( FALSE );
    } else {
	setEnabled( TRUE );
	for ( QAction *a = formWindow->actionList().first(); a; a = formWindow->actionList().next() ) {
	    ActionItem *i = 0;
	    if ( ::qt_cast<QAction*>(a->parent()) )
	    i = new ActionItem( listActions, a );
	    i->setText( 0, a->name() );
	    i->setPixmap( 0, a->iconSet().pixmap() );
	    // make sure we don't duplicate the connection
 	    QObject::disconnect( a, SIGNAL( destroyed( QObject * ) ),
 				 this, SLOT( removeConnections( QObject * ) ) );
	    QObject::connect( a, SIGNAL( destroyed( QObject * ) ),
			      this, SLOT( removeConnections( QObject* ) ) );
	    if ( ::qt_cast<QActionGroup*>(a) ) {
		insertChildActions( i );
	if ( listActions->firstChild() ) {
	    listActions->setCurrentItem( listActions->firstChild() );
	    listActions->setSelected( listActions->firstChild(), TRUE );

示例2: contentsSize

QSize PopupMenuEditor::contentsSize()
    QRect textRect = fontMetrics().boundingRect( addSeparator.action()->menuText() );
    textWidth = textRect.width();
    accelWidth = textRect.height(); // default size
    iconWidth = textRect.height();

    int w = 0;
    int h = itemHeight( &addItem ) + itemHeight( &addSeparator );
    PopupMenuEditorItem * i = itemList.first();
    QAction * a = 0;
    while ( i ) {
	if ( i->isVisible() ) {
	    if ( !i->isSeparator() ) {
		a = i->action();
		w = a->iconSet().pixmap( QIconSet::Automatic, QIconSet::Normal ).rect().width() +
		    borderSize; // padding
		iconWidth = QMAX( iconWidth, w );
		w = fontMetrics().boundingRect( a->menuText() ).width();
		textWidth = QMAX( textWidth, w );
		w = fontMetrics().boundingRect( a->accel() ).width() + 2; // added padding?
		accelWidth = QMAX( accelWidth, w );
	    h += itemHeight( i );
	i = itemList.next();

    int width = iconWidth + textWidth + borderSize * 3 + accelWidth + arrowWidth;
    return QSize( width, h );

示例3: itemHeight

int PopupMenuEditor::itemHeight( const PopupMenuEditorItem * item ) const
    if ( !item || ( item && !item->isVisible() ) )
	return 0;
    if ( item->isSeparator() )
	return 4; // FIXME: hardcoded ( get from styles )r
    int padding =  + borderSize * 6;
    QAction * a = item->action();
    int h = a->iconSet().pixmap( QIconSet::Automatic, QIconSet::Normal ).rect().height();
    h = QMAX( h, fontMetrics().boundingRect( a->menuText() ).height() + padding );
    h = QMAX( h, fontMetrics().boundingRect( a->accel() ).height() + padding );
    return h;

示例4: buttonMouseMoveEvent

void QDesignerToolBar::buttonMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e, QObject *o )
    if ( widgetInserting || ( e->state() & LeftButton ) == 0 )
    if ( QABS( QPoint( dragStartPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() ) < QApplication::startDragDistance() )
    QMap<QWidget*, QAction*>::Iterator it = actionMap.find( (QWidget*)o );
    if ( it == actionMap.end() )
    QAction *a = *it;
    if ( !a )
    int index = actionList.find( a );
    RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand *cmd =
	new RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand( tr( "Delete Action '%1' from Toolbar '%2'" ).
					    arg( a->name() ).arg( caption() ),
					    formWindow, a, this, index );
    formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );

    QString type = ::qt_cast<QActionGroup*>(a) ? QString( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) :
	::qt_cast<QSeparatorAction*>(a) ? QString( "application/x-designer-separator" ) : QString( "application/x-designer-actions" );
    QStoredDrag *drag = new QStoredDrag( type, this );
    QString s = QString::number( (long)a ); // #### huha, that is evil
    drag->setEncodedData( QCString( s.latin1() ) );
    drag->setPixmap( a->iconSet().pixmap() );
    if ( ::qt_cast<QDesignerAction*>(a) ) {
	if ( formWindow->widgets()->find( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget() ) )
	    formWindow->selectWidget( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget(), FALSE );
    if ( !drag->drag() ) {
	AddActionToToolBarCommand *cmd = new AddActionToToolBarCommand( tr( "Add Action '%1' to Toolbar '%2'" ).
									arg( a->name() ).arg( caption() ),
									formWindow, a, this, index );
	formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
    lastIndicatorPos = QPoint( -1, -1 );

示例5: insertChildActions

void ActionEditor::insertChildActions( ActionItem *i )
    if ( !i->actionGroup() || !i->actionGroup()->children() )
    QObjectListIt it( *i->actionGroup()->children() );
    while ( it.current() ) {
	QObject *o = it.current();
	if ( !::qt_cast<QAction*>(o) )
	QAction *a = (QAction*)o;
	ActionItem *i2 = new ActionItem( (QListViewItem*)i, a );
	i->setOpen( TRUE );
	i2->setText( 0, a->name() );
	i2->setPixmap( 0, a->iconSet().pixmap() );
	// make sure we don't duplicate the connection
 	QObject::disconnect( o, SIGNAL( destroyed( QObject * ) ),
 			     this, SLOT( removeConnections( QObject * ) ) );
 	QObject::connect( o, SIGNAL( destroyed( QObject * ) ),
 			  this, SLOT( removeConnections( QObject * ) ) );
	if ( ::qt_cast<QActionGroup*>(a) )
	    insertChildActions( i2 );

示例6: QMainWindow

    : QMainWindow( 0, "example application main window", WDestructiveClose )
    printer = new QPrinter( QPrinter::HighResolution );

    QAction * fileNewAction;
    QAction * fileOpenAction;
    QAction * fileSaveAction, * fileSaveAsAction, * filePrintAction;
    QAction * fileCloseAction, * fileQuitAction;

    fileNewAction = new QAction( "&New", CTRL+Key_N, this, "new" );
    connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( newDoc() ) );

    fileOpenAction = new QAction( QPixmap( fileopen ), "&Open...",
                                  CTRL+Key_O, this, "open" );
    connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( choose() ) );

    const char * fileOpenText = "<p><img source=\"fileopen\"> "
                     "Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>"
                     "You can also select the <b>Open</b> command "
                     "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>";
    QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen",
                          fileOpenAction->iconSet().pixmap() );
    fileOpenAction->setWhatsThis( fileOpenText );

    fileSaveAction = new QAction( QPixmap( filesave ),
                                  "&Save", CTRL+Key_S, this, "save" );
    connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( save() ) );

    const char * fileSaveText = "<p>Click this button to save the file you "
                     "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n"
                     "You can also select the <b>Save</b> command "
                     "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>";
    fileSaveAction->setWhatsThis( fileSaveText );

    fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( "Save File As", "Save &As...", 0,  this,
                                    "save as" );
    connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( saveAs() ) );
    fileSaveAsAction->setWhatsThis( fileSaveText );

    filePrintAction = new QAction( "Print File", QPixmap( fileprint ),
                                   "&Print...", CTRL+Key_P, this, "print" );
    connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( print() ) );

    const char * filePrintText = "Click this button to print the file you "
                     "are editing.\n You can also select the Print "
                     "command from the File menu.";
    filePrintAction->setWhatsThis( filePrintText );
    Q_UNUSED( filePrintAction )

    fileCloseAction = new QAction( "Close", "&Close", CTRL+Key_W, this,
                                   "close" );
    connect( fileCloseAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( close() ) );

    fileQuitAction = new QAction( "Quit", "&Quit", CTRL+Key_Q, this,
                                  "quit" );
    connect( fileQuitAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , qApp,
             SLOT( closeAllWindows() ) );

    // populate a tool bar with some actions

    QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" );
    fileOpenAction->addTo( fileTools );
    fileSaveAction->addTo( fileTools );
    filePrintAction->addTo( fileTools );
    (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

    // populate a menu with all actions

    QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file );
    fileNewAction->addTo( file );
    fileOpenAction->addTo( file );
    fileSaveAction->addTo( file );
    fileSaveAsAction->addTo( file );
    filePrintAction->addTo( file );
    fileCloseAction->addTo( file );
    fileQuitAction->addTo( file );


    // add a help menu
