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C++ PlayerObject::GetDeaths方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中PlayerObject::GetDeaths方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ PlayerObject::GetDeaths方法的具体用法?C++ PlayerObject::GetDeaths怎么用?C++ PlayerObject::GetDeaths使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PlayerObject的用法示例。


示例1: Update

// Update the game state.
void Game::Update( float elapsed )
	// Allow the player to respawn by pressing the R key.
	/*if( g_engine->GetInput()->GetKeyPress( DIK_R ) == true )
		m_playerManager->GetLocalPlayer()->SetEnabled( false );

	// Update the bullet manager before the player manager. This will prevent
	// bullets that are fired this frame from being processed this frame.


	m_bulletManager->Update( elapsed );

	// Update the player manager.
	m_playerManager->Update( elapsed );

	// Check if the user is holding down the tab key.
	if( g_engine->GetInput()->GetKeyPress( DIK_TAB, true ) == true )
		// Build the score board text.
		sprintf( m_scoreBoardNames, "PLAYER\n" );
		sprintf( m_scoreBoardFrags, "FRAGS\n" );
		sprintf( m_scoreBoardDeaths, "DEATHS\n" );

		// Add each player's details to the score board.
		PlayerObject *player = m_playerManager->GetNextPlayer( true );
		while( player != NULL )
			strcat( m_scoreBoardNames, player->GetName() );
			strcat( m_scoreBoardNames, "\n" );

			sprintf( m_scoreBoardFrags, "%s%d", m_scoreBoardFrags, player->GetFrags() );
			strcat( m_scoreBoardFrags, "\n" );

			sprintf( m_scoreBoardDeaths, "%s%d", m_scoreBoardDeaths, player->GetDeaths() );
			strcat( m_scoreBoardDeaths, "\n" );

			player = m_playerManager->GetNextPlayer();

	// Check if the user wants to exit back to the menu.
	if( g_engine->GetInput()->GetKeyPress( DIK_ESCAPE ) )
		SFProtobufPacket<SFPacketStore::LeaveRoom> leaveRoom(CGSF::LeaveRoom);



示例2: Update

// Update the game state.
void Game::Update( float elapsed )
	// Allow the player to respawn by pressing the R key.
	if( Engine::GetInstance()->GetInput()->GetKeyPress( DIK_R ) == true )
		m_playerManager->GetLocalPlayer()->SetEnabled( false );

	// Update the bullet manager before the player manager. This will prevent
	// bullets that are fired this frame from being processed this frame.
	m_bulletManager->Update( elapsed );

	// Update the player manager.
	m_playerManager->Update( elapsed );

	// Check if the user is holding down the tab key.
	if( Engine::GetInstance()->GetInput()->GetKeyPress( DIK_TAB, true ) == true )
		// Build the score board text.
		sprintf( m_scoreBoardNames, "PLAYER\n" );
		sprintf( m_scoreBoardFrags, "FRAGS\n" );
		sprintf( m_scoreBoardDeaths, "DEATHS\n" );

		// Add each player's details to the score board.
		PlayerObject *player = m_playerManager->GetNextPlayer( true );
		while( player != NULL )
			strcat( m_scoreBoardNames, player->GetName() );
			strcat( m_scoreBoardNames, "\n" );

			sprintf( m_scoreBoardFrags, "%s%d", m_scoreBoardFrags, player->GetFrags() );
			strcat( m_scoreBoardFrags, "\n" );

			sprintf( m_scoreBoardDeaths, "%s%d", m_scoreBoardDeaths, player->GetDeaths() );
			strcat( m_scoreBoardDeaths, "\n" );

			player = m_playerManager->GetNextPlayer();

	// Check if the user wants to exit back to the menu.
	if( Engine::GetInstance()->GetInput()->GetKeyPress( DIK_ESCAPE ) )
		Engine::GetInstance()->ChangeState( STATE_MENU );
