本文整理汇总了C++中GridMap类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GridMap类的具体用法?C++ GridMap怎么用?C++ GridMap使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: CleanUpGrids
//call this method only
void TerrainInfo::CleanUpGrids(const uint32 diff)
if( !i_timer.Passed() )
for (int y = 0; y < MAX_NUMBER_OF_GRIDS; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < MAX_NUMBER_OF_GRIDS; ++x)
const int16& iRef = m_GridRef[x][y];
GridMap * pMap = m_GridMaps[x][y];
//delete those GridMap objects which have refcount = 0
if(pMap && iRef == 0 )
m_GridMaps[x][y] = NULL;
//delete grid data if reference count == 0
delete pMap;
//unload VMAPS...
VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager()->unloadMap(m_mapId, x, y);
//unload mmap...
MMAP::MMapFactory::createOrGetMMapManager()->unloadMap(m_mapId, x, y);
示例2: explorationPotential
double MaxAreaHandler::explorationPotential(GridMap& m, QPoint position, int radius)
double result = 0.0;
if (m.isValidField(position))
return 0.0;
int xStart = position.x() - radius;
int xEnd = position.x() + radius;
int yStart = position.y() - radius;
int yEnd = position.y() + radius;
for ( int a = xStart; a <= xEnd; ++a) {
for (int b = yStart; b <= yEnd; ++b) {
if (m.isValidField(a, b)) {
else {
return result;
示例3: GetGrid
float MapTerrain2::GetHeight(float x, float y, float z)
GridMap *g = GetGrid(x, y);
if( g )
return g->getHeight( x, y );
示例4: calcRepulsiveForceSum
void BasicVFF::calcRepulsiveForceSum(const GridMap &map)
for(int i = 0; i < map.getMapSize().y; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < map.getMapSize().x; j++)
uchar occupancyData = map.getOccupancyGridMap()[i * map.getMapSize().x + j];
if(occupancyData > 0)
Position2f ObstaclePos;
map.getPositionFromIndex(Cell2i(i,j), ObstaclePos);
//cout << i << " " << j << endl;
//cout << ObstaclePos.x << " " << ObstaclePos.y << endl;
float distancePow = getDistancePow(ObstaclePos);
float distance = powf(distancePow, 0.5);
force2f force = force2f((0 - ObstaclePos.x) / distance , (0 - ObstaclePos.y) / distance);
float coeff = (float)occupancyData / distancePow;
//cout << (float)occupancyData << " "<< distancePow << " " << coeff<< endl;
force2f force1 = coeff * force;
forceSum += force1;
//cout << force.x << " " << force.y << endl;
//cout << force1.x << " " << force1.y << endl;
cout << "ForceSum = " << forceSum.x << " "<< forceSum.y << endl;
示例5: ver_x_p
void PotentialField::target_waypoint_callback(
visualization_msgs::Marker::ConstPtr target_point_msgs) {
static TargetWaypointFieldParamater param;
double ver_x_p(param.ver_x_p);
double ver_y_p(param.ver_y_p);
ros::Time time = ros::Time::now();
geometry_msgs::PointStamped in, out;
in.header = target_point_msgs->header;
in.point = target_point_msgs->pose.position;
tf::TransformListener tflistener;
try {
ros::Time now = ros::Time(0);
tflistener.waitForTransform("/map", "/potential_field_link", now,
tflistener.transformPoint("/potential_field_link", in.header.stamp, in,
"/map", out);
} catch (tf::TransformException &ex) {
ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());
for (GridMapIterator it(map_); !it.isPastEnd(); ++it) {
Position position;
map_.getPosition(*it, position);
map_.at("target_waypoint_field", *it) = 0.0;
map_.at("target_waypoint_field", *it) -=
0.5 * std::exp((-1.0 * (std::pow((position.y() - (out.point.y)), 2.0) /
std::pow(2.0 * ver_y_p, 2.0))) +
(-1.0 * (std::pow((position.x() - (out.point.x)), 2.0) /
std::pow(2.0 * ver_x_p, 2.0))));
示例6: GridMap
FrontierList Planner::getFrontiers(GridMap* map, GridPoint start)
// Initialization
mFrontierCellCount = 0;
mFrontierCount = 0;
GridMap plan = GridMap(map->getWidth(), map->getHeight());
FrontierList result;
// Initialize the queue with the robot position
Queue queue;
queue.insert(Entry(0, start));
plan.setData(start, VISIBLE);
// Do full search with weightless Dijkstra-Algorithm
// Get the nearest cell from the queue
Queue::iterator next = queue.begin();
int distance = next->first;
GridPoint point = next->second;
// Add neighbors
bool isFrontier = false;
PointList neighbors = getNeighbors(point, false);
char c = 0;
for(PointList::const_iterator cell = neighbors.begin(); cell < neighbors.end(); cell++)
if(map->getData(*cell,c) && c == UNKNOWN)
plan.setData(*cell, OBSTACLE);
isFrontier = true;
if(map->getData(*cell, c) && c == VISIBLE &&
plan.getData(*cell, c) && c == UNKNOWN)
queue.insert(Entry(distance+1, *cell));
plan.setData(*cell, VISIBLE);
result.push_back(getFrontier(map, &plan, point));
// Set result message and return the point list
if(result.size() > 0)
mStatus = SUCCESS;
sprintf(mStatusMessage, "Found %d frontiers with %d frontier cells.", mFrontierCount, mFrontierCellCount);
mStatus = NO_GOAL;
sprintf(mStatusMessage, "No reachable frontiers found.");
return result;
示例7: nextPossibleWorldLeft
Nona7::GridMap Nona7::nextPossibleWorld(Board::Grid grid){
GridMap map;
GridList lefts = nextPossibleWorldLeft(grid);
for(auto e: lefts) map.push_back(std::make_pair(e, Dir::Left));
GridList right = nextPossibleWorldLeft(Board::gridMirror(grid));
for(auto e: right) map.push_back(std::make_pair(Board::gridMirror(e), Dir::Right));
GridList down = nextPossibleWorldLeft(Board::gridMirror(Board::transpose(grid)));
for(auto e: down) map.push_back(std::make_pair(Board::transpose(Board::gridMirror(e)), Dir::Down));
GridList up = nextPossibleWorldLeft(Board::transpose(grid));
for(auto e: up) map.push_back(std::make_pair(Board::transpose(e), Dir::Up));
return map;
示例8: lock
GridMap * TerrainInfo::LoadMapAndVMap( const uint32 x, const uint32 y )
//double checked lock pattern
LOCK_GUARD lock(m_mutex);
GridMap * map = new GridMap();
// map file name
char *tmp=NULL;
int len = sWorld.GetDataPath().length()+strlen("maps/%03u%02u%02u.map")+1;
tmp = new char[len];
snprintf(tmp, len, (char *)(sWorld.GetDataPath()+"maps/%03u%02u%02u.map").c_str(),m_mapId, x, y);
sLog.outDetail("Loading map %s",tmp);
sLog.outError("Error load map file: \n %s\n", tmp);
delete [] tmp;
m_GridMaps[x][y] = map;
//load VMAPs for current map/grid...
const MapEntry * i_mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(m_mapId);
const char* mapName = i_mapEntry ? i_mapEntry->name[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()] : "UNNAMEDMAP\x0";
int vmapLoadResult = VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager()->loadMap((sWorld.GetDataPath()+ "vmaps").c_str(), m_mapId, x, y);
sLog.outDetail("VMAP loaded name:%s, id:%d, x:%d, y:%d (vmap rep.: x:%d, y:%d)", mapName, m_mapId, x,y,x,y);
sLog.outDetail("Could not load VMAP name:%s, id:%d, x:%d, y:%d (vmap rep.: x:%d, y:%d)", mapName, m_mapId, x,y,x,y);
DEBUG_LOG("Ignored VMAP name:%s, id:%d, x:%d, y:%d (vmap rep.: x:%d, y:%d)", mapName, m_mapId, x,y,x,y);
// load navmesh
MMAP::MMapFactory::createOrGetMMapManager()->loadMap(m_mapId, x, y);
return m_GridMaps[x][y];
示例9: scopedLock
bool ElevationMap::publishFusedElevationMap()
if (!hasFusedMapSubscribers()) return false;
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(fusedMapMutex_);
GridMap fusedMapCopy = fusedMap_;
fusedMapCopy.add("uncertainty_range", fusedMapCopy.get("upper_bound") - fusedMapCopy.get("lower_bound"));
grid_map_msgs::GridMap message;
GridMapRosConverter::toMessage(fusedMapCopy, message);
ROS_DEBUG("Elevation map (fused) has been published.");
return true;
示例10: calculateSignedDistanceField
void SignedDistanceField::calculateSignedDistanceField(const GridMap& gridMap, const std::string& layer,
const double heightClearance)
resolution_ = gridMap.getResolution();
position_ = gridMap.getPosition();
size_ = gridMap.getSize();
Matrix map = gridMap.get(layer); // Copy!
float minHeight = map.minCoeffOfFinites();
if (!std::isfinite(minHeight)) minHeight = lowestHeight_;
float maxHeight = map.maxCoeffOfFinites();
if (!std::isfinite(maxHeight)) maxHeight = lowestHeight_;
const float valueForEmptyCells = lowestHeight_; // maxHeight, minHeight (TODO Make this an option).
for (size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); ++i) {
if (std::isnan(map(i))) map(i) = valueForEmptyCells;
// Height range of the signed distance field is higher than the max height.
maxHeight += heightClearance;
Matrix sdfElevationAbove = Matrix::Ones(map.rows(), map.cols()) * maxDistance_;
Matrix sdfLayer = Matrix::Zero(map.rows(), map.cols());
std::vector<Matrix> sdf;
zIndexStartHeight_ = minHeight;
// Calculate signed distance field from bottom.
for (float h = minHeight; h < maxHeight; h += resolution_) {
Eigen::Matrix<bool, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> obstacleFreeField = map.array() < h;
Eigen::Matrix<bool, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> obstacleField = obstacleFreeField.array() < 1;
Matrix sdfObstacle = getPlanarSignedDistanceField(obstacleField);
Matrix sdfObstacleFree = getPlanarSignedDistanceField(obstacleFreeField);
Matrix sdf2d;
// If 2d sdfObstacleFree calculation failed, neglect this SDF
// to avoid extreme small distances (-INF).
if ((sdfObstacleFree.array() >= INF).any()) sdf2d = sdfObstacle;
else sdf2d = sdfObstacle - sdfObstacleFree;
sdf2d *= resolution_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sdfElevationAbove.size(); ++i) {
if(sdfElevationAbove(i) == maxDistance_ && map(i) <= h) sdfElevationAbove(i) = h - map(i);
else if(sdfElevationAbove(i) != maxDistance_ && map(i) <= h) sdfElevationAbove(i) = sdfLayer(i) + resolution_;
if (sdf2d(i) == 0) sdfLayer(i) = h - map(i);
else if (sdf2d(i) < 0) sdfLayer(i) = -std::min(fabs(sdf2d(i)), fabs(map(i) - h));
else sdfLayer(i) = std::min(sdf2d(i), sdfElevationAbove(i));
示例11: inflateBlacklist
void inflateBlacklist(GridMap& map, std::set<tf::Vector3> positions, int radius)
static GridMask* grid_mask = NULL;
static int last_radius = -1;
if (!grid_mask || radius != last_radius)
delete grid_mask;
grid_mask = makeCircularMask(radius);
last_radius = radius;
ApplyMaskOperator op = [](int8_t cell, int8_t mask_cell)
// If the cell isn't unknown, set it as unreachable.
if (cell == GridMap::UNKNOWN)
return cell;
return std::max(cell, mask_cell);
for (tf::Vector3 pos : positions)
index_t idx = map.getIdxForPosition(pos);
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Applying mask at idx=" << idx);
apply_mask_at_idx(map, *grid_mask, op, idx);
示例12: Load
void Load()
char filename[1024];
if ( LoadVMap ( mapid,gx,gy ) != VMAP::VMAP_LOAD_RESULT_OK )
printf("Cannot load vmap: Map %d , GridX %d, GridY %d\n",mapid,gx,gy);
sprintf ( filename,"maps/%03u%02d%02d.map",mapid, gx,gy);
map = new GridMap;
cout << "Loading " << filename << endl;
bool r = map->loadData ( filename );
if ( !r )
cout << "Failed to load map " << filename << endl;
delete map;
map = NULL;
loaded = true;
示例13: calcDistanceVecArray
void BasicVFF::calcDistanceVecArray(const GridMap &map)
for(int i = 0; i < map.getMapSize().y; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < map.getMapSize().x; j++)
if (map.getOccupancyGridMap()[i * map.getMapSize().x + j] > 0)
Position2f ObstaclePos;
map.getPositionFromIndex(Cell2i(i,j), ObstaclePos);
cout << i << " " << j << endl;
cout << ObstaclePos.x << " " << ObstaclePos.y << endl;
cout << distance_vec_array.size() << endl;
示例14: main
int main(int argc,char ** argv)
GridMap * map;
map = new GridMap;
char filename[1024];
float x= atof(argv[1]);float y = atof(argv[2]);
cout << "Loading " << filename << endl;
bool r = map->loadData(filename);
if (!r)
cout << "Cannot load " << filename << " Replacing with blackmap" << endl;
示例15: memset
MapTerrain2::MapTerrain2(uint32 MapId)
m_MapId = MapId;
memset( GridMaps, NULL, sizeof( GridMaps ) );
for(uint32 y=0;y<MAX_NUMBER_OF_GRIDS;y++)
for(uint32 x=0;x<MAX_NUMBER_OF_GRIDS;x++)
//gen filename
char filename[500];
snprintf(filename, 500, "maps2/%03u%02u%02u.map",m_MapId,x,y);
//see if file exist
FILE *pf=fopen(filename,"rb");
if( pf == NULL )
fclose( pf );
//load content into mem
GridMap *gm = new GridMap();
//store the struct
GridMaps[ x ] [ y ] = gm;