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C++ GraphAttributes::setFillPattern方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GraphAttributes::setFillPattern方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GraphAttributes::setFillPattern方法的具体用法?C++ GraphAttributes::setFillPattern怎么用?C++ GraphAttributes::setFillPattern使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在GraphAttributes的用法示例。


示例1: read


			// check if everything required is defined correctly
			if (vId == notDefined) {
				setError("node id not defined");
				return false;

			// create new node if necessary and assign attributes
			if (m_mapToNode[vId] == nullptr) m_mapToNode[vId] = G.newNode();
			node v = m_mapToNode[vId];
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
				AG.x(v) = x;
				AG.y(v) = y;
				AG.width (v) = w;
				AG.height(v) = h;
				AG.shape(v) = strToShape[shape];
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
				AG.label(m_mapToNode[vId]) = label;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeTemplate)
				AG.templateNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = templ;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
				AG.idNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = vId;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeWeight)
				AG.weight(m_mapToNode[vId]) = weight;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle)
				AG.fillColor(m_mapToNode[vId]) = fill;
				AG.strokeColor(m_mapToNode[vId]) = line;
				AG.setFillPattern(m_mapToNode[vId], intToFillPattern(pattern));
				AG.setStrokeType(m_mapToNode[vId], intToStrokeType(stipple));
				AG.strokeWidth(m_mapToNode[vId]) = lineWidth;
							//Todo: line style set stipple value

		case edgePredefKey: {
			string arrow; // the arrow type attribute
			string fill;  //the color fill attribute
			int stipple = 1;  //the line style
			float lineWidth = 1.0f;
			double edgeWeight = 1.0;
			int subGraph = 0; //edgeSubGraphs attribute
			string label; // label attribute

			if (son->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

			// set attributes to default values
			int sourceId = notDefined, targetId = notDefined;
			Graph::EdgeType umlType = Graph::association;

			// read all relevant attributes
			GmlObject *edgeSon = son->m_pFirstSon;
			for(; edgeSon; edgeSon = edgeSon->m_pBrother) {

				switch(id(edgeSon)) {
				case sourcePredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					sourceId = edgeSon->m_intValue;
