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C++ GraphAttributes::height方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GraphAttributes::height方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GraphAttributes::height方法的具体用法?C++ GraphAttributes::height怎么用?C++ GraphAttributes::height使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在GraphAttributes的用法示例。


示例1: exportAttributesSimple

// assumes, that the Graphs of MultilevelGraph and GA are the same, not copies!
void MultilevelGraph::exportAttributesSimple(GraphAttributes &GA) const
	OGDF_ASSERT(&(GA.constGraph()) == m_G);


	for(node v : m_G->nodes) {
		GA.x(v) =  m_GA->x(v);
		GA.y(v) =  m_GA->y(v);
		//TODO: Check what this w,h computation does
		double w = GA.width(v);
		double h = GA.height(v);
		if(w > 0 || h > 0) {
			double factor =  m_radius[v] / sqrt(w*w + h*h) * 2.0f;
			w *= factor;
			h *= factor;
		} else {
			w = h = m_radius[v] * sqrt(2.0f);
		GA.width(v) = w;
		GA.height(v) = h;
		GA.weight(v) = m_reverseNodeMergeWeight[v->index()];

	for(edge e : m_G->edges) {
		GA.doubleWeight(e) = m_weight[e];

示例2: importAttributesSimple

void MultilevelGraph::importAttributesSimple(const GraphAttributes &GA)
	OGDF_ASSERT(&(GA.constGraph()) == m_G);

	m_avgRadius = 0.0;

	for(node v : m_G->nodes) {
		double w = GA.width(v);
		double h = GA.height(v);
		if(w > 0 || h > 0) {
			m_radius[v] = sqrt(w*w + h*h) / 2.0f;
		} else {
			m_radius[v] = 1.0f;
		m_avgRadius += m_radius[v];
		m_GA->x(v) = GA.x(v);
		m_GA->y(v) = GA.y(v);
		m_GA->width(v) = GA.width(v);
		m_GA->height(v) = GA.height(v);
	m_avgRadius /= m_G->numberOfNodes();

	for(edge e : m_G->edges) {
		m_weight[e] = GA.doubleWeight(e);

示例3: computeAutoEdgeLength

void FastMultipoleMultilevelEmbedder::computeAutoEdgeLength(const GraphAttributes& GA, EdgeArray<float>& edgeLength, float factor)
	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges)
		node v = e->source();
		node w = e->target();
		float radius_v = (float)sqrt(GA.width(v)*GA.width(v) + GA.height(v)*GA.height(v)) * 0.5f;
		float radius_w = (float)sqrt(GA.width(w)*GA.width(w) + GA.height(w)*GA.height(w)) * 0.5f;
		float sum = radius_v + radius_w;
		if (OGDF_GEOM_ET.equal(sum, (float) 0))
			sum = 1.0;
		edgeLength[e] = factor*(sum);

示例4: placeIsolatedNodes

//the vertices with degree zero are placed below all other vertices on a horizontal
// line centered with repect to the rest of the drawing
void DavidsonHarel::placeIsolatedNodes(GraphAttributes &AG) const {
	double minX = 0.0;
	double minY = 0.0;
	double maxX = 0.0;

	if (!m_nonIsolatedNodes.empty()) {
		//compute a rectangle that includes all non-isolated vertices
		node vFirst = m_nonIsolatedNodes.front();
		minX = AG.x(vFirst);
		minY = AG.y(vFirst);
		maxX = minX;
		double maxY = minY;
		for (node v : m_nonIsolatedNodes) {
			double xVal = AG.x(v);
			double yVal = AG.y(v);
			double halfHeight = AG.height(v) / 2.0;
			double halfWidth = AG.width(v) / 2.0;
			if (xVal - halfWidth < minX) minX = xVal - halfWidth;
			if (xVal + halfWidth > maxX) maxX = xVal + halfWidth;
			if (yVal - halfHeight < minY) minY = yVal - halfHeight;
			if (yVal + halfHeight > maxY) maxY = yVal + halfHeight;

	// compute the width and height of the largest isolated node
	List<node> isolated;
	const Graph &G = AG.constGraph();
	double maxWidth = 0;
	double maxHeight = 0;
	for (node v : G.nodes)
	if (v->degree() == 0) {
		if (AG.height(v) > maxHeight) maxHeight = AG.height(v);
		if (AG.width(v) > maxWidth) maxWidth = AG.width(v);
	// The nodes are placed on a line in the middle under the non isolated vertices.
	// Each node gets a box sized 2 maxWidth.
	double boxWidth = 2.0*maxWidth;
	double commonYCoord = minY - (1.5*maxHeight);
	double XCenterOfDrawing = minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2.0);
	double startXCoord = XCenterOfDrawing - 0.5*(isolated.size()*boxWidth);
	double xcoord = startXCoord;
	for (node v : isolated) {
		AG.x(v) = xcoord;
		AG.y(v) = commonYCoord;
		xcoord += boxWidth;

示例5: ComputeDiameters

void RadialTreeLayout::ComputeDiameters(GraphAttributes &AG)
	const Graph &G = AG.constGraph();


	for(node v : G.nodes)
		int i = m_level[v];

		double w = AG.width(v);
		double h = AG.height(v);

		m_diameter[v] = sqrt(w*w+h*h);

		double m = max(w, h);
		m = max(m, sqrt(w*w+h*h));

		if(m_diameter[v] > m_width[i])
			m_width[i] = m_diameter[v];

示例6: call

void FastMultipoleEmbedder::call(GraphAttributes &GA)
	EdgeArray<float> edgeLength(GA.constGraph());
	NodeArray<float> nodeSize(GA.constGraph());

	for(node v : GA.constGraph().nodes)
		nodeSize[v] = (float)sqrt(GA.width(v)*GA.width(v) + GA.height(v)*GA.height(v)) * 0.5f;

	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges)
		edgeLength[e] = nodeSize[e->source()] + nodeSize[e->target()];
	call(GA, edgeLength, nodeSize);

示例7: readColor

static inline bool readVizAttribute(
	GraphAttributes &GA,
	node v,
	const pugi::xml_node tag)
	const long attrs = GA.attributes();

	if(string(tag.name()) == "viz:position") {
		if(attrs & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics) {
			pugi::xml_attribute xAttr = tag.attribute("x");
			pugi::xml_attribute yAttr = tag.attribute("y");
			pugi::xml_attribute zAttr = tag.attribute("z");

			if(!xAttr || !yAttr) {
				GraphIO::logger.lout() << "Missing \"x\" or \"y\" in position tag." << std::endl;
				return false;

			GA.x(v) = xAttr.as_int();
			GA.y(v) = yAttr.as_int();

			// z attribute is optional and avaliable only in \a threeD mode
			GA.y(v) = yAttr.as_int();
			if (zAttr && (attrs & GraphAttributes::threeD)) {
				GA.z(v) = zAttr.as_int();
	} else if(string(tag.name()) == "viz:size") {
		if(attrs & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics) {
			pugi::xml_attribute valueAttr = tag.attribute("value");
			if (!valueAttr) {
				GraphIO::logger.lout() << "\"size\" attribute is missing a value." << std::endl;
				return false;

			double size = valueAttr.as_double();
			GA.width(v) = size * LayoutStandards::defaultNodeWidth();
			GA.height(v) = size * LayoutStandards::defaultNodeHeight();
	} else if(string(tag.name()) == "viz:shape") {
		if(attrs & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics) {
			pugi::xml_attribute valueAttr = tag.attribute("value");
			if(!valueAttr) {
				GraphIO::logger.lout() << "\"shape\" attribute is missing a value." << std::endl;
				return false;

			GA.shape(v) = toShape(valueAttr.value());
	} else if(string(tag.name()) == "viz:color") {
		if(attrs & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle) {
			return readColor(GA.fillColor(v), tag);
	} else {
		GraphIO::logger.lout() << "Incorrect tag: \"" << tag.name() << "\"." << std::endl;
		return false;

	return true;

示例8: compact

void DominanceLayout::compact(const UpwardPlanRep &UPR, GraphAttributes &GA)
	double maxNodeSize = 0;
	for(node v : GA.constGraph().nodes) {
		if (GA.width(v) > maxNodeSize || GA.height(v) > maxNodeSize)
			maxNodeSize = max(GA.width(v), GA.height(v));

	int gridDist = m_grid_dist;
	if (gridDist < maxNodeSize+1)
		gridDist = (int) maxNodeSize+1;




	node v = xNodes.popFrontRet();
	xCoord[v] = 0;
	while (!xNodes.empty()) {
		node u = xNodes.popFrontRet();
		if ( (yPreCoord[v] > yPreCoord[u]) || (firstout[v] == lastout[v] && firstin[u] == lastin[u] && m_L <= m_R)) {
			xCoord[u] = xCoord[v] + gridDist;
			xCoord[u] = xCoord[v];
		v = u;


	v = yNodes.popFrontRet();
	yCoord[v] = 0;
	while (!yNodes.empty()) {
		node u = yNodes.popFrontRet();
		if ( (xPreCoord[v] > xPreCoord[u]) || (firstout[v] == lastout[v] && firstin[u] == lastin[u] && m_L > m_R)) {
			yCoord[u] = yCoord[v] + gridDist;
			yCoord[u] = yCoord[v];
		v = u;

示例9: importAttributes

void MultilevelGraph::importAttributes(const GraphAttributes &GA)
	OGDF_ASSERT(GA.constGraph().numberOfNodes() == m_G->numberOfNodes());
	OGDF_ASSERT(GA.constGraph().numberOfEdges() == m_G->numberOfEdges());

	m_avgRadius = 0.0;

	std::vector<node> tempNodeAssociations;
	const Graph &cG = GA.constGraph();
	tempNodeAssociations.resize(cG.maxNodeIndex()+1, nullptr);
	for(node v : cG.nodes) {
		tempNodeAssociations[v->index()] = v;

	for(node v : m_G->nodes) {

		double w = GA.width(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		double h = GA.height(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		if(w > 0 || h > 0) {
			m_radius[v] = sqrt(w*w + h*h) / 2.0f;
		} else {
			m_radius[v] = 1.0f;

		m_avgRadius += m_radius[v];

		m_GA->x(v) = GA.x(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		m_GA->y(v) = GA.y(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		m_GA->width(v) = GA.width(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		m_GA->height(v) = GA.height(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);

	m_avgRadius /= m_G->numberOfNodes();

	std::vector<edge> tempEdgeAssociations;
	tempEdgeAssociations.resize(cG.maxEdgeIndex()+1, nullptr);
	for(edge e : cG.edges) {
		tempEdgeAssociations[e->index()] = e;

	for(edge e : m_G->edges) {
		m_weight[e] = GA.doubleWeight(tempEdgeAssociations[m_edgeAssociations[e]]);

示例10: call

void TutteLayout::call(GraphAttributes &AG)
	const Graph &G = AG.constGraph();

	List<node> fixedNodes;
	List<DPoint> positions;

	double diam =
	sqrt((m_bbox.width()) * (m_bbox.width())
		 + (m_bbox.height()) * (m_bbox.height()));

	// handle graphs with less than two nodes
	switch (G.numberOfNodes()) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			node v = G.firstNode();

			DPoint center(0.5 * m_bbox.width(),0.5 * m_bbox.height());
			center = center + m_bbox.p1();

			AG.x(v) = center.m_x;
			AG.y(v) = center.m_y;


	// increase radius to have no overlap on the outer circle
	node v = G.firstNode();

	double r        = diam/2.8284271;
	int n           = G.numberOfNodes();
	double nodeDiam = 2.0*sqrt((AG.width(v)) * (AG.width(v))
			 + (AG.height(v)) * (AG.height(v)));

	if(r<nodeDiam/(2*sin(2*Math::pi/n))) {
		m_bbox = DRect (0.0, 0.0, 2*r, 2*r);



示例11: call

void ComponentSplitterLayout::call(GraphAttributes &GA)
	// Only do preparations and call if layout is valid
	if (m_secondaryLayout.valid())
		//first we split the graph into its components
		const Graph& G = GA.constGraph();

		NodeArray<int> componentNumber(G);
		m_numberOfComponents = connectedComponents(G, componentNumber);
		if (m_numberOfComponents == 0) {

		//std::vector< std::vector<node> > componentArray;
		//Array<GraphAttributes *> components(numComponents);

		// intialize the array of lists of nodes contained in a CC

		node v;

		 // Create copies of the connected components and corresponding
		 // GraphAttributes
		 GraphCopy GC;

		 EdgeArray<edge> auxCopy(G);

		 for (int i = 0; i < m_numberOfComponents; i++)
			 GraphAttributes cGA(GC);
			 //copy information into copy GA
			 forall_nodes(v, GC)
				cGA.width(v) = GA.width(GC.original(v));
				cGA.height(v) = GA.height(GC.original(v));
				cGA.x(v) = GA.x(GC.original(v));
				cGA.y(v) = GA.y(GC.original(v));

			 //copy layout information back into GA
			 forall_nodes(v, GC)
				 node w = GC.original(v);
				 if (w != 0)
					 GA.x(w) = cGA.x(v);
				 GA.y(w) = cGA.y(v);

示例12: exportAttributes

void MultilevelGraph::exportAttributes(GraphAttributes &GA) const
	OGDF_ASSERT(GA.constGraph().numberOfNodes() == m_G->numberOfNodes());
	OGDF_ASSERT(GA.constGraph().numberOfEdges() == m_G->numberOfEdges());


	std::vector<node> tempNodeAssociations;
	const Graph &cG = GA.constGraph();
	tempNodeAssociations.resize(cG.maxNodeIndex()+1, nullptr);

	for(node v : cG.nodes) {
		tempNodeAssociations[v->index()] = v;

	for(node v : m_G->nodes) {
		GA.x(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]) =  m_GA->x(v);
		GA.y(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]) =  m_GA->y(v);
		double w = GA.width(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		double h = GA.height(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]);
		if(w > 0 || h > 0) {
			double factor =  m_radius[v] / sqrt(w*w + h*h) * 2.0f;
			w *= factor;
			h *= factor;
		} else {
			w = h = m_radius[v] * sqrt(2.0f);
		GA.width(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]) = w;
		GA.height(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]) = h;
		GA.weight(tempNodeAssociations[m_nodeAssociations[v]]) = m_reverseNodeMergeWeight[v->index()];

	std::vector<edge> tempEdgeAssociations;
	tempEdgeAssociations.resize(cG.maxEdgeIndex()+1, nullptr);
	for(edge e :cG.edges) {
		tempEdgeAssociations[e->index()] = e;

	for(edge e : m_G->edges) {
		GA.doubleWeight(tempEdgeAssociations[m_edgeAssociations[e]]) = m_weight[e];

示例13: compute_bounding_box

static void compute_bounding_box(const GraphAttributes &A, double &xmin, double &ymin, double &xmax, double &ymax)
	const Graph &G = A.constGraph();
	if(G.numberOfNodes() == 0) {
		xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = 0;

	node v = G.firstNode();
	xmin = xmax = A.x(v),
	ymin = ymax = A.y(v);

	forall_nodes(v, G) {
		double lw = (A.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle) ? 0.5*A.strokeWidth(v) : 0.5;

		xmax = max(xmax, A.x(v) + A.width (v)/2 + lw);
		ymax = max(ymax, A.y(v) + A.height(v)/2 + lw);
		xmin = min(xmin, A.x(v) - A.width (v)/2 - lw);
		ymin = min(ymin, A.y(v) - A.height(v)/2 - lw);


inline void FMMMLayout :: import_NodeAttributes(const Graph& G, GraphAttributes& GA,
						NodeArray<NodeAttributes>& A)
 node v;
 DPoint position;

     position.m_x = GA.x(v);
     position.m_y = GA.y(v);

示例15: mapGridLayout

void GridLayoutModule::mapGridLayout(const Graph &G,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	GraphAttributes &AG)
	double maxWidth = 0; // maximum width of columns and rows;
	double yMax = 0;

	node v;
	forall_nodes(v,G) {
		if (AG.width (v) > maxWidth) maxWidth = AG.width (v);
		if (AG.height(v) > maxWidth) maxWidth = AG.height(v);
		if (gridLayout.y(v) > yMax) yMax = gridLayout.y(v);

	maxWidth += m_separation;

	// set position of nodes
	forall_nodes(v,G) {
		AG.x(v) = gridLayout.x(v) * maxWidth;
		AG.y(v) = (yMax - gridLayout.y(v)) * maxWidth;
