本文整理匯總了Python中hyperion.model.Model類的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Python Model類的具體用法?Python Model怎麽用?Python Model使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的類代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: setup_model_shell
def setup_model_shell(indir,outdir,outname,rin_shell=None,denser_wall=False,tsc=True,idl=False,plot=False,low_res=False,flat=True,scale=1.0):
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
import scipy as sci
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mat
import os
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.optimize import newton
from scipy.integrate import nquad
from envelope_func import func
import hyperion as hp
from hyperion.model import Model
from plot_density import plot_density
# Constants setup
c = const.c.cgs.value
AU = 1.49598e13 # Astronomical Unit [cm]
pc = 3.08572e18 # Parsec [cm]
MS = 1.98892e33 # Solar mass [g]
LS = 3.8525e33 # Solar luminosity [erg/s]
RS = 6.96e10 # Solar radius [cm]
G = 6.67259e-8 # Gravitational constant [cm3/g/s^2]
yr = 60*60*24*365 # Years in seconds
PI = np.pi # PI constant
sigma = const.sigma_sb.cgs.value # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
m = Model()
# Create dust properties
# Hyperion needs nu, albedo, chi, g, p_lin_max
from hyperion.dust import HenyeyGreensteinDust
# Read in the dust opacity table used by RADMC-3D
dust_radmc = dict()
[dust_radmc['wl'], dust_radmc['abs'], dust_radmc['scat'], dust_radmc['g']] = np.genfromtxt('dustkappa_oh5_extended.inp',skip_header=2).T
# opacity per mass of dust?
dust_hy = dict()
dust_hy['nu'] = c/dust_radmc['wl']*1e4
ind = np.argsort(dust_hy['nu'])
dust_hy['nu'] = dust_hy['nu'][ind]
dust_hy['albedo'] = (dust_radmc['scat']/(dust_radmc['abs']+dust_radmc['scat']))[ind]
dust_hy['chi'] = (dust_radmc['abs']+dust_radmc['scat'])[ind]
dust_hy['g'] = dust_radmc['g'][ind]
dust_hy['p_lin_max'] = 0*dust_radmc['wl'][ind] # assume no polarization
d = HenyeyGreensteinDust(dust_hy['nu'], dust_hy['albedo'], dust_hy['chi'], dust_hy['g'], dust_hy['p_lin_max'])
# dust sublimation does not occur
# d.set_sublimation_temperature(None)
# Grids and Density
# Calculation inherited from the script used for RADMC-3D
# Grid Parameters
nx = 300L
if low_res == True:
nx = 100L
ny = 400L
nz = 50L
[nx, ny, nz] = [scale*nx, scale*ny, scale*nz]
if tsc == False:
# Parameters setup
# Import the model parameters from another file
params = np.genfromtxt(indir+'/params.dat',dtype=None)
tstar = params[0][1]
mstar = params[1][1]*MS
rstar = params[2][1]*RS
M_env_dot = params[3][1]*MS/yr
M_disk_dot = params[4][1]*MS/yr
R_env_max = params[5][1]*AU
R_env_min = params[6][1]*AU
theta_cav = params[7][1]
R_disk_max = params[8][1]*AU
R_disk_min = params[9][1]*AU
R_cen = R_disk_max
M_disk = params[10][1]*MS
beta = params[11][1]
h100 = params[12][1]*AU
rho_cav = params[13][1]
if denser_wall == True:
wall = params[14][1]*AU
rho_wall = params[15][1]
rho_cav_center = params[16][1]
rho_cav_edge = params[17][1]*AU
# Model Parameters
rin = rstar
rout = R_env_max
rcen = R_cen
# Star Parameters
mstar = mstar
示例2: Model
# A simple model to check what happens when a source is moving towards dust and
# we observe both the source and the dust. If we observe the source such that
# the dust is directly behind, and the source is moving towards the dust, we
# should see red-shifted emission from the source and blue-shifted scattered
# light emission.
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.util.constants import c
m = Model()
m.set_cartesian_grid([-1.,0, 1], [-1., 1.], [-1., 1])
density = np.zeros(m.grid.shape)
density[:,:,0] = 1.
vx = np.ones(m.grid.shape) * -1e8
vy = np.zeros(m.grid.shape)
vz = np.zeros(m.grid.shape)
m.add_density_grid(density, 'kmh_lite.hdf5', velocity=(vx, vy, vz))
# narrow emission line spectrum at 1 micron
wav = np.array([0.9999, 1.0001])
fnu = np.array([1., 1.])
nu = c / (wav * 1.e-4)
s = m.add_spherical_source()
s.position = 0.5, 0., 0.
s.velocity = -1e8, 0., 0.
示例3: extract_hyperion
def extract_hyperion(filename,indir=None,outdir=None,dstar=200.0,aperture=None,
filename: The path to Hyperion output file
indir: The path to the directory which contains observations data
outdir: The path to the directory for storing extracted plots and ASCII files
def l_bol(wl,fv,dstar):
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
# wavelength unit: um
# Flux density unit: Jy
# constants setup
c = const.c.cgs.value
pc = const.pc.cgs.value
PI = np.pi
SL = const.L_sun.cgs.value
# Convert the unit from Jy to erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1
fv = np.array(fv)*1e-23
freq = c/(1e-4*np.array(wl))
diff_dum = freq[1:]-freq[0:-1]
freq_interpol = np.hstack((freq[0:-1]+diff_dum/2.0,freq[0:-1]+diff_dum/2.0,freq[0],freq[-1]))
freq_interpol = freq_interpol[np.argsort(freq_interpol)[::-1]]
fv_interpol = np.empty(len(freq_interpol))
# calculate the histogram style of spectrum
for i in range(0,len(fv)):
if i == 0:
fv_interpol[i] = fv[i]
fv_interpol[2*i-1] = fv[i-1]
fv_interpol[2*i] = fv[i]
fv_interpol[-1] = fv[-1]
dv = freq_interpol[0:-1]-freq_interpol[1:]
dv = np.delete(dv,np.where(dv==0))
fv = fv[np.argsort(freq)]
freq = freq[np.argsort(freq)]
return (np.trapz(fv,freq)*4.*PI*(dstar*pc)**2)/SL
# function for properly calculating uncertainty of spectrophotometry value
def unc_spectrophoto(wl, unc, trans):
# adopting smiliar procedure as Trapezoidal rule
# (b-a) * [ f(a) + f(b) ] / 2
return ( np.sum( trans[:-1]**2 * unc[:-1]**2 * (wl[1:]-wl[:-1])**2 ) / np.trapz(trans, x=wl)**2 )**0.5
# to avoid X server error
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from hyperion.model import ModelOutput, Model
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from hyperion.util.constants import pc, c, lsun, au
from astropy.io import ascii
import sys
from phot_filter import phot_filter
from get_obs import get_obs
# Open the model
m = ModelOutput(filename)
# Read in the observation data and calculate the noise & variance
if indir == None:
indir = raw_input('Path to the observation data: ')
if outdir == None:
outdir = raw_input('Path for the output: ')
# assign the file name from the input file
print_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
# use a canned function to extract observational data
obs_data = get_obs(indir, obj=obj) # unit in um, Jy
wl_tot, flux_tot, unc_tot = obs_data['spec']
flux_tot = flux_tot*1e-23 # convert unit from Jy to erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1
unc_tot = unc_tot*1e-23
l_bol_obs = l_bol(wl_tot, flux_tot*1e23, dstar)
wl_phot, flux_phot, flux_sig_phot = obs_data['phot']
flux_phot = flux_phot*1e-23 # convert unit from Jy to erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1
flux_sig_phot = flux_sig_phot*1e-23
if aperture == None:
aperture = {'wave': [3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 8.5, 9, 9.7, 10, 10.5, 11, 16, 20, 24, 35, 70, 100, 160, 250, 350, 500, 850],\
'aperture': [7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 20.4, 20.4, 20.4, 20.4, 24.5, 24.5, 24.5, 24.5, 24.5, 24.5, 24.5]}
# assign wl_aper and aper from dictionary of aperture
wl_aper = aperture['wave']
aper = aperture['aperture']
# create the non-repetitive aperture list and index array
aper_reduced = list(set(aper))
index_reduced = np.arange(1, len(aper_reduced)+1) # '+1': the zeroth slice corresponds to infinite aperture
示例4: Model
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.util.constants import au, lsun, rsun
from hyperion.dust import SphericalDust
# Model
m = Model()
dist = 20000 * au
x = np.linspace(-dist, dist, 101)
y = np.linspace(-dist, dist, 101)
z = np.linspace(-dist, dist, 101)
# Dust
d = SphericalDust('kmh.hdf5')
d.set_sublimation_temperature('fast', temperature=1600.)
m.add_density_grid(np.ones((100,100,100)) * 1.e-18,'kmh.hdf5')
# Alpha centauri
sourceA = m.add_spherical_source()
sourceA.luminosity = 1.519 * lsun
sourceA.radius = 1.227 * rsun
sourceA.temperature = 5790.
sourceA.position = (0., 0., 0.)
# Beta centauri
sourceB = m.add_spherical_source()
sourceB.luminosity = 0.5 * lsun
sourceB.radius = 0.865 * rsun
sourceB.temperature = 5260.
示例5: setup_model
def setup_model(cli):
lsun_TRUST = 3.839e33
# Hyperion setup:
model = Model()
if(cli.mode == "temperature"):
# Dust properties:
dust_properties = SphericalDust('dust_integrated_full_scattering.hdf5')
# Write dust properties:
# Specify galaxy setup:
hR = 4000.0*pc # [cm]
Rmax = 5.0*hR # [cm]
hz_oldstars = 350.0*pc # [cm]
hz_youngstars = 200.0*pc # [cm]
hz_dust = 200.0*pc # [cm]
zmax_oldstars = 5.0*hz_oldstars # [cm]
zmax_youngstars = 5.0*hz_youngstars # [cm]
zmax_dust = 5.0*hz_dust # [cm]
zmax = zmax_oldstars # [cm]
reff = 1600.0*pc # [cm]
n = 3.0
q = 0.6
bn = 2.0*n - 1.0/3.0 + 4.0/405.0/n + 46.0/25515.0/n/n + 131.0/1148175.0/n/n/n
temperature_oldstars = 3500.0 # [K]
temperature_youngstars = 10000.0 # [K]
temperature_bulge = 3500.0 # [K]
luminosity_oldstars = 4.0e+10*lsun_TRUST # [ergs/s]
luminosity_youngstars = 1.0e+10*lsun_TRUST # [ergs/s]
luminosity_bulge = 3.0e+10*lsun_TRUST # [ergs/s]
w_oldstars = 0.25
w_youngstars = 0.75
w_dust = 0.75
phi0_oldstars = 0.0
phi0_youngstars = 20.0 * pi/180.0
phi0_dust = 20.0 * pi/180.0
modes = 2
pitchangle = 20.0 * pi/180.0
# Grid setup:
grid_wmin = 0.0
grid_wmax = Rmax
grid_zmin = -zmax
grid_zmax = +zmax
grid_pmin = 0.0
grid_pmax = 2.0*pi
grid_dx = cli.resolution*pc
grid_dw = grid_dx # uniform resolution
grid_dz = grid_dx # uniform resolution
grid_dp = grid_dx # resolution at characteristic radial disk spatial scale hR = 4000.0 pc
grid_Nw = int((grid_wmax - grid_wmin) / grid_dw) + 1
grid_Nz = int((grid_zmax - grid_zmin) / grid_dz) + 1
if(cli.case == 1):
grid_Np = 1
if(cli.case == 2):
grid_Np = int((grid_pmax - grid_pmin) * hR / grid_dp)
print("Grid setup:")
print(" Grid resolution =",cli.resolution, "pc.")
print(" grid_Nw =",grid_Nw)
print(" grid_Nz =",grid_Nz)
print(" grid_Np =",grid_Np)
#grid_w = np.logspace(np.log10(grid_wmin), np.log10(grid_wmax), grid_Nw)
#grid_w = np.hstack([0., grid_w]) # add innermost cell interface at w=0
grid_w = np.linspace(grid_wmin, grid_wmax, grid_Nw+1)
grid_z = np.linspace(grid_zmin, grid_zmax, grid_Nz+1)
grid_p = np.linspace(grid_pmin, grid_pmax, grid_Np+1)
model.set_cylindrical_polar_grid(grid_w, grid_z, grid_p)
# Dust density and sources setup:
rho_oldstars = np.zeros(model.grid.shape)
rho_youngstars = np.zeros(model.grid.shape)
示例6: extract_hyperion
def extract_hyperion(filename,indir=None,outdir=None,dstar=178.0,wl_aper=None,save=True):
def l_bol(wl,fv,dist=178.0):
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
# wavelength unit: um
# Flux density unit: Jy
# constants setup
c = const.c.cgs.value
pc = const.pc.cgs.value
PI = np.pi
SL = const.L_sun.cgs.value
# Convert the unit from Jy to erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1
fv = np.array(fv)*1e-23
freq = c/(1e-4*np.array(wl))
diff_dum = freq[1:]-freq[0:-1]
freq_interpol = np.hstack((freq[0:-1]+diff_dum/2.0,freq[0:-1]+diff_dum/2.0,freq[0],freq[-1]))
freq_interpol = freq_interpol[np.argsort(freq_interpol)[::-1]]
fv_interpol = np.empty(len(freq_interpol))
# calculate the histogram style of spectrum
for i in range(0,len(fv)):
if i == 0:
fv_interpol[i] = fv[i]
fv_interpol[2*i-1] = fv[i-1]
fv_interpol[2*i] = fv[i]
fv_interpol[-1] = fv[-1]
dv = freq_interpol[0:-1]-freq_interpol[1:]
dv = np.delete(dv,np.where(dv==0))
fv = fv[np.argsort(freq)]
freq = freq[np.argsort(freq)]
return (np.trapz(fv,freq)*4.*PI*(dist*pc)**2)/SL
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from hyperion.model import ModelOutput
from hyperion.model import Model
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from hyperion.util.constants import pc, c, lsun
# Read in the observation data and calculate the noise & variance
if indir == None:
indir = '/Users/yaolun/bhr71/'
if outdir == None:
outdir = '/Users/yaolun/bhr71/hyperion/'
# assign the file name from the input file
print_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
[wl_pacs,flux_pacs,unc_pacs] = np.genfromtxt(indir+'BHR71_centralSpaxel_PointSourceCorrected_CorrectedYES_trim_continuum.txt',\
# Convert the unit from Jy to erg cm-2 Hz-1
flux_pacs = flux_pacs*1e-23
[wl_spire,flux_spire] = np.genfromtxt(indir+'BHR71_spire_corrected_continuum.txt',dtype='float',skip_header=1).T
flux_spire = flux_spire*1e-23
wl_obs = np.hstack((wl_pacs,wl_spire))
flux_obs = np.hstack((flux_pacs,flux_spire))
[wl_pacs_data,flux_pacs_data,unc_pacs_data] = np.genfromtxt(indir+'BHR71_centralSpaxel_PointSourceCorrected_CorrectedYES_trim.txt',\
[wl_spire_data,flux_spire_data] = np.genfromtxt(indir+'BHR71_spire_corrected.txt',\
[wl_pacs_flat,flux_pacs_flat,unc_pacs_flat] = np.genfromtxt(indir+'BHR71_centralSpaxel_PointSourceCorrected_CorrectedYES_trim_flat_spectrum.txt',\
[wl_spire_flat,flux_spire_flat] = np.genfromtxt(indir+'BHR71_spire_corrected_flat_spectrum.txt',dtype='float',skip_header=1).T
# Convert the unit from Jy to erg cm-2 Hz-1
flux_pacs_flat = flux_pacs_flat*1e-23
flux_spire_flat = flux_spire_flat*1e-23
flux_pacs_data = flux_pacs_data*1e-23
flux_spire_data = flux_spire_data*1e-23
wl_pacs_noise = wl_pacs_data
flux_pacs_noise = flux_pacs_data-flux_pacs-flux_pacs_flat
wl_spire_noise = wl_spire_data
flux_spire_noise = flux_spire_data-flux_spire-flux_spire_flat
# Read in the Spitzer IRS spectrum
[wl_irs, flux_irs]= (np.genfromtxt(indir+'bhr71_spitzer_irs.txt',skip_header=2,dtype='float').T)[0:2]
# Convert the unit from Jy to erg cm-2 Hz-1
flux_irs = flux_irs*1e-23
# Remove points with zero or negative flux
ind = flux_irs > 0
wl_irs = wl_irs[ind]
flux_irs = flux_irs[ind]
# Calculate the local variance (for spire), use the instrument uncertainty for pacs
wl_noise_5 = wl_spire_noise[(wl_spire_noise > 194)*(wl_spire_noise <= 304)]
flux_noise_5 = flux_spire_noise[(wl_spire_noise > 194)*(wl_spire_noise <= 304)]
wl_noise_6 = wl_spire_noise[wl_spire_noise > 304]
示例7: Model
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.util.constants import pc, lsun
# Initialize model
m = Model()
# Set up 64x64x64 cartesian grid
w = np.linspace(-pc, pc, 64)
m.set_cartesian_grid(w, w, w)
# Add density grid with constant density and add a higher density cube inside to
# cause a shadow.
density = np.ones(m.grid.shape) * 1e-21
density[26:38, 26:38, 26:38] = 1.e-18
m.add_density_grid(density, 'kmh_lite.hdf5')
# Add a point source in the center
s = m.add_point_source()
s.position = (0.4 * pc, 0., 0.)
s.luminosity = 1000 * lsun
s.temperature = 6000.
# Add multi-wavelength image for a single viewing angle
image = m.add_peeled_images(sed=False, image=True)
image.set_wavelength_range(1, 190., 210.)
image.set_viewing_angles(np.repeat(45., 36), np.linspace(5., 355., 36))
image.set_image_size(400, 400)
image.set_image_limits(-1.5 * pc, 1.5 * pc, -1.5 * pc, 1.5 * pc)
示例8: Model
import os
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.dust import SphericalDust
from hyperion.util.constants import pc, au, sigma, pi, rsun
if not os.path.exists('models'):
# TODO: remove dust around source
m = Model()
x = np.linspace(0., 60. * au, 256)
y = np.linspace(0., 60. * au, 256)
z = np.linspace(0., 60. * au, 256)
x = np.hstack([-10 * au, x])
y = np.hstack([-10 * au, y])
z = np.hstack([-10 * au, z])
m.set_cartesian_grid(x, y, z)
# Grain Properties:
d = SphericalDust('integrated_hg_scattering.hdf5')
chi_v = d.optical_properties.interp_chi_wav(0.55)
示例9: Model
import random
random.seed('hyperion') # ensure that random numbers are the same every time
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.util.constants import pc, lsun
# Define cell walls
x = np.linspace(-10., 10., 101) * pc
y = np.linspace(-10., 10., 101) * pc
z = np.linspace(-10., 10., 101) * pc
# Initialize model and set up density grid
m = Model()
m.set_cartesian_grid(x, y, z)
m.add_density_grid(np.ones((100, 100, 100)) * 1.e-20, 'kmh_lite.hdf5')
# Generate random sources
for i in range(100):
s = m.add_point_source()
xs = random.uniform(-10., 10.) * pc
ys = random.uniform(-10., 10.) * pc
zs = random.uniform(-10., 10.) * pc
s.position = (xs, ys, zs)
s.luminosity = 10. ** random.uniform(0., 3.) * lsun
s.temperature = random.uniform(3000., 8000.)
# Specify that the specific energy and density are needed
m.conf.output.output_specific_energy = 'last'
m.conf.output.output_density = 'last'
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.dust import SphericalDust
from hyperion.util.constants import au
m = Model.read('bm2_eff_vor_temperature.rtout', only_initial=False)
del m.n_photons['initial']
del m.n_photons['last']
i = m.add_peeled_images()
i.set_viewing_angles([0., 90., 90., 90., 90., 180.], [0., 0., 90., 180., 270., 0.])
i.set_image_limits(-60 * au, 60 * au, -60 * au, 60 * au)
i.set_image_size(300, 300)
# Set up monochromatic mode
m.set_monochromatic(True, wavelengths=[0.10019, 0.55165, 2.00293, 10.03850, 101.15800])
# Use raytracing
# Set up number of photons
m.set_n_photons(imaging_sources=1e7, imaging_dust=1e7,
raytracing_sources=1, raytracing_dust=1e7)
# Write out and run
m.write('bm2_eff_images.rtin', overwrite=True)
m.run('bm2_eff_images.rtout', mpi=True)
示例11: Model
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.dust import SphericalDust
from hyperion.util.constants import pc
for tau_v in [0.1, 1.0, 20.0]:
m = Model()
# Global geometry:
# * slab
# * system size = 10x10x10 pc
# * system coordinates (x,y,z min/max) = -5 to +5 pc
# * slab z extent = -2 to -5 pc
# * slab xy extend = -5 pc to 5 pc
# * z optical depth @0.55um in slab = 0.1, 1, 20
# * optical depth outside slab = 0
x = np.linspace(-5 * pc, 5 * pc, 100)
y = np.linspace(-5 * pc, 5 * pc, 100)
z = np.hstack([np.linspace(-5 * pc, -2 * pc, 100), 5 * pc])
m.set_cartesian_grid(x, y, z)
# Grain Properties:
d = SphericalDust('integrated_hg_scattering.hdf5')
chi_v = d.optical_properties.interp_chi_wav(0.55)
# Determine density in slab
示例12: setup_model
def setup_model(outdir,record_dir,outname,params,dust_file,tsc=True,idl=False,plot=False,\
TSC_dir='~/programs/misc/TSC/', IDL_path='/Applications/exelis/idl83/bin/idl',auto_disk=0.25):
params = dictionary of the model parameters
alma keyword is obsoleted
outdir: The directory for storing Hyperion input files
record_dir: The directory contains "model_list.txt" for recording parameters
TSC_dir: Path the TSC-related IDL routines
IDL_path: The IDL executable
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
import scipy as sci
# to avoid X server error
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from scipy.integrate import nquad
from hyperion.model import Model
from record_hyperion import record_hyperion
from outflow_inner_edge import outflow_inner_edge
from pprint import pprint
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
# Constants setup
c = const.c.cgs.value
AU = 1.49598e13 # Astronomical Unit [cm]
pc = 3.08572e18 # Parsec [cm]
MS = 1.98892e33 # Solar mass [g]
LS = 3.8525e33 # Solar luminosity [erg/s]
RS = 6.96e10 # Solar radius [cm]
G = 6.67259e-8 # Gravitational constant [cm3/g/s^2]
yr = 60*60*24*365 # Years in seconds
PI = np.pi # PI constant
sigma = const.sigma_sb.cgs.value # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
mh = const.m_p.cgs.value + const.m_e.cgs.value
g2d = 100.
mmw = 2.37 # Kauffmann 2008
m = Model()
# Create dust properties
# Hyperion needs nu, albedo, chi, g, p_lin_max
from hyperion.dust import HenyeyGreensteinDust
# Read in the dust opacity table used by RADMC-3D
dust = dict()
# [dust_radmc['wl'], dust_radmc['abs'], dust_radmc['scat'], dust_radmc['g']] = np.genfromtxt(dust_file,skip_header=2).T
[dust['nu'], dust['albedo'], dust['chi'], dust['g']] = np.genfromtxt(dust_file).T
# opacity per mass of dust?
# dust_hy = dict()
# dust_hy['nu'] = c/dust_radmc['wl']*1e4
# ind = np.argsort(dust_hy['nu'])
# dust_hy['nu'] = dust_hy['nu'][ind]
# dust_hy['albedo'] = (dust_radmc['scat']/(dust_radmc['abs']+dust_radmc['scat']))[ind]
# dust_hy['chi'] = (dust_radmc['abs']+dust_radmc['scat'])[ind]
# dust_hy['g'] = dust_radmc['g'][ind]
# dust_hy['p_lin_max'] = 0*dust_radmc['wl'][ind] # assume no polarization
# d = HenyeyGreensteinDust(dust_hy['nu'], dust_hy['albedo'], dust_hy['chi'], dust_hy['g'], dust_hy['p_lin_max'])
d = HenyeyGreensteinDust(dust['nu'], dust['albedo'], dust['chi'], dust['g'], dust['g']*0)
# dust sublimation option
d.set_sublimation_temperature('slow', temperature=1600.0)
# try to solve the freq. problem
d.optical_properties.extrapolate_nu(3.28e15, 4e15)
# Grids and Density
# Calculation inherited from the script used for RADMC-3D
# Grid Parameters
nx = 300L
if low_res == True:
nx = 100L
ny = 400L
nz = 50L
[nx, ny, nz] = [int(scale*nx), int(scale*ny), int(scale*nz)]
# TSC model input setting
# params = np.genfromtxt(indir+'/tsc_params.dat', dtype=None)
dict_params = params # input_reader(params_file)
# TSC model parameter
cs = dict_params['Cs']*1e5
t = dict_params['age'] # year
omega = dict_params['Omega0']
# calculate related parameters
M_env_dot = 0.975*cs**3/G
import glob
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.dust import SphericalDust
from hyperion.util.constants import pc
import yaml
settings = yaml.load(open('settings.yml'))
WAV = np.logspace(-1, 3, 45)
for model_path in glob.glob(os.path.join('models', '*_temperature.rtout')):
m = Model.read(model_path, only_initial=False)
del m.n_photons['initial']
del m.n_photons['last']
i = m.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False)
i.set_viewing_angles([0., 30., 60., 90., 120., 150., 180.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
i = m.add_peeled_images(sed=True, image=False)
i.set_viewing_angles([0., 30., 60., 90., 120., 150., 180.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
示例14: Model
# A simple model to check what happens when a source is moving towards dust and
# we observe both the source and the dust. If we observe the source such that
# the dust is directly behind, and the source is moving towards the dust, we
# should see red-shifted emission from the source and blue-shifted scattered
# light emission.
import numpy as np
from hyperion.model import Model
from hyperion.util.constants import c
m = Model()
m.set_cartesian_grid([-1.0, 0, 1], [-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1])
density = np.zeros(m.grid.shape)
density[:, :, 0] = 1.0
m.add_density_grid(density, "kmh_lite.hdf5")
# narrow emission line spectrum at 1 micron
wav = np.array([0.9999, 1.0001])
fnu = np.array([1.0, 1.0])
nu = c / (wav * 1.0e-4)
s = m.add_spherical_source()
s.position = 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
s.velocity = -1e8, 0.0, 0.0
s.spectrum = nu[::-1], fnu[::-1]
s.luminosity = 1
s.radius = 0.1
示例15: setup_model
def setup_model(outdir, record_dir, outname, params, dust_file, wav_range, aperture,
tsc=True, idl=False, plot=False, low_res=True, max_rCell=100,
scale=1, radmc=False, mono_wave=None, norecord=False,
dstar=200., dyn_cav=False, fix_params=None,
power=2, mc_photons=1e6, im_photons=1e6, ellipsoid=False,
IDL_path='/Applications/exelis/idl83/bin/idl', auto_disk=0.25,
fast_plot=False, image_only=False, ulrich=False):
params = dictionary of the model parameters
'alma' keyword is obsoleted
outdir: The directory for storing Hyperion input files
record_dir: The directory contains "model_list.txt" for recording parameters
TSC_dir: Path the TSC-related IDL routines
IDL_path: The IDL executable
fast_plot: Do not plot the polar plot of the density because the rendering
takes quite a lot of time.
mono: monochromatic radiative transfer mode (need to specify the wavelength
or a list of wavelength with 'mono_wave')
image_only: only run for images
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
import scipy as sci
# to avoid X server error
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from scipy.integrate import nquad
from hyperion.model import Model
from record_hyperion import record_hyperion
from pprint import pprint
# Constants setup
c = const.c.cgs.value
AU = const.au.cgs.value # Astronomical Unit [cm]
pc = const.pc.cgs.value # Parsec [cm]
MS = const.M_sun.cgs.value # Solar mass [g]
LS = const.L_sun.cgs.value # Solar luminosity [erg/s]
RS = const.R_sun.cgs.value # Solar radius [cm]
G = const.G.cgs.value # Gravitational constant [cm3/g/s^2]
yr = 60*60*24*365 # Years in seconds
PI = np.pi # PI constant
sigma = const.sigma_sb.cgs.value # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
mh = const.m_p.cgs.value + const.m_e.cgs.value
g2d = 100.
mmw = 2.37 # Kauffmann 2008
m = Model()
# min and max wavelength to compute (need to define them first for checking dust properties)
wav_min, wav_max, wav_num = wav_range
# Create dust properties
# Hyperion needs nu, albedo, chi, g, p_lin_max
from hyperion.dust import HenyeyGreensteinDust
dust = dict()
[dust['nu'], dust['albedo'], dust['chi'], dust['g']] = np.genfromtxt(dust_file).T
d = HenyeyGreensteinDust(dust['nu'], dust['albedo'], dust['chi'], dust['g'], dust['g']*0)
# dust sublimation option
# dust sublimation temperture specified here
T_sub = 1600.0
d.set_sublimation_temperature('slow', temperature=T_sub)
# if the min and/or max wavelength fall out of range
if c/wav_min/1e-4 > dust['nu'].max():
d.optical_properties.extrapolate_nu(dust['nu'].min(), c/wav_min/1e-4)
print('minimum wavelength is out of dust model. The dust model is extrapolated.')
if c/wav_max/1e-4 < dust['nu'].min():
d.optical_properties.extrapolate_nu(c/wav_max/1e-4, dust['nu'].max())
print('maximum wavelength is out of dust model. The dust model is extrapolated.')
# try to solve the freq. problem
d.optical_properties.extrapolate_nu(3.28e15, 5e15)
# Grids and Density
# Grid Parameters
nx = 300L
if low_res == True:
nx = 100L
ny = 400L
nz = 50L
[nx, ny, nz] = [int(scale*nx), int(scale*ny), int(scale*nz)]
# TSC model input setting
dict_params = params
# TSC model parameter
cs = dict_params['Cs']*1e5
t = dict_params['age'] # year
omega = dict_params['Omega0']