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C++ ASTContext::getClangModuleLoader方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ASTContext::getClangModuleLoader方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ASTContext::getClangModuleLoader方法的具体用法?C++ ASTContext::getClangModuleLoader怎么用?C++ ASTContext::getClangModuleLoader使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ASTContext的用法示例。


示例1: make_tuple

std::tuple<llvm::TargetOptions, std::string, std::vector<std::string>>
swift::getIRTargetOptions(IRGenOptions &Opts, ASTContext &Ctx) {
  // Things that maybe we should collect from the command line:
  //   - relocation model
  //   - code model
  // FIXME: We should do this entirely through Clang, for consistency.
  TargetOptions TargetOpts;

  auto *Clang = static_cast<ClangImporter *>(Ctx.getClangModuleLoader());
  clang::TargetOptions &ClangOpts = Clang->getTargetInfo().getTargetOpts();
  return std::make_tuple(TargetOpts, ClangOpts.CPU, ClangOpts.Features);

示例2: RegularCommentPrinter

void swift::ide::printHeaderInterface(
       StringRef Filename,
       ASTContext &Ctx,
       ASTPrinter &Printer,
       const PrintOptions &Options) {
  auto AdjustedOptions = Options;

  auto &Importer = static_cast<ClangImporter &>(*Ctx.getClangModuleLoader());
  auto &ClangSM = Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager();

  auto headerFilter = [&](ClangNode ClangN) -> bool {
    return true; // no need for filtering.

  SmallVector<Decl *, 32> ClangDecls;
  llvm::SmallPtrSet<Decl *, 32> SeenDecls;
  auto headerReceiver = [&](Decl *D) {
    if (SeenDecls.count(D) == 0) {

  Importer.lookupDeclsFromHeader(Filename, headerFilter, headerReceiver);

  // Sort imported declarations in source order.
  std::sort(ClangDecls.begin(), ClangDecls.end(),
            [&](Decl *LHS, Decl *RHS) -> bool {
              return ClangSM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(

  ASTPrinter *PrinterToUse = &Printer;

  ClangCommentPrinter RegularCommentPrinter(Printer, Importer);
  if (Options.PrintRegularClangComments)
    PrinterToUse = &RegularCommentPrinter;

  for (auto *D : ClangDecls) {
    ASTPrinter &Printer = *PrinterToUse;
    if (!shouldPrint(D, AdjustedOptions)) {
    if (D->print(Printer, AdjustedOptions))
      Printer << "\n";

示例3: make_tuple

std::tuple<llvm::TargetOptions, std::string, std::vector<std::string>>
swift::getIRTargetOptions(IRGenOptions &Opts, ASTContext &Ctx) {
  // Things that maybe we should collect from the command line:
  //   - relocation model
  //   - code model
  // FIXME: We should do this entirely through Clang, for consistency.
  TargetOptions TargetOpts;

  // Explicitly request debugger tuning for LLDB which is the default
  // on Darwin platforms but not on others.
  TargetOpts.DebuggerTuning = llvm::DebuggerKind::LLDB;

  auto *Clang = static_cast<ClangImporter *>(Ctx.getClangModuleLoader());
  clang::TargetOptions &ClangOpts = Clang->getTargetInfo().getTargetOpts();
  return std::make_tuple(TargetOpts, ClangOpts.CPU, ClangOpts.Features);

示例4: mangleClangDecl

/// Use the Clang importer to mangle a Clang declaration.
static void mangleClangDecl(raw_ostream &buffer,
                            const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl,
                            ASTContext &ctx) {
  auto *importer = static_cast<ClangImporter *>(ctx.getClangModuleLoader());
  importer->getMangledName(buffer, clangDecl);

示例5: Context

IRGenModule::IRGenModule(IRGenModuleDispatcher &dispatcher, SourceFile *SF,
                         ASTContext &Context,
                         llvm::LLVMContext &LLVMContext,
                         IRGenOptions &Opts, StringRef ModuleName,
                         const llvm::DataLayout &DataLayout,
                         const llvm::Triple &Triple,
                         llvm::TargetMachine *TargetMachine,
                         SILModule *SILMod,
                         StringRef OutputFilename)
  : Context(Context), Opts(Opts),
    ClangCodeGen(createClangCodeGenerator(Context, LLVMContext, Opts, ModuleName)),
    LLVMContext(Module.getContext()), DataLayout(DataLayout),
    Triple(Triple), TargetMachine(TargetMachine),
    SILMod(SILMod), OutputFilename(OutputFilename), dispatcher(dispatcher),
    DebugInfo(0), ObjCInterop(Context.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop),
    Types(*new TypeConverter(*this))
  dispatcher.addGenModule(SF, this);
  VoidTy = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(getLLVMContext());
  Int1Ty = llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(getLLVMContext());
  Int8Ty = llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(getLLVMContext());
  Int16Ty = llvm::Type::getInt16Ty(getLLVMContext());
  Int32Ty = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(getLLVMContext());
  Int64Ty = llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(getLLVMContext());
  Int8PtrTy = llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(getLLVMContext());
  Int8PtrPtrTy = Int8PtrTy->getPointerTo(0);
  SizeTy = DataLayout.getIntPtrType(getLLVMContext(), /*addrspace*/ 0);

  auto CI = static_cast<ClangImporter*>(&*Context.getClangModuleLoader());
  assert(CI && "no clang module loader");
  auto &clangASTContext = CI->getClangASTContext();

  ObjCBoolTy = Int1Ty;
  if (clangASTContext.getTargetInfo().useSignedCharForObjCBool())
    ObjCBoolTy = Int8Ty;

  RefCountedStructTy =
    llvm::StructType::create(getLLVMContext(), "swift.refcounted");
  RefCountedPtrTy = RefCountedStructTy->getPointerTo(/*addrspace*/ 0);
  RefCountedNull = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(RefCountedPtrTy);

  // For now, native weak references are just a pointer.
  WeakReferencePtrTy =
    createStructPointerType(*this, "swift.weak", { RefCountedPtrTy });

  // Native unowned references are just a pointer.
  UnownedReferencePtrTy =
    createStructPointerType(*this, "swift.unowned", { RefCountedPtrTy });

  // A type metadata record is the structure pointed to by the canonical
  // address point of a type metadata.  This is at least one word, and
  // potentially more than that, past the start of the actual global
  // structure.
  TypeMetadataStructTy = createStructType(*this, "swift.type", {
    MetadataKindTy          // MetadataKind Kind;
  TypeMetadataPtrTy = TypeMetadataStructTy->getPointerTo(DefaultAS);

  // A protocol descriptor describes a protocol. It is not type metadata in
  // and of itself, but is referenced in the structure of existential type
  // metadata records.
  ProtocolDescriptorStructTy = createStructType(*this, "swift.protocol", {
    Int8PtrTy,              // objc isa
    Int8PtrTy,              // name
    Int8PtrTy,              // inherited protocols
    Int8PtrTy,              // required objc instance methods
    Int8PtrTy,              // required objc class methods
    Int8PtrTy,              // optional objc instance methods
    Int8PtrTy,              // optional objc class methods
    Int8PtrTy,              // objc properties
    Int32Ty,                // size
    Int32Ty                 // flags
  ProtocolDescriptorPtrTy = ProtocolDescriptorStructTy->getPointerTo();
  // A tuple type metadata record has a couple extra fields.
  auto tupleElementTy = createStructType(*this, "swift.tuple_element_type", {
    TypeMetadataPtrTy,      // Metadata *Type;
    SizeTy                  // size_t Offset;
  TupleTypeMetadataPtrTy = createStructPointerType(*this, "swift.tuple_type", {
    TypeMetadataStructTy,   // (base)
    SizeTy,                 // size_t NumElements;
    Int8PtrTy,              // const char *Labels;
    llvm::ArrayType::get(tupleElementTy, 0) // Element Elements[];

  // A full type metadata record is basically just an adjustment to the
  // address point of a type metadata.  Resilience may cause
  // additional data to be laid out prior to this address point.
  FullTypeMetadataStructTy = createStructType(*this, "swift.full_type", {
  FullTypeMetadataPtrTy = FullTypeMetadataStructTy->getPointerTo(DefaultAS);

