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C++ ASTContext::getPrintingPolicy方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ASTContext::getPrintingPolicy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ASTContext::getPrintingPolicy方法的具体用法?C++ ASTContext::getPrintingPolicy怎么用?C++ ASTContext::getPrintingPolicy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ASTContext的用法示例。


示例1: getFullyQualifiedName

std::string getFullyQualifiedName(QualType QT,
                                  const ASTContext &Ctx) {
  PrintingPolicy Policy(Ctx.getPrintingPolicy());
  Policy.SuppressScope = false;
  Policy.AnonymousTagLocations = false;
  Policy.PolishForDeclaration = true;
  Policy.SuppressUnwrittenScope = true;
  QualType FQQT = getFullyQualifiedType(QT, Ctx);
  return FQQT.getAsString(Policy);

示例2: printAST

 void ClangInternalState::printAST(llvm::raw_ostream& Out, ASTContext& C) {
   TranslationUnitDecl* TU = C.getTranslationUnitDecl();
   unsigned Indentation = 0;
   bool PrintInstantiation = false;
   std::string ErrMsg;
   clang::PrintingPolicy policy = C.getPrintingPolicy();
   TU->print(Out, policy, Indentation, PrintInstantiation);
   // TODO: For future when we relpace the bump allocation with slab.
   //Out << "Allocated memory: " << C.getAllocatedMemory();
   //Out << "Side table allocated memory: " << C.getSideTableAllocatedMemory();

示例3: getPrintingPolicy

PrintingPolicy Sema::getPrintingPolicy(const ASTContext &Context,
                                       const Preprocessor &PP) {
  PrintingPolicy Policy = Context.getPrintingPolicy();
  Policy.Bool = Context.getLangOpts().Bool;
  if (!Policy.Bool) {
    if (MacroInfo *BoolMacro = PP.getMacroInfo(&Context.Idents.get("bool"))) {
      Policy.Bool = BoolMacro->isObjectLike() &&
        BoolMacro->getNumTokens() == 1 &&

  return Policy;

示例4: genName

SourceRange StackAddrEscapeChecker::genName(raw_ostream &os, const MemRegion *R,
                                            ASTContext &Ctx) {
    // Get the base region, stripping away fields and elements.
  R = R->getBaseRegion();
  SourceManager &SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();
  SourceRange range;
  os << "Address of ";
  // Check if the region is a compound literal.
  if (const CompoundLiteralRegion* CR = dyn_cast<CompoundLiteralRegion>(R)) { 
    const CompoundLiteralExpr *CL = CR->getLiteralExpr();
    os << "stack memory associated with a compound literal "
          "declared on line "
        << SM.getExpansionLineNumber(CL->getLocStart())
        << " returned to caller";    
    range = CL->getSourceRange();
  else if (const AllocaRegion* AR = dyn_cast<AllocaRegion>(R)) {
    const Expr *ARE = AR->getExpr();
    SourceLocation L = ARE->getLocStart();
    range = ARE->getSourceRange();    
    os << "stack memory allocated by call to alloca() on line "
       << SM.getExpansionLineNumber(L);
  else if (const BlockDataRegion *BR = dyn_cast<BlockDataRegion>(R)) {
    const BlockDecl *BD = BR->getCodeRegion()->getDecl();
    SourceLocation L = BD->getLocStart();
    range = BD->getSourceRange();
    os << "stack-allocated block declared on line "
       << SM.getExpansionLineNumber(L);
  else if (const VarRegion *VR = dyn_cast<VarRegion>(R)) {
    os << "stack memory associated with local variable '"
       << VR->getString() << '\'';
    range = VR->getDecl()->getSourceRange();
  else if (const CXXTempObjectRegion *TOR = dyn_cast<CXXTempObjectRegion>(R)) {
    QualType Ty = TOR->getValueType().getLocalUnqualifiedType();
    os << "stack memory associated with temporary object of type '";
    Ty.print(os, Ctx.getPrintingPolicy());
    os << "'";
    range = TOR->getExpr()->getSourceRange();
  else {
    llvm_unreachable("Invalid region in ReturnStackAddressChecker.");
  return range;

示例5: printer

    TraverseTUnitConsumer::InvestigateASTContextTypes( ASTContext& context )
      // const SmallVectorImpl<Type *>&
      auto& types = context.getTypes();

      TypePrinter printer(context.getPrintingPolicy(), /* indentation */ 2);

      const char *placeholder = ""; // "hey"

      for(const Type *type : types) {
        llvm::errs() << " - ";
        printer.print(type, Qualifiers(), llvm::errs(), placeholder);
        llvm::errs() << "\n";

      (terrs().magenta() << "InvestigateASTContextTypes(): END.\n").reset();

示例6: PrevTy

/// \brief Convert the given type to a string suitable for printing as part of 
/// a diagnostic.
/// There are four main criteria when determining whether we should have an
/// a.k.a. clause when pretty-printing a type:
/// 1) Some types provide very minimal sugar that doesn't impede the
///    user's understanding --- for example, elaborated type
///    specifiers.  If this is all the sugar we see, we don't want an
///    a.k.a. clause.
/// 2) Some types are technically sugared but are much more familiar
///    when seen in their sugared form --- for example, va_list,
///    vector types, and the magic Objective C types.  We don't
///    want to desugar these, even if we do produce an a.k.a. clause.
/// 3) Some types may have already been desugared previously in this diagnostic.
///    if this is the case, doing another "aka" would just be clutter.
/// 4) Two different types within the same diagnostic have the same output
///    string.  In this case, force an a.k.a with the desugared type when
///    doing so will provide additional information.
/// \param Context the context in which the type was allocated
/// \param Ty the type to print
/// \param QualTypeVals pointer values to QualTypes which are used in the
/// diagnostic message
static std::string
ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(ASTContext &Context, QualType Ty,
                              const DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentValue *PrevArgs,
                              unsigned NumPrevArgs,
                              ArrayRef<intptr_t> QualTypeVals) {
  // FIXME: Playing with std::string is really slow.
  bool ForceAKA = false;
  QualType CanTy = Ty.getCanonicalType();
  std::string S = Ty.getAsString(Context.getPrintingPolicy());
  std::string CanS = CanTy.getAsString(Context.getPrintingPolicy());

  for (unsigned I = 0, E = QualTypeVals.size(); I != E; ++I) {
    QualType CompareTy =
    if (CompareTy.isNull())
    if (CompareTy == Ty)
      continue;  // Same types
    QualType CompareCanTy = CompareTy.getCanonicalType();
    if (CompareCanTy == CanTy)
      continue;  // Same canonical types
    std::string CompareS = CompareTy.getAsString(Context.getPrintingPolicy());
    bool aka;
    QualType CompareDesugar = Desugar(Context, CompareTy, aka);
    std::string CompareDesugarStr =
    if (CompareS != S && CompareDesugarStr != S)
      continue;  // The type string is different than the comparison string
                 // and the desugared comparison string.
    std::string CompareCanS =
    if (CompareCanS == CanS)
      continue;  // No new info from canonical type

    ForceAKA = true;

  // Check to see if we already desugared this type in this
  // diagnostic.  If so, don't do it again.
  bool Repeated = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumPrevArgs; ++i) {
    // TODO: Handle ak_declcontext case.
    if (PrevArgs[i].first == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype) {
      void *Ptr = (void*)PrevArgs[i].second;
      QualType PrevTy(QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(Ptr));
      if (PrevTy == Ty) {
        Repeated = true;

  // Consider producing an a.k.a. clause if removing all the direct
  // sugar gives us something "significantly different".
  if (!Repeated) {
    bool ShouldAKA = false;
    QualType DesugaredTy = Desugar(Context, Ty, ShouldAKA);
    if (ShouldAKA || ForceAKA) {
      if (DesugaredTy == Ty) {
        DesugaredTy = Ty.getCanonicalType();
      std::string akaStr = DesugaredTy.getAsString(Context.getPrintingPolicy());
      if (akaStr != S) {
        S = "'" + S + "' (aka '" + akaStr + "')";
        return S;

  S = "'" + S + "'";
  return S;

示例7: printPretty

void APValue::printPretty(raw_ostream &Out, ASTContext &Ctx, QualType Ty) const{
  switch (getKind()) {
  case APValue::Uninitialized:
    Out << "<uninitialized>";
  case APValue::Int:
    if (Ty->isBooleanType())
      Out << (getInt().getBoolValue() ? "true" : "false");
      Out << getInt();
  case APValue::Float:
    Out << GetApproxValue(getFloat());
  case APValue::Vector: {
    Out << '{';
    QualType ElemTy = Ty->getAs<VectorType>()->getElementType();
    getVectorElt(0).printPretty(Out, Ctx, ElemTy);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i != getVectorLength(); ++i) {
      Out << ", ";
      getVectorElt(i).printPretty(Out, Ctx, ElemTy);
    Out << '}';
  case APValue::ComplexInt:
    Out << getComplexIntReal() << "+" << getComplexIntImag() << "i";
  case APValue::ComplexFloat:
    Out << GetApproxValue(getComplexFloatReal()) << "+"
        << GetApproxValue(getComplexFloatImag()) << "i";
  case APValue::LValue: {
    LValueBase Base = getLValueBase();
    if (!Base) {
      Out << "0";

    bool IsReference = Ty->isReferenceType();
    QualType InnerTy
      = IsReference ? Ty.getNonReferenceType() : Ty->getPointeeType();
    if (InnerTy.isNull())
      InnerTy = Ty;

    if (!hasLValuePath()) {
      // No lvalue path: just print the offset.
      CharUnits O = getLValueOffset();
      CharUnits S = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(InnerTy);
      if (!O.isZero()) {
        if (IsReference)
          Out << "*(";
        if (O % S) {
          Out << "(char*)";
          S = CharUnits::One();
        Out << '&';
      } else if (!IsReference)
        Out << '&';

      if (const ValueDecl *VD = Base.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>())
        Out << *VD;
      else {
        assert(Base.get<const Expr *>() != nullptr &&
               "Expecting non-null Expr");
        Base.get<const Expr*>()->printPretty(Out, nullptr,

      if (!O.isZero()) {
        Out << " + " << (O / S);
        if (IsReference)
          Out << ')';

    // We have an lvalue path. Print it out nicely.
    if (!IsReference)
      Out << '&';
    else if (isLValueOnePastTheEnd())
      Out << "*(&";

    QualType ElemTy;
    if (const ValueDecl *VD = Base.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>()) {
      Out << *VD;
      ElemTy = VD->getType();
    } else {
      const Expr *E = Base.get<const Expr*>();
      assert(E != nullptr && "Expecting non-null Expr");
      E->printPretty(Out, nullptr, Ctx.getPrintingPolicy());
      ElemTy = E->getType();

    ArrayRef<LValuePathEntry> Path = getLValuePath();
    const CXXRecordDecl *CastToBase = nullptr;
    for (unsigned I = 0, N = Path.size(); I != N; ++I) {
      if (ElemTy->getAs<RecordType>()) {
        // The lvalue refers to a class type, so the next path entry is a base
        // or member.
