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C++ Plugin::getOutputDescriptors方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Plugin::getOutputDescriptors方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Plugin::getOutputDescriptors方法的具体用法?C++ Plugin::getOutputDescriptors怎么用?C++ Plugin::getOutputDescriptors使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Plugin的用法示例。


示例1: populate

void DlgPrefBeats::populate() {
    disconnect(plugincombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
            this, SLOT(pluginSelected(int)));
    connect(plugincombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
            this, SLOT(pluginSelected(int)));
    VampPluginLoader *loader = VampPluginLoader::getInstance();
    std::vector<PluginLoader::PluginKey> plugins = loader->listPlugins();
    qDebug() << "VampPluginLoader::listPlugins() returned" << plugins.size() << "plugins";
    for (unsigned int iplugin=0; iplugin < plugins.size(); iplugin++) {
        // TODO(XXX): WTF, 48000
        Plugin *plugin = loader->loadPlugin(plugins[iplugin], 48000);
        //TODO: find a way to add beat trackers only
        if (plugin) {
            Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
            for (unsigned int ioutput=0; ioutput < outputs.size(); ioutput++) {
                QString displayname = QString::fromStdString(plugin->getIdentifier()) + ":"
                                            + QString::number(ioutput);
                QString displaynametext = QString::fromStdString(plugin->getName());
                qDebug() << "Plugin output displayname:" << displayname << displaynametext;
                bool goodones = ((displayname.contains("mixxxbpmdetection")||
                if (goodones) {
                    m_listName << displaynametext;
                    QString pluginlibrary = QString::fromStdString(plugins[iplugin]).section(":",0,0);
                    m_listLibrary << pluginlibrary;
                    QString displayname = QString::fromStdString(plugin->getIdentifier()) + ":"
                            + QString::number(ioutput);
                    m_listIdentifier << displayname;
                    plugincombo->addItem(displaynametext, displayname);
            delete plugin;
            plugin = 0;

示例2: populate

void DlgPrefKey::populate() {
   VampPluginLoader* loader = VampPluginLoader::getInstance();
   std::vector<PluginLoader::PluginKey> plugins = loader->listPlugins();
   qDebug() << "VampPluginLoader::listPlugins() returned" << plugins.size() << "plugins";
   for (unsigned int iplugin=0; iplugin < plugins.size(); iplugin++) {
       // TODO(XXX): WTF, 48000
       Plugin* plugin = loader->loadPlugin(plugins[iplugin], 48000);
       //TODO(XXX): find a general way to add key detectors only
       if (plugin) {
           Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
           for (unsigned int ioutput=0; ioutput < outputs.size(); ioutput++) {
               QString displayname = QString::fromStdString(plugin->getIdentifier()) + ":"
                                           + QString::number(ioutput);
               QString displaynametext = QString::fromStdString(plugin->getName());
               qDebug() << "Plugin output displayname:" << displayname << displaynametext;
               bool goodones = displayname.contains(VAMP_ANALYSER_KEY_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_ID);

               if (goodones) {
                   m_listName << displaynametext;
                   QString pluginlibrary = QString::fromStdString(plugins[iplugin]).section(":",0,0);
                   m_listLibrary << pluginlibrary;
                   QString displayname = QString::fromStdString(plugin->getIdentifier()) + ":"
                           + QString::number(ioutput);
                   m_listIdentifier << displayname;
                   plugincombo->addItem(displaynametext, displayname);
           delete plugin;
           plugin = 0;

示例3: if


            } else if (verbosity == PluginInformationDetailed) {

                cout << header(plugin->getName(), 2);
                cout << " - Identifier:         "
                     << key << endl;
                cout << " - Plugin Version:     " 
                     << plugin->getPluginVersion() << endl;
                cout << " - Vamp API Version:   "
                     << plugin->getVampApiVersion() << endl;
                cout << " - Maker:              \""
                     << plugin->getMaker() << "\"" << endl;
                cout << " - Copyright:          \""
                     << plugin->getCopyright() << "\"" << endl;
                cout << " - Description:        \""
                     << plugin->getDescription() << "\"" << endl;
                cout << " - Input Domain:       "
                     << (plugin->getInputDomain() == Vamp::Plugin::TimeDomain ?
                         "Time Domain" : "Frequency Domain") << endl;
                cout << " - Default Step Size:  " 
                     << plugin->getPreferredStepSize() << endl;
                cout << " - Default Block Size: " 
                     << plugin->getPreferredBlockSize() << endl;
                cout << " - Minimum Channels:   " 
                     << plugin->getMinChannelCount() << endl;
                cout << " - Maximum Channels:   " 
                     << plugin->getMaxChannelCount() << endl;

            } else if (verbosity == PluginIds) {
                cout << "vamp:" << key << endl;
            Plugin::OutputList outputs =

            if (verbosity == PluginInformationDetailed) {

                Plugin::ParameterList params = plugin->getParameterDescriptors();
                for (size_t j = 0; j < params.size(); ++j) {
                    Plugin::ParameterDescriptor &pd(params[j]);
                    cout << "\nParameter " << j+1 << ": \"" << pd.name << "\"" << endl;
                    cout << " - Identifier:         " << pd.identifier << endl;
                    cout << " - Description:        \"" << pd.description << "\"" << endl;
                    if (pd.unit != "") {
                        cout << " - Unit:               " << pd.unit << endl;
                    cout << " - Range:              ";
                    cout << pd.minValue << " -> " << pd.maxValue << endl;
                    cout << " - Default:            ";
                    cout << pd.defaultValue << endl;
                    if (pd.isQuantized) {
                        cout << " - Quantize Step:      "
                             << pd.quantizeStep << endl;
                    if (!pd.valueNames.empty()) {
                        cout << " - Value Names:        ";
                        for (size_t k = 0; k < pd.valueNames.size(); ++k) {
                            if (k > 0) cout << ", ";
                            cout << "\"" << pd.valueNames[k] << "\"";
                        cout << endl;

                if (outputs.empty()) {
                    cout << "\n** Note: This plugin reports no outputs!" << endl;

示例4: runPlugin

int runPlugin(string myname, string soname, string id,
              string output, int outputNo, bool useFrames, PaStreamParameters inputParameters)
    float				*recordedSamples;
    float				*fifo;
    PaStream*           stream;
    PaError             err = paNoError;
    int					elapsed = 0;
    int					returnValue = 1;
    RealTime			rt;
    PluginWrapper		*wrapper = 0;
    RealTime			adjustment = RealTime::zeroTime;
    PluginLoader		*loader = PluginLoader::getInstance();
    PluginLoader::PluginKey key = loader->composePluginKey(soname, id);

    // load plugin
    Plugin *plugin = loader->loadPlugin(key, SAMPLE_RATE, PluginLoader::ADAPT_ALL_SAFE);
    if (!plugin) {
        cerr << myname << ": ERROR: Failed to load plugin \"" << id
             << "\" from library \"" << soname << "\"" << endl;
        return 1;

    // Find block/step size
    int blockSize = plugin->getPreferredBlockSize();
    int stepSize = plugin->getPreferredStepSize();

    if (blockSize == 0) {
        blockSize = 1024;
    if (stepSize == 0) {
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            stepSize = blockSize/2;
        } else {
            stepSize = blockSize;
    } else if (stepSize > blockSize) {
        cerr << "WARNING: stepSize " << stepSize << " > blockSize " << blockSize << ", resetting blockSize to ";
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            blockSize = stepSize * 2;
        } else {
            blockSize = stepSize;
        cerr << blockSize << endl;

    // set up port audio
    fifo = new float[blockSize]();
    recordedSamples = new float[stepSize]();

    ofstream *out = 0;
    cerr << "Running plugin: \"" << plugin->getIdentifier() << "\"..." << endl;
    cerr << "Using block size = " << blockSize << ", step size = " << stepSize << endl;

    // display output name
    Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
    Plugin::OutputDescriptor od;

    if (outputs.empty()) {
    	cerr << "ERROR: Plugin has no outputs!" << endl;
    	goto done;

    if (outputNo < 0) {

        for (size_t oi = 0; oi < outputs.size(); ++oi) {
            if (outputs[oi].identifier == output) {
                outputNo = oi;

        if (outputNo < 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Non-existent output \"" << output << "\" requested" << endl;
            goto done;

    } else {

        if (int(outputs.size()) <= outputNo) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Output " << outputNo << " requested, but plugin has only " << outputs.size() << " output(s)" << endl;
            goto done;

    od = outputs[outputNo];
    cerr << "Output is: \"" << od.identifier << "\"" << endl;

    // Initialise plugin
    if (!plugin->initialise(1, stepSize, blockSize)) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Plugin initialise (stepSize = " << stepSize << ", blockSize = "
             << blockSize << ") failed." << endl;
        goto done;

    // Compensate timestamp if in freq domain
    wrapper = dynamic_cast<PluginWrapper *>(plugin);
    if (wrapper) {
        PluginInputDomainAdapter *ida =  wrapper->getWrapper<PluginInputDomainAdapter>();
        if (ida) adjustment = ida->getTimestampAdjustment();

示例5: runPlugin

            stepSize = blockSize;
    } else if (stepSize > blockSize) {
        cerr << "WARNING: stepSize " << stepSize << " > blockSize " << blockSize << ", resetting blockSize to ";
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            blockSize = stepSize * 2;
        } else {
            blockSize = stepSize;
        cerr << blockSize << endl;
    int overlapSize = blockSize - stepSize;
    sf_count_t currentStep = 0;
    int finalStepsRemaining = max(1, (blockSize / stepSize) - 1); // at end of file, this many part-silent frames needed after we hit EOF

    int channels = sfinfo.channels;

    float *filebuf = new float[blockSize * channels];
    float **plugbuf = new float*[channels];
    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) plugbuf[c] = new float[blockSize + 2];

    cerr << "Using block size = " << blockSize << ", step size = "
              << stepSize << endl;

    // The channel queries here are for informational purposes only --
    // a PluginChannelAdapter is being used automatically behind the
    // scenes, and it will take case of any channel mismatch

    int minch = plugin->getMinChannelCount();
    int maxch = plugin->getMaxChannelCount();
    cerr << "Plugin accepts " << minch << " -> " << maxch << " channel(s)" << endl;
    cerr << "Sound file has " << channels << " (will mix/augment if necessary)" << endl;

    Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
    Plugin::OutputDescriptor od;

    int returnValue = 1;
    int progress = 0;

    RealTime rt;
    PluginWrapper *wrapper = 0;
    RealTime adjustment = RealTime::zeroTime;

    if (outputs.empty()) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Plugin has no outputs!" << endl;
        goto done;

    if (outputNo < 0) {

        for (size_t oi = 0; oi < outputs.size(); ++oi) {
            if (outputs[oi].identifier == output) {
                outputNo = oi;

        if (outputNo < 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Non-existent output \"" << output << "\" requested" << endl;
            goto done;

    } else {

        if (int(outputs.size()) <= outputNo) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Output " << outputNo << " requested, but plugin has only " << outputs.size() << " output(s)" << endl;

示例6: AutoRegisterPlugins

bool VampEffectsModule::AutoRegisterPlugins(PluginManagerInterface & pm)

   PluginLoader *loader = PluginLoader::getInstance();

   EffectManager& em = EffectManager::Get();

   PluginLoader::PluginKeyList keys = loader->listPlugins();

   for (PluginLoader::PluginKeyList::iterator i = keys.begin();
        i != keys.end(); ++i) {

      Plugin *vp = loader->loadPlugin(*i, 48000); // rate doesn't matter here
      if (!vp) continue;


      PluginLoader::PluginCategoryHierarchy category =
      wxString vampCategory = VampHierarchyToUri(category);


      // We limit the listed plugin outputs to those whose results can
      // readily be displayed in an Audacity label track.
      // - Any output whose features have no values (time instants only),
      //   with or without duration, is fine
      // - Any output whose features have more than one value, or an
      //   unknown or variable number of values, is right out
      // - Any output whose features have exactly one value, with
      //   variable sample rate or with duration, should be OK --
      //   this implies a sparse feature, of which the time and/or
      //   duration are significant aspects worth displaying
      // - An output whose features have exactly one value, with
      //   fixed sample rate and no duration, cannot be usefully
      //   displayed -- the value is the only significant piece of
      //   data there and we have no good value plot

      Plugin::OutputList outputs = vp->getOutputDescriptors();

      int n = 0;

      bool hasParameters = !vp->getParameterDescriptors().empty();

      for (Plugin::OutputList::iterator j = outputs.begin();
           j != outputs.end(); ++j) {

         if (j->sampleType == Plugin::OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate ||
             j->sampleType == Plugin::OutputDescriptor::OneSamplePerStep ||
             !j->hasFixedBinCount ||
             (j->hasFixedBinCount && j->binCount > 1)) {

            // All of these qualities disqualify (see notes above)


         wxString name = LAT1CTOWX(vp->getName().c_str());

         if (outputs.size() > 1) {
            // This is not the plugin's only output.
            // Use "plugin name: output name" as the effect name,
            // unless the output name is the same as the plugin name
            wxString outputName = LAT1CTOWX(j->name.c_str());
            if (outputName != name) {
               name = wxString::Format(wxT("%s: %s"),
                                       name.c_str(), outputName.c_str());

         VampEffect *effect = new VampEffect(*i, n, hasParameters, name,
         VampEffect *effect = new VampEffect(*i, n, hasParameters, name);
         em.RegisterEffect(this, effect);


      delete vp;

   return true;


Plugin *VampEffectsModule::FindPlugin(const wxString & path,
                                      int & output,
                                      bool & hasParameters)
   PluginLoader::PluginKey key = path.BeforeLast(wxT('/')).ToUTF8().data();

   Plugin *vp = PluginLoader::getInstance()->loadPlugin(key, 48000); // rate doesn't matter here
   if (!vp)
      return false;

   // We limit the listed plugin outputs to those whose results can
   // readily be displayed in an Audacity label track.
   // - Any output whose features have no values (time instants only),
   //   with or without duration, is fine
   // - Any output whose features have more than one value, or an
   //   unknown or variable number of values, is right out
   // - Any output whose features have exactly one value, with
   //   variable sample rate or with duration, should be OK --
   //   this implies a sparse feature, of which the time and/or
   //   duration are significant aspects worth displaying
   // - An output whose features have exactly one value, with
   //   fixed sample rate and no duration, cannot be usefully
   //   displayed -- the value is the only significant piece of
   //   data there and we have no good value plot

   Plugin::OutputList outputs = vp->getOutputDescriptors();

   output = 0;

   hasParameters = !vp->getParameterDescriptors().empty();

   for (Plugin::OutputList::iterator j = outputs.begin(); j != outputs.end(); ++j)
      if (j->sampleType == Plugin::OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate ||
            j->sampleType == Plugin::OutputDescriptor::OneSamplePerStep ||
            !j->hasFixedBinCount ||
            (j->hasFixedBinCount && j->binCount > 1))
         // All of these qualities disqualify (see notes above)


      wxString name = wxString::FromUTF8(vp->getName().c_str());

      if (outputs.size() > 1)
         // This is not the plugin's only output.
         // Use "plugin name: output name" as the effect name,
         // unless the output name is the same as the plugin name
         wxString outputName = wxString::FromUTF8(j->name.c_str());
         if (outputName != name)
            name = wxString::Format(wxT("%s: %s"),
                                    name.c_str(), outputName.c_str());

      if (wxString::FromUTF8(key.c_str()) + wxT("/") + name == path)
         return vp;


   delete vp;

   return NULL;

示例8: FindPlugins

wxArrayString VampEffectsModule::FindPlugins(PluginManagerInterface & WXUNUSED(pm))
   wxArrayString names;

   PluginLoader *loader = PluginLoader::getInstance();

   PluginLoader::PluginKeyList keys = loader->listPlugins();

   for (PluginLoader::PluginKeyList::iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i)
      Plugin *vp = PluginLoader::getInstance()->loadPlugin(*i, 48000); // rate doesn't matter here
      if (!vp)

      // We limit the listed plugin outputs to those whose results can
      // readily be displayed in an Audacity label track.
      // - Any output whose features have no values (time instants only),
      //   with or without duration, is fine
      // - Any output whose features have more than one value, or an
      //   unknown or variable number of values, is right out
      // - Any output whose features have exactly one value, with
      //   variable sample rate or with duration, should be OK --
      //   this implies a sparse feature, of which the time and/or
      //   duration are significant aspects worth displaying
      // - An output whose features have exactly one value, with
      //   fixed sample rate and no duration, cannot be usefully
      //   displayed -- the value is the only significant piece of
      //   data there and we have no good value plot

      Plugin::OutputList outputs = vp->getOutputDescriptors();

      int output = 0;

      for (Plugin::OutputList::iterator j = outputs.begin(); j != outputs.end(); ++j)
         if (j->sampleType == Plugin::OutputDescriptor::FixedSampleRate ||
               j->sampleType == Plugin::OutputDescriptor::OneSamplePerStep ||
               !j->hasFixedBinCount ||
               (j->hasFixedBinCount && j->binCount > 1))
            // All of these qualities disqualify (see notes above)


         wxString name = wxString::FromUTF8(vp->getName().c_str());

         if (outputs.size() > 1)
            // This is not the plugin's only output.
            // Use "plugin name: output name" as the effect name,
            // unless the output name is the same as the plugin name
            wxString outputName = wxString::FromUTF8(j->name.c_str());
            if (outputName != name)
               name = wxString::Format(wxT("%s: %s"),
                                       name.c_str(), outputName.c_str());

         wxString path = wxString::FromUTF8(i->c_str()) + wxT("/") + name;


      delete vp;

   return names;
