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C++ GraphAttributes::directed方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GraphAttributes::directed方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GraphAttributes::directed方法的具体用法?C++ GraphAttributes::directed怎么用?C++ GraphAttributes::directed使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在GraphAttributes的用法示例。


示例1: read

					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
					label = edgeSon->m_stringValue;

				case graphicsPredefKey: {
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

					GmlObject *graphicsObject = edgeSon->m_pFirstSon;
					for(; graphicsObject;
						graphicsObject = graphicsObject->m_pBrother)
						if(id(graphicsObject) == LinePredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlListBegin)
                        if(id(graphicsObject) == arrowPredefKey &&
                            graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlStringValue)
                                arrow = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						if(id(graphicsObject) == fillPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlStringValue)
								fill = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == stipplePredefKey && //line style
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlIntValue) 
								stipple = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == lineWidthPredefKey && //line width
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlDoubleValue) 
								lineWidth = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == edgeWeightPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlDoubleValue)
							edgeWeight = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;
					}//for graphics

				case generalizationPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					umlType = (edgeSon->m_intValue == 0) ?
						Graph::association : Graph::generalization;


			// check if everything required is defined correctly
			if (sourceId == notDefined || targetId == notDefined) {
				setError("source or target id not defined");
				return false;

			} else if (sourceId < minId || maxId < sourceId ||
				targetId < minId || maxId < targetId) {
				setError("source or target id out of range");
				return false;

			// create adjacent nodes if necessary and new edge
			if (m_mapToNode[sourceId] == 0) m_mapToNode[sourceId] = G.newNode();
			if (m_mapToNode[targetId] == 0) m_mapToNode[targetId] = G.newNode();

			edge e = G.newEdge(m_mapToNode[sourceId],m_mapToNode[targetId]);
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeGraphics)
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeType)
				AG.type(e) = umlType;
			if(AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeSubGraph)
			        AG.subGraphBits(e) = subGraph;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeLabel)
				AG.labelEdge(e) = label;

            if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeArrow)
                if (arrow == "none")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::none;
                else if (arrow == "last")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::last;
                else if (arrow == "first")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::first;
                else if (arrow == "both")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::both;
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::undefined;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeColor)
				AG.colorEdge(e) = fill;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeStyle)
				AG.styleEdge(e) = AG.intToStyle(stipple);
				AG.edgeWidth(e) = lineWidth;

			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeDoubleWeight)
				AG.doubleWeight(e) = edgeWeight;

            break; }
		case directedPredefKey: {
			if(son->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
			AG.directed(son->m_intValue > 0);
			break; }

	return true;
